Sick of hearing it



  • mperrott2205
    mperrott2205 Posts: 737 Member
    It was good you spoke your mind. She won't be so stupid as to say it again now.
  • iggyboo93
    iggyboo93 Posts: 524 Member
    Hope everyone had a good Mother's Day. Today was a good day for me. Family gathered around that I haven't seen in a while complimenting me on the fact that I look thinner and trimmer which is always nice to hear.

    So everyone's sitting around eating desserts. You know, cake, pie, peach cobbler, ice cream, and I'm behaving and having a banana. And then it happens, the one thing that really just pisses me off, an overweight family member points a fork at me with chocolate dripping off the end and says "it's so easy for men to lose weight".

    I almost let it go, I was sooooo close! Rather than telling her it was not easy for me and that I work out everyday from 30 minutes to an hour plus and that I watch and log everything that I eat. But no I had to look at her and say something like "I guess you consider exercise getting up to get seconds on desert and using that fork to shove it in your face. If you'd get off your lazy fat *kitten*, quit *****ing about it, and put forth a little effort you might lose a little weight."

    After that things were a bit awkward but I am so sick of hearing it.. It's hard for anyone to lose weight. Don't belittle my success by writing it off because I'm a guy.

    Stepping off my soapbox now.

    Smashing success! :smile: :smile:

  • MzFyreKitty
    MzFyreKitty Posts: 93
    I always like to be "nice" and just ignore ppl that say stupid, idiotic things like your family member but believe me, they don't respect you anymore when you "let it slide". Maybe I should learn to be more like you? Just tell them off... even if they still don't respect me, maybe I'll feel better lol!
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    I always like to be "nice" and just ignore ppl that say stupid, idiotic things like your family member but believe me, they don't respect you anymore when you "let it slide". Maybe I should learn to be more like you? Just tell them off... even if they still don't respect me, maybe I'll feel better lol!
    at the very least, it will put them off doing it in future. you'll save others the irritation and upset.
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    I am having quite a different problem. I have been fighting to lose weight for awhile now and it is coming off, but very slowly. Every time I see a certain skinny family member of mine she harrasses me about it, telling me that losing weight is so easy and I must not be trying. I wish I had the guts that you do, I want to tell her off so badly.
  • happydaze71
    happydaze71 Posts: 339 Member
    bahahaaha!!! I love it! I wish I had the guts to say that when people get on my last nerve! Good for you!
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    I am having quite a different problem. I have been fighting to lose weight for awhile now and it is coming off, but very slowly. Every time I see a certain skinny family member of mine she harrasses me about it, telling me that losing weight is so easy and I must not be trying. I wish I had the guts that you do, I want to tell her off so badly.
    that it's harder for you makes the achievements all the more impressive. anyone can do the things they find easy but it takes real guts to keep slogging at something you find difficult. this doesn't help with your situation but, yay you!
  • bunbunzee44
    bunbunzee44 Posts: 592 Member
    you said what a lot of us would want to say sometimes.. :P can't blame you.
    I really hope it got through to her, I mean it was mean, but she clearly has some funny ideas about losing weight..
  • RunnerDude2013
    RunnerDude2013 Posts: 56 Member
    She's just one of those people who are always negative. She can't lose weight because she's big boned, slow metabolism, runs in the family, is abducted by aliens every night and force fed chocolate... I've offered to help help her before... I was going to walk with her, which she always found an excuse to blow off and help her with her diet which, according to her, is not the problem.

    She huffed up and didn't speak to me the rest of the evening which was actually quite pleasant. Rest of the family was like whatever.....

    I was actually pretty easy on her in my response as I did not go into full Wolverine mode which would not have been pretty...
  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    Wow, kind of harsh to rag on a female like that. I understand the frustration, but it could have been said in a more gentle yet effective way. If you speak to a Family member like this, I'd hate to see what kinds of things you say to your friends.
  • RunnerDude2013
    RunnerDude2013 Posts: 56 Member
    I would have laughed my head off if I'd been there. BTW, were you wearing those shorts?

    It's actually a kilt and no I wasn't ;p
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Hope everyone had a good Mother's Day. Today was a good day for me. Family gathered around that I haven't seen in a while complimenting me on the fact that I look thinner and trimmer which is always nice to hear.

    So everyone's sitting around eating desserts. You know, cake, pie, peach cobbler, ice cream, and I'm behaving and having a banana. And then it happens, the one thing that really just pisses me off, an overweight family member points a fork at me with chocolate dripping off the end and says "it's so easy for men to lose weight".

    I almost let it go, I was sooooo close! Rather than telling her it was not easy for me and that I work out everyday from 30 minutes to an hour plus and that I watch and log everything that I eat. But no I had to look at her and say something like "I guess you consider exercise getting up to get seconds on desert and using that fork to shove it in your face. If you'd get off your lazy fat *kitten*, quit *****ing about it, and put forth a little effort you might lose a little weight."

    After that things were a bit awkward but I am so sick of hearing it.. It's hard for anyone to lose weight. Don't belittle my success by writing it off because I'm a guy.

    Stepping off my soapbox now.

    great response! dont feel bad for being honest!!!
  • RunnerDude2013
    RunnerDude2013 Posts: 56 Member
    I am having quite a different problem. I have been fighting to lose weight for awhile now and it is coming off, but very slowly. Every time I see a certain skinny family member of mine she harrasses me about it, telling me that losing weight is so easy and I must not be trying. I wish I had the guts that you do, I want to tell her off so badly.

    It's hard to ignore them sometimes.. But you are putting forth an effort and are making progress so congratulations! I have so much respect for people like you who are working hard and trying to make a difference in your life rather than trying to bring everyone around you down to make yourself feel better.

    Good job! I'm sending a friend request. ;p
  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member
    But no I had to look at her and say something like "I guess you consider exercise getting up to get seconds on desert and using that fork to shove it in your face. If you'd get off your lazy fat *kitten*, quit *****ing about it, and put forth a little effort you might lose a little weight."

    I like you! :drinker:
  • MudRunLvr
    MudRunLvr Posts: 226 Member
    Good on you! Losing weight is hard, man or woman. Some people are small inside and try to take away from what you're doing to make themselves feel better. Don't let them. You keep at it and be successful.
  • Kayla_292to165
    Kayla_292to165 Posts: 249 Member
    I wish I could be that honest! I have someone close to me in my family who is jealous about all the weight I've lost so far and I swear she tries to make every excuse she can come up with why she can't do it. She's a mama....has a part time job....she's too busy....she just can't lose the weight....but then she always has to put me down and tries to make me feel like crap. For example, when I did the BL contest at the gym, she went on and on about how another woman in the contest looked so great and had lost sooooo much weight....and never said I word about me....I wish I could tell her what I really think and put her in her place!

    Thought I'd add that I'm a mama of 3, and until recently had a part time job too!
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    Good for you for sticking up for yourself. It is hard for anyone to lose weight. And it takes a lot of commitment to eat right every day and exercise. I can imagine how frustrating it was to have someone say that while shoving their face with sweets. -_-

    Keep up the good work!!!
  • GdeVries
    GdeVries Posts: 235 Member
    Anoah, I love it.

    So many excuses....a healthy lifestyle is a lot of hard work. Good for you!
  • Ladyinwaiting4
    Ladyinwaiting4 Posts: 202 Member
    I likewise wish I could say what I think when people belittle me about my weight or make rude remarks as well. kudos to you for sticking up to yourself. I deal with a family member who is in starving mode I jumped off that train to begin to eat properly. whenever I eat she acts like I commited the ultimate sin like how dare you eat breakfast, a snack etc. but yet she will eat 1/2 piece of bread then at dinners out she will pile 4-5 plates filled with sweets, but harp on me for eating 1 mini cupcake. any advice on putting her in her place next time she does this.