Couch to 5k Anyone?



  • lejess
    lejess Posts: 63
    Hey Everyone! I'm new to myfitnesspal. I started the cool running website's Couch to 5k plan. Im wondering how everyone records it in their exercise tracking? Like I said, Im new, as in, been on here less than a week. I am not sure how to enter my work out properly.
    Any advice??

    OH and PS....I was cracking up reading through this thread. Everyone was like "I thought I was going to DIE!" Which is SOO how I felt today! lol!
  • RMX82
    RMX82 Posts: 172
    I need to look into this plan. I hear nothing but great things. I really suck at running right now so maybe this would help.
  • BrunetteWife
    BrunetteWife Posts: 2,108 Member
    First off, WELCOME!!! Second, I too, felt like I was gonna pass out, but that's mostly because of the weather.. anyway, I divided up how many minutes of walking and jogging than went into exercise database to see how many calories each burned than added the 5min brisk walking/warm up to the rest. I went in and added my own exercise for each week, if that makes sense, there may be an easier way, but that's how I plan on logging it :)
  • lejess
    lejess Posts: 63
    First off, WELCOME!!! Second, I too, felt like I was gonna pass out, but that's mostly because of the weather.. anyway, I divided up how many minutes of walking and jogging than went into exercise database to see how many calories each burned than added the 5min brisk walking/warm up to the rest. I went in and added my own exercise for each week, if that makes sense, there may be an easier way, but that's how I plan on logging it :)

    Aww Thanks!!! I know, I put off starting this plan last week because it was SO hot! I'm started now, there is no turning back!
    Yes, your instructions make sense, which I will adopt, unless someone has a better suggestion?!
    Thanks for the help! Good luck on the challenge!
  • BrunetteWife
    BrunetteWife Posts: 2,108 Member
    Thanks and Good Luck to you too!!
  • slcbrus
    slcbrus Posts: 79
    I just started the Couch to 5K training programme. I'll be doing day 3 tomorrow! So far, so good. It's a well balanced system.

    For those who wanted some extra info about it, here are a couple of links: and
  • kscarlett24
    kscarlett24 Posts: 54 Member
    I started this program last week. Today was W2D2 for me. I actually ran W2D1 yesterday and didn't give it a day of rest, and now my shins hurt, so I will definitely take a day of rest tomorrow, I'll just walk. I have never been a runner, but that is my goal this summer, to learn to run. I want to be able to run for 30 minutes by the end of August. I am hoping this program gets me there.
  • Gerkenstein
    Gerkenstein Posts: 315 Member
    Everyone seems very knowledgeable about C25K and I've looked into the program and am very interested. My biggest concern is should I wait until I lose more to start "running/jogging" to prevent injury? I'm 5'8", 285 lbs., my weight is pretty well distributed. Any advice?

    Thanks in advance!
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    I came across a modified C25K program that I think I am going to try. Right now I am having trouble finding time I can exercise outdoors consistently, so I'm trying to get that settled before starting. It is over 7 months, working up from just walking (and barely walking) up to running. I am planning on starting with week 5, which is the first week that incorporates a bit of jogging, since I have already been increasing endurance with just walking!) I don't know the website because I copied it into a Word document, but I'd be glad to send info to anyone who is interested if you send me a message!
  • gamommy2two
    I FINALLY got a chance to get back out there and do this again. I had to take about 5 days off because of rain and prior commitments. I do my running in the evening after my girls go to bed, but never too late for safety concerns. I think I will keep running Week 1 until I can get through it for the full 26 minutes. I've yet to finish the darn Podrunner even once. But, I'll keep trucking.

    BrunetteWife ~ I run outside as well. I find it more freeing than running on a treadmill. Yes, it's hot...but the open air is just so nice and my dog comes with me so it's good times.

    Gerkenstein ~ I don't know about what an expert might say, but I don't think you're ever "too big" to exercise. Even if you don't go all-out on the Couch to 5k routine a brisk walk for 20-30 minutes each day is a big step toward health.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Everyone seems very knowledgeable about C25K and I've looked into the program and am very interested. My biggest concern is should I wait until I lose more to start "running/jogging" to prevent injury? I'm 5'8", 285 lbs., my weight is pretty well distributed. Any advice?

    Thanks in advance!

    I think you should be fine as long as you stretch really well beforehand. Remember they get 300+ contestants running day 1 on Biggest Loser ;)
  • BrunetteWife
    BrunetteWife Posts: 2,108 Member
    For those who run outside (or even on a tread and wanna change it up...) and you have the Droid's the website to find the app to help you not watch the timer :) and then this site shows for other phones as well: I'm on W1D3 tomorrow and can't wait to try it out!! Good luck all and happy walking/jogging!
    XoxoxoX Bru
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I'm going to be starting the C25K on monday. I need to buy new runners (I haven't owned a pair in years) and I'm going to see how it goes. I'll be sure to post about my progress!!
  • nikki_zav
    nikki_zav Posts: 320 Member
    I'm already in a Couch to 5K thread, but just wanted to say great job to everyone working hard on this program!! Over the past few weeks I have discovered how AWESOME interval training is. My legs and lungs want to DIE at the end of most days, but it feels so amazing to complete each run.

    Some the tools I use are on my iPhone. First, downloaded a ton of upbeat music that keep me bouncy and motivated...good beats keep my feet moving! RunKeeper is my next favorite purchase ($10). It tracks distance, time, elevation, pace, speed and more. You can put in the intervals you need for C25K (took me about 10 min) and you are ready to go with your training!! There is a free version as well, but it does not do the intervals. My 3rd favorite new purchase was a Polar HRM. A little more expensive at $100...buts it's been an invaluable tool. No more guessing when doing interval training. (Keep in mind that when you are doing the walk portion of your C25K, your heart rate is elevated from the run, burning a few more calories than a normal walk). Also found out that I burn almost 900 calories when mowing the lawn!!

    Kick butt everyone!!!
  • BrunetteWife
    BrunetteWife Posts: 2,108 Member
    Quoting myself:
    For those who run outside (or even on a tread and wanna change it up...) and you have the Droid's the website to find the app to help you not watch the timer :) and then this site shows for other phones as well: I'm on W1D3 tomorrow and can't wait to try it out!! Good luck all and happy walking/jogging!
    XoxoxoX Bru
    Well, I decided to do Week1 Day3 of Couch to 5k today instead of tomorrow...tried it out with the new droid app and it was great! I'm pouring of sweat (so I'm a bit stinky, lol) but I love it!!! Can't wait to get to week2!!! XoxoxoX Bru
  • BrunetteWife
    BrunetteWife Posts: 2,108 Member
    Hi all!! I just finished Week2Day1, whew!!! I'm beat, but I love it!!! Hope you all are well :) Have a wonderful week!! XoxoxoX Bru
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    Hi all! For anyone looking for a more conservative program than the C25K, I found the link! (This is a 7 month program building up to a 5K... though the first month is walking so if you already walk all of the time you may want to skip it!)
  • BrunetteWife
    BrunetteWife Posts: 2,108 Member
    Hello Hello!! I started Couch to 5k last Tuesday... I just finished W2D2 today and felt great!!! I just came across a good site to use for anyone who wants to track their walks/runs It really helps see exactly how far you went plus how much you average mph :) Its free as well and it helps me accurately log my pace for my walks for here. If you join, feel free to add me brunettewife. I'm gonna weigh in Friday, I'm hoping that my making up for last weekend( gonna burn an extra 150cal each day this week) will help me get back on track. I tried a few new drink mixes. Ocean Spray Cran Grape and Cran White Peach (on the go for both) and Great Value Grape...they are great :) It's suppose to be rainy all week so hopefully I can get my last day of C25k in for the week, then it's gonna be a lot of dancing. I've been considering getting a workout dvd, I haven't made it up to Walmart to see what's out there, but do you all have any suggestions? I've also thought about heading to and seeing what kinds of videos I can find there to do for free. I hope you all are well and having a wonderful week. XoxoxoX Bru
  • vineas
    vineas Posts: 84
    Finished week 4 day 2 this morning. I'm really liking the program, and it'd doing wonders. I run in the mornings, 5 AM or so to avoid the daytime heat, plus I'm kind of a morning workout person anyway.
  • BrunetteWife
    BrunetteWife Posts: 2,108 Member
    I completed week2 and can't wait for Monday to start my week 3!! I have a few friends on facebook that have recently started thi splan and a few on mfp as well! Keep up all the hard work all, remember, it may be a little hard now, but what doesn't kill you makes you stronger! XoxoxoX Bru