pregnancy doesn't "ruin" your body...



  • peggysue218
    peggysue218 Posts: 126 Member

    Yes ma'am! I see a ton of chicks who hit 24 or 25 and hit that first metabolic slump and gain 30 lbs with no idea why :-) At least we got AWESOME little lovies out of it! haha

    This "metabolic slump" at 24/25 doesn't exist. Age 25 is the age at which the body is most responsive to change (i.e. metabolism is at its peak). Also, people don't gain 30 lbs for no reason. Regardless of age, no one is putting on 30 lbs in the blink of an eye without some major lifestyle change(s). Metabolism is a mystery to some people, I guess. That or some people need to find a way to justify their weight gain due to pregnancy. Smh.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    by "let yourself go", believe it or not i didn't mean 'end up looking like anything other than me'. hahaha. you guys are too funny. I am referring to the women who dont even try. the women who are self described as being "fat", who complain about being overweight/out of shape, the women who HATE their body and yet eat donuts, drink milkshakes, and sit on their *kitten* because they're moms and that what moms do. i have a relative who was pregnant at the same time as i was. we started off the same. same height, same weight. she gained three times as much weight as i did during pregnancy. she said how she was going to 'enjoy' her pregnancy and eat whatever she wanted. i didn't do this. after delivery, she took it easy and still does. i didn't do this. she says things like, "i'd rather have my child and hate my body than love my body and not have my child". i say you can have both: a body you can be proud of AND children. it's not one or the other.

    and yes, i realize that individual results may vary. as long as you do the best you can, that's all that matters.

  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    The OP pics are hope and all the other comments are scaring the he** out of me. I'm terrified of doing all this work. Losing over 100 lbs, finally have a decent body for once in my life and then ... mangle it with a pregnancy. this is seriously unfair.

    Don't be scared. When you decided to become a mom you won't care what pregnancy will do to your body all you will care about is that little kid that you somehow made and will spend the rest of your life trying to protect.

    that's quite the generalization. of course you'll care what kind of body you'll end up with. or at least you should care. you only get one body, after all

    :laugh: :laugh: Yes. Apparently we all have OP's body.

    You should BE so lucky!
  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
    It will treat every body differently. I didn't gain any stretch marks from mine but my sister-in-law got some massive tiger striping. My breasts haven't sagged but her pancaked. I'm glad your pregnancy didn't change your body too much but it will vary greatly from person to person.

    i'm sure another person given my same situation would think they didn't fare all that well. the hyperemesis during pregnancy, needing back surgery, the hair loss, the now deflated boobies... definitely didn't make for an ideal pregnancy and post baby body. HOWEVER, i dont focus on these things. yes, genetics made it so i dont have loose skin. genetics also helped me not get any stretch marks. but genetics didn't keep my ab muscles from being stretched apart. i had to work my butt off to get them back to where they used to be. genetics also didn't help me lose weight either (i'm now 17 lbs under where i was prepregnancy). In fact, all the women in my family are overweight. I dont dwell on the negative and instead i focus on the positive... most of which was given from me to me. not courtesy of genetics.

    OP, I think, and correct me if I am wrong, your intent was to say we have to work to get our bodies back after pregnancy, but that it can be done. In that regard I totally agree. I have lost all but 2 lbs of my pregnancy weight, and I never used pregnancy as an excuse to keep the weight on. Good for you for taking control of your health.
    Please understand, though, for me it initially felt like a judgement on me because I just don't look that good in the belly area any more. It's hard to feel comfortable at the beach, having to hide my loose skin, and I am finally at a place in my life where I am gaining some comfort with my imperfections, and part of where that comes from is feeeling like I am part of a "sisterhood" with other mothers...that we all have these little imperfections and scars to deal with, and so we forgive them in eachother and see eachother's beauty.
    Your intitial post, and your subsequent comments about people in your family who are not as slim, teach me that there are people in this world who do still judge me based on my appearance, and cannot forgive my imperfections, because they may interpret them as character flaws. That is why it made me, and possibly others, defensive. I hope I have misinterpreted.
    I don't think our bodies are "ruined" - even those of us who have belly flaps and shredded stomachs, and boobs worthy of nicknaming :flowerforyou: Sorry if you are getting a bit roasted, that's how we roll in the MFP. Peace.

    it wasn't a judgement on you because i dont know you! and i dont judge people on appearance at all. do others? most definitely. can i point them out? sorry, i can't (unless they point themselves out anyway). my take is that we should all be continually working on ourselves, always striving to be better. becoming a mom isn't 'game over'. The fact of the matter is, we are all being judged all the time. I get told that i dont look like 'a real mom' and friends have admitted to me that they refuse to do certain activities with me such as go to the beach. it's all just a heap of bull**** and i wish everyone in this world could stop assuming that everything everyone else does is somehow an attack. let's just breathe, relax, and take everything for what it is worth. i'm honestly failing to see how so many people are working themselves up over this. i see no drama anywhere (except by the one woman who said i prioritize my body over my daughter. what a nutcase, am i right? lol) and no reason for people to get upset.

    Agreed, let's relax. You look like a Mom and so do I :smokin:

    Oh, I jealous? Hell ya! :devil:
  • FitandFab33
    FitandFab33 Posts: 718 Member

    Yes ma'am! I see a ton of chicks who hit 24 or 25 and hit that first metabolic slump and gain 30 lbs with no idea why :-) At least we got AWESOME little lovies out of it! haha

    This "metabolic slump" at 24/25 doesn't exist. Age 25 is the age at which the body is most responsive to change (i.e. metabolism is at its peak). Also, people don't gain 30 lbs for no reason. Regardless of age, no one is putting on 30 lbs in the blink of an eye without some major lifestyle change(s). Metabolism is a mystery to some people, I guess. That or some people need to find a way to justify their weight gain due to pregnancy. Smh.

    The metabolic "slump" is a result of moving into the career field and becoming less active- moving into a "big girl" life, having excess income from said progression- basically a slew of environmental factors, less physical activity, and eating above energy requirements.

    Metabolism isn't a mystery to me. When I say "with no idea why" I refer to the gen pop who really don't understand anything about it and have never been careful about what they eat/fitness etc.

    I don't need to justify my weight gain during my pregnancy. I sure as hell don't need to justify it to you. But- I overate and I was not active. And I'd love to see quality research results that prove that metabolism is most active at 25... or even more active at 25 than say.. 19.

    By the way- working on a second nutrition degree (this one in dietetics), have a bio minor and am working on NASM coursework. I know more about metabolism than anyone would even WANT to know.

    The whole point of that post was to support and encourage another user. But if you want to be that way- I will gladly argue nutrition and metabolism with you. Promise I'll win.
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member

    The metabolic "slump" is a result of moving into the career field and becoming less active- moving into a "big girl" life, having excess income from said progression- basically a slew of environmental factors, less physical activity, and eating above energy requirements.

    Metabolism isn't a mystery to me. When I say "with no idea why" I refer to the gen pop who really don't understand anything about it and have never been careful about what they eat/fitness etc.

    I don't need to justify my weight gain during my pregnancy. I sure as hell don't need to justify it to you. But- I overate and I was not active. And I'd love to see quality research results that prove that metabolism is most active at 25... or even more active at 25 than say.. 19.

    By the way- working on a second nutrition degree (this one in dietetics), have a bio minor and am working on NASM coursework. I know more about metabolism than anyone would even WANT to know.

    The whole point of that post was to support and encourage another user. But if you want to be that way- I will gladly argue nutrition and metabolism with you. Promise I'll win.

    This is why you're on my friend list.
  • suzieqsmart
    suzieqsmart Posts: 47

    Yes ma'am! I see a ton of chicks who hit 24 or 25 and hit that first metabolic slump and gain 30 lbs with no idea why :-) At least we got AWESOME little lovies out of it! haha

    This "metabolic slump" at 24/25 doesn't exist. Age 25 is the age at which the body is most responsive to change (i.e. metabolism is at its peak). Also, people don't gain 30 lbs for no reason. Regardless of age, no one is putting on 30 lbs in the blink of an eye without some major lifestyle change(s). Metabolism is a mystery to some people, I guess. That or some people need to find a way to justify their weight gain due to pregnancy. Smh.

    The metabolic "slump" is a result of moving into the career field and becoming less active- moving into a "big girl" life, having excess income from said progression- basically a slew of environmental factors, less physical activity, and eating above energy requirements.

    Metabolism isn't a mystery to me. When I say "with no idea why" I refer to the gen pop who really don't understand anything about it and have never been careful about what they eat/fitness etc.

    I don't need to justify my weight gain during my pregnancy. I sure as hell don't need to justify it to you. But- I overate and I was not active. And I'd love to see quality research results that prove that metabolism is most active at 25... or even more active at 25 than say.. 19.

    By the way- working on a second nutrition degree (this one in dietetics), have a bio minor and am working on NASM coursework. I know more about metabolism than anyone would even WANT to know.

    The whole point of that post was to support and encourage another user. But if you want to be that way- I will gladly argue nutrition and metabolism with you. Promise I'll win.

    LMFAO!! Woot woot!!! *Standing O*
  • _Wild_Card_
    _Wild_Card_ Posts: 124 Member
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    Eh, never mind. Carry on.
  • Mmmmona
    Mmmmona Posts: 328 Member
    No, but it does ruin your vag....
  • ntanasiciuk
    ntanasiciuk Posts: 43 Member
    All I'm gonna say is that it never ceases to amaze me what lengths folks on the Internet will go to just to avoid saying "My bad, I probably shouldn't have said that."

    I was thinking the EXACT SAME THING. Instead, they get defensive and "Ya well THIS happened to me blahblahblah". Like really? With everything people here are telling you, you cant go 'oh, my bad. Sorry guys I didn't think about genetics and skin elasticity being a big contributer since I had good genes and it never crossed my mind. Maybe that is why I could not find much pictures on the internet showing post-pregnancy weight. I was only trying to encourage and motivate."

    I have not had a baby get, but let me tell you... I have my mothers genes. Her stomach is a road map! Just from me being overweight, I have stretch marks ALL over my body. I can only assume what my stomach will look like when I balloon up with a baby belly... hers. The only difference is that I will not think it 'ruined' my body. I do not care that my stomach may not be tight and markless, I really don't. But guess what? Some people do. Some people feel like their bodies have been ruined. Who are you to say that it doesn't just because it hasn't for you?
  • avababy05
    avababy05 Posts: 930 Member
    You look great!

    My last pregnancy,at age 37 killed me!

    I started at 125 and became ill.I had to take steriods to continue breathing and weighed 199 the day she was born ( all ten pounds of her) That's a lot of weight to put on in 9 months.Especially if you're just over five feet.
  • avababy05
    avababy05 Posts: 930 Member
    I know that you are trying to give people hope. I don't think having babies hurt my body either and I do have good genetics. But for people looking for an excuse, it's as good as any of them.

    This is bull. Walk a mile in someone else's shoes.

    My last baby was my third,the other two were 16 and 18 when I had my baby.

    Fortunately, I didn't have pneumonia with the other two and didn't gain more than 25 pounds. Not an excuse,fact : pregnancy can still,in this day and age endanger a mothers life.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,134 Member

    Thank you for the cure for my depression. It's been cupcakes the whole time! Here stupid me thought it was a silly li'l "chemical imbalance" that became magnified due to the crapton of estrogen running through my system.

  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member

    Thank you for the cure for my depression. It's been cupcakes the whole time! Here stupid me thought it was a silly li'l "chemical imbalance" that became magnified due to the crapton of estrogen running through my system.


    So you're blaming Dwight for your depression?
    Take responsibility for yourself. I have depression too - and treated it. It makes us all look bad when you use that as an excuse.
    Oh, and depression doesn't force you to eat cupcakes. Eating healthy and exercising actually helps make it better. Just a PSA.
  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    No, but it does ruin your vag....


    You must be doing it wrong...
  • Cutemisscoco
    OP, you look amazing!
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    No, but it does ruin your vag....

    Not always. The husband said mine was better than ever after my stitches came out and I got cleared for Married Fun-Time.

    edited for clarity
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    No, but it does ruin your vag....

    If that were true, nobody would have more than one kid.
  • FitterStrongerHappier
    FitterStrongerHappier Posts: 65 Member
    First off - it's sad that so many people are ignorant of the fact that every persons body is different. Not to mention that the age at which you have children, the individual circumstances of the pregnancy, if it's a multiple pregnancy, and other issues, greatly impact a body's ability to snap back. As far as the boobs situation, I've seen women who have had 'mass' and after breast feeding, the mass is gone, and no amount of diet or exercise will bring that back.

    Also, losing weight doesn't mean that the skin that was stretched will snap back either. Age, genetics, etc have a HUGE impact on the success in this area. It's no different than a person who has lost 100 lbs and whose skin snapped back, judging others and saying - 'well, MY body did it - if YOURS doesn't, they you OBVIOUSLY aren't working hard enough'. It's extremely judgemental to say others are just using 'excuses' for not bouncing back.

    for me -it's irrelevant - I was overweight before I got pregnant, and actually weigh less now than I did when I got pregnant. Not everyone's body responds to things the same way.

    Lastly - to those who are worried about what a baby might do to their body - if you haven't had a child yet, consider this: for some moms - possibly the majority - Looking at your child after birth makes any thing else experienced worth it - completely. If you can imagine the most amazing experience in your life, the most beautiful, wonderful, fulfilling thing you could ever do, this is it. You may be slightly frustrated at the changes in your body, but, it's also possible that it won't really matter to you, because the blessing is worth anything you go through to get there.

    Good luck :)
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