giving up alcohol



  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    Options can technically remove god from all of the above. But I would find that very difficult in struggling with alcoholism and having some preachy sponsor tell me to give in to God

    Good thing we can choose the sponsor that works the best for us. :smile:

    And attend the groups with people we can relate to. In 16 months I don't think I've ever been preached to. More often I'll hear someone talk about, "My Higher Power, who I choose to call God."
    You are encouraged to turn it over (third step), but to whomever or whatever you believe in. My conception changes regularly, and not only is that okay, it is supported.
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    I've been sober for over two years now. I was drinking at least 3 liters of wine daily so that cut out a few thousand calories :laugh:
  • Ms_Curly
    Ms_Curly Posts: 20 Member
    I did a Dry April which I never thought I would succeed at, being a frequent drinker. It wasn't bad at all! I think it was because I knew the time period would end and so I had no cravings, and simply postponed any social engagements until the month was over. I felt absolutely great at the end of it, and suprisingly I didn't go back to my old ways in May. I've had two six packs of beer sit in my fridge this past week with no urges, which is surprising. I think for me, it's not only the alcohol-ries but also the fact that I tend to eat more when tipsy that has kept me from reaching for the alcohol too much now that I'm not restricted. Maybe if the thought of giving up for good (for nutritional reasons, not addiction reasons) scares you, try a trial period if two weeks or a month. Good luck!
  • AJinBirmingham
    I've been watching my weight since I was 8 years old and never got too big . . . until I moved to the UK. If something good happens, everyone goes to the pub. If something bad happens, everyone goes to the pub. If nothing's happening, everyone goes to the pub. If something's going to happen, then everyone goes to the pub first . . . I got fat. I didn't realize until I started tracking it how much I was drinking!

    Now I'm back in the US where I have to drive everywhere, so I usually don't drink at all and if I do, only one or two. I'm a size 4 again and I feel a lot better too.

    yeah the US is known for it's handle on obesity....

    Indeed. Maybe being American born gave me the potential to be fat, but it took UK drinking culture "help" me realize that potential.
  • spetermann190
    spetermann190 Posts: 289 Member
    I tried ... But it drove me to drinking :/

    I know I should .... Would be much easier to stay fit ... But I don't wanna bad enough yet ... Good luck!
  • darkestdayz
    darkestdayz Posts: 117 Member
    41 days sober today. I quit, gave myself a week to binge on sugar and then started this. Lost 12 lbs right away. My life and my new eating habits are a lot easier to maintain this way.
  • beepaz
    beepaz Posts: 42 Member
    Thats great that you're trying to give up alcohol! I'm currently going on a 50 day beer free challenge, beer is my weakness:sick:
    But i know that when i drink beer or alcohol i tend to make BAD food choices, and usually ends up in a splurge of food I will later feel guilty about:ohwell: Keep up the good work! I wish you the best of luck you can do it! :bigsmile:
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    I tried ... But it drove me to drinking :/

    I know I should .... Would be much easier to stay fit ... But I don't wanna bad enough yet ... Good luck!

    Im with you man!!! Im not giving up alcohol just yet!!!! I loveee my nightly buzzzzz onnnnn!!! hell yeah!
    Im just gonna hit it harder
    hydrate more
    take my vitamin
    and have more sex to burn off the excess cals!!! :devil:
  • beepaz
    beepaz Posts: 42 Member
    Your post was very inspiring. Having had alcohol issues myself, in the past when I was younger, I can relate to your past issues. I'm now a bit older and "wiser" but still fight with the temptations. But I'm fighting them OFF, especially because I know that alcohol usually makes me turn to bad food choices-- thanks for sharing your story! And best of luck on your journey! :)
  • squiggyflop
    squiggyflop Posts: 148 Member
    Well, during this past xmas season I went through a period where I drank heavily a few times a week. I was drinking for a few different reasons. The first 5 drinks were to kill my physical pain. The other 5+ I believe were emotional drinks. I went to the doctor and got real medicine for my pain so I wouldnt have an excuse for the first drink (1 leads to 2,,, 2 leads to 12). Then a few weeks later I started my diet, and I havent had a single drink in over 60 days. That said, I didnt completely cut alcohol out. I still use a tiny amount in meat marinades. Honestly it wasnt hard for me. There were moments, when I was tempted. These were usually when I was buying pizza or chinese food. It had become a habit that while I was waiting for them to finish my food order that I would walk over to the other side of the plaza and browse the booze stores. It was like I had no idea what to do with myself for those 15 minutes waiting if I didnt go in the liquor store. After a while, it stopped being a habit to go in there, and so I was no longer tempted.
  • Becksga
    Becksga Posts: 70 Member
    Bump for later reads
  • SalishSea
    SalishSea Posts: 373 Member
    I've never had a over-drinking problem. I share a bottle or two of wine with my family or go out with a friend for cocktails once a month or so. What I have noticed as I get older is that I can't sleep well that night if I drink. This never happened when I was younger. Sleep is one of the most important items in my life to maintain my health. I find I am drinking less so as not to interfere with my sleep.
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    I love a couple of glasses of wine, but at 200 cals a time.........ouch!!'

    Now if I'm out with the girls I stick to vodka and diet coke, and a wedge of lime....I don't feel bad the next day then : )

    Also with the wine.....mainly rose .....because it is sooooooo sweet I feel like the sugar sticks on my teeth.... Strange I know!!
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    I was never a regular drinker until this last year. It didn't interfere with my weight loss, but I am beginning to wonder why I am not entertaining the thought of going without for two weeks:). I also think that it takes away calories for
    Foods that have protein.
  • indyducks
    indyducks Posts: 43 Member
    I just did my monthly CostCo run, where I normally pick up a case of beer and a 1.75L bottle of Canadian Club. When I got home, I realized that I still had half a bottle of whiskey and a half a case of beer. So while I haven't cut out alcohol completely, I am certainly drinking less.

    I log every calorie, including alcohol, and have switched to whiskey and water instead of whiskey and coke. I also limit alcohol to Fridays and Saturdays, and except on special occasions, I never have more than 3 (no more than 2 if I am driving!).
  • skcardiog
    skcardiog Posts: 316 Member
    Beat cancer 10 years ago, vowed if I got through it alive, I would give up alcohol for good.
    I was never a big drinker, and really enjoyed a cold beer on a hot day.
    Beat cancer a second time, and still kept my promise, alcohol free and cancer free . . . 10 years strong !
  • R55T
    R55T Posts: 172 Member
    Beer is my weakness. I love getting home after work & having a few beers most, if not, every day. I've never been much of an eater, preferred to work long hours, only eat when hungry & didn't exercise like I used to. Always too busy to cook myself decent meals or stop to eat at meal times. Dinner, I prefer to have atleast 3 cans of beer then have a slice or toast then hit the sack.
    That started 5 years & I have put on from all that alcohol 77lbs. Just finished a weekend binge which started on Thursday, the 'special occasion' being my birthday. Lol. 6 beers on Thursday, managed to control myself & only had 1 beer on Friday, 12 (or more, I lost count) beers on Saturday, managed to steel myself against having the 6 remaining beers in the fridge yesterday. Now thinking of alcohol.
    Definitely, I have issues with alcohol. For my weight loss journey, I have to stop drinking alcohol. No doubt about it. Changing my mindset to find a healthy past time for 'beer o'clock' & feeding myself properly will be my biggest challenge going forward on MFP. I could use all the support I can get also. So please fill free to add me as well.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    No, I just factor it in to my calorie intake... sometimes it brings me over if I'm going out or have friends round but considering most other days I am a little under it all evens itself out nicely. I don't really go with the cutting out things entirely school of thought.... cut down yeah but don't cut out....

    I think alcohol is more of an issue for people who drink most days. I drink once or twice a week and will continue to do so... it's non-negotiable for me and it doesn't affect my weight loss but I guess everyone is different. It may be harder for people who live on pizza and burgers and do minimal exercise to drink as well but overall I eat a healthy diet and I exercise so I don't really see the need to cut out things in their entirety

    This describes my thoughts exactly.
  • janicelo1971
    janicelo1971 Posts: 823 Member
    Oh no. No way. To me its part of life and I just deal with it. I watch the calories and its no different than anything else. M-O-D-E-R-A-T-I-O-N. But its your choice. If you like to drink, then I wouldn't try to give it up. If its no big deal to you, then quit. I have lost weight while drinking, but I am a pretty moderate drinker. Your call.

    if I knew moderation I wouldn't be on this site trying to lose a few pounds!
  • ashmike12
    ashmike12 Posts: 23
    Oh no. No way. To me its part of life and I just deal with it. I watch the calories and its no different than anything else. M-O-D-E-R-A-T-I-O-N. But its your choice. If you like to drink, then I wouldn't try to give it up. If its no big deal to you, then quit. I have lost weight while drinking, but I am a pretty moderate drinker. Your call.

    if I knew moderation I wouldn't be on this site trying to lose a few pounds!
