Results with 1200 Calories



  • Zilla100
    Zilla100 Posts: 137 Member
    I am sticking to a 1200 calorie intake, sometimes slightly more, sometimes slightly less, not eating back exercise calories and I am doing ok, no complaints. I think the real gist is *what* you are eating. Almonds, for example, are a real miracle food, imo and great at leveling the blood sugar.

    I feel like the things I am eating are keeping me fueled all day long, and they are healthy and wellbalanced, to the point where while I will be very happy when I am done losing weight, it will feel a little odd to be at a point where I could/should be eating more to maintain it. Go figure, you eat things that are better for you, you stay fuller, lol.
  • maggs155
    maggs155 Posts: 258
    when i'm not working out heavily I eat 1200 and lose weight. When I work out, i eat at about 1700 cals.. depending on my burn. My TDEE is around 1800. That means eating at 1200 is putting me at a 600 cal deficit .. so it's fine IF I"M NOT WORKING OUT.

    When I work out.. I measure my burn and I eat to keep the appropriate deficit. Feeding my body with good healthy foods. No packaged stuff, but natural food with great flavor.

    I did lose a great deal of weight at 1200 calories.. but i plateaued and got stuck. When i started eating more I felt better and could work out more. I love eating more food, so I'm happy to work out more. The more muscle I have the more calories I can burn.. the more I an eat.. ah.. I love this world!
  • lyssad86
    lyssad86 Posts: 31
    Mine isn't a success story, but I think you need to hear it. It's my 1200 calorie mistake story.

    I thought that I could lose weight on 1200 calories---and I did! It was awesome! I had about 10 pounds left (of 30 or so), and began personal training. I found myself tired and dizzy sometimes. But I stuck with it. And I lost 1 more pound. Then my weight stalled completely. I could not lose weight for the next 12 weeks at 1200 calories.

    Then I stopped logging. I wasn't exercising much. I gained back 45 pounds.

    I joined MFP, started at 1200 calories again. I lost a few pounds. And then I realized after reading this thread that the SAME thing would happen to me again if I kept eating 1200 calories.

    So I upped to 1700 and lost 5 pounds in two weeks. I eat what I want and enjoy it, always logging. From then on, I've lost at least a pound a week. I'm 10 pounds from my goal, and I'm NOT going to screw it up again.

    I hope you'll take this "success" story to heart--eat more, and you WILL lose weight. Not only that, but you will keep it off because you can eat food like a normal person.

    Best of luck.
  • maggs155
    maggs155 Posts: 258
    Yes you make since to me:) I am just starting to do this! I was not eating exercise cals back and now working on it. I realized i was working out to much and not feeding my body!
  • Jashwood92
    Jashwood92 Posts: 38 Member
    I am 5 foot 3 and currently 126 pounds with a goal weight of 115. I exercise every monday through friday as of 2 weeks ago and I have been eating 1200 calories or less for awhile now. I find it hard to eat above 1200 because usually I eat healthy and obviously most healthy food is not high calorie. I only eat when I am hungry and I don't deprive myself. Everyone is different. Just because one person is always hungry and deprived eating 1200 calories does not mean it is bad for another person.
  • lyssad86
    lyssad86 Posts: 31
    Oftentimes in the beginning with people who are quite overweight, they will recommend 1200 calories. I'd suggest eating more sometime soon if you want to begin working out. You are really going to need the fuel. Also, you want to KEEP the weight off, right? 1200 calories will NOT allow you to do that. Please read this:

    Follow it. And trust me, you will enjoy your life so much more. :)
  • chelslee1993
    I have lost 25lbs in the last year and a half (from 185 to 160lbs), which i believe is a healthy rate of weight loss. It has also been easy to MAINTAIN. I am 5' 4" and an athlete. I do p90x, and when I am not doing this I am on a soccer team and exercise regularly. I honestly think that my fitness pal is a good tool, BUT it is more of a guideline ladies. It is not the bible. I eat sometimes almost 3x the recommended amount of protein, because if you don't want to be flabby then that is what you need to do. I am pretty cut as far as women go, and I use the 1,200 calorie a day diet.
    With that said if I go a little over or under it is not a big deal. I do not suggest just dieting. You need to work out too if you want to look healthy, and YOU NEED MORE PROTEIN than Myfitness pal alots. Protein helps you stay fuller longer and build muscle. It is not the amount of calories you are eating that is leaving you feeling unsatisfied it is the **** you are eating. Hell, if I ate all salad all day I'd be hungry too, or if I only ate a bag of chips and 2 slices of pizza all day because I wanted to stay under this calorie limit and eat crappy I WOULD BE HUNGRY TOO!
    MORAL OF THE STORY......IT IS NOT HOW MUCH YOU EAT AS MUCH AS WHAT YOU EAT (and putting in some quality MUSCLE BUILDING, NOT JUST CARDIO GYM TIME) that gives you the ideal results. A 1,200 kcal diet is doable, but if it isn't for you and the 1,5000 kcal is because that is what you can maintain LONG TERM, then do what you feel is right. Either way you will get results if you stick to it.
    Myfitness pal should be a teaching tool rather than something you become a slave to. It should be something to teach you portion control and the basic amount of food you should be eating to attain certain results. So.....pick something that is maintainable for you, so when the time comes that you get sick of micromanaging what you eat using myfitnesspal, you don't go binge just because you don't have the ****tieness of what you ate staring you down from your computer screen. Eventually, you should be able to *kitten* the healthiness of your diet by yourself, and your body will naturally be able to feel what is excess and unhealthy.
  • chelslee1993
    ALSO! Eat clean!!! Anything natural is the way to go! Some carbs here and there won't kill you, but if it doesn't grow in the countryside or walk around the earth BEFORE us humans came to be (not everything but you catch my drift) then it has probably been chemically altered and not as good for you. Fresh is the best!
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    UUURRRGG here we go...'you're starving at 1200'. What a load of cr**. I have tons of energy, I'm losing weight, my periods haven't stopped, I've not suddenly gained weight and you know what, I enjoy not eating f*** loads of food.

    I'll see you at the finish line (I'll be there before you)!
    I actually didn't say you were going to lose your period, and you obviously have a bad relationship with food if you thinking eating what your body NEEDS to simply maintain it's functioning level is "loads of food." Also it is starving yourself, the average body needs at least 1700 calories to function every day, anything less than that is starving it.

    Do you expect your car to run without gas? Do you use your cell phone without charging it? Stop thinking of your body as a number

    on a scale, and start thinking of it as a machine that needs energy to function. The bottom line is losing weight at 1200 calories is not healthy because a) you aren't feeding it properly b) it's not ideal to live on 1200 calories for the rest of your life. The damage it does to your metabolism, and yes the potential harm it can do if your body goes into starvation mode and starts to consume it's own muscle. (Also your period doesn't need to stop for your body to be doing this, I was anorexic and my period never stopped not even when I was 115lbs :D so that's a mute point.) Also talking about muscle and starvation, guess what's a muscle in your body? YOUR HEART :D

    You really can't talk about the "average" body. I lost all my weight on1200 calories, but then I'm small-framed, short and older. Hence my BMR is1050. I'm maintaining on about 1350 and feeling fine.
  • sarahjalink
    sarahjalink Posts: 40 Member
    I am what the workout more eat more people like to call "skinny fat". Oddly enough I am just happy to have the word skinny in there somewhere so they can keep saying it to me. :-)

    While I was losing I averaged 1200. Now a days I live at about 1600 and have been maintaining and actually losing a little since Sept.

    The first pic is 218.6lbs and the second was taken this morning at 116lbs


    You look AMAZING!! Well done :)
  • micheabr
    micheabr Posts: 72
    I eat 1290 cals a day and it works for me. But I'm also 5'0".
  • duffydog1
    duffydog1 Posts: 76 Member
    Some interesting points of view here! Who is to say that 1200 calories is wrong (or right) it is entirely down to your body. I hear on here so often that loosing weight is a simply equation of eat so many calories and burn so many calories and that is all there is to it. It just isn't that simple.
    I have a failing gall bladder which makes it difficult for me to process fat and hypothyroidism which has slowed my metabolism. I am very active, as a ski guide I often ski 5 days per week - and I am guiding experienced skiers - not teaching beginners, so it is energetic. I am often out all day in freezing temperatures (burning calories just to keep warm) and despite eating sensibly - I still gain weight. If I want to loose weight, I have to drop my calorie intake to around 1200 a day and work out too. I do sometimes eat back my exercise calories - if I am hungry. If I do it all the time, I don't loose weight.
    I don't think 1200 calories is suitable as a maintenance diet, but I think it is important to remember that everyone is individual and just becuase something works for you doesn't mean that it is right or wrong for someone else. Let us not sit in judgement . . . .
  • ZealousMissJJ
    ZealousMissJJ Posts: 454 Member
    ME! Me! I had success on 1200 cals a day!

    ..If you define 'success' as: "losing muscle mass, developing a flat, saggy *kitten* that looked like melting wax, was always tired, and couldn't manage even one pushup", that is.

    I am only 5 ft tall, and my BMR is 1280. So unless you're like 4'6" you have no reason to be eating that low.

    ^^^^ This is exactly what I wanted to say! Did 1200, didn't eat back my exercise calories. Had great succes; lost more than my goal was but lost any possible muscle mass I still had and looked skinny but definately not beautiful. Saggy butt, ribs showing, no muscle tone (I worked out 6 days a week, make no mistake).

    I'm sticking at 1500 calories and that's low enough for me!
  • Givemewings
    Givemewings Posts: 864 Member
    OP, please listen to all these people telling you to eat more, they are right! You don't need to eat way more ,but if you do it will make it a lot easier to maintain the weight loss in the long term. There are no quick fixes!
  • SaraBrown12
    SaraBrown12 Posts: 277 Member
    I have had immense success on 1200 cals. I do not stick to it rigid all the time... its more a guideline now and it taught me to look at what was in what i ate before i ate it. i aimed for 3x400 cal meals or 4x 300 cal meals on average. I have never felt hungry nor have i deprived myself. I tend to do 500-1000 cals exercise a day with walking, exercise bike, x trainer, running, kettle bell, gym, weight lifting and other strength training. I LOVE my new body tho i still have some problem areas i need more work on.

    If i found myself feeling hungry i would up my calories but for now i am doing better then fine. Being on 1200 calories is very easy if you eat good foods ie fish, fruit, veggies in abundance. However if your trying to factor in a mcdonalds breakfast and 2 full fat coke drinks a day it will be impossible. My snack go to items are bananas, apples, fat free yoghurt and cottage cheese.

    I have managed to up my muscle mass and drop my BF% so apparently i am a freak of nature as this is impossible on only 1200 cals...One tip i can give you to prevent hitting your goal and being "skinny fat" is Weights... Doing strength training is UBER important so you don't end up as poster above said... sticky out ribs and flabby skin. I assure you.. the women out there who believe they will end up like the hulk are way off. The effort involved in building muscle definition like that is a mammoth task and will never happen by accident. By lifting your body might not allow you to build muscle on 1200 cals.. but hopefully it will stop you losing what you already have.

    What i am trying to say is... this lifestyle change thing is not a one size fits all deal. Everyones metabolism is different as is their bodies and body needs. Do what is right for you. If you feel hungry on 1200 after trying it for a week or so then up your calories or exercise to earn more calories on your daily amount. If i was feeling hungry and drained for sure i would up mine. Good luck to all and feel free to add me xxx
  • HealthyDreamy
    HealthyDreamy Posts: 42 Member
    Bump for sure!
  • ducky715
    ducky715 Posts: 38
    UUURRRGG here we go...'you're starving at 1200'. What a load of cr**. I have tons of energy, I'm losing weight, my periods haven't stopped, I've not suddenly gained weight and you know what, I enjoy not eating f*** loads of food.

    I'll see you at the finish line (I'll be there before you)!
    I actually didn't say you were going to lose your period, and you obviously have a bad relationship with food if you thinking eating what your body NEEDS to simply maintain it's functioning level is "loads of food." Also it is starving yourself, the average body needs at least 1700 calories to function every day, anything less than that is starving it.

    Do you expect your car to run without gas? Do you use your cell phone without charging it? Stop thinking of your body as a number on a scale, and start thinking of it as a machine that needs energy to function. The bottom line is losing weight at 1200 calories is not healthy because a) you aren't feeding it properly b) it's not ideal to live on 1200 calories for the rest of your life. The damage it does to your metabolism, and yes the potential harm it can do if your body goes into starvation mode and starts to consume it's own muscle. (Also your period doesn't need to stop for your body to be doing this, I was anorexic and my period never stopped not even when I was 115lbs :D so that's a mute point.) Also talking about muscle and starvation, guess what's a muscle in your body? YOUR HEART :D

    "Stop thinking of your body as a number on a scale, and start thinking of it as a machine that needs energy to function."

    I love that statement. It puts fitness into perspective. I used to be anorexic in middle school. I ate very very little. I got a flat stomach in no time at all. It was not healthy though at all. Thankfully, I did not gain anything back because when I started eating again, I ate really healthy and slowly added junk food back into my diet. It is true that you can lose a lot of weight by eating 1200 calories or less, but your body needs more food than to just maintain. If you really want to lose weight, and you are worried about eating more then why not eat mostly clean, and after a while you could add unhealthy food back into your diet (80/20). But, please eat more.
  • cherryd69
    cherryd69 Posts: 340
    Im going by what mfp is recommending for me.

    1280cals per day, but i do eat back my exercise calories too...

    yesterday my diary when i finished logging looked like this ..

    Totals 1,281 185 42 28 1,148 41

    Your Daily Goal 1,629 223 54 60 2,500 33

    Remaining 348 38 12 32 1,352 -8

    Calories Carbs Fat Protein Sodium Sugar
    *You've earned 339 extra calories from exercise today *

    I could have easily ate back the 348, but i wasnt hungry, so instead i had another hot chocolate (options orange 38 calories when made with water)

    Iv been doing this for about 4 weeks now, combined with my cross trainer and crunches and weights...

    Im feeling ok, iv lost 9lb.....

    eta: im 32, im 5'4 and currently as of this morning weigh 213lbs
  • Emmabulliemum
    Emmabulliemum Posts: 294 Member
    Let me tell you my story...

    I started dieting after my son was born in 2003, I figured diet was simply "stop eating so much" and 1000 calories sounded like a good reasonable number to go by. I lost all of my baby weight, became weight fixated, and lost more weight. I went from the 1000 calories to anorexia (this doesn't happen to everyone, but let's face it eating 1200 calories is border line anorexia. :D After all 1000 calories is only 200 less!) I was super skinny, I had never been so skinny, 5'8" 115lbs. Eventually I ate normal again, because you know life is a good feeling, being alive and all that jazz.

    2006 I decided at 5'8" 150lbs I needed to get my eating habits under control. I set my goal at 1200, and lost to 129lbs in a few months. I was constantly crabby, I had no energy, I was so ravenous that if I didn't get to eat my scheduled meal I would start biting heads off. I was a real peach to be around. However, I was super skinny!!! YAY! Guess what? Eventually I got sick of starving and ate normal again, and balooned to 150lbs in about a month.

    2008 I started working out, still not eating enough but better 1400 calories with a good work out. I lost the weight pretty fast still, but always felt hungry! (I wonder why? I was burning all of my calories with daily calorie useage, and then I was working out and burning even more.) I eventually made my goal weight, and body fat, and I was very fit! However again, STARVING, again I ATE NORMAL again I GOT BACK TO 150lbs without blinking an eye.

    This time? I am eating normal, feeding my metabolism, making smarter choices, working out like a champion. I would reach my "goal weight" in a few months with 1200 calories, have the worst attitude ever, and be starving 24/7. This time? I am eating 1700 to 2200 calories, the weight is coming off slow, my muscles are beautiful. I am not a complete *kitten* to be around, and am enjoying my work outs. I can eat whatever I want and not have my butt go up three sizes.

    MY SUGGESTION? FEED YOUR BODY. WORK HARD. Or you can ruin your metabolism, and eat 1200 calories the rest of your life, or do it the other way. Oh yes, and lift heavy things up and down, you will not get bulky and your body will thank you for it.

    READ THIS 1200 cals is not good long term x
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    I really wish people would stop with the extremist assumptions on either end. If you eat 1200 calories a day you're not going to gain weight (unless you're an outlier and 1200 calories is over your TDEE). You likely won't fall over and die instantly, either.

    By the same token, just because you 'feel full' or 'feel perfectly healthy' on 1200 calories does NOT necessarily mean that you are eating enough for your body to perform optimally.

    MOST people have a TDEE substantially over 1200 calories. In general you don't want to restrict calories too heavily because under a large deficit a greater proportion of the weight lost will be LBM rather than fat. That doesn't mean you won't look good after losing the weight, or that you'll suddenly be massively 'unhealthy', but lower BF% at identical weights tends to result in a more desirable physique (to a point, of course, some folks don't like the ultra lean look, but something like that isn't going to happen on accident).

    If you're dead-set on eating so little, ensure that the vast majority of your food is either lean protein or non-starchy veggies. This will be most likely to satisfy your nutrition needs. Just focusing on calories is NOT optimal (look up nutrient deficiencies if you care to educate yourself on it a bit more).

    Now if you're on a large cut, are getting adequate nutrition, and you're relatively sedentary, you'll probably be ok. The issue arises when you add in large amounts of exercise on top of a steep calorie deficit. Your energy needs increase with that kind of activity. If your spending all day on a treadmill and not eating enough, you're likely jacking your cortisol levels and doing lots of bad stuff to your system ( if you care)

    I tend to think being active is better. I'm more impressed with the person training for a marathon or a mud run or a some such than the person who isn't really doing much. I think people (even very busy people) should be more active in general, and they need to eat enough to do so effectively.

    The last point is flexibility. If you're eating 1200 calories a day, the vast majority of your daily intake is dictated by your nutritional needs. There's only so many times I can eat chicken or tilapia and mixed veggies before I want something different. Even if you're trying to eat 'clean' or whatever, such a low calorie count pretty much prevents eating an entire range of foods (those that are calorie dense...and yes there are plenty of calorie dense foods that people consider 'clean' or 'paleo' or insert_whatever_diet_paradigm_you_follow).

    I like food, and I like calorie dense foods. I like being able to eat some of those calorie dense foods, even while cutting weight. In my case (and the case of many others), in order to do that and still meet my base level nutritional needs as well, 1200 calories a day just isn't enough. If it's enough (taking into account the points that I mentioned above) for you that's great, good luck to you. Making the argument, however, that you feel full or that you're perfectly healthy or that 'well your diary has mcdonald's so you're clearly unhealthier than me!', isn't enough to prove that you're following the right diet.

    Similarly, stop jumping in with 'you're going to gain weight and/or be skinny fat and/or die!!!!!1!' on low intake without knowing the person's stats just makes people defensive and is counter productive to the discussion.

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