
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Sure there are some hypersensitive people on these boards.
  • HotrodsGirl0107
    HotrodsGirl0107 Posts: 243 Member
    When I was losing weight I had splurge weekends and would eat up to (sometimes more than) my tdee. I am maintaining at 2500 calories so splurge days are not necessary. Even having splurge weekends didn't undo anything and I continued to lose steadily each week.

    For me they were a great idea.
  • lilbearzmom
    lilbearzmom Posts: 600 Member
    It really depends on the person! If you find that cheat days make you freefall into "cheating" every day, it's probably not the best idea. Having an occasional cheat day, even once a week, can help you lose by kicking up your metabolism.
  • endoftheside
    endoftheside Posts: 568 Member
    I am short and my deficit is small, so I could easily undo a week's worth of deficit with a cheat day. Obviously, not everyone agrees or is in the same boat, but I get what the OP is trying to say. I just keep my calories high enough that I don't need to cheat for a whole day, I can squeeze treats into my normal calorie limit. I am curious about re-feeds though (off to google).
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I don't get why people must instantly respond with attacks. Why would that be anyone's first response? I cannot get my head around it....

    I literally did not see one single person respond with an "attack."

    OP posted a rather strongly opinionated title "FREE DAYS ARE A HORRIBLE IDEA" which many people on here disagreed with based on personal experience. Naturally, many who responded here are defensive and put off by the OP's accusations. They are simply trying to show her that her opinion isn't necessarily right. How is that attacking her?

    An attack would be, "OP, you are an idiot. If you honestly think cheat meals are a bad idea you are not welcome here!!! what a stupid thing to say!!!! GET OUT WE HATE YOU!"

    Sorry, I just think people are way too sensitive on these boards.

    Anywho, I agree with most of what's been said - if cheat days don't work for you, OP, that's fine... but for many of us they work just fine. In fact, to many of us they aren't "cheat" days at all, because this is a lifestyle change, not a diet.

    I also think these kinds of threads do more harm than good because as someone else mentioned, this is why we see threads all the time like "omg I binged and went 500 cals over my goal now I've ruined my hard work I give up :(" Because threads like these told people new to weight loss that cheat days are awful.

    OP thinks that free days are a horrible idea. Is she not allowed her opinion? The first comment in was rather a rude one. So yeah. Anyhoo, YOU don't have to like it. Sure there are some hypersensitive people on these boards. But they are usually the ones who respond with instant rudeness and attacks. If you don't agree, and can't show disagreement respectfully, I think it is better to move on and not say a word.

    because you are never oversensitive and always show disagreement respectfully, right?

    Full disclosure: ^this was my first thought as well.


    ETA: Reading through the rest of the thread, I see that things got worse and not better.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Sorry OP. You didn't add enough fine print to satisfy those who refuse to do some thinking and concluding that you are not suggesting that every single person in the world do as you suggest. I actually understand that you are putting a suggestion out there for people who do run into this problem. People who don't run into this problem are apparently obligated by legal contact to stop by and burn you at the stake and accuse you of trying to take over the world.

    Perhaps, you should let the OP speak for herself. She may or may not be offended. You shouldn't put words in other people's mouths.

    That's okay. She's offended enough for everyone.

    The butt hurt is strong.

    But entertaining :bigsmile:
  • vixxy83
    vixxy83 Posts: 59
    I have cheat days normally on a sat don't log anything in or exercise I call it my "hangover day" I work my butt off durin the week eat pretty healthy have alcohol on a fri make sure its in my calories for that day

    I only do it because I am a foodie ive tried to be good 100% of the time and it didn't work for me because I quit so Im tryin this approach ive lost 9 odd lbs in 3 weeks which to me isn't ad goin I don't really go nuts but if I do I don't feel guilty.
  • jessicae1aine
    jessicae1aine Posts: 885
    Glad you found something that works for YOU. I eat more than your so called upped calorie day on a average day and still lose weight. I don't need cheat days cause I don't diet.

    This is where I'm at. Once in a while, I have a day that I just don't care - but I do count, and I still lose. I'm currently eating at LEAST 1600 calories a day.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Glad you found something that works for YOU. I eat more than your so called upped calorie day on a average day and still lose weight. I don't need cheat days cause I don't diet.

    This is where I'm at. Once in a while, I have a day that I just don't care - but I do count, and I still lose. I'm currently eating at LEAST 1600 calories a day.

    This is pretty much it. As long as what you're doing is healthy and it's working for you, then that's great. I have days, weekends and even weeks when I just don't feel like caring. I don't binge by any means but I need to allow myself to NGAF once in a while. Today happens to be a day when my macros and calories will be out of wack, but not terribly so. Besides, cake! And ice cream!
  • Babarrosa1
    Babarrosa1 Posts: 98 Member
    Glad you found something that works for YOU. I eat more than your so called upped calorie day on a average day and still lose weight. I don't need cheat days cause I don't diet.

    ^^ Ditto.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Sorry OP. You didn't add enough fine print to satisfy those who refuse to do some thinking and concluding that you are not suggesting that every single person in the world do as you suggest. I actually understand that you are putting a suggestion out there for people who do run into this problem. People who don't run into this problem are apparently obligated by legal contact to stop by and burn you at the stake and accuse you of trying to take over the world.

    Holy overreaction Batman! I think you need to disconnect from the Internet because the way you take things out of proportion continues to grow at an alarming rate :flowerforyou: Maybe taking a break will help you focus in your goals and find some inner peace or something. Really, it is worrisome.
  • Dont think 1200 cals a day is a good idea way too little food!I cannot survive under 1450-1500!

    I have to keep my net low on a regular basis. I weigh 131 lbs and I lift weights, so I have to really fight with my body to get it to give up a pound.
  • I eat 1800 to 2000 a day so I guess every day is a cheat day!!!:)

    If you can get away with it, you're lucky. If I tried that, I'd be huge.
  • If you regularly treat yourself to a "free day," just once - eat as you like, but still calculate the calories you're consuming on that day. It may shock you - you can EASILY undo an entire week's worth of work in one free day, or even one free meal.

    Instead, 1-2 days per week, I increase my net calorie goal to 1,500. It's just enough to help me stay in line at 1,200 most of the time.

    Just curious do you increase your workouts on those days? I'm just nosey not looking to discount your method. :-) I am glad you found something that helps you. Everything in moderation. :-)

    No, I work out most days - except when I'm sick, and usually give it all I've got, cheat day or no. (I take Sundays off sometimes.)
  • If you regularly treat yourself to a "free day," just once - eat as you like, but still calculate the calories you're consuming on that day. It may shock you - you can EASILY undo an entire week's worth of work in one free day, or even one free meal.

    Instead, 1-2 days per week, I increase my net calorie goal to 1,500. It's just enough to help me stay in line at 1,200 most of the time.
    That's very strange... because I have a free day every single Friday, where I regularly consume anywhere from 3,000 to 6,000 calories... and I've lost 77 lbs. And continue to lose.

    According to you I'm a liar. How dare you.

    If you can get away with it, you're lucky. I'd be delighted to be a liar if it allowed me an extra 6,000 calories.
  • I don't get why people must instantly respond with attacks. Why would that be anyone's first response? I cannot get my head around it....
    Anyhoo, I tend not to do days where I allow myself things that I have cut out, because the things I have cut out were cut out because they make me feel crummy. I do eat what I really like and feel good eating daily. Of course, my idea of what is undeniably delicious may look different from someone else's , but it works rather well for me. I think you make a good point though. I have heard often people with cheat day remorse saying they wish they would have kept it small. Your idea will do many people good.

    People do seem quite protective about their cheat days, but I can't be fussed about ruffling a few feathers.

    If people look forward to, enjoy and get away with their cheat days - then that's their good luck.

    At my weight and fitness level, with my metabolism - eating 5000 in one day would be a big set back. I've only got 3 lbs to go - I'm 5'5", 131 lbs, lift weight regularly, and do a lot of other exercise - my body fights me on every single ounce!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I don't get why people must instantly respond with attacks. Why would that be anyone's first response? I cannot get my head around it....
    Anyhoo, I tend not to do days where I allow myself things that I have cut out, because the things I have cut out were cut out because they make me feel crummy. I do eat what I really like and feel good eating daily. Of course, my idea of what is undeniably delicious may look different from someone else's , but it works rather well for me. I think you make a good point though. I have heard often people with cheat day remorse saying they wish they would have kept it small. Your idea will do many people good.

    People do seem quite protective about their cheat days, but I can't be fussed about ruffling a few feathers.

    If people look forward to, enjoy and get away with their cheat days - then that's their good luck.

    At my weight and fitness level, with my metabolism - eating 5000 in one day would be a big set back. I've only got 3 lbs to go - I'm 5'5", 131 lbs, lift weight regularly, and do a lot of other exercise - my body fights me on every single ounce!

    Except that I'm not convinced it's entirely luck.

    ETA: And what's your plan when you hit your GW in 3 pounds?
  • vixtris
    vixtris Posts: 688 Member
    my "cheat day" always stays within my caloric intake... so I guess i dont need to worry about it.
  • MsPudding
    MsPudding Posts: 562 Member

    I am totally proud to say that I have an almost complete lack of self control in several areas of life and never once considered that a horrible thing :tongue: :bigsmile:
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    my "cheat day" always stays within my caloric intake... so I guess i dont need to worry about it.

    "Cheat day"...I do not think it means what you think it means.
