You know you're fat when...



  • Natvee
    Natvee Posts: 65
    You have never worn a bikini in your life :sad:
    you have no confidence in yourself :grumble:

    my mom's favorite one when she was alive: "why can't you be like the cheerleaders or dancers on tv? Do you not want to be skinny and have guys flocking towards you?" :explode:

    My Mom's response to me telling her that I was going to change my eating habits and start exercising was "Great! You always lose weight so fast. You also gain weight fast though." Ouch:noway:
  • Kamatayan
    Kamatayan Posts: 21 Member
    When putting on your shoes is the hardest part of going to the gym.

    When, no matter how hot it is outside, you still wear a hoodie.
  • Tara_238
    Tara_238 Posts: 70 Member
    Your child comes home from school and calls you plump because saying fat is mean and would hurt mommy's feelings.
  • Natvee
    Natvee Posts: 65
    When you order a diet soda with your super-sized value meal lol.
  • scot1026
    scot1026 Posts: 43
    you've lost 15 lbs and no one can tell the difference :sad:
  • Natvee
    Natvee Posts: 65
    Your child comes home from school and calls you plump because saying fat is mean and would hurt mommy's feelings.

    My daughter asked me just last night if her cheeks were as big as mine with a worried look on her face. :ohwell:
  • traceyleighgirl
    traceyleighgirl Posts: 43 Member
    You're always too warm.. And sweaty.
  • mccbabe1
    mccbabe1 Posts: 737 Member
    Iv'e only had ONE time in public somebody say something.. and it really shocked me and threw me.. I think I had a distorted reality of my weight.. (like opposite of anorexia???) where I knew i was big.. but I DEF saw myself smaller then I was!.. just before I started MFP last July.. i went to happy hour with some friends.. at a local joint.. me and my thin friend (she had gastric bypass few yrs ago and is tiny now) anywhoo.. i was at my heaviest wt (234 size 18) (and im 5'4") wearing jeans and a big hoodie (my normal outfit) and I was walking out of the bathroom as a woman and her little girl were walking in and the little girl looked at me (my body more then face) and innocently said "mommy.. you know how some people are fat right"?... and the mom looked :indifferent: and said" yes but idk why you just said that"! like hushed ish.. and I walked out of the bathroom wiht my friend in a state of shock...and utter embarrasment... My friend said nothing and I said nothing.. but ya that was honestly the first and only time in public like that.. so i cant even imagine peeps that are like 300+ pounds and how there life is daily
  • Lacey_Cakes
    Lacey_Cakes Posts: 223 Member
    when you hit a speed bump and it takes a minute or all your fat to stop moving
    you're thunder thighs cause a forest fire
    when you drop something its lost forever cause you aint bending down to pick that shizz up
  • Natvee
    Natvee Posts: 65
    Iv'e only had ONE time in public somebody say something.. and it really shocked me and threw me.. I think I had a distorted reality of my weight.. (like opposite of anorexia???) where I knew i was big.. but I DEF saw myself smaller then I was!.. just before I started MFP last July.. i went to happy hour with some friends.. at a local joint.. me and my thin friend (she had gastric bypass few yrs ago and is tiny now) anywhoo.. i was at my heaviest wt (234 size 18) (and im 5'4") wearing jeans and a big hoodie (my normal outfit) and I was walking out of the bathroom as a woman and her little girl were walking in and the little girl looked at me (my body more then face) and innocently said "mommy.. you know how some people are fat right"?... and the mom looked :indifferent: and said" yes but idk why you just said that"! like hushed ish.. and I walked out of the bathroom wiht my friend in a state of shock...and utter embarrasment... My friend said nothing and I said nothing.. but ya that was honestly the first and only time in public like that.. so i cant even imagine peeps that are like 300+ pounds and how there life is daily

    Oh the first time you are publicly scrutinized hurts like heck because of the shock. Afterwards, it still hurts but you are now aware.
  • duckmoose
    duckmoose Posts: 6
    When you order a diet soda with your super-sized value meal lol.

    Oh God. So guilty of this. DIET SODA MAKES IT BETTER. Lol, joking. Obviously.
  • Dancer1969
    Dancer1969 Posts: 1
    I am so on the same page as you but will also add :

    1. You stop doing things u love like swimming and jogging because u don't like the way I look , feel or appear when doing it
    2. Your favourite colour is black
    3. U always sit with a pillow or purse or jacket in front of u because u can't stand how it feels to be exposed
    4. U stop feeling like u want to be close to anyone because u cant stand the sight of yourself naked so how could anyone else

    Just to name a few
  • Justjamie0418
    Justjamie0418 Posts: 1,065 Member
    When you have to buy the bra's in a box.
  • FindingMyself24
    FindingMyself24 Posts: 613 Member
    Or when your friend's 6 year old looks at you as your walking by and says "oh you look like your having another baby."
  • Natvee
    Natvee Posts: 65
    I am so on the same page as you but will also add :

    1. You stop doing things u love like swimming and jogging because u don't like the way I look , feel or appear when doing it
    2. Your favourite colour is black
    3. U always sit with a pillow or purse or jacket in front of u because u can't stand how it feels to be exposed
    4. U stop feeling like u want to be close to anyone because u cant stand the sight of yourself naked so how could anyone else

    Just to name a few

    Something on my lap as I sit is a must:embarassed:
  • donald149
    donald149 Posts: 211 Member
    The scales say, "to be continued..."
  • Natvee
    Natvee Posts: 65
    The scales say, "to be continued..."

  • boipoka72
    boipoka72 Posts: 8
    that's me...
  • SkeletonWishes
    SkeletonWishes Posts: 18 Member
    You can feel the skin chafing off from your thighs rubbing together.

    "Sucking it in" makes you look 5 months along instead of 6.

    ugh this is so me! but hopefully it wont be for too much longer....

    i got another one that i didnt see mentioned, you go into a dressing room in the mall and cry because of how you look in the clothes or that they dont fit in the size you thought you were </3
  • royvor
    royvor Posts: 271
    When you tug at your shirts all day because you want to hide as much as possible.

    When you try to avoid being in family pictures even though you wish you wanted to be in them, but don't want to ruin them because you hate the way you look.