Food that makes you feel terrible.



  • Silvervixen79
    Silvervixen79 Posts: 116 Member
    Black Licorice = Vomiting followed by a migraine that will last the rest of the day :( Even just the smell can get me started.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Butterscotch. Its just nasty.
  • existentialcamoo
    Physically ill:
    Processed tomato sauce (heartburn), cow milk (lactose intolerance), white bread (again, with the processed thing), artificial sweeteners, margarine... anything heavily processed, if you want to make it short and sweet.

    Morally ill:
    Meat, and animal products in general. I've never eaten pork, because of its taste and the fear that it will be undercooked, along with steak (something tactile about it - I can't stand the texture), and dairy, but I still eat a great deal of seafood. And I use honey to sweeten everything.
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    I have an iron stomach. Food never makes me feel sick, nor does too much alcohol. I am relentlessly healthy, haha. I don't get sick when I eat unusual food traveling (drank tap water in Africa, even), and my body seems equally happy with a Big Mac as with organic vegetables. No allergies, no intolerances. It's lucky but it's also not great for weight loss/a healthy lifestyle.

    go eat a pack of sugar free candy and tell me how iron your stomach really is.

    I do it frequently. Also Coke Zero, baked goods with Splenda, and sugar-free Starbucks syrup in my Americanos.

    That is not the same thing I am mainly talking about.
    I can handle splendas, sugar free syrup, diet drinks... but...

    go buy a bag of sugar free werthers... So much abdominal pain and gas. Same thing with stevia...

    never again
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    I have an iron stomach. Food never makes me feel sick, nor does too much alcohol. I am relentlessly healthy, haha. I don't get sick when I eat unusual food traveling (drank tap water in Africa, even), and my body seems equally happy with a Big Mac as with organic vegetables. No allergies, no intolerances. It's lucky but it's also not great for weight loss/a healthy lifestyle.

    go eat a pack of sugar free candy and tell me how iron your stomach really is.

    I do it frequently. Also Coke Zero, baked goods with Splenda, and sugar-free Starbucks syrup in my Americanos.

    That is not the same thing I am mainly talking about.
    I can handle splendas, sugar free syrup, diet drinks... but...

    go buy a bag of sugar free werthers... So much abdominal pain and gas. Same thing with stevia...

    never again

    That's unfortunate. I don't have that problem though.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Pop tarts.

    I eat one and think

    'Great I just wasted 200 calories on an over hyped stale pastry with icing that I'm pretty sure is made of chalk.'
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    Okay, now I am not going to list processed food and other fast foods here. They do not make me feel terrible, guilty, etc. I do not have a list of "bad" and "good" foods. I do have to be careful with whey proteins, brassicas, some legumes and pastry (I presume it might be the white flour?) These are the things I tread carefully with. I bloat, get stomach ache, suffer from trapped wind, excess flatulence and also get a runny tummy. I had colic as a breast fed baby. I think colicky babies end up with IBS as adults.
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member

    go eat a pack of sugar free candy and tell me how iron your stomach really is.

    Oh yeah, this too...I made that mistake once, after about five of them I was literally running to the loo...agh! Never again...
  • kikiboniki
    kikiboniki Posts: 398 Member
    all foods. I have stomach flu =(
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    McDonald's. In high school we had it for dinner at least 3 times a week, and then when I moved out I wasn't having any of that. The "new me" still thinks the food is delicious and I have it once maybe every 6 months or so, and when I do I get unbelievably bloated to the point I have to take off my rings (which were sized when I was bigger than I am now) and I get so gassy it's unbelievable. lol. I avoid most of the time because while their fries are tasty, I feel like a big whale after eating the food. :L
  • ShmareParks
    ShmareParks Posts: 88 Member
    I have an iron stomach. Food never makes me feel sick, nor does too much alcohol. I am relentlessly healthy, haha. I don't get sick when I eat unusual food traveling (drank tap water in Africa, even), and my body seems equally happy with a Big Mac as with organic vegetables. No allergies, no intolerances. It's lucky but it's also not great for weight loss/a healthy lifestyle.

    ^^^^^^ This is me too! I like everything, I can eat everything, I have beaten my 400-pound 6-foot trucker brother at eating contests not once but many times (including when I weighed 109 lbs), I once beat farmers and lumberjacks at a pancake-eating contest and then ate some sausages just to spite them. Not making this up. This is why I need MFP. I could happily eat 6000 calories a day, and enjoy every bite, including crappy foods.

    Wait. I said I liked everything. That's not quite true. In South Korea, I had boiled silkworm larvae and .... it was just okay.
  • JohanR87
    JohanR87 Posts: 5
  • JohanR87
    JohanR87 Posts: 5
    fresh pineapple. I adore it, but the stomach gas isn't worth it.
    Omg i feel so bad for you! It's pretty much the most divine thing in the world!

    Ontopic: i don't get nauseous fast, but i do get it when eating french fries from time to time. Love the taste, but hate when that feeling comes creeping around the corner. Other then the hating yourself feeling when eating something nasty i don't have actual physical problems.
  • lvsglass
    lvsglass Posts: 90 Member
    For me, it's anything fried and anything high in refined sugar. :sick:
  • twinkiemon
    twinkiemon Posts: 216 Member
    Lately it's been anything greasy - like deep fried or I ate at Famous Dave's for my b-day and that didn't sit well. Also the fake movie butter on the popcorn makes my stomach queasy (I still eat it sometimes anyway because it smells so good). I think it's that I've been trying to cut these kinds of things out of my diet and my body just isn't used to it anymore...or I'm getting old.
  • lvsglass
    lvsglass Posts: 90 Member
    Pop tarts.

    I eat one and think

    'Great I just wasted 200 calories on an over hyped stale pastry with icing that I'm pretty sure is made of chalk.'

    :laugh: so true!!
  • autumnrunning
    autumnrunning Posts: 103
    Anything baked and containing white flour. It makes me crave sugary stuff and i go on and on eating, it makes me feel heavy and lazy and off track. Trying to avoid such foods, also pasta, i buy wholewheat pasta, brown rice and such.

    But on occasion and in small doses i guess they can be okay.
  • ronrstaats
    ronrstaats Posts: 294 Member
    I have an iron stomach. The *only* thing that even mildly upsets it is cauliflower. If I eat too much of it I feel bloated. It's too bad, I love fauxtatoes and cai-pizza crust but can only eat it in small amounts.
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    Greasy food and too much alcohol. And the sugar free candy thing, too.

    Other than that, I'm good.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Greasy food and too much alcohol. And the sugar free candy thing, too.

    Other than that, I'm good.

    Yes. Too much alcohol definitely.
