how you got fat?



  • theundead
    theundead Posts: 51 Member
    depression and low self esteem
  • Restlessme
    Restlessme Posts: 191 Member
    I got fat because they made food so freaking good.

    Oh you'd like the current reasons?

    - binge drinking freshman year of college, followed by food delivery from 12 - 4am
    - eating my feelings (ALL feelings; happy, bored, tired, mad, etc)
    - food plan freshman year (unlimited 24/7)
    - exercise/moving seems too tedious (terrible motivation levels)
  • araromi2
    araromi2 Posts: 111 Member
    2.My boyfriend
    3.Moving from a rural area to a city
    4.Getting Married
    5.Birth Control
    6.Graduate School
  • xstarxdustx
    xstarxdustx Posts: 591 Member
    Upbringing as a child was more toward convenience foods than healthy foods. Decided to make a change in college.
  • Leeann1979
    Leeann1979 Posts: 1,090 Member
    I was an active, slim teen. Turned 19, started going to the bar, drinking loads of beer several nights a week, which was often followed by 3am pig outs. Slept in til 1pm next day. Ate more. Got ready and went back to the bar and repeated all this. Stopped playing tennis and all other exercise. Got into a relationship and became content and lazy and gained weight. Yo-yo'ed most of the last 14 years. Now im fitter than I have been since my teens, but losing these last 10 lbs has been a struggle due to thyroid disease.
  • lheaton
    lheaton Posts: 51 Member
    Deep depression => emotional eating => self-loathing => more eating
  • Bownzi
    Bownzi Posts: 423 Member
    Crappy life...
    Neck injury
    Crappy wife
    Low self esteem
    OOOHHH ...yeah....and just being lazy
  • EDollah
    EDollah Posts: 464 Member
    I got fat by being too lazy to do simply a minimum amount of exercise.

    I've found I gain about 10 pounds per year when I don't exercise. That means a surplus of 35,000 calories net in those years. If I had taken the time to walk, just walk 20 minutes a day, that would have burned those 35k calories and kept me at the weight of my youth.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Eating more than I moved.


    The bottomless pit that my stomach seems capable of being.

    Love food.

  • senami632
    senami632 Posts: 134 Member
    FOOD! No one loves food as much as I do. And then, having PCOS made it worse.
  • dingding24
    dingding24 Posts: 1
    One word: College. And all the things that come with it, the serious boyfriend which led to birth control as the serious breakup. Emotional eating, being able to go to the bar, no sleep and high stress. And starting Pharmacy school only made it worse, but learning about diseases and the body is what is making me turn it around. Also the day we checked each others blood pressure and cholesterol and I got that concerned look from my professor.
  • angelique_redhead
    angelique_redhead Posts: 782 Member
    My thyroid bottomed out after my first child and I ballooned. Then after my second child it did it again plus I had depression and the meds helped the weight go up. My DH met me at 200 pounds but doing 2 hours of Tae Kwon Do each day so he didn't realize I couldn't still eat like that after I wasn't able to work out any more. He's also of the school of "if you love it then feed it". He would take us to all you can stuffs 3-4 times a week and I was eating stupidly. I knew it was a bad idea but since I loved the food did it anyway. September 20, 2012 his doctor read HIM the riot act and I went on a diet with him. I've continued. He's not being so good right now. He's figured out that I can't eat like I used to thanks to MFP and doesn't pressure me to eat all the time now though. :D
  • chantelp89
    chantelp89 Posts: 590 Member
    It started 5 years ago when I went to remodel a house I owned(about 800 miles away). Spent 3 months eating nothing but fast food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I gained 30lbs by the time I got back home. Then from January till I got pregnant with my first in July, I gained 10 more lbs! Then after baby, I was just a couch potato. Fast forward to February last year, I had managed to lose almost 20lbs (new job= lots of walking and standing), but then, surprise!! Got pregnant again! A month after she was born, my SIL turned me on to this site and I've lost 16 lbs so far! : )
  • Tatonka_usn
    Tatonka_usn Posts: 433 Member
    While in the Navy, I badly herniated the L5/S1 disc in my lower back (back in 2007). They forced me a have a surgical procedure I neither wanted nor needed, which really did nothing to improve things. After surgery, I became paranoid about doing anything physical which might make things worse, so became very sedentary. Add in nearly 2 years of graduate school, spending MUCH time stressing/eating crap food, and it was literally a recipe for disaster. I blew up from 185 pounds prior to surgery (July 2007) to 225 pounds when I'd finally had enough (March-ish 2010). I know that doesn't sound like much, but for someone who 1) had always been HIGHLY active and could no longer do much of the same things, and 2) had never been over 205 was a real wake-up call. Finally decided enough was enough, and I 1) got my food intake under control (predominantly portion sizes, grazing, and stress eating) and 2) began doing what little I could cardio-wise (even if it was only 10 or 15 minutes walking on the treadmill). Gradually, over time, I worked myself down to about 195 pounds. Then, I was diagnosed with a form of colitis, with periods of time where I couldn't keep anything in me. I began losing weight again, but in an unhealthy manner.....and wasn't getting nutritional value from my food. So, I came on this site, and by monitoring my food, I could monitor 1) what was impacting my symptoms the most, and 2) what could be cut out (dairy and some gluten). Had helped, so far, and I'm now down to my maintenance weight.
  • twentytwelve12
    twentytwelve12 Posts: 245 Member
    stress, no exercise
  • StinkyWinkies
    StinkyWinkies Posts: 603 Member
    turned 40 and stopped caring...barely left my house for over a year, then *only* when I had to. Ate, read, ate, watched tv, ate, played on computer, ate, food shopped, ate, slept, got up, repeat. nearly 100#'s in a year.
  • lauraj2015
    lauraj2015 Posts: 28 Member

    -binge drinking
    -trying to stop homesickness with food
    -having to cook for myself
    -not having a lot of money to buy good food.
    -going home to parents and seeing stocked cupboards (eyes bigger than my belly!!!)

    gained 20lbs in a year :(
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    how did you get fat?

    Accepting mediocrity of myself and my eating. It really comes down to self-control and denying yourself those things that sounds really good right now for the things you really want overall. Too many times I found myself compromising that and telling myself I would make up for it later. Worse, I would try to numb that sense that eating that way and not exercising was bad by having a bit of entitlement - that somehow being in decent shape for the better part of my youth through college years I deserved to take a break and indulge. The problem was indulging became the norm instead of the exception. Throw in moving up in work responsibilities, kids, wife, working on more education....and it was too easy to let myself go. I completely lost focus on MYSELF in the mix of things.

    The biggest problem I have now is the last 12-15 years of this self-destructive behavoir created a pattern in my mind that I have to break. Easier said than done really. Even when I know the right choice to make - like eating x instead of y, or making sure I hit the gym or track - I fall back to feeling like I can make it up later or that somehow with all the efforts and progress I have made that I deserve a little of this and that, or a break from exercise. that is NOT that case, and I know it. So I really am arguing with myself often, as stupid as that sounds. I am sure some folks out there have a clear consciousnesses and are laughing, but that's just how it is for me. The good news is, I am making headway and find myself at least moderating the "bad" foods I eat and choosing better foods more often. I also workout more often than not. I just need to fine tune it all and keep on the high road. But that will come as I break down the mindset and patterns of the past years.

    So for me, it isn't hard to eat right or exercise, it is beating my own mind games.

    Maybe some of you can relate.
  • mrdexter1
    mrdexter1 Posts: 356 Member
    72 hour working week kitchen fitting alone, to sat infront of a computer for 2 years but nothing noticeable and only 25lb ..
  • PrinceReddy
    I put on weight because I was in a car accident in the beginning of 2011 that left me unable to walk for several months and in pain whenever I tried to exert myself. Then in November of last year I crashed my bike and tore the tissue in my knee and again was left unable to walk.