June 2010 - No more snacking after dinner



  • nikkieliivey
    nikkieliivey Posts: 76 Member
    So I have been on vacation for two weeks! Until today, everything was going so well. I was eating perfectly (better than I do at home somehow), excercising, and feeling great..and not snacking...but today somehow I slipped up.

    I let snack win. No, I didn't go over my calorie goal so I suppose that is a minor victory ( I used to just binge). Actually, usually I would say oh well lets just eat whatever we want...I was on the cusp of that....but then I remembered MFP, everything I want for myself, and that snacking doesn't fix problems....now I am writting to you all.

    I refuse to let one bad day stop my goals. I refuse to not lose this last 30 pounds. I refuse to give up! I can do this! I will suceed! This time there is no looking back no going back. I am tired of someday because as Tom Cruise pointed out in KNight and Day (really fun and cute movie by the way) someday is just code word for never. I refuse to make being a size a someday....I am working for it today. It will happen.

    This is the time in the diet were I start self saboutaging. NO MORE! I recognized this behavior this time and it is time to kick it to the curb. I am tired of me stopping myself from being me. This is my time to shine! Nothing will hold me back! I DON'T NEED TO EAT WHEN IT IS NOT TIME TO EAT!

    So yes, snacks won today...but their victory is short lived...it actually might have been a good thing, it reminded me of how much I don;t need to snack..it didn't make anything feel better...actually it just made me want to snack more.

    So I lost a night, but I gained some perspective.
  • rosemary10
    rosemary10 Posts: 253

    So I lost a night, but I gained some perspective.

    And you gave me some too :flowerforyou:

    June was something like: Me 22 Snacks 8
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Final count:
    17 me/13 snacks

    Well, I came out ahead, but not as good as I would have liked.

    So for July, my goal is 20 for me!

    Let's get July started

  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Thanks for thinking of me, ladies :flowerforyou: :heart: . Doing fine, just been offline for a while and then with very limited internet access. I was unable to keep track of my late snacking lately, but all else is well. Hugs to all, hope to join you again soon - though I'll probably skip July.

    Good luck and keep this going, you're a great team! :love:
  • xarra
    xarra Posts: 128 Member
    Can I join in?

    I have a horrible habit of snacking - especially as we eat late, around 8pm most days! So far today I've had houmous (hummus) with pitta bread, some light carte dor and blueberries, and 1 square of very dark chocolate... And not had tea yet, but I should JUST be under calories assuming I don't snack after dinner... Oh, and 150ml of coke.

    I'm finding I'm going to bed to sleep to stop me giving in!
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Can I join in?

    Sure, xarra - the more, the merrier :wink:. Join us in July's challenge: