Potatoes Good Or Bad?



  • momzeeee
    momzeeee Posts: 475 Member
    sweet potatoes are better than baked potatoes!

    Especaily since you can eat all the sweet potatoes you want since their healthy and regular potatoes are not.

    Uhm. No.

    Its true! Regular potatoes are white and you should avoid white food because its bad for you.

    Why is my 8 year old on MFP? z, get off the Internet! You know the rules! LOL.

    Your not very nice.

    Someone asked about purple potatoes. Is purple white? No so purple potatoes would be ok. Except that their not real.

    Um, yes there are purple potatoes-Peruvian Purple Potatoes.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Good! Nuke it, add cottage cheese and spray butter...enjoy!

    I am totally eating this tomorrow. Never thought of trying cottage cheese.

    You can add snipped chives too. Or, if you really want to get extravagant, saute onions, a bit of garlic, mushrooms and green pepper and put that on top of the cottage cheese/potato and then add a sprinkle of Parmesan. Makes a great quick and nourishing meal. Mmmmmm. (Did you know that you could subsist for a LONG time eating only dairy and potatoes?) Potatoes are extremely nourishing. If you have eliminated added sugar and most grains (like me) potatoes are important for making sure that you get enough carbs.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    sweet potatoes are better than baked potatoes!

    Especaily since you can eat all the sweet potatoes you want since their healthy and regular potatoes are not.

    Uhm. No.

    Its true! Regular potatoes are white and you should avoid white food because its bad for you.

    Why is my 8 year old on MFP? z, get off the Internet! You know the rules! LOL.

    Your not very nice.

    Someone asked about purple potatoes. Is purple white? No so purple potatoes would be ok. Except that their not real.

    Um, yes there are purple potatoes-Peruvian Purple Potatoes.

    Yep--Terra Foods makes a purple potato chip that is quite nice but $$$. The call them "Terra Blues" (they are in the MFP data base). Purple potatoes are higher in protein and lower in starch than white potatoes. They are also a good source of anthocyanins (called "flavonoids", they are the blue coloring in various foods like blueberries). They are powerful antioxidants (cancer fighters). And they have a type of starch in them called "resistant starch" which resists being digested in the small bowel and travels on to the colon where it helps to make for a healthy colon. By the way, Europeans eat way more potatoes per capita than we do and they aren't anywhere near as inclined to obesity as Americans. :wink:
  • takumaku
    takumaku Posts: 352 Member
    Potatoes are bad for me. Too high in the glycemic index. I'll stick to eating rutabagas and turnips.
  • lyttlewon
    lyttlewon Posts: 1,118 Member
    sweet potatoes are better than baked potatoes!

    Especaily since you can eat all the sweet potatoes you want since their healthy and regular potatoes are not.

    Uhm. No.

    Its true! Regular potatoes are white and you should avoid white food because its bad for you.

    Eat in the dark. Problem solved. Physics for the win.

    Thats stupid. It doesn't change the color of the potatoes.

    It does actually. It is only white because of light refraction. Google is your friend. So is science.
  • goodtimezzzz
    goodtimezzzz Posts: 640 Member
    one of the worlds most purrrfect foods especially white potatoes! google the potatoe diet study and of course one of my heroes Dr.
    Mcdougal...I eat tons of potatoes!!
  • kokevendingmachine
    kokevendingmachine Posts: 43 Member
    Potatoes are entirely healthy. They came from the ground and it's all natural. What makes them unhealthy are McDonald's and all the other fast food/restaurants out there. I love potatoes! I just don't deep fry them or load them with cheese nor bacon!
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Potatoes are great, with the caveat that you don't have any medical conditions that may need you to limit starches. The only other issue with them is that they are often listed on the dirty dozen list for lots of pesticides, and the recommendation is to buy organic. I've never found organic at my stores, and I love potatoes, so I just eat them anyway.
  • CoachJake83
    CoachJake83 Posts: 108
    Some are better than others but overall good. Sweet potatoes are in fact considered a super food or in the top 10 healthiest foods you can eat category.
  • Poppyknight
    The best way to have them is to bake them in the oven with cayenne, olive oil, (boosts metabolism) and rosemary if you're in the mood. You don't need the added sodium or fat that panfrying or salt gives you. If you do prefer yours on the salty side, add salt later, where you can taste how much you put on. Potatoes are actually pretty good for you, and I recommend trying sweet potatoes. They're loaded with goodies!
  • jujunnaichi
    jujunnaichi Posts: 86
    Ask Chris Voigt. He ate 20 potatoes a day for 60 days and lost weight...

    Beginning weight: 197
    Beginning blood glucose: 104
    Beginning cholesterol: 214
    Beginning triglycerides: 135

    60 day weight: 176
    60 day blood glucose: 94
    60 day cholesterol: 147
    60 day triglycerides: 75

    Reference: http://20potatoesaday.com/
  • WonTaunTaun
    WonTaunTaun Posts: 87 Member
    Potatoes, good! Of course it depends on how you prepare them. Potatoes are high in potassium which is a great counter to sodium. But, to get the full nutritional benefits of the potato you have to eat it, skin and all. Baked potatoes with a low cal topping are pretty great. Not to mention that baked potatoes are quite filling.
  • lambchristie
    lambchristie Posts: 552 Member
    Everything in moderation.

    I've learned to also eat sweet potato fries and baked sweet potatoes with Brummel & Brown yogurt spread.
    (. http://www.mygofer.com/brummel-brown-spread-made-with-yogurt-15-oz/p-033W044969011000P?sid=msx09212010x000001&psid=38x6130504)

    BTW ... I do use real butter occasionally. Again moderation.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Vegetables are a nutural food and food is good.
  • hmg90
    hmg90 Posts: 314 Member
    I add potatoes once in a while. The calories are low seen in comparison to how full they make you. I usually slice up half a jacket potato and add to my omelet.
  • averytds
    averytds Posts: 64 Member
    There's a cream cheese/greek yogurt blend at Walmart that's amazing on baked potatoes. Especially sweet potatoes.
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    Ask Chris Voigt. He ate 20 potatoes a day for 60 days and lost weight...

    Beginning weight: 197
    Beginning blood glucose: 104
    Beginning cholesterol: 214
    Beginning triglycerides: 135

    60 day weight: 176
    60 day blood glucose: 94
    60 day cholesterol: 147
    60 day triglycerides: 75

    Reference: http://20potatoesaday.com/

    Potatoes are a great soure for Vit C, Potassium, Iron, and FIber in general. However, in this particular instance his health makers didn't improve due to potatoes... he lost 20 lbs.
  • RunForChai
    RunForChai Posts: 238 Member
    Potatoes are my weakness.....for me they are a treat once a week at most.
    Everyone is different but when I stopped eating potatoes, wheat and corn on a regular basis and made them "treats only" I lost weight and even more began to feel much healthier. Great substitutes for potatoes are yams, for wheat bread--Ezkial bread, and corn just had to go.

    Everyone is different. I based my changes on "Eat Right for Your Blood Type"
    the science may not add up, I don't know, I don't care----all I know is that when I cut certain foods out of my diet and upped my protein level I lost weight and lost most of my cravings.

    I think sometimes the foods we crave are the ones that we should experiment with cutting out....

    Try it.
  • zincsulfate
    I love potatoes strips without starch, though potatoes contains zinc sulfate micro-nutritions as it in www.rqsulfates.com.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Good in moderation, bad in excess, like most things, I imagine! I eat potatoes now and then and they don't seem to slow weight loss or anything.