Couch to 5k Anyone?



  • jrkingery
    jrkingery Posts: 107 Member
    Hello, fellow C25K-ers! How was everyone's weekend?

    Starting W5, D1 today and I am COMPLETELY terrified of Day 3! I know I'm not doing myself any favours, but I just really don't see me being able to run 20 minutes non-stop!!! BAH! Postive thinking needs to kick in!

    I played ultimate frisbee for the first time yesterday and my legs are now a bit sore, but I did notice how I was able to run circles around some of the players on the field...I was pretty proud of that and knew it was from the previous weeks of C25K. If it were a month ago, i wouldn't have been able to do it at all so I KNOW there's some good things going on with the program! I just can't help being scaaaared!

    I felt the same way as things started to ramp up.

    But here I am, just finished week 8 day 1 (28 minute run), I covered 3.51 miles in all and I feel great! My route today ended up taking me up to the top of an overpass (wow, what a slog up that LONG hill) before hitting my halfway point and heading back toward the house.

    Keep it up, you can do it!
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    I just completed Week 2! I'll start Week 3 on Saturday.

    Birmingham - As for shin splints, chances are you are like me when I started running several years ago. I found several things ended up helping, and when I started running again two weeks ago (after a VERY long break), I didn't experience any issues with my shins.

    First of all, make sure you are warmed up before you start running. Be sure to stretch out your calves afterwards, since tight calf muscles are usually the cause of shin splints - I do a variety of lower leg stretches, including hanging my heel down off the edge of my treadmill or a stair. I also made sure I had the right kind of running shoe. If you have flat feet like me, you need to make sure you have a stability or motion control type running shoe. If you go to a running store, they can analyze your gait and tell you which type is best. How to check your arch: if you look at your wet footprints, and see your whole foot - your arch is flat (most common to get shin splints), if you see only heel and the ball of your feet, you have high arches, somewhere in between is normal and causes fewer running problems. Also, breathing correctly helps! Try the following: breathe in for 3 steps, then out for 2. You typically exert more pressure on breathing out, and may land harder on your foot, so this balances out the pressure, by always breathing out on alternating feet.

    And finally, this may sound silly, but try to run 'lighter' on your feet. I still catch myself really clunking down on my feet, creating more impact than is necessary - if you are running properly, your feet should make very little noise when they land.

    Happy running!
  • Bremengal
    Bremengal Posts: 4
    Count me in! Downloaded podcast last night and did first run this morning:happy: :happy: . Next one on Friday.
  • jrh5249
    jrh5249 Posts: 28
    I just looked the couch to 5k program up and im going to do it. I was wondering what pace people we starting at in week one? I can run a mile at about 7.30 but thats it. Icant run much further than that. So when i do the intervals in week one, should i do the jogging sections like i was running a mile, or bring it down a few notches? Any feedback would be great
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I just looked the couch to 5k program up and im going to do it. I was wondering what pace people we starting at in week one? I can run a mile at about 7.30 but thats it. Icant run much further than that. So when i do the intervals in week one, should i do the jogging sections like i was running a mile, or bring it down a few notches? Any feedback would be great

    Take it down a few!! Definitely pace yourself. Even if you think you could skip a week or two, don't, stick with it each week. Being that you run 7.3min/mile(which by the way is awesome!!), I would still do each week and that way it will just build more up for you when it is time to run longer. Great job starting it.. If you have a droid or iphone, search for c25k apps, droid has a free and $1.99 one, I have the free app and I can play my own music (I have to start my music first) then start the app and I'm good to go.

    Speaking of, I just completed week7!! And each day I did it was during TOM (sorry guys, tmi), so take that TOM! Bring it on week8!! I 'graduate in two weeks, the same week as my 25th birthday, then I'm gonna start the plan over again and work on speed.
    Have a great week all!!! 'See ya around the block' Bru
  • SillySkittles
    SillySkittles Posts: 202 Member
    Finished W5D2 last night and going to try for Day 3 today. Too much waiting time before the run tonight gives me too much time to think, so I'm pretty much working myself into a stressed out, scared frenzy. Even though I was able to do Day 2, I just can't see how I can do 20 minutes straight!! But a friend of mine reminded me that I say the same thing before every new week and every new day so I just need to just get out there and do it.

    Great job to everyone who's finished their days/weeks!!!
  • SillySkittles
    SillySkittles Posts: 202 Member
    Didn't make it through W5D3 today! :( Going to keep at D3 until I've got it under my belt! how's everyone else's runs going?
  • jrkingery
    jrkingery Posts: 107 Member
    Didn't make it through W5D3 today! :( Going to keep at D3 until I've got it under my belt! how's everyone else's runs going?

    Don't let it get to you, just listen to your body.
    I repeated week 4 when the final run was tougher for me than I thought it should be.

    Today I finished Week 8 day 2, a 28 minute run and could have gone for more.

    Keep it up, don't get discouraged if you have to repeat a week.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    W6D2 completed today. felt I could have done better. lacking some sleep and was hungry, but wanted to get my workout done and then eat. tomorrow I will do a walk / jog and hope to finish W6 Sunday. I am no where near jogging/running a 10 min mile, like advised for this week. Hope I get some point!

    Keep at it folks...we'll be done before you know it!
  • wmchick81
    wmchick81 Posts: 273
    I would like to join this thread too! I downloaded the app and did my first workout July 2. Did Week 3 Day 1 yesterday but backed down to Week 2 Day 3 (for the second time) today. I am using the treadmill, and I think I am doing too high of a speed for the run portion. Any ideas what a good pace would be? So far I have done between 3.8- 4.0 for the walks and then between 6.0-7.0 for the runs.

    If I run more than 3 times a week, should I just repeat that weeks workouts? Technically I should still be on Week 2 because its only been 2 weeks, but I had moved onto to week 3 yesterday. I have never been able to run more than sprints without my lungs feeling like they were going to explode. I also got shin splints after Day 1 probably from not stretching before or after.
  • jrkingery
    jrkingery Posts: 107 Member
    I would like to join this thread too! I downloaded the app and did my first workout July 2. Did Week 3 Day 1 yesterday but backed down to Week 2 Day 3 (for the second time) today. I am using the treadmill, and I think I am doing too high of a speed for the run portion. Any ideas what a good pace would be? So far I have done between 3.8- 4.0 for the walks and then between 6.0-7.0 for the runs.

    If I run more than 3 times a week, should I just repeat that weeks workouts? Technically I should still be on Week 2 because its only been 2 weeks, but I had moved onto to week 3 yesterday. I have never been able to run more than sprints without my lungs feeling like they were going to explode. I also got shin splints after Day 1 probably from not stretching before or after.

    Ideally you should try to maintain a 10 minute mile, or 6 MPH, for the run portions.

    I'm far from an expert, so take my advice with a grain of salt. I can only relate what has worked for me.

    Following the C25K program you really should only be running three days per week especially if you're an inexperienced runner (like I am). I hadn't run much since leaving the military in 1990 until I started my weight loss journey and picked it up again. Your body needs the off days between runs to repair and recover which may be why you're struggling with shin splints. Between run days I do some light cardio and lift weights to work on my upper body. Arms, shoulders, chest, etc, and give my legs a chance to recover from the run the day before. Also don't stretch until you've had a good warm up or until after you finish exercising. Trying to stretch cold muscle only leads to injuries. I was making the same mistake when I started out and could not understand why I was cramping up during the runs.

    I finish up week 8 tomorrow and move on to 30 minute runs for the final week and then graduate. I'm debating moving on to the extended 10K training program.

    Keep it up! You can do it!
  • bucs4824
    bucs4824 Posts: 2
    That's great advice about stretching out. The way that I've found that has always worked for me, which may not work for everyone, is to do warm up exercises, then slowly jog about 1/4 mile, THEN stretch and i feel great. The other thing to keep in mind is you cant just buy any pair of shoes to run long distance. If you have a bad pair of shoes you will only hurt yourself. Most legitimate stores will measure your feet and your arch to determine the best shoe for you. They will most likely offer an insert for them as well. If you find the right pair of shoes you will know it, i promise! the leg cramps and knee pain during and after running will decrease significantly!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    ok, I did Week 6 day 3 today, jogging for 25 minutes! It was ok, I felt like I was cheating because I have done all of this outside so far and today it was 100 degrees so I went to the gym and hit the treadmill.
    I walk/warm up/cool down at 3.5 mph and jog at 5 mph. I think at this point I am just trying to keep a manageable pace and will get faster as I get stronger. At the end of today I had only traveled 2.5 miles.
    Welcome new folks, I will repeat my earlier post about "Chi of running" which really helps, if you follow the form there isn't as much impact, I think it's amazing. google it if you have shin splints, or search the boards here.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hi all...finished W6D3 today. wasn't too bad, but again, feel I could have went a little faster. can't believe I am this far!! will start W7 Tuesday.
  • jrkingery
    jrkingery Posts: 107 Member
    Week 8 is over for me as of this morning. Week 9 and 30 minute runs start Wednesday!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Wow, all!! Way to go!!!! I start week8 tomorrow morning :) I went out for a quick jog tonight, well, walk .75 jog .25 due to heat, went just shy of a mile. Anyway, keep up the great work!!! I can't wait to say 'Congrats' when we have a graduation next week for jrkingery!! Are you gonna advance to the next stage or start over and work on distance?
  • cldaughe
    cldaughe Posts: 40 Member
    I have researched the C25K program and think it is definitely something I want to do. My concern, before I get started, is that I need some solid running shoes and comfortable shorts. Does anyone have any suggestions in terms of brand or store? I figure, if I have the gear, I might as well get started with this.

    Also, how are you keeping track of the time intervals? I have a blackberry and am wondering if there is "an app for that?" :) if not, I am guessing most people just wear a watch?

    This is my first official day on MFP and I am ready to get moving and hopefully, running! :)
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I have researched the C25K program and think it is definitely something I want to do. My concern, before I get started, is that I need some solid running shoes and comfortable shorts. Does anyone have any suggestions in terms of brand or store? I figure, if I have the gear, I might as well get started with this.

    Also, how are you keeping track of the time intervals? I have a blackberry and am wondering if there is "an app for that?" :) if not, I am guessing most people just wear a watch?

    This is my first official day on MFP and I am ready to get moving and hopefully, running! :)
    Hi and welcome !!! I don't have a specific brand of shoes for you, but as for an app, there is one for iphone and droid, so I would think you could get one too! Try searching for it on your phone, otherwise it would be a stop watch (been there, done that, not fun!)
  • jrkingery
    jrkingery Posts: 107 Member
    Wow, all!! Way to go!!!! I start week8 tomorrow morning :) I went out for a quick jog tonight, well, walk .75 jog .25 due to heat, went just shy of a mile. Anyway, keep up the great work!!! I can't wait to say 'Congrats' when we have a graduation next week for jrkingery!! Are you gonna advance to the next stage or start over and work on distance?

    I haven't decided yet if I'm going to start over and work on speed or move on to the 5k to 10K program.

    time will tell.
  • jrkingery
    jrkingery Posts: 107 Member
    I have researched the C25K program and think it is definitely something I want to do. My concern, before I get started, is that I need some solid running shoes and comfortable shorts. Does anyone have any suggestions in terms of brand or store? I figure, if I have the gear, I might as well get started with this.

    Also, how are you keeping track of the time intervals? I have a blackberry and am wondering if there is "an app for that?" :) if not, I am guessing most people just wear a watch?

    This is my first official day on MFP and I am ready to get moving and hopefully, running! :)

    If your Blackberry can play MP3 podcasts you can download the series from

    I've used these podcasts throughout and he gives you voice prompts to let you know when to walk and run. MUCH easier than trying to use a watch to time yourself.
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