Potatoes Good Or Bad?

Certain people tell me they are good, some tell me they are bad. I've been staying away from them but they are my weakness. I am not eating them like usual by no means. No butter, no oil, no milk. This is the second time I have had them since I began my journey. The way I have been making them is pan fried with no oil just a little water and olive oil spray on the pan with a little salt, pepper and Cajun seasoning. Are they ok if you have in moderation? Or just a no in all? and the way I am making them is that bad? I know this may be a stupid question but I am still trying to learn good and bad. Thanks for reading :)


  • lyttlewon
    lyttlewon Posts: 1,118 Member
    Why would they be bad? Unless you are allergic to them there isn't anything in a potato that is harmful for you.
  • dsalveson
    dsalveson Posts: 306 Member
    Good!!! As long as you are aware of the amount of oil you are preparing it with and how much potato you are eating and are able to fit both into your plan, there's absolutely nothing wrong with potatoes. If you leave the skin on they contain lots of nutrients as well as a pretty good amount of fiber. Yum!
  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    I don't think there is a good or bad anything. If you are counting calories whatever fits into your day. It is certainly better than junk food. If you track your carbs it is more difficult to fit in.
  • xstarxdustx
    xstarxdustx Posts: 591 Member
    They're 'good,' just a little high in calories, but they are healthy for you. Also loaded with vitamin c (which was a big help with scurvy).
  • MusicInMyHeart
    As long as it fits in your macros, why not?
  • Willowana
    Willowana Posts: 493 Member
    Good with butter.
  • Rockytop_relic
    Rockytop_relic Posts: 208 Member
    Good! Nuke it, add cottage cheese and spray butter...enjoy!
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    One medium potato is about 100 calories. Leave the skin on and they're a good source of fiber. They also contain Vitamin C. Everything in moderation.
  • Willowana
    Willowana Posts: 493 Member
    Good! Nuke it, add cottage cheese and spray butter...enjoy!

    I am totally eating this tomorrow. Never thought of trying cottage cheese.
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,804 Member
    It is a Potato it is neither good or bad, it is Food.
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    Good for your body and good for your soul! I freaking love potatoes. I have a nice big baked potato sitting in the fridge, waiting for lunch tomorrow, lol. People stay away sometimes because they're starchy and have a decent amount of carbs, but carbs are your friend, just like everything else in moderation. Eat ALL the potatoes!

    ETA: Op, thought I'd add, you're super gorgeous! :flowerforyou:
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    Good or bad? I go with delicious :)

    For me, there aren't bad foods, just bad amounts. Potatoes are chalk-full of good things!
  • Matt24442
    Matt24442 Posts: 324
    They are so good!

  • ReasonableAssumption
    Potatoes are delicous. Especially when they are in the form of a fry or chip.
  • Gabrielm80
    Gabrielm80 Posts: 1,458 Member
    Ok no food is truly bad. And not every potato is created equal. Russet potatoes are probably the one your asking about. If all of the variety of potatoes had a family reunion Russet would be the fun yet reckless uncle that is loved but prolong interaction with him will probably end in trouble. Myself, I can pack on the pounds easily with this guy, which is horrible because he seems to be at every party. Chips, mash potatoes, home fries, gordita taco shells and many more. He can be healthy in moderation but since he is so cheap and readily available it is easy to over indulge. Now his smaller cousins the reds, yellow and fingerlings can be bad like any other food if you eat too much, but tend to digest closer to the complex carb area. If russet is the white bread of potatoes his cousins can be considered like wheat bread in this analogy. They are denser so you get full easier. The skin is healthier and easier eaten so you get more nutrients per ounce. They are not as big so you tend to stop eating when you finish the item. So smaller chunks allow for more chances to stop where are the russet has only one clear spot when its done. After its big self is gone. Potatoes kept the Irish alive for generations for decades so it has its place in our food culture, but it is a danger these days because we live a much more sedentary life style, and can get food with zero effort. Eat them up but beware of the quantity vs activity in your day
  • Gumshun
    Gumshun Posts: 41 Member
    portion control is key with potatoes.
  • operation_cute
    operation_cute Posts: 588 Member
    I agree portion control is key, eat what you want just keep it within your calorie plan :) If your worried about going over work out a little extra the days you worry about :) Eliminating food groups or specific foods (especially if there a favorite) is setting up yourself for failure... It's really difficult to eliminate any food you love for life... and this is meant for a life change not a short term diet :)
  • kaylindeschanel
    kaylindeschanel Posts: 105 Member
    sweet potatoes are better than baked potatoes!
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    I like mine fried with real butter and onions. Just not every day.
  • ReasonableAssumption
    sweet potatoes are better than baked potatoes!

    Especaily since you can eat all the sweet potatoes you want since their healthy and regular potatoes are not.