Couch to 5k Anyone?



  • κόσμος
    I am so glad that I just found this! I have been wanting to start this, but I know that if I'm constantly looking at my watch, I'll dread running (or walking lol). I have been trying to make remixes of my music so that when it changes, I know to change too. Unfortunately, I couldn't get them from the mixing program to the program to put on my Zune. I'm excited to start now that I've got the podrunner interval site! :) Now I just have to find the cord to put my music on the Zune and I'm good. I think I'm going to walk through the weekend and start Monday so at least I'm in a habit of working out. I haven't in so long, but yesterday and today have made me feel better already and this is just another boost so I'm excited all over again! Thanks again!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    So I did day 3 of week 7 today and it was pretty good. I think the thing is resting. I usually do Monday, Wednesday and Saturday and Saturday is easier because of two rest days in between.
    I still don't feel like I could keep running forever, and I don't know about endorphins! I wish I really loved to run, I want to want to run, that's all...
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    I'm at my mom's this weekend, and still managed to get in my Week 3, Day 1 run in. The 3 min run wasn't nearly as bad as expected. Jen, what about you? You were due to start week 3 today too.
  • jrkingery
    jrkingery Posts: 107 Member
    Well the day has come.

    Couch-2-5K Graduation Day!

    I finished W9D3 today with a respectable 1/4 mile warmup walk, a 3.2 mile run (just over a 5K) in 30 minutes, and a 1/4 mile cooldown walk. All of this on a sweltering 82F ultra humid Florida morning! It's celebration time!

    For those of you still working on the program, stick with it! You're going to have a huge sense of accomplishment when you finish that final run of the program!

    Good luck and keep running!
  • SillySkittles
    SillySkittles Posts: 202 Member
    Well the day has come.

    Couch-2-5K Graduation Day!

    I finished W9D3 today with a respectable 1/4 mile warmup walk, a 3.2 mile run (just over a 5K) in 30 minutes, and a 1/4 mile cooldown walk. All of this on a sweltering 82F ultra humid Florida morning! It's celebration time!

    For those of you still working on the program, stick with it! You're going to have a huge sense of accomplishment when you finish that final run of the program!

    Good luck and keep running!

    *cheers* Woohoo!! Happy graduation day!!!

    Starting Week 7 tomorrow! I usually run in the mornings now. When we first started we were running on our lunch hour, but now that the program is longer, we don`t have time to stretch and get ready so I`ve moved it to the morning! The weird thing I`ve found for myself is that I don`t like to have music when I go for my long runs. The last two I`ve done, I had to turn the music off. I think it`s because my mind starts to think of the songs in terms of time elapsed and I can`t think about time when I`m running for a longer amount of time because I start to want to stop.

    I had to repeat Week 5, Day 3 two times before I finally got it. For myself, I printed out a huge chart of all the weeks and days and I have it hanging up at work and then I check off the boxes with BIG check marks and happy faces as I complete a day. When I don`t complete a day fully (I consider it not fully completed when I have to walk where it doesn`t say to walk), I just re-do the day over again until I finish, I don`t repeat the whole week. I`m finding that I was having a harder time getting going on running again after a walking interval. When I run the long distances, I focus on my chart and how I`ll feel when I get to check off ANOTHER box and I`m finding that definitely keeps me going. I keep the chart hanging at work so a lot of people who are rooting for me look forward to watching me check off another box.

    Another thing I find that helps keep me going is my friend`s running mantra: ``puking, passing out or dying are the only three reasons to stop`` (I know that this isn`t really sound advice but it works for me when my mind is trying to convince me to stop when there`s nothing really wrong. So once I start feeling the twinges of ``hey, let`s stop running now!`` I`ll ask myself if feel like I`m puking and if the answer is no, then I tell myself to keep running! etc.

    I have no idea why I started going on and on about this. LOL...I guess I just find that when it comes to running, my own worst enemy is my mind and there`s been times when I`ve let it convince me that I couldn`t keep going when I`ve now discovered that if I push past it, I COULD!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Well the day has come.

    Couch-2-5K Graduation Day!

    I finished W9D3 today with a respectable 1/4 mile warmup walk, a 3.2 mile run (just over a 5K) in 30 minutes, and a 1/4 mile cooldown walk. All of this on a sweltering 82F ultra humid Florida morning! It's celebration time!

    For those of you still working on the program, stick with it! You're going to have a huge sense of accomplishment when you finish that final run of the program!
    Great job!!! That's so awesome!!! I hope to be able to make this post next week!! Congrats!!

    I wish our heat was only 82 and humid. It's been 95 and up and very humid. And heat index...yikes!

    Good luck and keep running!
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    Well the day has come.

    Couch-2-5K Graduation Day!

    I finished W9D3 today with a respectable 1/4 mile warmup walk, a 3.2 mile run (just over a 5K) in 30 minutes, and a 1/4 mile cooldown walk. All of this on a sweltering 82F ultra humid Florida morning! It's celebration time!

    For those of you still working on the program, stick with it! You're going to have a huge sense of accomplishment when you finish that final run of the program!

    fantastic , that is brilliant you are now a runner WHOOP WHOOP WHOOP!!!!!!! hope to be saying the same thing in 6 weeks time!

    Good luck and keep running!
  • wmchick81
    wmchick81 Posts: 273
    Sillyskittles- I think I will do the same thing. If I can't complete a day, I will redo that day. To have to repeat a whole week makes me think it could take forever for me to finish the program.

    I did Week 3 Day 3 today after taking a three day break due to illness. I just wasn't feeling well the past few days and thought running would not be the best idea for my body. I am glad to say I was able to finish the day without too much trouble. I set the treadmill for 50 minutes and walked ten minutes (4.0mph) before starting and then finished with another 10 minute walk (4.0mph). My max speed today during the running was 7.2 but I only maintained that for a few seconds. To make my running time go faster, I increase my speed every 10-15 seconds until the time is up. I guess it makes it go faster because I am not focusing on the time, I am just counting in my head.
  • bumbalina
    bumbalina Posts: 33 Member
    I'm seriously struggling with C25K. I started the programme a week ago and had trouble completing all the running sections and on the third day pulled my inner thigh muscle on the first run cycle then walked the rest of the programme. I started w1d1 all over again today and only managed 4 of the 9 runs. I feel like I'm going to be on week 1 forever!
    In my pre-fat life I was a really good runner so I'm now getting really frustrated with myself and my tredmill. Does anyone have any tips they can give, or motivation?
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    jrkingery – :drinker: CONGRATULATIONS!! Thanks for inspiring the rest of us! I hope you’ll continue to check in on us. Run, run, run!

    asjerven – I’m on the same run schedule as you are (Mon, Wed, Sat)… I was attributing the ‘easier’ run on Saturday to the fact that I ran later in the morning, after my body was more “awake”, but you could be on to something with the 2 days of rest theory…

    SillySkittles – the thing I like about the morning runs is that my mind is not fully awake, and I am more easily able to convince my body to do something is doesn’t really want to do… :tongue:

    I did Week 3, Day 2 this morning, and found I was 'watching the clock' an awful lot. I have to admit that I like having fewer run intervals (4 instead of 8 or 6), even though they are longer (although I can't imagine myself still saying this at "run 30 min"). I peeked ahead at next week, which I shouldn't have done, and am already nervous about the 5 min runs! Ack!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I'm seriously struggling with C25K. I started the programme a week ago and had trouble completing all the running sections and on the third day pulled my inner thigh muscle on the first run cycle then walked the rest of the programme. I started w1d1 all over again today and only managed 4 of the 9 runs. I feel like I'm going to be on week 1 forever!
    In my pre-fat life I was a really good runner so I'm now getting really frustrated with myself and my tredmill. Does anyone have any tips they can give, or motivation?

    Best bet, take you time. Maybe slow down a bit more, don't push too hard. I had a friend that took 3weeks to finish the first week. It's ok to have to repeat a week. Listen to your body. Also, if you are on facebook, search for Couch to 5k and coolrunning as they both have fan pages and often post tips. Hope this helps a little bit.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    So, one more day til graduation!!!! I think I'm taking off tomorrow and gonna finish up Wednesday. I have 2 friends that want to start the plan in a few weeks, so I told them I'd start it with them again. This whole time I've been outside and by myself, well, my droid and I. Not sure how it will be with two people, the one I haven't seen in a year and the other is an old friends new girlfriend I recently met. Both want to talk, a lot...I can't run and talk! Maybe a quick 'Ok ladies, 10more sec' or so but that's about it. I didn't go very far tomday, seems like I'm getting slower the longer the run gets. I haven't made it to 3miles yet, but again, I'm taking it slow, but I remember a time not too long ago when I couldn't run past 60sec without thinking I would get sick. Can't wait to post my official graduation :D See ya all soon!! XoxoxoX Bru
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Ok, so I did Week 7 Day 3 on Saturday but there was a festival setting up on my route so I turned around, it was about halfway anyway, but I don't think I ran for 25 mins straight. today I will try for the 28 minutes but if I can't I will keep repeating week 7 until I can go 25 mins.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hey all..completed W8D1! I still can't believe I am doing this!!:happy: I am looking forward to graduation day as well!!

    Bru ~ Many yrs ago I walked with a friend that talked. It was very frustrating for me and I was always in a bad mood when I returned home b/c I didn't get the workout I had intended. Anyway, it worsened so bad that a few times I became ill afterwards, nauseated, lightheaded. My cardiologist told me I was getting dehydrated from all the talking while walking! :huh: HEY, you're doing awesome!!

    jr ~ Yay!! you did it!! Don't you feel amazing!! I am so happy for you! Do you have any races lined up? What's next on your exercise goals?

    those struggling....Like Bru said, take your time with this. There is no need to hurry. Support IS necessary! just focus on your run for that day...don't worry about next week.

    skittles ~ LOVE the chart idea and the big ol X's and :smile: anything to keep motivated!!

    Keep at it will finish someday and soon be able to share your C25K journey!!:bigsmile:
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I just finished week 8 day 1 too!! I was so proud of myself, I never ever have been able to run even like up the stairs without almost dying so this is amazing to week is going to be a breeze too......then once I'm done the 9th week I'm going to go back and work on speed and who knows where I'll go from there.
  • jrkingery
    jrkingery Posts: 107 Member
    I've decided to hold off on continuing to the gateway to 8K program for now and instead work on speeding up my runs. I'm going to stick with the 30 minute final run time but try to extend the distance I run. I'm also now doing the 30 day shred 3 days a week along with running 3 days a week.

    I don't have any races lined up yet. But I'm looking forward to the 5K charity runs my company hosts several times per year. Between those and the ones Walt Disney World has for charity I'll be running several races over the course of the next few months. I just want to get my time down a bit first so i can make a good showing.

    To those of you nearing graduation keep at it! It's a great sense of accomplishment when you finish that final 30 minute run , especially if you manage to cover more than the alloted 3 miles in that time!! If I can start running again after 20 years and finish the program you can too!
  • EmilyV80
    EmilyV80 Posts: 60 Member
    I did week 4 day 1 yesterday. It is still going really well. I'm surprised at myself. I'm only running at 5.0 but I figure once I get the duration up, I can work on speed.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I did not do week 8 day 1 last night as planned. I got a spray tan for my trip to the Oregon coast and couldn't sweat for 12 hours. I will have to do my running Tues, Thurs, Sat this week. Thurs and Saturday will be in Oregon, maybe on the beach, can't wait!
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    asjerven - that is the best excuse I have ever heard for not exercising!! :laugh:
  • wmchick81
    wmchick81 Posts: 273
    Didn't think I would make it, but I am proud to say I survived Week 4 Day 1!!! I started all my runs at 5.5mph and worked up. At one point I even did 9.0mph (even though it was only 10 seconds). I set the treadmill for an hour and put my Couch 2 5K in the middle of the time, so that I burn more calories and get a longer workout. Toward the end, I ran for 60 second intervals at 8.0mph. I felt great when I was done.