pregnancy doesn't "ruin" your body...



  • Iwanttobe180lb
    I apologise if the way i phrased something has been read into meaning something else and i never meant for it to cause offensive but that is a huge problem with the written word and other peoples interpretation of what you are actually saying, what i was trying to say is that it doesn;t matter what you body looks like it has produced something amazing and that should be the focus not what you look like after the matter!
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    Whoa! Why is everyone reaming the OP? Her post is accurate and inspiring.

    +10 points for hot Mommies! :heart:

    And did I miss the part where she mentioned stretch marks? Where did that even come from..

    you and OP are my inspirations for after my pregnancy.. you all look amazing and i know it's possible to look my best :)
  • carolmcgov
    carolmcgov Posts: 175 Member
    It ruined my body and not because I let myself go, im under 8stone at 5ft5. My stomach has extra skin, my boobs are a bit saggy and im covered in stretch marks.

    But I wouldn't go back to my old body without my girls for anything in the world. Small price to pay for two princesses.
  • _chiaroscuro
    _chiaroscuro Posts: 1,340 Member
    it wasn't a judgement on you because i dont know you! and i dont judge people on appearance at all. do others? most definitely. can i point them out? sorry, i can't (unless they point themselves out anyway). my take is that we should all be continually working on ourselves, always striving to be better. becoming a mom isn't 'game over'. The fact of the matter is, we are all being judged all the time. I get told that i dont look like 'a real mom' and friends have admitted to me that they refuse to do certain activities with me such as go to the beach. it's all just a heap of bull**** and i wish everyone in this world could stop assuming that everything everyone else does is somehow an attack. let's just breathe, relax, and take everything for what it is worth. i'm honestly failing to see how so many people are working themselves up over this. i see no drama anywhere (except by the one woman who said i prioritize my body over my daughter. what a nutcase, am i right? lol) and no reason for people to get upset.
    Continual improvement, reserving judgment, and not letting one's own needs/goals be laid down as sacrifice to the altar of mommy martyrdom are all really, REALLY good points.

    The hair-pulling is from two things. You seem less sensitive than most people, and your audience can be super-sensitive. Drama is inevitable.
  • _DaniD_
    _DaniD_ Posts: 2,186 Member
    Whoa! Why is everyone reaming the OP? Her post is accurate and inspiring.

    +10 points for hot Mommies! :heart:

    And did I miss the part where she mentioned stretch marks? Where did that even come from..

    you and OP are my inspirations for after my pregnancy.. you all look amazing and i know it's possible to look my best :)

    D'awee I wuv you. I think we should start another Hot Mommies thread. I tried digging the old one up but couldn't find it.
  • JoRumbles
    JoRumbles Posts: 262 Member
    I'm back to my prepregnancy weight just 15weeks after having my baby. I've worked hard and I feel strong and fit. I look no too bad with my clothes on but believe me I wont ever, EVER be wearing a bikini again after 2 children .

    The horrendous strtch marks and weird shaped belly were cause by my first pregnancy where I retained a lot of fluid. I actually put on MORE weight second time round but got no extra stretch marks.

    I'm at peace with my wrinkly belly now. Hopefully I will lose another stone or so and I'll look great in nice dresses- so long as I have some spanx on!

    Its all down to luck, ie. genetics.
  • freebirdjones
    freebirdjones Posts: 237
    i based it off of many people in my family along with many friends. i hate it when i see people call themselves fat or talk bad about their bodies and not do anything about it. i hate it more when said person is a mother and there are children around who can hear them. i grew up with a mom who always called herself 'fat' and 'gross'. when i would try to help her (even as a teen) by making dinner that is low cal and showing her how good it was, she took the, 'i'll just stick with what i'm doing' approach. i see this A LOT. it is annoying.

    I don't agree with the original post. I do want to say this about this post: Really, what does it matter what they are doing/ not doing that annoys you so bad. Let go you can't help them all, and also you may come off in the wrong way if you ever express thisin any way.
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    Angry moms make the best mobs.

    Join MADD or something. Do something productive with all that energy.
  • madworld1
    madworld1 Posts: 524
    Whoa! Why is everyone reaming the OP? Her post is accurate and inspiring.

    +10 points for hot Mommies! :heart:

    And did I miss the part where she mentioned stretch marks? Where did that even come from..

    She didn't that I know of. But, she did say that pregnancy doesn't ruin your body. I will be the first to admit that I hate my stretch marks. Oh, and I forgot to mention the boob thing. Boobs are rarely the same afterward either. I am toned, fit, and can run for miles. But, the stretch marks are here to stay. Yes, I used the best of creams blah, blah, blah. They didn't work. All that said, would I go back and NOT have my son? Hell no. The remarks about stretch marks and scars came from the OP's declaration that pregnancy doesn't "ruin" your body. Regardless, OP looks GREAT!!! :)
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Angry moms make the best mobs.

    Join MADD or something. Do something productive with all that energy.

    FFS. This is what I came to post. GET OUT OF MY HEAD.
  • pestopoli
    pestopoli Posts: 111 Member
    I can understand how many who are already moms might find this post flippant or depressing, but as someone who doesn't have kids and is terrified of pregnancy and labor...

    I LOVE this post. Thanks to the OP for the inspiration and encouragement. I want kids someday, but am honestly to scared of how my body might look afterwards. I know genes play a role, but I also see a lot of hard work that the OP undertook when I look at the after pictures. I may not come out looking as perfect as that, but I know I'll have SOME control - maybe more than I think - in my post-baby body.

    thanks again,OP
  • ElenakiFra
    ElenakiFra Posts: 62 Member
    I'm almost 2 years post delivery with twins, 8lbs each too!
    You just lucky with the strech marks.You have to see my belly 4 years post delivery of twins.I dare you! :P

    Mine was 3.3 each delivered in 7th month. So you understand! About strech marks i think we must love them cause will be the only mak on our body through the years that will stay there. Am trying to tighten the loose skin.My genetics arent so good :/
  • suzieqsmart
    suzieqsmart Posts: 47
    I'm going to keep my mouth closed so I don't get a strike. :grumble:

    me too

    Me three!!

    Me four

    I'll take 5!!
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    Angry moms make the best mobs.

    Join MADD or something. Do something productive with all that energy.

    FFS. This is what I came to post. GET OUT OF MY HEAD.

  • kawickham85
    kawickham85 Posts: 62 Member
    I can understand how many who are already moms might find this post flippant or depressing, but as someone who doesn't have kids and is terrified of pregnancy and labor...

    I LOVE this post. Thanks to the OP for the inspiration and encouragement. I want kids someday, but am honestly to scared of how my body might look afterwards. I know genes play a role, but I also see a lot of hard work that the OP undertook when I look at the after pictures. I may not come out looking as perfect as that, but I know I'll have SOME control - maybe more than I think - in my post-baby body.

    thanks again,OP

    you are welcome! i personally know I would have benefitted from seeing such a post before getting pregnant or even while i was pregnant. A lot of stress and worry would have been avoided.
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    Jealous people can be so hateful and bitter. I'm amazed. You look great OP. :tongue:

    So this. People can make so many excuses and take it out on people who don't deserve it. You look amazing and are an inspiration. Taking care of yourself IS taking care of your family and child.
    Mom who is fat and blames the baby for it years later? Or Mom who works hard and has more energy to play? You decide. :happy:
  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    ...and it shouldn't be an excuse to let yourself go.

    When I got pregnant, I searched the internet, hoping to come across post baby belly pictures. No one continues to take photos of their belly after the baby is out! I desperately wanted to know what to expect and was terrified of what pregnancy would do to my body . I'm here to tell you that it doesn't ruin your body and you will bounce back quickly.

    That should read 'it MAY not ruin your body and you MAY bounce back quickly'.

    I didn't gain weight with pregnancy, I weighed the same at the end as I did at the start and moisturised, kept active etc, I still got stretch marks from down below to wayyyy above my belly button, inch wide ones, nice. I also got left with overhang from my c-section and separated muscles.

    You were lucky and no it's not an excuse to let yourself go but some of us are less lucky.
  • FitandFab33
    FitandFab33 Posts: 718 Member
    Had the kid.. gained 80+ lbs while pregnant... worked my A%^ off (quite literally too) to get to where I am now.

    I have stretch marks- LOTS of them. I still have some work to do/am not quite as tight/firm as I'd like to be... do I think my body is ruined because of some flub or stretch marks? HELL no.

    I'm not sure what side of the bed some of you rolled out of, but dang! OP's post is inspiring and encouraging- not some insulting or discriminating thing. Gahhh...
  • IamOnMywayNow
    IamOnMywayNow Posts: 470 Member
    Ok so you look amazing after having kids but please please tell me that you pee a little when you sneeze, cough, or do jumping jacks:) That would make me feel 1000 times better about your lack of stretch marks and belly pooch LOL!!

    My pregnancies did not "ruin" my body but certainly changed it. But I would not trade my post baby body for my pre baby body because my two little angels are totally worth it!!
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Angry moms make the best mobs.

    Join MADD or something. Do something productive with all that energy.

    FFS. This is what I came to post. GET OUT OF MY HEAD.


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