Do you have a type?



  • stephx4
    stephx4 Posts: 810
    I have a type ;) I personally don't find white men of any race my type of guy. Yes I could find them attractive but I wouldn't eat sully attracted to them. I find mixed race/ dark skinned men alot hotter and my kinda men. ( Afro-Caribbean/tropical island)
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
    Apparently my "type" are men that are amazing liars, cheaters and always looking for something "better." ---sigh---

    How YOU doin'?

    My type is any girl that puts out on the first date.

    How YOU doin?

    BTW, my type is a guy who knows how to take a woman for granted.
  • chixyb
    chixyb Posts: 107 Member
    Bald men or very short hair including buzz cuts. I don't want a man prettier than me, either. I'd prefer tough and rugged over sensitive and pretty any day. Besides that, I don't care what color hair/skin/eyes/whatever. If I'm attracted to you, I'm attracted to you.

    Somehow I keep ending up with the girly guys despite my preferences...
  • GabriellaMaria
    GabriellaMaria Posts: 150 Member
    The type I prefer: thin, sparkly eyes, cute smile, good intellect, liberal, dedicated, free in themselves, comfortable and secure.

    The type I usually get with: psychotic, completely mental, should probably be sectioned for the good of society.
  • goodtimezzzz
    goodtimezzzz Posts: 640 Member
    yeah..ME:) Im awesome
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
    Who doesn't love Comic Sans? It's what you use when you want the world to know you're fun and have a sense of humor even though you're sending a professional email.

  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    not a lier, cheater, not abusive, not controlling
  • Yeah, guys who i am way to good for. You know the type slacker, cheater, has way to many kids by lots of different moms, commitment challenged, crazy exs.

    I typically find all this out after we start to date. Where are the good people out there? lol
  • funforsports
    funforsports Posts: 2,656 Member
    Physical: Tall, Brunette, Light Eyes, Fit, Athletic, Great Butt
    Other: Successful, Smart, Sweet, High Energy to keep up
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    The type I prefer: thin, sparkly eyes, cute smile, good intellect, liberal, dedicated, free in themselves, comfortable and secure.

    The type I usually get with: psychotic, completely mental, should probably be sectioned for the good of society.

    how YOU doin?

    prefer: smart, funny, creative
    end up with: egotists
  • clairabellle
    clairabellle Posts: 332 Member
    I def had a type, the minute I realized it I met an awesome guy who didn't fit the mould at all!! .... Lol go figure :love:
  • Penny427
    Penny427 Posts: 166 Member
    If I were dating, right now my type would totally be country cowboy or redneck man...muscular and a couple tattoos wouldnt hurt either....dark hair & dark eyes..
  • jflori
    jflori Posts: 25
    Never blondes. Usually tall, dark and handsome! ;)
    An intelligent, witty guy who's a great conversationalist, but can also listen to what I have to say. Someone who's into being active and healthy, but can also enjoy a really good meal.
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    1. Non-office/businessy/finance men. I prefer blue collar or non-traditional workers.
    2. Shy in public, talkative in person
    3. Pulls these amazing one-liners out of nowhere to make me crack up til I can't breathe
    4. Supportive!!!! In every way! This is really important. I need someone to be on my team always.
    5. Tall
    6. Isn't afraid to tell me when I am being ridiculous, but takes me seriously when I need him to.
    7. Must love dogs!
    8. Has grown out of his party-boy phase but still likes to go out every now and then.

    Whew, good thing I found him! :heart:
  • LaLouve_RK
    LaLouve_RK Posts: 899 Member
    Intelligent, funny and tattooed...Nice eyes are a plus!

    I know am your type Esclo, ain't a secret ! :tongue: :bigsmile:
  • squatsandlipgloss
    squatsandlipgloss Posts: 595 Member
    When it comes to looks... Not too dark and not too blonde - somewhere in between, but caucasian (are we allowed to say this now? ;)). But I find ambition, intelligence, humor and talent (in anything) to be very, VERY sexy.
  • caspergirl7
    caspergirl7 Posts: 590 Member
    tall (usually over 6')
    sense of humor, down to earth, intelligent
    facial hair & tattoos are a bonus : )
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    The type I prefer: thin, sparkly eyes, cute smile, good intellect, liberal, dedicated, free in themselves, comfortable and secure.

    The type I usually get with: psychotic, completely mental, should probably be sectioned for the good of society.

    how YOU doin?

    Just grand. Can I safely assume you're clinically insane in some way?
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
  • xvxCelticWandererxvx
    xvxCelticWandererxvx Posts: 2,890 Member
    A good heart, a solid character and a sense of humor is a win win with me!