Jodi Arias?



  • toaster6
    toaster6 Posts: 703 Member
    Death. Immediately, no appeals, nothing. She admitted she killed him and I do not believe her self-defense and amnesia for a moment.

    why not just do any with her chance of appealing if they admit killing the person there is no need to appeal. just do it the same day they setence.

    Because there are many cases of people admitting to committing a crime even when there is solid evidence that they did not.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    The reason that a lot of people say they want the death penalty is because the case can stay in appeal for the rest of their life. They can spend the rest of their life waiting for the death penalty to take effect. And death row is the best prison to be in. Life in the general population prison is a much worse sentence.

    And while we are on the subject, the reason they do not give the death penalty for rape and child abuse is because the criminal needs some kind of "incentive" not to kill the victim. If the penalty is the same they will kill the victim because then the victim can't tell. But, if death has a worse penalty they will commit the crime and not murder the victim. That is the logic behind it.
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member

    i wonder if she's just saying that tho, so everyone will do the opposite of what she is wanting? idk maybe not..

    I'm sure she is - such a drama queen. Why should we pay for her to live out her existence. Death penalty, definitely.

    Completely agree. Just a ploy to stay in the lime light as a far as I am concerned. She wants to die, take her of suicide watch and lets see what happens. Oh and make sure she is has a DNR order.

  • Jxnsmma
    Jxnsmma Posts: 919 Member
    If found guilty, I have always believe that murders, rapists, and child molesters should automatically be put to death.

    Except for how many people have spent 20 years in jail only to be found innocent and let go... cant undo death penalties. Cant exactly "undo" that much undeserved time in jail either but... death is still harder to undo.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    If found guilty, I have always believe that murders, rapists, and child molesters should automatically be put to death.

    Except for how many people have spent 20 years in jail only to be found innocent and let go... cant undo death penalties. Cant exactly "undo" that much undeserved time in jail either but... death is still harder to undo.

    That is also one of the reason I don't support the death penalty. And I did go through that horrendously as a child. But, I understand the flaws in the legal process (innocent people often in jail and guilty people never sent there or let out after a short sentence).

    This is just how I feel about the general existence of the death penalty, but of course I know that Jody Arias is guilty of the horrendous crime that she committed.
  • DanceFittDiva
    DanceFittDiva Posts: 83 Member
    The death penalty. I have been following this trial every day from day 1. I'm sorry, but no one stabs someone 29 times, shots them in the head and slashes their throat from ear to ear in self defense. If someone was acting in self defense and is scared for their life, they would want to render their attacker immobile as quickly as possible and then would be trying to get away. They wouldn't stay there and just keep attacking. She murdered him in cold blood and then left him in a heap in his shower, naked.
  • DanceFittDiva
    DanceFittDiva Posts: 83 Member
    The reason that a lot of people say they want the death penalty is because the case can stay in appeal for the rest of their life. They can spend the rest of their life waiting for the death penalty to take effect. And death row is the best prison to be in. Life in the general population prison is a much worse sentence.

    And while we are on the subject, the reason they do not give the death penalty for rape and child abuse is because the criminal needs some kind of "incentive" not to kill the victim. If the penalty is the same they will kill the victim because then the victim can't tell. But, if death has a worse penalty they will commit the crime and not murder the victim. That is the logic behind it.

    Why do you think death row is the best prison to be in? If she's sentenced to that, she can only go outside her cell 3 times a week for only 2 hours each time. She will only get a shower 3 times a week. The rest of her time she'll be in a 12 ft x 7ft cell. She will only have 2-3 hours of visitation over a weekend. If she was in the general population, she would be able to go out of her cell on a DAILY basis for more than 2 hours. She would get a shower every day and it's possible that she would have longer visitation hours. She has WAY more freedom in general population and she has FRIENDS and people that like her in there. On death row, you're not able to socialize like that, so bye bye friends. So tell me, how is death row better than general population?
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    If found guilty, I have always believe that murders, rapists, and child molesters should automatically be put to death.

    Except for how many people have spent 20 years in jail only to be found innocent and let go... cant undo death penalties. Cant exactly "undo" that much undeserved time in jail either but... death is still harder to undo.

    I watched a case one day on Investigation Discovery that detailed a man that was in prison for around 30+ years for a rape & murder he didn't commit. His saving grace was the lead prosecutor luckily keeping an article of clothing that had his DNA sample on with the purpose of gloating in a tell all book how they cracked the case long ago. I believe the suspect ended up being one of his neighbors.

    A lot of people I would imagine falsely confess due to the long interrogation process & how it could wear on their mind after awhile. I've also seen a few cases were the cops/whomever involved went after someone basically for an open & shut case without really checking DNA, alibis, or other evidence.

    An interesting case that dealt with a lot of the aforementioned things was The West Memphis 3.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    So tell me, how is death row better than general population?
    In gen. pop you have the other inmates to deal with and they are not shiny happy people.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    So tell me, how is death row better than general population?
    In gen. pop you have the other inmates to deal with and they are not shiny happy people.

    Right, I mean it probably does depend on the crime that was committed. I am speaking only from what I heard from men that committed crimes that would probably result in being immediately murdered by the other inmates.
  • kimmie185
    kimmie185 Posts: 550 Member
    Hand her over to Travis's family and let them do what they see fit....
    Eye for an eye type of thing.
  • Skratchie
    Skratchie Posts: 131 Member
    In this particular case, life in prison, with photos of what she did plastered all over the walls in such a way she can't remove them.
  • Smackemdanno
    Smackemdanno Posts: 83 Member
    She should be the neighborhood of the boyfriend's friends and family. And, oh by the way, the same time she is released, there is a buy one get 22 doughnuts free sale across town.
  • DanceFittDiva
    DanceFittDiva Posts: 83 Member
    So tell me, how is death row better than general population?
    In gen. pop you have the other inmates to deal with and they are not shiny happy people.

    Right, I mean it probably does depend on the crime that was committed. I am speaking only from what I heard from men that committed crimes that would probably result in being immediately murdered by the other inmates.

    She's been in general population since 2008. They have said that the inmates LOVE her. They consider her a celebrity since she's on tv.

    And no one's going to try and kill her... she's not a child molester or a child murderer.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    So tell me, how is death row better than general population?
    In gen. pop you have the other inmates to deal with and they are not shiny happy people.

    Right, I mean it probably does depend on the crime that was committed. I am speaking only from what I heard from men that committed crimes that would probably result in being immediately murdered by the other inmates.

    She's been in general population since 2008. They have said that the inmates LOVE her. They consider her a celebrity since she's on tv.

    And no one's going to try and kill her... she's not a child molester or a child murderer.

    I don't know the specifics of how the prisoners feel about her (especially after the details of the real crime came out). I was only saying the reason that a lot of people say they want the death penalty. Which is not to say that is her reason. I was just including that. I also do not know what kind of guidance she is getting from other prisoners about what might be the best situation for her. Part of my reason for responding here was not necessarily about her case, but a follow up to times when people have posted threads on here to discuss these specific issues (which turned ugly and got deleted by the mods before a reply could be posted). Some of this discussion was about the death penalty in general. And I'm always open to learning more.

    The only way I feel about her case is that I am glad she was found guilty and the sentence is not up to me.
  • ACepero79
    ACepero79 Posts: 711 Member
    This topic reminds me a movie in the 70's with Pam Grier. Watching it made it move.
  • Cre8veLifeR
    Cre8veLifeR Posts: 1,062 Member
    I think life in prison since she WANTS to death penalty. In all honesty, let's bring back public hangings so we don't have to waste our tax money supporting prison sentences for psychopaths like this. I'd rather it go to education.
  • underwater77
    underwater77 Posts: 331 Member
    Life without parole. I don't believe in the DP because I truly believe living is more punishment for people who commit heinous crimes than death.
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    u MURDER, and then u get to live the rest of your natural life (behind bars, granted) with room and board provided?
    nope. taxpayer money should NOT be spent on that. can't be released back into society, shouldn't be supported by society. gotta go.

    Not sure where you live (in the US or elsewhere) but in the US it costs WAY more money to house a death row inmate and pay for all the automatic appeals they are entitled to than it does to just put them away for life without parole. So if you are talking strictly about what's best financially, life without possibility of parole is far cheaper. And I am not making this statement without back up research. I did my senior project for my BS in Criminal Justice on the death penalty (presented both pro and con positions) and have done tons of research on the financial side of it.
  • ApocalypticFae
    ApocalypticFae Posts: 217 Member
    Life without parole. There are only a select handful of cases that I personally believe warrant the death penalty, and as horrible as her case is, it didn't make the cut.