I'm curious, what's your experience with Gaydar?

zrmac804 Posts: 369 Member
I was talking with some female friends and we all agreed that there's a certain sixth sense that tells us, within seconds, when a man is gay. I can usually tell by observing a guy's walk or by his voice. Strangely, I don't experience the same "gaydar" thing with other women and I can't distinguish a gay woman from a straight one.

Just out of curiosity, who on here believes that they have Gaydar? Do you have it just for the opposite sex, or for your own sex as well?


  • thecakelocker
    thecakelocker Posts: 407 Member
    How do you test whether or not they're actually gay?
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I believe in Gaydar to a degree.

    I'll cite two examples:

    My sister introduced me to a so called "straight" guy, and at first sight one would assume so, but after I shook his hand I just knew he was gay. There wasn't anything that made this abundantly clear, although I told my sister that he was gay, and that I was absolutely sure of it. She insisted I was wrong.

    He came out two weeks later. Boom.

    Another person I met through my sister... claimed to be straight. Mmmhmm. Just something about the dude told me he was a lyin' sack of crap.

    He mentioned his boyfriend on Facebook. Boom.

    These are just two recent times, there have been others, as well. I have been wrong before, but not as much as I've been right. XD
  • inksyrup
    inksyrup Posts: 81 Member
    I think most people have a gaydar to a certain extent. It really depends on the person, though--people come in all sorts of colours.

    The funniest example I can think of is my cousin and I. When I first met her a few months back at a family gathering, I knew nothing about her, but my first thought was "yup, she's a lesbian". We spent most of the day exchanging weird looks to each other, but eventually we warmed up and started talking.

    Turns out, I was right. Also turns out, she had the same exact first impression of me (and she was right)!
  • zrmac804
    zrmac804 Posts: 369 Member
    How do you test whether or not they're actually gay?

    They usually mention it at some point, and confirm my secret first impression. If they don't mention it, then it's not my business and I stay quiet.
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    I can always tell when people are gay before they even admit it or know it themselves. I was friends with a boy all through middle and high school, and as soon as I met him I knew he was gay, though he insisted he as not and that was "gross." He finally came out junior year and I was like like, no ****, Sherlock.

    Same with another guy I was friends with. He was obviously gay (unfortunately that didn't stop me from having a huge crush on him, so frustrating!) but he didn't come to terms with it until last year.

    My fiance's little cousin is 6 years old and I just know he's gonna be gay. Or transgender. It is just so obvious to me and my fiance. Unfortunately his parents are those types like "no son of mine is gonna be a *kitten*" and how if any of them were a "*kitten*" they'd be disowned. Sad, really.
  • zrmac804
    zrmac804 Posts: 369 Member
    I can always tell when people are gay before they even admit it or know it themselves. I was friends with a boy all through middle and high school, and as soon as I met him I knew he was gay, though he insisted he as not and that was "gross." He finally came out junior year and I was like like, no ****, Sherlock.

    Same with another guy I was friends with. He was obviously gay (unfortunately that didn't stop me from having a huge crush on him, so frustrating!) but he didn't come to terms with it until last year.

    My fiance's little cousin is 6 years old and I just know he's gonna be gay. Or transgender. It is just so obvious to me and my fiance. Unfortunately his parents are those types like "no son of mine is gonna be a *kitten*" and how if any of them were a "*kitten*" they'd be disowned. Sad, really.

    That's a horrible thing to say to say to ANY child. :cry: That poor little boy.

    I know what you mean about sensing kids' future orientation. My sister is a teacher and gets that different vibe from a few students. One day she asked the 6-7 year-olds to call out words beginning with "G". After some kids had listed Ghost, Golf club, Giraffe, etc. one little boy suggested (in a precious voice) "The Gap?"
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    I can always tell when people are gay before they even admit it or know it themselves. I was friends with a boy all through middle and high school, and as soon as I met him I knew he was gay, though he insisted he as not and that was "gross." He finally came out junior year and I was like like, no ****, Sherlock.

    Same with another guy I was friends with. He was obviously gay (unfortunately that didn't stop me from having a huge crush on him, so frustrating!) but he didn't come to terms with it until last year.

    My fiance's little cousin is 6 years old and I just know he's gonna be gay. Or transgender. It is just so obvious to me and my fiance. Unfortunately his parents are those types like "no son of mine is gonna be a *kitten*" and how if any of them were a "*kitten*" they'd be disowned. Sad, really.

    That's a horrible thing to say to say to ANY child. :cry: That poor little boy.

    I know what you mean about sensing kids' future orientation. My sister is a teacher and gets that different vibe from a few students. One day she asked the 6-7 year-olds to call out words beginning with "G". After some kids had listed Ghost, Golf club, Giraffe, etc. one little boy suggested (in a precious voice) "The Gap?"

    :laugh: that's great! Yeah I feel sorry for the kid. My fiance and I have already decided to take him in in the event his parents ever turn him away. He likes to go in the basement and dress up in his sister's clothes, steal his mom's makeup and put it on, likes to have painted nails, likes to pick out pretty dresses at the store...this is why I'm thinking he will probably be transgendered rather than gay. He says he has crushes on people like Justin Bieber, Harry Styles, etc. Poor kid is just so, so gay and is gonna be so, so unloved :frown:
  • kaylaandthestarcatcher
    I tend to just assume that most guys I meet are gay.

    I need better straight-dar to be quite honest.
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    I tend to just assume that most guys I meet are gay.

    I need better straight-dar to be quite honest.
    Is there anyway to up the range of your straight-dar? I bet there is an infomercial product that can help with that.
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    i think my gaydar is pretty strong for males, much weaker for females.
  • x3na1401
    x3na1401 Posts: 277 Member
    Gaydar is a funny thing. Like a spidey sense.
    Aside from the stereotypes, there are other 'clues' that we subconsciously pick up on. I can tell a gay woman from her mannerisms and other things. My gaydar is usually pretty good however few people think I myself am gay.

    Actually, I do like surprising people! I remember being on a course once and all the other participants were men. I was tired one morning and over dinner someone suggested it was because I had stayed up too late with one of the guys. I laughed and said actually I'm a lesbian.
    There was total shocked silence before nervous laughter from the group and the trainers thinking it was hilarious.

    I'm not sure you can label kids thou. I wouldn't even attempt to try. I think that sexuality develops as we develop and what you are at age 6 may not be what you are at sixteen.

    My nephew two years ago wanted to wear princess dresses, now he is rocky balboa.
  • Minerva624
    Minerva624 Posts: 577 Member
    I'm really good at telling if a guy is gay.
    As for women, my gaydar is way off. Seems to be this way for most people.
  • x3na1401
    x3na1401 Posts: 277 Member
    I think there are always exceptions to the rule, but we get a lot of visual and non visual information everytime we meet new people. I think some people just know what to look for.

    When I was 16 I made a new best friend from a different school. One day after I had been to her house her parents said 'she's a nice girl, but you do know she's gay'.

    My friend said no way! And didn't tell me until much later. I dated boys until I was 17 then started the long process of coming out.

    How did they know before I did? They are truly the exception in my case, and I can only assume I was giving off some vibe that they had seen before ?
  • HelloDan
    HelloDan Posts: 712 Member
    Isn't it just the same as any other non-verbal cue?

    People instinctively decide things about people they meet straight away, this is just one of the attributes.
    Some people are good at it, some people are terrible at it, and no one is perfect at it.
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    I believe in Gaydar to a degree.

    I'll cite two examples:

    My sister introduced me to a so called "straight" guy, and at first sight one would assume so, but after I shook his hand I just knew he was gay. There wasn't anything that made this abundantly clear, although I told my sister that he was gay, and that I was absolutely sure of it. She insisted I was wrong.

    He came out two weeks later. Boom.

    Another person I met through my sister... claimed to be straight. Mmmhmm. Just something about the dude told me he was a lyin' sack of crap.

    He mentioned his boyfriend on Facebook. Boom.

    These are just two recent times, there have been others, as well. I have been wrong before, but not as much as I've been right. XD

    The gay is contagious and you gave it to those guys. Duh! :laugh:


    p.s. Mods, I know the person and he will not be offended by my post.
  • gerard54
    gerard54 Posts: 1,107 Member
    A lesbian lady asked if I was gay, maybe it's cause I'm pretty...
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    For my part, I have a terrible gaydar. As a gay man this can be tricky.

    Although, often if I'm wrong when I first meet a guy, by the end of the night it's a different story. :wink:

    I find it much easier to recognise lesbians although I couldn't tell you why.
  • mrdexter1
    mrdexter1 Posts: 356 Member
    I have a high voice and walk the italian walk, always tucked my t- shirts in as i had no belly to hide and the final evidence was being a "pretty boy".

    I ve had countless women tell me and insist i m gay, countless men assume it , countless gays assume it and when in a gay enviroment it was always the gay using the ladies in a glamorous dress and hat that would make his way over and engage in conversation (never the rough ones in belts and chains) - i have no strong thoughts on gays so found all of this stereotyping over voice walk and dress code amusing unless i was forced to argue the fact i was nt gay.

    Fact is i ve had 2 long term relationships with women of 14 years and 10 and filled the gaps with excess and if you re gaydar is based on what you say it is ..its flawed and non functional end of.

    ps. for the ladies.

    i lived in a nursing traing centre sneeking into to be with my girlfriend who was part of a class of 21 doing nurse training and living in ... there was a lesbian on the course and at the end of 3 years she had slept with 12 of the people on her course and i came to the conclusion when women are emotionally upset they will resort to any comfort and shoulder to lean on.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    If a man's gay he will wear skinny jeans, enjoy skiing, and look good in pink shirts.

    I just live off the assumption that all women are comfortable going both ways.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I have a "don't really care about someone's sexuality"dar...