Food that makes you feel terrible.



  • crlyxx
    crlyxx Posts: 186 Member
    Bread. I tend to eat quite a bit of it, and I've been slowly cutting it out, but it makes me bloat up like crazy, like my stomach will swell up like a woman that's 4-5 months pregnant <.<
  • sweetnlow30
    sweetnlow30 Posts: 497 Member
    Really greasy food like fried chicken makes me physically ill so we avoid it completely. I make my own oven fried chicken andi like it better anyway. Potato chips also make me sick but only because I have portion control issues and will eat the whole bag until I am stuffed. After I feel sick and guilty. It is something I am working on.
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    Shrimp occasionally gives me hives. Well, hive. For some reason, I only get one, and if I put a cool washcloth on my face it will disappear from that spot and rise up again in another. Acidic tomatoes will do the same thing. But it's totally unpredictable, so it doesn't affect my eating habits. Except if someone offers me shrimp and I'm not in the mood for it, I can say, "Thanks, but it gives me hives."

    I don't know how I would react to sugar-free candy. I can't imagine any circumstances under which it would pass my lips.
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    Greasy food for sure. I can handle some stuff like burgers, but not when you get into the big fat greasy ones. For example, I can handle a Big Mac but not a double from Wendy's. More meat on Wendy's and less lettuce and bread. I definitely struggle with fried chicken. I can eat a little but more than say one piece and I'll be sick. It's just too greasy. My body essentially is rejecting this food.

    UGH! GREASE! It makes me feel like I have been punched in the stomach! Not necessarily all fat, but something about grease from something like fries or pepperoni pizza, it's like my stomach just punishes me for eating it. :sick:
  • Runnersshouldlift
    I would say any fast food can do the trick
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    Fast food of any kind, especially if I have it with fries.

  • SleeplessinBerlin
    SleeplessinBerlin Posts: 513 Member
  • zrmac804
    zrmac804 Posts: 369 Member
    I can't stomach "diet" foods with Sucralose. They cause instant nausea. :sick:

    I also dislike heavy, creamy sauces, especially anything mayonaisse-based
  • ThousandMilesAway
    Donuts, fish and chips and OTT chocolate bars.
  • laele75
    laele75 Posts: 283 Member
    Artificial sweetners and straight up sugar in moderate amounts make my stomach hate me and my fibro flare. High fructose corn syrup is my bane. Anything with 'natural fruit flavors' generally means 'orange concentrate' and I'm allergic to citrus.

    That's pretty much it.
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    Something I recently discovered is ascesulfame potassium. My spelling may be wrong. I had some yogurt that had a funky after taste. I read the ingredients and there it was. I went googling and discovered it is artificial sweetener. I despise the funky aftertaste left behind by artificial sweeteners.
  • emelia_
    emelia_ Posts: 91
    Pie. And bagels. I had them both today and already have a headache.
  • fightingthefood
    Since starting MFP and cutting way down on salt I find that I can't eat fast food. Love hamburgers and all but now all I can taste is the salt. Also chinese food makes me feel like I've died and just havent laid down yet. Doesn't matter if it has MSG in it or not. White rice and raw carrots like to make my throat close up. Also used to work with a girl at a restaurant that if she even touched a small piece of lettuce within an hour her hands would start cracking and bleed.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    If I eat too much refined sugar, I feel terrible the next day. Hungover, hard to exercise, hard to do anything much beyond sleeping.
    I also had a bad reaction, as in a thudding heart, when I had a savoury pie recently, followed by other carby foods. I have never had an issue with carbs before and assume it happened because I was intermittent fasting at the time. I guess my body could not deal with the onslaught of all those carbs in a single meal.
  • stargazer008
    stargazer008 Posts: 531
    Too much dietary fat.

    The odd thing is I love fatty, rich foods like butter but if I go over a certain amount, my stomach feels at unease.
  • meaningful99
    meaningful99 Posts: 174
    Pop tarts.

    I eat one and think

    'Great I just wasted 200 calories on an over hyped stale pastry with icing that I'm pretty sure is made of chalk.'

    Me too! I had pop tarts the other day when I was running late for work and didn't have time to have breakfast at home. I felt kind of queasy and remorseful, and then I was starving like two hours later. Pop tarts are bad!
  • dark_angel1554
    dark_angel1554 Posts: 65 Member
    Movie theatre popcorn with lots of butter! It used to be one of my favorite treats but now I can't even eat it without feeling nauseous later in the evening. Of course, I still eat it but it makes me sad that I can't enjoy it as much.

    ME TOO! I use to love the stuff...I could eat a large bag to myself easy. Now, having maybe a cup of it makes me sick :(
  • michellechawner
    nothing typcailly bothers me - until yesterday. I had philly's best (SO GOOD), and only half a sandwich. I was sick all night. I think it's the grease content.

    also caffeine. I've had to switch to decaf coffee, but chocolate is still ok (weird, I know). It'll clean me right out, and fast.

    Other than that, just eating healthier has made me feel a lot better. And my Fibro symptoms are getting better too. Who would have thought! :)
  • katellanova
    katellanova Posts: 204 Member
    Most meat
  • organic0gf
    organic0gf Posts: 87 Member
    OMG! This was me about 3 months ago. I have always had a rapid, hard heartbeat after eating (most of the time). I was feeling so terribly awful some days that I swear anybody else that felt that bad would think they were seriously dying. The doctor would just dismiss it, thinking I was exaggerating. Finally I had to do "something"!!

    On March 8th, I went gluten-free, as well as about 90% organic, dairy free and soy free. In about a month, I had days where I actually said to myself.. "geez, I feel really GOOD today!" ..and I have felt better and better. I feel very good most days now.

    Since I quit everything all at once, I can't be 100% positive what made the difference, but if I had to bet my life .. I would choose the gluten. I'm (almost) 100% sure that's what caused me to feel so ill.

    I recently made an appointment with a dietitian and she said it was probably the gluten as well.

    Anyway, I wrote about this in my new profile. OP: You must try going gluten free. I would plan ahead and do some research as to what to avoid, because gluten is in almost everything you buy that's been processed. It took me a while and I went without any bread for a time, but I found a local bakery that makes gluten free breads, etc.

    Good luck to you.

    PS About 5 years ago, I was tested for gluten sensitivity and the doctor said I was NOT sensitive to gluten. I have felt so badly for so many years, I am amazed every day that I don't have to feel like I'm dying. By the way, my heart doesn't beat wildly after eating anymore either.