Am I the only one who hates Greek yogurt?



  • swat1948
    swat1948 Posts: 302 Member
    Try Chobani non fat yogurts, I could eat one everyday...especially love blueberry!
  • kelsiekae
    kelsiekae Posts: 65
    Nope! I just don't like it either. I really wish I did, because there seems to be so many benefits to it. But the texture and bitterness are just too much for me. I've even tried a few different kinds just to see, but have yet to find one I can tolerate. And I refuse to choke it down. Lol.
  • jahowell
    jahowell Posts: 67
    The only one I found was the chobani with the stuff you can add, chocolate almond I think it was....
    The rest taste like they've gone bad....soured!
  • Hodgenska
    Hodgenska Posts: 55 Member
    I never liked yogurt growing up, but I acquired a taste for Chobani for awhile. I ended up with a bad one though, one time, where I guess it was going bad and the aluminum top raised up really high, and I've been scared to eat any since. I am very weary about any dairy products going bad, and something like that will make me scared to touch it again.
  • albertine58
    albertine58 Posts: 267 Member
    I love it! But I don't like the super-thick texture, so I add a splash of water and stir until smooth.

    I started eating greek yogurt with the flavored Chobani cups, but now I buy a large tub of 0% plain and add vanilla extract, stevia, chia seeds and fresh fruit!
  • JCulp19
    JCulp19 Posts: 82
    i cant stand it!!!
  • valey1234
    valey1234 Posts: 29
    I like greek yogurt they are more tart than other yogurts and also they dont seem to have the active cultures in them. If you really want to eat the greek yogurt try putting some calorie free sweetener in it I have done that before. I say there are other yogurts out there that are healthy so keep experementing.:smile: valey1234
  • TdaniT
    TdaniT Posts: 331 Member
    Nope, I have tried and tried and tried to like it. I don't. So I get the Danon Plain Yogurt and I mix in blueberries or raspberries. If I want it a bit sweeter, like today, I add 1 teaspoon of sugar. 15 calories isn't going to throw my whole day off. ;)
  • Zee48
    Zee48 Posts: 789 Member
    I love yogurt – I hate greek yogurt – it tastes like eating flavored sand. I prefer the Carbmaster Yogurt (Fred Meyer/Kroger) with 60 calories/6 oz; 4g carbs, 3g sugars, 1.5g total fat and some decadent flavors like White Chocolate Raspberry, Black Forest Cake, Red Velvet Cake, Banana Cream Pie
  • CalypsoNi
    CalypsoNi Posts: 44
    I am so glad i'm not the only one, haha.
    The texture is just way too weird.
  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    I hate it.

    It tastes like someone ate regular yogurt and then regurgitated it into a little cup for resale.

  • ncounts2002
    Same boat hear 8 days post op fastric sleeve and in phase 2. But I've found a way to handle the taste and make it delicious !!. I just add one pack easy fiber pomegranate and cranberry sugar free drink mix ( 21 calories ) im alwaysblow on the caloric daily intake so works fine for me to the Greek yogurt stir it in well and and BAM!!! Instant heaven try it !!!
  • carlasad
    It makes me gag too but I'm trying so hard to eat it because of the protein levels in it. Right now, I'm trying Activia Low Fat Greek and it's better than most I've had in the past. I've pretty much tried them all and either threw them away or gave them away because I couldn't stand the texture.
  • MizuumiJ
    I also can't stand greek yogurt but i did fall in love with yoplait whips! I just wish they had as many flavors as their regular and light collections have.
  • ZeldaMarooner7
    Bleh!! Nasty stuff. I'd rather eat mayo fresh out of the jar!
    I personally hate yogurt, but I love frozen yogurt.
  • angel_of_harmony
    angel_of_harmony Posts: 188 Member
    I had the same reaction when I first tried greek yogurt (it was the plain kind). I have found that oikos and dannon make some awesome varieties with fruit on the bottom; the mango one is my favorite. You could also try mixing a low fat granola or perhaps almonds in it to enhance the texture?
  • sarafischbach9
    sarafischbach9 Posts: 466 Member
    Personally, I like Greek yogurt. I like all the brands.

    But if you do not like it, you don't like it and that's how it goes. Don't force yourself to eat something that makes you gag. Fish makes me gag, so I don't eat it.
  • happysummerrunner
    happysummerrunner Posts: 66 Member
    Plain- I don't like it. If I blend it w/ 2 bananas and 2 pears. It tastes wonderful! But... that's a lot of sugar.