pregnancy doesn't "ruin" your body...



  • faiora
    faiora Posts: 6 Member
    Wow -

    I'm appalled that so many people are saying "congrats on having good genetics" and suggesting this girl is just showing off something that comes naturally to her.

    This girl's body looks to me like the result of hard work and close attention, and it's ridiculous to say that she looks so good because it's "in her genetics." I know you want to feel better about yourselves, and even that positivity will help you move forward... but bashing people for looking good, or lessening someone else's hard work by suggesting they didn't have to work for it is unrealistic and downright offensive.

    Pregnancy does have legitimate effects on the body which cause weight gain, but that doesn't mean it can't be prevented, while maintaining the baby's health. Yes, it's hard, but your results reflect the amount of work you put in before, during, and after your pregnancy. I'm willing to bet most of you didn't have flat tummies before your pregnancy, and/or didn't work as hard as this girl to stay in shape during and after.

    Stop making excuses to make yourselves feel better.

    Edit: Let me reiterate, I am NOT saying you're letting yourself go just because you're pregnant... I'm saying, this girl probably put in EXTRA work and worked really hard. I don't think this should be expected of anyone, just that it's possible for anyone.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    hey, no fair !! you are one of those people who stay skinny whole pregnancy, then have serious elastic skin to shrink back to does ruin a lot bodies, but some of us just arent lucky enough to have the good genes:sad: the reason i let myself go was not because of was because i was suddenly mom and dad while my hubby was in the army, and i had a 2 and 3 year old, sitting at home all day not doing much of much..some years later tho, i decided to start here, and with many ups and downs, im getting back to where i need to be..if we let ourselves go, getting back to normal should count for something

    I didn't even look at her pics but now I have and yeah.. don't we all wish we could be perfect?

    Anyway, I applaud you and anyone else here who is here trying to be better for themselves and their families.. only person whose judgment about your body that matters is your own and you shouldn't have to explain yourself to anyone. And certainly not some stranger online who thinks everyone has the same genetics as her..
  • aimforhealthy
    aimforhealthy Posts: 449 Member
    Wow -

    I'm appalled that so many people are saying "congrats on having good genetics" and suggesting this girl is just showing off something that comes naturally to her.

    This girl's body looks to me like the result of hard work and close attention, and it's ridiculous to say that she looks so good because it's "in her genetics." I know you want to feel better about yourselves, and even that positivity will help you move forward... but bashing people for looking good, or lessening someone else's hard work by suggesting they didn't have to work for it is unrealistic and downright offensive.

    Pregnancy does have legitimate effects on the body which cause weight gain, but that doesn't mean it can't be prevented, while maintaining the baby's health. Yes, it's hard, but your results reflect the amount of work you put in before, during, and after your pregnancy. I'm willing to bet most of you didn't have flat tummies before your pregnancy, and/or didn't work as hard as this girl to stay in shape during and after.

    Stop making excuses to make yourselves feel better.

    Edit: Let me reiterate, I am NOT saying you're letting yourself go just because you're pregnant... I'm saying, this girl probably put in EXTRA work and worked really hard. I don't think this should be expected of anyone, just that it's possible for anyone.

  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    Wow -

    I'm appalled that so many people are saying "congrats on having good genetics" and suggesting this girl is just showing off something that comes naturally to her.

    This girl's body looks to me like the result of hard work and close attention, and it's ridiculous to say that she looks so good because it's "in her genetics." I know you want to feel better about yourselves, and even that positivity will help you move forward... but bashing people for looking good, or lessening someone else's hard work by suggesting they didn't have to work for it is unrealistic and downright offensive.

    Pregnancy does have legitimate effects on the body which cause weight gain, but that doesn't mean it can't be prevented, while maintaining the baby's health. Yes, it's hard, but your results reflect the amount of work you put in before, during, and after your pregnancy. I'm willing to bet most of you didn't have flat tummies before your pregnancy, and/or didn't work as hard as this girl to stay in shape during and after.

    Stop making excuses to make yourselves feel better.

    Edit: Let me reiterate, I am NOT saying you're letting yourself go just because you're pregnant... I'm saying, this girl probably put in EXTRA work and worked really hard. I don't think this should be expected of anyone, just that it's possible for anyone.
    again, the assumption that the only issues are weight gain and weight gain. ignorance.

    it's not possible for a hell of a lot of people to avoid what they may feel is the ruining of their bodies.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Wow -

    I'm appalled that so many people are saying "congrats on having good genetics" and suggesting this girl is just showing off something that comes naturally to her.

    This girl's body looks to me like the result of hard work and close attention, and it's ridiculous to say that she looks so good because it's "in her genetics." I know you want to feel better about yourselves, and even that positivity will help you move forward... but bashing people for looking good, or lessening someone else's hard work by suggesting they didn't have to work for it is unrealistic and downright offensive.

    Pregnancy does have legitimate effects on the body which cause weight gain, but that doesn't mean it can't be prevented, while maintaining the baby's health. Yes, it's hard, but your results reflect the amount of work you put in before, during, and after your pregnancy. I'm willing to bet most of you didn't have flat tummies before your pregnancy, and/or didn't work as hard as this girl to stay in shape during and after.

    Stop making excuses to make yourselves feel better.

    Edit: Let me reiterate, I am NOT saying you're letting yourself go just because you're pregnant... I'm saying, this girl probably put in EXTRA work and worked really hard. I don't think this should be expected of anyone, just that it's possible for anyone.

    Be appalled as much as you want cause a lot of people here certainly don't appreciate reading a presumptuous post from someone who was already thin to begin with, assuming that because they had children and gained weight means they let themselves go or that they are not genetically predisposed to sagging skin (which yes, affects the appearance of that six pack abs look). OP is fortunate, I congratulate her on her success but am disappointed at a post that could have been an empowering one that turned out to be downright insulting to those of us who are different from her. Just sayin'
  • MsEmmy
    MsEmmy Posts: 254 Member
    Wow -

    I'm appalled that so many people are saying "congrats on having good genetics" and suggesting this girl is just showing off something that comes naturally to her.

    This girl's body looks to me like the result of hard work and close attention, and it's ridiculous to say that she looks so good because it's "in her genetics." I know you want to feel better about yourselves, and even that positivity will help you move forward... but bashing people for looking good, or lessening someone else's hard work by suggesting they didn't have to work for it is unrealistic and downright offensive.

    Pregnancy does have legitimate effects on the body which cause weight gain, but that doesn't mean it can't be prevented, while maintaining the baby's health. Yes, it's hard, but your results reflect the amount of work you put in before, during, and after your pregnancy. I'm willing to bet most of you didn't have flat tummies before your pregnancy, and/or didn't work as hard as this girl to stay in shape during and after.

    Stop making excuses to make yourselves feel better.

    Edit: Let me reiterate, I am NOT saying you're letting yourself go just because you're pregnant... I'm saying, this girl probably put in EXTRA work and worked really hard. I don't think this should be expected of anyone, just that it's possible for anyone.

    See my post above. NOTHING would have prevented my stretch marks. I was not overweight before, during or after pregnancy. I did have a flat stomach before pregnancy. Still got stretch marks. NOT MY FAULT.
  • Rhiana1188
    Rhiana1188 Posts: 67 Member
    Wow -

    I'm appalled that so many people are saying "congrats on having good genetics" and suggesting this girl is just showing off something that comes naturally to her.

    This girl's body looks to me like the result of hard work and close attention, and it's ridiculous to say that she looks so good because it's "in her genetics." I know you want to feel better about yourselves, and even that positivity will help you move forward... but bashing people for looking good, or lessening someone else's hard work by suggesting they didn't have to work for it is unrealistic and downright offensive.

    Pregnancy does have legitimate effects on the body which cause weight gain, but that doesn't mean it can't be prevented, while maintaining the baby's health. Yes, it's hard, but your results reflect the amount of work you put in before, during, and after your pregnancy. I'm willing to bet most of you didn't have flat tummies before your pregnancy, and/or didn't work as hard as this girl to stay in shape during and after.

    Stop making excuses to make yourselves feel better.

    Edit: Let me reiterate, I am NOT saying you're letting yourself go just because you're pregnant... I'm saying, this girl probably put in EXTRA work and worked really hard. I don't think this should be expected of anyone, just that it's possible for anyone.


  • onefortyone
    onefortyone Posts: 531 Member
    Hey, I had stretchmarks even BEFORE I got pregnant. Where's MY medal.
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    Wow -

    I'm appalled that so many people are saying "congrats on having good genetics" and suggesting this girl is just showing off something that comes naturally to her.

    This girl's body looks to me like the result of hard work and close attention, and it's ridiculous to say that she looks so good because it's "in her genetics." I know you want to feel better about yourselves, and even that positivity will help you move forward... but bashing people for looking good, or lessening someone else's hard work by suggesting they didn't have to work for it is unrealistic and downright offensive.

    Pregnancy does have legitimate effects on the body which cause weight gain, but that doesn't mean it can't be prevented, while maintaining the baby's health. Yes, it's hard, but your results reflect the amount of work you put in before, during, and after your pregnancy. I'm willing to bet most of you didn't have flat tummies before your pregnancy, and/or didn't work as hard as this girl to stay in shape during and after.

    Stop making excuses to make yourselves feel better.

    Edit: Let me reiterate, I am NOT saying you're letting yourself go just because you're pregnant... I'm saying, this girl probably put in EXTRA work and worked really hard. I don't think this should be expected of anyone, just that it's possible for anyone.

    See my post above. NOTHING would have prevented my stretch marks. I was not overweight before, during or after pregnancy. I did have a flat stomach before pregnancy. Still got stretch marks. NOT MY FAULT.
    or my split muscles. or the partial loss of sensation in my genitals.
  • nekoxvampyx
    nekoxvampyx Posts: 163
    yeah still no thanks. adoption for me.
  • Minnesnowtagurl
    Minnesnowtagurl Posts: 406 Member
    This whole tread is interesting, but I know one thing for sure. Pregnancy absolutely CAN change your body for better or worse. Some people are able to bounce back and some are not. Genetics might sound like an excuse but it's the truth. I too have given birth and gained 55lbd during it then lost all of it and them some at one point in my life. I guess it's best to ask what one's definition of "ruined' is. My stomach looking like the road map of china and an old belly ring scar is RUINED to me.

    BTW you look amazing.
  • cj2k2006
    cj2k2006 Posts: 9
    amazing body...well done
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Way to go.

    I thought I was gonna be one of those people who could run all the way up until delivery day. I tried for four months and barfed every time so I gave that up. I developed a nauseating aversion to water and would only drink Sprite and Gatorade. I literally passed out in a store one day (wearing a dress) because I was trying to avoid drinking so much of that stuff. I finally just gave in and did what my body wanted. Gained 35 lbs. Emergency C section.

    I did luck out and didn't earn any new stretch marks.
  • Rhiana1188
    Rhiana1188 Posts: 67 Member
    Wow -

    I'm appalled that so many people are saying "congrats on having good genetics" and suggesting this girl is just showing off something that comes naturally to her.

    This girl's body looks to me like the result of hard work and close attention, and it's ridiculous to say that she looks so good because it's "in her genetics." I know you want to feel better about yourselves, and even that positivity will help you move forward... but bashing people for looking good, or lessening someone else's hard work by suggesting they didn't have to work for it is unrealistic and downright offensive.

    Pregnancy does have legitimate effects on the body which cause weight gain, but that doesn't mean it can't be prevented, while maintaining the baby's health. Yes, it's hard, but your results reflect the amount of work you put in before, during, and after your pregnancy. I'm willing to bet most of you didn't have flat tummies before your pregnancy, and/or didn't work as hard as this girl to stay in shape during and after.

    Stop making excuses to make yourselves feel better.

    Edit: Let me reiterate, I am NOT saying you're letting yourself go just because you're pregnant... I'm saying, this girl probably put in EXTRA work and worked really hard. I don't think this should be expected of anyone, just that it's possible for anyone.

    I weighed 115 with a damn hot body and flat stomach before I had my kids. I also worked out while pregnant, and ran 10+ miles a week. Of course I ate ice cream and tacos, but I did that before I had kids too. I was up to 155lbs my last pregnancy (had excess amniotic fluid so my abdomen swelled, and cracked and peeled and itched) while exercising AND chasing after 2 toddlers. I've been busting *kitten* daily for 8 months to get my body back and guess what... I'm STILL covered in stretch marks and my tummy skin STILL sags and probably always will unless I win the lottery and can afford surgery.
  • Josee76
    Josee76 Posts: 533 Member
    The OP pics are hope and all the other comments are scaring the he** out of me. I'm terrified of doing all this work. Losing over 100 lbs, finally have a decent body for once in my life and then ... mangle it with a pregnancy. this is seriously unfair.

    I lost 100 + pounds in my 20's. Maintained.... got pregnant when I was 29, with identical twins.... VERY HIGH RISK pregnancy, bed ridden for at least 4 months.... I put all the weight back on... I had to lose 100 + pounds a second time over; it's possible! :)
  • CLFrancois
    CLFrancois Posts: 472 Member
    Hmm, not sure what to say without sounding like a total B.
    I have had 3.
    I looked HOT before kids, worked out, loved my body.
    First kid, not terrible wreckage. Took about 4 months to get back to a decent bod.
    Then I had #2. Biggest of the three babies, got stretch marks.
    Then I had #3 14 months after #2.
    Yes, it did wreck my body.
    I looked nothing like before.
    My stomach stretched and I do have skin sagging. I have stretch marks (these don't go away without laser surgery ;) )
    I work out. I eat well. I was never more than 10 pound over what I wished I weighed and have NEVER been overweight.
    So for some strange person to tell me that I don't work hard enough to get that body back, well that is just nonsense.
    Without a surgery there is no way in hell I will get my pre baby body back.
    I am not lazy.
    I work my *kitten* off.
    I eat extremely well.
    I am 38 years old and in the best shape of my life.
    I will never be able to wear a bikini with confidence like I used to.
    Shame on judgmental people.
  • kjm_723
    kjm_723 Posts: 66 Member
    Pregnancy didn't ruin my body either. Because I don't consider stretch marks to be ruinous. If they were then my body was ruined in seventh grade when I grew too fast and got horrendous stretch marks on my legs. Scars aren't ruinous either if they are then my body was ruined when I had my gallbladder removed. I think we need to redefine what "ruined" means. I look absolutely nothing like the OP. My tummy is not flat, my boobs sag, I have cellulite on my legs and my arms look flabby. And I have stretch marks EVERYWHERE! But it gets me where I need to go and I'm in the process of making it healthy so I can live many many more years in this imperfect body. It's taken many years but I LOVE my body (some days more than others and that's ok). So to all the women mama's or not: you're bodies aren't ruined! Change happens for many different reasons accept them, move on enjoy your life in the body you have now!
  • timberowl
    timberowl Posts: 331 Member
    This reminds me a lot of Lauren Brooks--I was just using her kettlebell DVD yesterday, and she was saying her motivation for making it was when she got pregnant and was terrified of what it would do to her body. She ran and used kettlebells regularly and got back in her pre-baby shape within months.

    I've never had a baby, but want to some abs are nowhere near toned right now....

    What do you do for ab workouts, and what's your advice for avoiding stretch marks?
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    you're bodies aren't ruined!
    the assumption that all our issues are about looks?
    again, some of our issues are health & quality of life issues.
  • traceytwink
    traceytwink Posts: 538 Member
    I was very fit with a flat belly per children, but then swapped all that for time with my kids, i didn't feel the need to work out like I had but now they are older and doing there own activities I'm back to how I was before admittedly my belly isn't the same ( looks like a balloon that's been deflated too many times lol) but the plus side is they have given me bigger boobs, would I change anything? No I love my stripes they show me I'm a mummy, well done for all your hard work and if my belly looked like yours I'd walk round in a bikini ????
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