

  • tc41586
    tc41586 Posts: 136 Member
    I have a silly question... yesterday a coworker and I spontaneously got mani pedi's after work... By the time I was able to work out, everyone in the house was in bed.

    This is where it is going to sound a little cuckoo....

    Should I just not take Sunday off? Or should i do my pure cardio tonight, cardio recovery in the morning, and then continue with the schedule tomorrow evening.... would that be ok?

    I don't want to get off schedule with others that are doing the program with the same start date as me.
  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
    I have a silly question... yesterday a coworker and I spontaneously got mani pedi's after work... By the time I was able to work out, everyone in the house was in bed.

    This is where it is going to sound a little cuckoo....

    Should I just not take Sunday off? Or should i do my pure cardio tonight, cardio recovery in the morning, and then continue with the schedule tomorrow evening.... would that be ok?

    I don't want to get off schedule with others that are doing the program with the same start date as me.

    Really, it's up to you and how your body feels. If you think you can handle doing 2 workouts in the same day, then go for it. Many people make up a workout on their rest day if they fall behind. So, it's really up to you. Either way, you'd be back on schedule come Monday. I've made up workouts on my rest day if I didn't get one in on a day I should have. Just listen to your body and do what you feel is best.
  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
    Good morning all!!!

    You guys are a day away from finishing up your first week.

    Can you believe it?

    Time flies when you do insanity (although sometimes it may not feel like it)

    I really want to commend you all for pushing hard each day this week. You might have not been able to do all the moves and you might have stumbled. However, that is what this is all about. No one said it was going to be easy, but it will be worth it.

    Keep in mind, that it's a marathon, not a sprint. Your battle is going to be won as the sum of many smaller successes. Each day, fight harder and longer, and it will pay off .

    Also, don't ruin your progress this weekend! Some people think that since they worked out all week, that means they can go crazy eating whatever over the weekend. This will only ruin your results. This is a lifestyle change, not just 60 days of being healthier. Try to reward yourself this weekend with something that doesn't involve calories - like a massage, or a new piece of work out clothing. Just remember, when you are complaining at day 60 because you don't have the results you want, think about those weekends let yourself slip away! Don't be this person!!

    Tomorrow, you will have completed your first week of Insanity.

    When you check in for your accountability whether here or on Facebook, I would like you to tell us what is the most important thing you have learned about yourself and your body this week.

    Dig deep!! Make sure you earn that rest day.
  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
    I plan on starting this program tomorrow morning!! Hopefully I can get through the first few weeks injury free!!

    Hey, that is excellent! Let us know what you think about it and how the fit test goes!!
  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
    Who started another week today? Dig deep! How you didn't splurge too much over the holiday weekend. We don't want to ruin all the progress we've been making. Just be watchful.
  • tra428
    tra428 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm behind all of you! Sorry :( Just did the fit test, like literally 15 minutes ago. Can I still be in the group? On the off-chance here are my stats...

    Switch Kicks 105 (and it all goes downhill from here because I busted my balls doing this one haha)
    Power Jacks 32
    Power Knees 73
    Globe Jump 6 rounds
    Suicide jump 10
    Modified pushups (instead of pressup jacks) 30
    oblique plank 24

    Is that awful? haha I've drawn up a reward contract with my husband for WHEN I finish this program!
  • dent5499
    dent5499 Posts: 12 Member
    Pure Cardio this morning!! ughh!! Too early for all that jumping around. Had to take a few breaks but better than just sleeping right through and not getting to my workout.
  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
    I'm behind all of you! Sorry :( Just did the fit test, like literally 15 minutes ago. Can I still be in the group? On the off-chance here are my stats...

    Switch Kicks 105 (and it all goes downhill from here because I busted my balls doing this one haha)
    Power Jacks 32
    Power Knees 73
    Globe Jump 6 rounds
    Suicide jump 10
    Modified pushups (instead of pressup jacks) 30
    oblique plank 24

    Is that awful? haha I've drawn up a reward contract with my husband for WHEN I finish this program!

    Of course you can be a part of this group!! Congrats on taking your first stepson the INSANITY crazy train!! Great job, btw on your fit test! It'll be awesome to see your results going into week 3.
  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
    Pure Cardio this morning!! ughh!! Too early for all that jumping around. Had to take a few breaks but better than just sleeping right through and not getting to my workout.

    Great job getting motivated and pushing play. It isn't always easy, is it? I always find that I feel so much better once all is said and done. I feel accomplished and another day down toward my goal! Keep it up!!
  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
    If you still need an energy boost in your day, or you feel yourself crashing, you should try to explore different teas.

    Black tea is great because they are very low in sodium, reduce Cardiovascular problems and are bountiful in antioxidants. It's also great for that 2 pm crash (which you should be eating at!!!!)

    Green teas are amazing for you as well, and I am sure you have heard of all the benefits associated with green tea. This also has caffeine in it. Black tea is just notorious for having caffeine.

    If you're drinking tea before bed, make sure there's no caffeine!

    Does anyone drink tea daily? And if so, what kind/brand do you drink?
  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
    How is everyone doing this week? where ya at?
  • tra428
    tra428 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm a sad ball of sweat right now. Just did the cardio power and resistance for the first time. DEAR GOD.
  • kjbrown114
    kjbrown114 Posts: 12
    How's everyone doing?

    Everyone must be tired since the updates and comments have slowed.

    Today is my last day of week 7! Day 48... Yeah!

    Get ready everyone. I noticed there is lots of talk about skipping the recovery week on other blogs and such.

    A bit of advise... DO NOT SKIP IT!

    Keep digging!
  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
    I'm a sad ball of sweat right now. Just did the cardio power and resistance for the first time. DEAR GOD.

    That is an excellent workout, isn't it? Gets you moving and crying at the same time. :) But, oh so worth it! So, great job crushing it!
  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
    How's everyone doing?

    Everyone must be tired since the updates and comments have slowed.

    Today is my last day of week 7! Day 48... Yeah!

    Get ready everyone. I noticed there is lots of talk about skipping the recovery week on other blogs and such.

    A bit of advise... DO NOT SKIP IT!

    Keep digging!

    KJBrown, You have really come a long way! And good for you to sticking with the program. It seems like a lot of people give up after week 1 or 2, but not you!!!! So, I commend you for going strong. And I agree!! Do not skip the recovery week! Your body needs it to refuel and let those muscle fibers heal so you are ready to go for month 2!!

    You are almost done!! Did you take before pics so you can compare the after? You'll have to let us know your end results!
  • kjbrown114
    kjbrown114 Posts: 12
    How's everyone doing?

    Everyone must be tired since the updates and comments have slowed.

    Today is my last day of week 7! Day 48... Yeah!

    Get ready everyone. I noticed there is lots of talk about skipping the recovery week on other blogs and such.

    A bit of advise... DO NOT SKIP IT!

    Keep digging!

    KJBrown, You have really come a long way! And good for you to sticking with the program. It seems like a lot of people give up after week 1 or 2, but not you!!!! So, I commend you for going strong. And I agree!! Do not skip the recovery week! Your body needs it to refuel and let those muscle fibers heal so you are ready to go for month 2!!

    You are almost done!! Did you take before pics so you can compare the after? You'll have to let us know your end results!

    Don't let the word "recovery" fool you. Shaun T uses a different dictionary than every other human being... Lol
    You will work all those same muscles but without all the cardio. All the moves are slowed down to concentrate on specific muscles.

    I don't want to scare anyone away from doing this workout to its fullest, you WILL see results more than you can imagine.

    I did am still am taking pictures, not that I am willing to post, but I will say the results are great...

    If I can do it, anyone can do it. Dig deeper!
  • Microfiber
    Microfiber Posts: 956 Member
    Depending on the poll here, if I ever get any votes :laugh: , I may join this challenge :smile:
  • LisaD1025
    LisaD1025 Posts: 74 Member
    I am in week 2 of Insanity -- can I still join the group?? I am loving it so far, and had great results the first week, but my eating completley derailed over the weekend and now I'm back where I started weight-wise.

    Anyhow, I'm back on track now and would love to join this group for some motivation and to help others who are doing the program as well.

    Thank you!!
  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
    I am in week 2 of Insanity -- can I still join the group?? I am loving it so far, and had great results the first week, but my eating completley derailed over the weekend and now I'm back where I started weight-wise.

    Anyhow, I'm back on track now and would love to join this group for some motivation and to help others who are doing the program as well.

    Thank you!!

    Of course, Lisa!!! Welcome to the Insanity crazy train (as I like to call it). :)
    I'm on week three so you aren't far behind me. Besides, this forum is for anyone needing support and motivation while doing the same program. That's what makes it easier. Knowing we have a support system who is doing the same program. How did your fit test results go for day 1? Are you looking forward to fit test #2? I was pleased with my results. Can't wait to do it again.
  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
    The mind is your most POWERFUL tool. The thoughts you have determine your behavior daily. You have total control of your thoughts. The people who are successful and reach their goals do so because they are positive thinkers and BELIEVE they can do anything. When you have doubt or don't believe in yourself then you don't reach your goals. Think about it this way- if you were helping someone reach a goal and you were their support system, would you say to them what you think about yourself? If the answer is NO, then change your thoughts!
