Food that makes you feel terrible.



  • Willowana
    Willowana Posts: 493 Member
    I have an iron stomach. Food never makes me feel sick, nor does too much alcohol. I am relentlessly healthy, haha. I don't get sick when I eat unusual food traveling (drank tap water in Africa, even), and my body seems equally happy with a Big Mac as with organic vegetables. No allergies, no intolerances. It's lucky but it's also not great for weight loss/a healthy lifestyle.

    go eat a pack of sugar free candy and tell me how iron your stomach really is.

    I do it frequently. Also Coke Zero, baked goods with Splenda, and sugar-free Starbucks syrup in my Americanos.

    That is not the same thing I am mainly talking about.
    I can handle splendas, sugar free syrup, diet drinks... but...

    go buy a bag of sugar free werthers... So much abdominal pain and gas. Same thing with stevia...

    never again

    That's unfortunate. I don't have that problem though.

    I don't have that problem either. I have several Stevia plants (and the real leaf tastes a whole lot better than the processed powder stevia you get in the grocery store). But depending on what I'm making, sometimes I use the powdered Stevia or Splenda.

    What kills me is steak, bacon, or greasy foods.
  • organic0gf
    organic0gf Posts: 87 Member
    Anything containing wheat.. So that pretty much rules out bread, pastries, many breakfast cereals, pie, cake, cookies,crackers the BEST gravy (cornstarch gravies are YUCK), most beef stews, pizza, pasta, pretzels, wheat germ, bran muffins, most meatloafs, most meatballs. Yeah, basically all of my favorite things!

    I am NOT celiac.. I can have gluten from barley and no problem.. it's something else in the wheat that gets me and makes me feel bad in my belly.. and if I eat it for a few days in a row.. my joints start to inflame with unbearable pain. Also It gives me reflux.. I used to blame fatty foods and dairy, but I had no idea it was the wheat!

    I guess it's a blessing in diguise since most of the wheat containing foods are foods are the ones that I overate on and helped me get so fat in the first place...Maybe that's why I'm intolerent now? Maybe my body just OD'd on wheat and now it's rejecting it. Who knows... all I know is that I feel SO MUCH BETTER with out it.. until I gave it up, I never even realized how bad I felt!

    Wow! You are so lucky to find this out young. I'm 65yo and just discovered what made me feel awful all the time. See my other post and profile. Good Luck.
  • missability
    missability Posts: 223
    I use to love meatball subs from our local bistro, I use to love burritos from Moe's, filet of fish from McD's, and pizza pizza whenever I decide to have a "treat" and eat any of these things it is BAD!!! real first I thought it was beef with the sub, but then I bought a grass fed sirloin tip and put it in the crock pot, and ate it with no problem...with the fish I thought OK it's the fish...but at home I can make wild caught tilapia, and again no problem....the last time I had pizza it hit me!!!! They all have one thing in common! The white enriched flour! The bread, crust, bun, wrap,!!!! And the same thing for's like a sugar crash....I get light headed, tunnel vision, my heart beats in my I try very hard to avoid fact today I bought a 7 layer burrito at the Bell, because as of right now until after surgery Tuesday morning I can having nothing but water, and i wanted to try and "UP" my calories tonight....I ate a 3rd of it, and in the trash it went....
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    fresh pineapple. I adore it, but the stomach gas isn't worth it.

    I truly mourn for you. That is just tragic. No, really.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Pop tarts.

    I eat one and think

    'Great I just wasted 200 calories on an over hyped stale pastry with icing that I'm pretty sure is made of chalk.'

  • amcshaw
    amcshaw Posts: 13
    Bacon and anything that's really greasy. I try not to eat fast food.
  • Colorfan
    Colorfan Posts: 230 Member
    High sugar stuff. Cant have too much or else my heart rate goes crazy.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    Cheese, chocolate and caffeine. They're all triggers for my migraines. I still consume them, but very sparingly.

    Also, MacDonald's or most fast food. I want it, I eat it, it tastes GREAT, then I feel like a bag of smashed *kitten* for the rest of the day.
  • poohpoohpeapod
    poohpoohpeapod Posts: 776 Member
    apartame have tried it many times. headaches, vertigo, racing heart. ripe bananas give me a pounding headache and dry mouth. Ice cream or too much milk stuffy nose swollen eyes.
  • Elisirmon
    Elisirmon Posts: 273 Member
    Alcohol I have a thyroid problem and take medicine everytime I have any alcohol it makes my heart race and I feel super swollen and ill. Not drunk!
  • redrio37
    redrio37 Posts: 6 Member
    It sounds like you're sensitive to yeast. Breads & biscuits have it. Pancakes, muffins, & cake rarely if ever have it.
  • raegan1215
    raegan1215 Posts: 89
    dairy products. alcohol. orange juice.
  • Elisirmon
    Elisirmon Posts: 273 Member
    My husband was the same way for years went to every doctor spending tons of money then just eliminated things from his diet and it was wheat...and some gluten.
  • poohpoohpeapod
    poohpoohpeapod Posts: 776 Member
    h how could i leave Taco Bell ground beef paste out? My stomach starts rolling about 15 min after ingesting, and KFC chicken as well.
  • IzzyBooNZ1
    IzzyBooNZ1 Posts: 1,289 Member
    scrambled eggs & omelettes will often give me a headache & nausea. but boiled eggs are ok !
    apples give me gas and basically cause me to run to the toilet quickly
    caffeine makes me anxious & paranoid
    too much bread will make me feel like someone has filled my belly full of air
  • ohmscheeks
    ohmscheeks Posts: 840 Member
    I can't eat eggs and drink milk in the same day unless I want some puke time, smh...
  • runningjen74
    runningjen74 Posts: 312 Member
    High sugar foods - I get a headache. Not necessarily every time, but often enough to generally have put me off it. I'm not talking about an apple, but a desert/sweets/etc... even at moderate excess, e.g. a desert after dinner, is enough for me.

    processed wheat products make me fart too....but no real discomfort. However staying off them helps me to lose weight, so that's a bonus!
  • lk227
    lk227 Posts: 28
    I wanted to eat something sweet and someone posted a recipe for chocolate avocado pudding. I did not have maple syrup so i just replaced it with sugar (3 tsp.) and it tore up my stomach. I still have problems and I ate it 2 days ago.
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    this thing is fricken amazing, until it kicks in.


    its a lemon yum yum from waitrose in the UK. honestly, they contain so much sugar and saturated fat that when it hits your bloodstream you feel nauseated and slightly weak.

    Typical values Per Portion
    Energy 2006 kj
    Energy 483 kcal
    Protein 5.19 g
    Carbohydrate 30.21 g
    Sugars 23.00 g
    Fat 37.95 g
    Saturates 17.49 g

    I used to have 2 of these for breakfast regularly. regretted it every time. but still did it again. I'd probably still eat one now, but only a quarter at a time!
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    go buy a bag of sugar free werthers... So much abdominal pain and gas. Same thing with stevia...

    oh my god. you feel my pain. I ate a whole roll of them, and literally had to go to the bathroom every half an hour to expel the poisonous fume that bloated my intestines to the point where I was almost doubled over with cramps.

    werthers original sugar free. like a kick in the pills that lasts 12 hours.


    never made that mistake again I assure you.