Jodi Arias?



  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162

    i wonder if she's just saying that tho, so everyone will do the opposite of what she is wanting? idk maybe not..

    I'm sure she is - such a drama queen. Why should we pay for her to live out her existence. Death penalty, definitely.
  • Gizziemoto
    Gizziemoto Posts: 430 Member

    i wonder if she's just saying that tho, so everyone will do the opposite of what she is wanting? idk maybe not..

    I'm sure she is - such a drama queen. Why should we pay for her to live out her existence. Death penalty, definitely.

    Completely agree. Just a ploy to stay in the lime light as a far as I am concerned. She wants to die, take her of suicide watch and lets see what happens. Oh and make sure she is has a DNR order.
  • chrssyeldridge
    chrssyeldridge Posts: 47 Member
    Death! Live in prison would be too easy for her if she got LWOP!
  • meredithkrueger
    Before she dies, whether by death penalty or in jail, I hope that she asks for forgiveness and asks Jesus into her heart. She has a limited amount of days either way if she is not Saved.
  • toaster6
    toaster6 Posts: 703 Member
    Life sentence. People will usually live just as long when sentenced to death in America and it costs taxpayers more (tens of millions of dollars more).
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    Death over life imprisonment every time. I don't want to pay for their existence.

    In this country, it's arguably cheaper to imprison them.
  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member
    Death over life imprisonment every time. I don't want to pay for their existence.

    Life imprisonment is cheaper than the death penalty. Plus, if it's illegal for her to kill someone else, it should be illegal for us to kill her.
  • HikerRR50
    HikerRR50 Posts: 144 Member
    I vote for life of extremely hard labor living in tent city (wish this was an option)
  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member

    This way, some stupid, lonely CO isn't easily duped into making her pregnant. OR some criminal CO, again, makes her pregnant by holding his power, illegally, criminally, over her.

    Both acts are criminal and should land the CO in prison behind the wall, too. Just not with his prison honey.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Kill her and let's get back to real news.
  • Bbearhug
    Bbearhug Posts: 20 Member
    Death costs more than life in prison....with the death penalty, it is automatic appeal (millions have already been spent on just this trial alone, imagine what the appeals will cost) and they can put in for them over, and over, and over. While average wait on death row is only 10-12 years, but due to court appeals and with death penalty clemency hearings, death will ultimately cost more.

    BUT...since I don't judge it on money, but on the person who did the killing. I originally said give her life....but after the interview she gave to the TV reporter after being found guilty of M1, I think she should fry. She showed no trace of human compassion, and actually used that time to bash TA and his family even more, and so changed my mind to death.

    I was going to mention that. About the cost of the death sentence vs. life in prison. In Ohio it's 2,300,000 thousand dollars to put someone to death(cost of appeals and court costs and so on). But it only costs about 630,000 to put them away for a life sentence.
  • Ladyinwaiting4
    Ladyinwaiting4 Posts: 202 Member
    Death. Immediately, no appeals, nothing. She admitted she killed him and I do not believe her self-defense and amnesia for a moment.

    why not just do any with her chance of appealing if they admit killing the person there is no need to appeal. just do it the same day they setence.
  • KristysLosing
    KristysLosing Posts: 683
    I would normally be all for the death penalty...except she WANTS to die. Screw that...spend the rest of your life in prison. Why give her what she wants? I see less punishment in it, this time around.
  • stemmingthetide
    stemmingthetide Posts: 363 Member
    Matters not to me.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Death is the easy way out.
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    I think a life behind bars is far worse than death

    Why should our taxes have to pay for her existence?
  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member
    Death costs more than life in prison....with the death penalty, it is automatic appeal (millions have already been spent on just this trial alone, imagine what the appeals will cost) and they can put in for them over, and over, and over. While average wait on death row is only 10-12 years, but due to court appeals and with death penalty clemency hearings, death will ultimately cost more.

    BUT...since I don't judge it on money, but on the person who did the killing. I originally said give her life....but after the interview she gave to the TV reporter after being found guilty of M1, I think she should fry. She showed no trace of human compassion, and actually used that time to bash TA and his family even more, and so changed my mind to death.

    I was going to mention that. About the cost of the death sentence vs. life in prison. In Ohio it's 2,300,000 thousand dollars to put someone to death(cost of appeals and court costs and so on). But it only costs about 630,000 to put them away for a life sentence.

    Put an asterisk by that number you put up. You're quote fails to address inmate HEALTH ISSUES, which as you get an older, inmate, always skyrockets in costs. Did you know that Death Penalty inmates and Lifers without the possibility of parole get the same healthcare coverage and doctors must save them even if they die on the operating table? So while we keep criminals alive with cancer, or expensive heart operations or lung replacements, honest taxpayers who can't afford that get shafted.

    Wrong is wrong. ANYWAY YOU SLICE IT.

    Just because we've let the lawyers game us on numbers and figures? Doesn't mean MINUS ONE CRIMINAL KILLER IS JUST THAT. Don't lose sight of that number. Housing a killer, just brings a whole new set of problems and they're rarely rehabilitated. Thing is? You just don't hear about it, because DOCs around the country and world, don't showcase it.

    We can bring down the cost of DP cases. But its not in the interest of the lawyers involved. Thus, the high costs. There is simply no financial incentive to shorten DP cases to a decent time frame. They draw it out for months to years. The point of justice becomes lost, another cog in the wheel of the law.

    And if anyone mentions the cost of execution? Well, plenty of state officers including the National Guard, the Police, The Sheriff's Offices, etc, have sent letter campaigns in many states to bring back volunteer firing squads. Many prison officers, like where I once worked, even offered to BUY THE BULLETS THEMSELVES. Such efforts, well, they've fallen on deaf ears, too.
  • mlkiel
    mlkiel Posts: 91
    True...give her the knife:wink: , but she probably doesn't have the balls to kill herself:grumble:
  • TracyJo93
    TracyJo93 Posts: 197 Member
    Death for sure. My tax money shouldn't pay to keep that poor excuse for a human being alive.
  • KristysLosing
    KristysLosing Posts: 683
    I am against the death becuase where is the punishment- she should have to live and deal with it. I work in a prision however, and inmates get more rights then we have guarding them... so I would like to see her in a real jail bread/water this sucks jail not the ones we have now where they can buy tv's and play ps2's all day. grr :explode: :mad:

    Yeah...that is so wrong. They should not get all this stuff that people outside might not even have. LOAD OF BULL.