

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    I just scrolled up the last page of posts and saw the amazing amount of pounds lost on this thread......if you're new here I hope you can be encouraged by that......every one of us who has lost weight started as a woman over 50 years old with a history of little success in the weight loss game......we have all learned enough and persisted enough to discard those pounds and have the motivation to lose the ones that remain. Keep coming back and never, never, never give up.

    :flowerforyou: several of you (Birdie, Barb, Robin, and others) have talked about getting rid of too big clothes.....others of you with big weight losses haven't mentioned the clothes but judging by your weight loss, you've had to get some new stuff, too.........it took several women on this thread telling me to get rid of the size 16 clothes before I could do it........I bought size 12 jeans and got rid of the bigger ones but kept all my dresses and shirts and coats. When I finally started getting rid of clothes that looked like clown clothes on me, I cried.......Like all of us, I had some very special outfits that would be impossible to replace.........I had to rush them off to the thrift shop so I wouldn't put them back in the closet.....I still mourn some of them but when I look in the mirror at the new me, I am thrilled even if my new wardrobe is not as creative as the old one.

    :flowerforyou: We have sunshine here today but since the dogs are being groomed there will be no visit to the dog park and since we have an appointment with our financial adviser at eleven, I can't go out and work in the yard until I get back from that (knowing our weather, I won't count on sunshine this afternoon just because we have it now)

    :flowerforyou: Rebel, the lovebirds look so happy......I'm so glad the weather cooperated to make their day special.

    :flowerforyou: Michele, as I watched Haifa walk across the back yard this morning I thought about how lonely you must be without PJ......we send hugs to you :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    :flowerforyou: Suzy, I am so glad to see your thin and happy face back on the thread.....I missed you......you shared so much great information and always had such an upbeat attitude. Congratulations on all your great accomplishments while you've been awol

    :flowerforyou: Terri, lucky you getting to go on a walk with DH.....that's my favorite kind of exercise.

    Let's all have a great day. :heart: :heart: :drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :love: :love:
  • smelliott
    smelliott Posts: 120
    Hi everyone,
    Just popped into Mcdonalds to use their free wifi. It's an our from where we are staying but we came over this way for the day. We are having a lovely restful time in the French Alps. The weather is good, sunny and very warm and it is very quiet. We are walking loads with the dog and I am using a game on my DS to track my exercise and calories while I am away from MFP. I am not doing too badly so far so fingers crossed. :laugh: I miss you all and hope you are all doing well.
    Good luck with your June targets :heart:
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    As usual, I've forgotten what I wanted to respond to. :laugh:

    Birdie - the machines at the gym have a HRM built in, but they are like the ones where you put your thumb on a watch. They aren't measuring your HR continuously so they aren't that accurate. Plus, a lot of them don't use the HR calculations in their calories burned formula! Isn't that crazy?!
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I have been thinking about the same thing that you have recently, Mimi...How great it is to be in a GOOD PLACE in regards to my relationship with food and exercise and my FEAR of ever going back to that bad place. And also about how I got to this "good" place....and this thread has been the biggest part of that. All of you have helped me and others stay focused and upbeat and knowing that you are THERE is such a huge help. Today I am VERY THANKFUL for all of you..... And I was wondering about what SusieQ was up to,....

    Suzzeque: and then there you were today! So glad to hear from you! When I first started on this thread your quote on your signature was so helpful to me and I was thinking that it would also be of help to our newbies, but I couldn't remember it exactly. You look great and glad to have you back. Sounds like you have been super busy, but know you will jump right back in and meet the goal you have for yourself!

    Terri: I agree that exercise outside is the best, but good for you for getting it in no matter the weather!

    Faye: And I think your advice about not eating all of your exercise calories is great advice in that MFP is certainly guessing on many of the calories in and out. Which brings me to HRM>>>

    Birdie: Thanks for asking the questions about HRM because I don't know either and because of the above concerns have been thinking about one too

    Vicki: You got me thinking about the HRM too...and

    Robin: Thanks for the info regarding the HRM! And I hope your sore knees get better. You have done so, so much exercise recently, they probably just want a bit of a rest. Hope that's it. And stay positive regarding job. I think you can do ANYthing!

    Barbie: so glad that the line dance workshop was a success...and that you have another in Sept to look forward to!

    Robin 2: Good luck with JC and your new journey. Read Suzzeque"s post and especially her signature quote!

    Rebel: GOOD FOR YOU for managing the wedding week so very well! Our youngest son and his girlfriend are on a 2 week road trip heading out to your part of the world from Chicago. They plan to camp a good part of the time so I am hoping that you have some blue skies and sunshine! They are so excited!

    Tiarapants: It was ncie to learn more about you and your family...it sounds like you and DH are a great team! And good for you for the exercise and for having the 5K in Oct to motivate you!

    Denise: Glad you were able to check in. I am thinking of you in the French Alps! ENJOY!

    To those I didn't respond directly to, I appreciate each of you and wish you all a great week. Take care, :heart: kackie:heart:
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Good Evening Everyone

    I am so annoyed with myself tonight :angry: I have been carefull at work today , feeling very pleased with myself until I came home had tea and ate for England afterwards. :blushing: :blushing: :explode:

    Sorry to be a moaning minnie especially as everyone seems to be having good days lately, but today has been one of those days. I don't know why I do this to myself. :huh: Even with all the walking I have done today I have gone over my calories.

    Take Care Everyone - Hopefully I will have a better day tomorrow :ohwell:

    Viv :heart:
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good afternoon ladies,
    This may be last post until sometime tomorrow. We leave about 4 am for nashville. the 3 girls are coming sleep her tonight. I am about to go finish mowing the yard, and finish cleaning pool, then get last minute packing done, then maybe go to grandson's first baseball game, then pick up hubby from work, then try to sleep before getting up at 4 am. I am tired just thinking about it.
    Susie so good to hear from you. 1 pound gain is awesome for being away so long. you will get that last 15 with no problem.
    About HRM dont feel dumb. I did not know what it was unitl I joined MFP. I have the watch kind and you have to take your pulse often to get an accurate read. I think when I replace it I will get the chest strap kind. You still wear like watch but it has a chest strap that constantly reads your heart rate so it is very accurate. I feel like I cannot exercise if I forget mine. Crazy but I like to know what I am burning. I dont eat exercise calories so really does not matter but I just like to know. It is surprising how many caloreis some things burn. Like mowing for instance. it is something I have to do and really dont mind doing and it burns a large number of calories. I like that kind of exercise.
    Well ladies have a good day.
    Vicki M
  • ainslieglen
    ainslieglen Posts: 110
    Hello everyone

    Dropping in to tell Jeannie and Michelle how sorry I am for the losses of beloved pets. It;s hard to experience.

    Rebel, the wedding week-end sounds perfect, and the happy couple look just that...HAPPY!

    I'm having a couple of bad days, so won't stay around and start a "pity party":sad:

    I've read the posts and all I can say is that you all are amazing people, and I'm happy to be here!

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Got home about an hour ago from family meal with the inlaws, day 6. Seems that is what they do for fun ~ EAT! Everyone else pigged out on chicken pot pie, corn on the cob and banana pudding. I filled half my dinner plate with the strawberry spinach salad I brought and ate about 1/4 cup of the pot pie and a few bites of the pudding; no corn. Came home and threw away the last of hubby's German chocolate birthday cake.

    He's working nights this week so I have no excuse for not doing strength training other than laziness or procrastination. So I got out the hand weights and medicine ball and worked up a good sweat. Now I'm gonna sit on my stability ball and enjoy Losing It w Jillian while sipping Diet Lipton Green Tea with Citrus. I discovered it quite by accident a few days before my trip to CA and have been hooked ever since. So refreshing! :drinker:

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Barb - I never thought of how the heat would affect the oil-slicked birds, thanks for bringing this to my attention.

    Robin - I'll be really interested to see how this "at home counseling session" goes. Keep us informed.

    Birdie - there are two types of HRM's -- there are the kind that don't have a chest strap and the kind that do. I wouldn't even CONSIDER LOOKING at one without a chest strap. Those are way too inaccurate. What you do is put this strap around your chest (right under the bust) then wear a watch on your wrist. There is a transmitter in the chest strap which picks up your heartbeat and transmits it to the watch. Some chest straps are a piece of plastic that extends about halfway around your chest and a material strap that hooks the two ends together. Now there are ones where there is a transmitter that goes onto the strap so you don't have this big thing across half of your chest. I think that's what I'll be getting. I would think it would be better since you can wash the strap (after removing the transmitter). The handle thingys on your treadmill are more of a guide, not real accurate. They will let you know when your heartrate is getting way too high or low. One thing that a lot of heart rate monitors are going towards is being coded. What that means is that when you are wearing your HRM, it'll only pick up your heart rate without any interference from someone next to you wearing one. I know that when I had my first one, at times it would say that my HR was over 200 and that was because it was also adding in the HR of the person next to me.

    Rebel - so glad about the wedding. I was thinking of your this weekend. Awesome that you didn't gain!

    Did an hour of LiloFit today (Tues). Bryan suggested we make LaMajoon for dinner tonight. He has to help me because I have no idea at all how to do it. Yes, I gained a bit according to the WiiFit, but I don't consider that the real test. To me, the weekly weigh in is a real test. I do know that I'm feeling like I slipped somewhat and am craving sugar and carbs (the not so good ones) again. I really need to keep that in check. Update: I know that tomorrow the WiiFit will show a gain. I know that I shouldn't eat late at night. Bryan asked if we could have dinner later, so I asked him what later meant, did it mean 7 or did it mean 10. He said 7. Well, we didn't actually eat until 8:30. So it's almost 10 by the time we finished.

    Got a meeting to go to tomorrow a.m. so I'll do a step video at home.

    Welcome back suzzyq, you've been missed! Congrats on the great choices at the cookout. I know what you mean, some families (I think mine especially) center all their family gatherings around food and, unfortunately, not great food.

    barbie - you know, earlier today I could have sworn that I heard PJ meow. As a matter of fact, I turned my head and expected him to amble into the sunroom. Then I caught myself. Both Vince and I commented on how in looking back, the other cats knew that PJ was a wounded animal. They'd go up, sniff him, and walk away. But I know he's no longer in pain, and that comforts me.

  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I am so annoyed with myself tonight :angry: I have been carefull at work today , feeling very pleased with myself until I came home had tea and ate for England afterwards.
    That's a common pattern. So much so that there are these exhortations not to eat as night as it will "make you fat". But it turns out that it's not eating at night that's the problem. It's the going over calories burned.

    The recommendation to avoid this pattern is to eat like King for breakfast, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper. Another recommendation is to eat 50% of your allotted calories by lunchtime.

    What a lot of people do is deprive themselves too much during the day so that, by the time dinner rolls around, they are starving and self-control is at a low point. It can be hard to convince yourself to eat when you are trying to lose weight but it's a lot better to plan to eat than to lose control, either at night or on the weekend.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Stayed within my calories today and worked out in the gym. Elliptical and weights. Tomorrow going for blood work in advance of next week's annual physical. Recently a mammogram which was normal.

    :laugh: I am feeling fantastic. Still basking in the afterglow of the wedding and spending some great time with #2 son, who is still visiting. He is planning on leaving on Thursday. :heart: I love my boys. :heart: All 3 of them. Each is unique. I hold them in my heart.

    DD celebrated 7years of marriage yesterday. They are hoping to start a family.

    10 more days and then I have 2 weeks vacation. Yay!

    Gotto go.....ttyl

    :heart: Rebel :heart:
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    I tried reading on the stationary bike but it was too jiggly and, heavens (!), I don’t have a TV. I was bored to death just peddling away. It’s torture enough without being bored. Finally, I discovered books on CD. I’m listening to a Robert B. Parker book and making myself stop listening when I’m done exercising. Getting back to the book is great motivation.

    This is somewhat of a cross-post to another thread I follow which, unfortunately, is floundering a bit. It’s just me being philosophical and may not apply to those with less weight to lose...

    I feel more in control of my eating as time goes on. After having a "snacky" time :drinker: Memorial Day weekend (which I planned to do), I was happy to get back to being in control of cooking and eating. That's a first for me. I used to enjoy the vacation from having to think about food and just eating whatever I "felt" like eating. :devil: And that usually led to trouble.

    Now, I pay more attention to eating foods I enjoy. There's nothing I won't have. But I feel cheated (by myself, of course) if I eat something that has a lot of calories and isn't very tasty. It's surprising how many foods fit into that category. I mostly don't bother with them anymore.

    I read something in an MFPer’s signature line that has stuck with me: "Nothing tastes as good as the first bite." I used to look for that perfect flavor, eating more and more, thinking I was going to get to it. Now I realize the first bite is as good as it gets. It's all downhill from there. So, I savor that first bite and am happy not to take bite after bite looking for the elusive (more like non-existent) perfect flavor.


    Reb, the wedding sounds beautiful and romantic. Sigh. I'm happy for or your DS and new DIL and for you that the sun came out. Perfect. And not gaining weight....good golly, that's amazing! :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Tiarapants, you sound like one busy lady! Translating from Latin? Wow. I love words and wish I knew Latin. (Not enough to learn it, however!)

    Ainsliglen, I'm sorry you're having a tough couple of days. You are hanging in on meeting your goals, and that’s fantastic. I hope the Dr's visit went well...? I hold my own pity party every once in awhile. Keeping up with the posts on MFP and counting my blessings helps make the pity parties shorter. I hope you feel better soon. :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    Barbie, I’ve got 4 bins of clothes I’m saving for my daughter who, I’m hoping, will get on the MFP train soon and have given away a couple of garbage bags-full. I’m almost too quick to get rid of the old stuff. In fact, I just put the dress I wore to my daughter’s wedding 7 years ago (when I was momentarily at my thinnest for many years) in the bin because it’s about 3” too big around! I’m starting to fit into regular sizes. Yippee!

    Denise, it sounds as though you’re having a wonderful time and keeping up with your goals too. The best of both worlds!

    Viv, when I feel like I’m starving, the first thing I do is make a big platter of veggies – raw, roasted, or grilled. Sometimes I have to make myself do it because I’d rather just get something quick from the cupboard. Today I had roasted asparagus (my favorite); eggplant that, for once, was incredible; broccoli; mini peppers; and mushrooms. And I ate it all! I call veggies my willpower. After eating them, I no longer want to eat everything in sight. Fruit’s in season now and that’s wonderful as well. Oh…just read MacMadame’s advice…she’s right on (as usual)! Eating more earlier is really the best approach. When you can’t do that, load up on the veggies! (Of course, I like veggies almost any time – never used to, but I do now.)

    Robin, I know you’ve some struggles. Being unemployed for a year is tough. Now, with your husband worried about his job too, that’s got to be even tougher. :noway: But, you keep plugging away. You’re a marvel! I hope someone will smarten up soon and hire you. You are amazingly organized, persistent, and smart too!

    Kackie, I’m glad to hear you’re in a good place. I can hear the smile in your voice. It’s sure a nice feeling. :heart:


    I read every post. You are dear to me! I wish I had time to say hello to each and every one. You are in my thoughts even when I don’t get a chance to respond. There’s such a big bunch of us, responding is becoming harder.
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Just a quick post to thank MacMadame and Mimi for their advice. I was having a bit of a downer yesterday - not sure why - I always blame the hormones :smile:

    Thanks for reminding me to spread calories out over the day, maybe I have been depriving myself too much earlier in the day. To be honest though I wasn't hungry after my meal, I just couldn't stop eating sugary snacks. :embarassed: :embarassed: I will plan to eat more at lunchtime.

    Mimi I will have to get roasting those veggies, then I have something healthy to snack on.

    One good thing though I was so fed up with myself that I bounced for 20 mins on the rebounder and bounced all the bad feelings away :bigsmile:

    :drinker: Here's to a happy Wednesday. I will work extra hard on healthy choices today.

    :heart: Viv :heart:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Wizzywig - I like the sound of a rebounder! Is that one of those small trampolines? Do you use it in the house or in the garden?

    Yesterday was a funny day. My dad seemed fine, but went downhill later and had a panic attack. I was already at home by this time and stayed on the phone to him for an hour, 'talking him down'. In the past he has called an ambulance when he's had a panic attack, but he now calls me first. I can normally tell if I need to get round to him or if I can just speak to him on the phone. I always feel guilty when I don't go, but he does seem to calm down more when I speak to him over the phone.

    Mother in law was not too bad yesterday. She managed to unscrew one of the knobs on her wheelchair and had hidden it in her bed somehow. I took her out into the grounds of the nursing home for an hour and she almost seemed back to her old self. However, when I took her back to the day room, she started getting a little cantankerous and paranoid. We ended up back in her room with her telling me how everyone hates her. Eventually I was able to make her smile with silly chit chat and by the time I left she was fairly happy.

    I'm off to see my therapist this morning - I go every Wednesday. She is my saviour! I spend the whole time I'm with her just going over what's happened in the previous seven days. It is extremely cathartic. I've been seeing her for just over two years and we have built up a good rapport.

    This evening I have my 'stitch and *****' group. Another cathartic experience! I'm knitting for my grandtwins. I got a great book this week with some really funky patterns in it (including a hat which is made to look like Elvis Presley's hair style!) I'm also knitting quite a few shrugs for myself. The tops of my arms are not good and I like to have a little something to cover them with.

    Treadmill and breakfast now. Catch up later xx
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Hello everyone and welcome to our new members.:flowerforyou:

    I've been staying busy outside the past 2 days because we actually had TWO DAYS OF SUNSHINE!!!!!:happy: Took lots of walks and did weeding and planting--it was so nice.
    Of course, it started raining again last night.:grumble: Oh well, wouldn't want to get spoiled! (Getting moldy, however, is a different matter altogether!)

    Michelle--It's so hard to lose a well-loved pet but be assured that you did the right thing. PJ is now happy and romping through the best fields ever!
    Same for you Jeannie--I had a rabbit when I was a girl and I loved him so.:heart: Maybe he's playing with PJ right now!

    ainslie--Hang in there, okay?

    Viv--Glad you're back on the ball and feeling better. I find that a bit of exercise always perks me up!

    Tiarapants--I like the sound of your Stich and ***** group! I wish I could find something like that in my area but so far I haven't. I've checked meet-up.com, etc and the public bulletin boards. I suppose I could try starting one myself but I already have quite a lot to do right now. Something to think about for the future.

    Have a good day everyone. If I don't get moving I'll not have time to get a workout in before work!
  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi! Just a note to say I'm getting back to a good routine with my eating, exercising and drinking water. Once you get off track, it takes some diligence to get back on.:grumble: Anyway, I like reading the posts, they are an encouragement. Have you noticed that only about 10% of those who read the posts actually post? Interesting...But it is true that reading others posts is very helpful and often gets me through the day!:happy:
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Made time for a short bike ride this morning before heading out ot help my niece pack up her house to move. Should be doing lots of practical strength training helping her these next few days. Just popped home to get some shredded paper for packing and thought I'd check in.
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Mornin' ladies, haven't posted awhile cuz the new rule is no posting til gutt'n'butt DONE, :bigsmile: so its a looong one.

    -Viv love the pix, Autumn LOOKS like a little sweetie, who are the other team members? Our first Race for the Cure one of the giveaway snacks was a fruit yogurt. We were all really enjoying it, very yummy, when ACK! Somebody read the label! Over 300 calories.:noway: No wonder it was delish, might as well had ice cream. "Ate for England" pulled a laugh right out of me. :laugh: Last night I broke the Lenten lifestyle with not one but 2 glasses of wine, :drinker: :drinker: and had to get on the Gazelle and watch Jillian to stop the subsequent flow of calories mouthward. Sort of like bouncing the calories away but not as much fun.:huh:
    -Kackie, I'll take slugs, barely, over fiddler crabs.:sick: At least slugs can't pinch you! Beer traps working, another dozen over the fence and into the brushpile yesterday. Only two today, could they be getting wise? [shudder]
    -Jeannie, hugs to you on your loss. :brokenheart: Maybe Peter and PJ are romping on the other side. Hope you can enjoy you vacation despite the heat.
    -Mary, congrats on your great trip and great choices. Music camp WOW! Any special grilling recipies you'd care to share? Especially veggies?:ohwell:
    -Cathy, I hate to record gains too, :grumble: which is why I only record on Fridays. Weekends are my down or should I say UP fall? :wink: BUT if its up Friday it is what it is and goes on the ticker. Your ticker picture is BEAUTIFUL! Where IS that beach? Good sleep and good walk and good choices and you are back on track! glug:drinker: glug :drinker: right back atcha!
    -RobinJ, too bad the tequila was for the cook and not the fajita, tequila fajitas sounded GOOD! :happy: You plan a week in advance? WOW. You are right right right about exercise as depression cure. If only it weren't so hard to just DO IT! :sad: You must have our office bugged! :tongue: When I saw that strange color out the window I stopped and gasped and pointed. Others commented about the unfamiliar warm glow emanating from the off-color sky. AND it stayed that way until late yesterday afternoon, when the grey clouds and thunderstorms returned. Does anything ease your knee pain? Gymnast in your youth! All you who are athletic by nature astound me. :noway: I was born a bookworm. Maybe you could pass on some of our gal's humor to help DH decompress. Kackie's right. With your Can-Do attitude, the right job will surely come soon. OR you might just INVENT it! :bigsmile: Hope DH's is not letting office worries make him sick. We have a lot of that at our company, people waiting for the layoff shoe to drop, stresssing so much they'd actually rather BE laid off than live with the not-knowing. That's mostly guys in their 30s and 40's one in his 50s. NOT ME! Job market for 60yr old steamship gal who does tech support by the seat of her pants is LIMITED for sure. BUT better to accept that it's out of my control and do something good for myself, at least most of the time. Does DH exercise with you?
    -Barb, loved hearing about Samantha the great mole hunter presenting her trophies to you. :smile: Reminds me of the time I saw Sampson with a tail trailing out of his mouth. Popped it and the mouse it was connected to out of his mouth and into my hands. Carried it outside, opened my hands, watched it take a breath, look around, and VANISH! Interesting about PYY, any info on what stimulates its production besides yoga? Great goal, Look forward to your progress! It will be so much fun to surprise everyone with the new you (that was hiding inside all the time).
    -Jackie How's the sister visit going? And the care meeting?:heart:
    -Terri what kind of working out doors? Surely that counts towards your daily 30 minutes?:happy:
    -Faye thanks for the reminder about exercise calorie estimates. I try to "bank" my exercals to offset the weekend's overindulgences.:wink:
    -Michele, I'm so sorry for your pain,:brokenheart: but glad PJs at rest now. Tremendously relieved that your DD understood. You did good, both with PJ and with DD. :flowerforyou: Our Petunia visited a few times after she passed too, as did my Papa. Feel like they were letting me know they were ok, it gave me some comfort. Thanks for the guidance about HRs w/chest straps. Always wondered how uncomfortable/awkward they'd be over the bust. Wrong again! :bigsmile:
    -Mimi congrats on the 180 in your feelings about eating. :flowerforyou: I'm not there yet, the bad stuff still mostly appeals, except for the garlic bread dripping butter... it doesn't taste so good the 2nd time around. :laugh: Book on tape only when exercising? WOW what a great idea! Savoring the first bite then stopping, now yes, that might be something I could do. Thanks! "Love words wish I knew latin but not enough to learn it" you are a gal after my own heart! :heart: Fitting into regular sizes! Well done! :flowerforyou:
    -Robnbrwn, are you exercising too close to bedtime? That can cause the brainspin. When I can't sleep, I get up and do ONE of the things on the endless to-do list. Seems to make the brain let go so I can sleep. That's why you'll usually find dirty dishes in my sink at night, but not in the morning.:laugh:
    -VickieM and all you HRM gals out their, what models do you use? What features will you buy next time? Safe travels and hope the weather's good.
    -Barbie FIVE DAY dance workshop? I'm sooo :sick:jealous:sick: ! Tacoma again? Thanks so much for the reminder of how far we've all come and how inspiring the big loss gals are who stick around. Glad to hear that Haifa is hanging in there. I won't have any trouble getting rid of my too big clothes, AND I'm hopeful that one or 2 of the "creative" too small dresses that I couldn't bear to part with will one day fit again (tho' they sure won't be age-appropriate anymore!) :laugh: :bigsmile: :laugh:
    -Denise Walking the French Alps with the dog? Sounds like a dream trip!:love:
    -Renny, Congrats on the wedding :flowerforyou: + dancing the calories off before they could stick! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Way to go 10-Sistah! :heart: Special vacation plans?
    -Tiarapants cartography and antiquarian maps and latin translations and zip wires, WOW what RANGE! What a gift to be able to make your MIL smile. I haven't knit for years, but I'd love to have a rainbow of shrugs for the same reason. Any favorite patterns you could recommend?
    -SuzyQ So good to hear from you! Reworked flower beds, planted vegetable garden and painted the whole house, if that's not dedicated exercise, then what the heck is? :bigsmile: What's the sweetener (if any) in the Diet Lipton Green Tea with Citrus? Me I'm just substituting some Miller Chill for some of my favorite ale on the weekends... :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    -ainslieglen we all have those bad days. Stay around, don't go away! We're happy to have you here too!:flowerforyou: :love:
    -MacMadame "better to plan to eat than to lose control". Right again! What? Oh you mean weekends too?:tongue::laugh:
    -Kathy, same weather here. Not moldy yet, but there are mushrooms BIG ones growing in the yard. This where the average rainfall is 11 inches/year and the humidity normally below 20%, its crazy!:ohwell:
    -Doobiedoo Welcome back! You and the kids still doing "go you chicken fat go"? :happy:

    Gratitudes 1-Robby the General and Dixie, 2-blue sky Monday afternoon and Tuesday, 3-central air and heat, 4-fresh cherries, 5-DH's protectiveness even tho' sometimes it drives me nuts.

    Gutt'n'butt 3rd try day 5!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good morning all, its raining again.:noway: Only one day of sunshine and now its gone. I would really like more please.

    DH is doing better. He spoke to his boss's boss and was told that he was a true asset to the group and that he shouldn't worry. Funny I told him that but who am I to say. He is such a roller coaster ride but I love him. :love:

    I am still very sore but pushing thru. I am retaining water and I have cramps and the hotflashes :explode: are getting so much worse I guess this could be a TOM thing so I am not letting it get me down. (I also am getting bad munchies in the afternoon but I am keeping under control)

    Ainslieglen - I hope you are hanging in there just remember we are here for you. :flowerforyou:

    SuzyQ - How was the show with Jillian? I missed it. Moving is a great workout with all the lifting and bending and stuff. have fun.

    Kackie = its so good to hear about the positive attitudes we are creating with fitness and food. It is all so good. :smile:

    Reb - reading about your upcoming appointments reminded me that I keep meaning to do that. I haven't ever had a complete physical and its been 4 years since my last pap although I did have a mamogram last year. I am so bad. :tongue:

    Mimi - isn't is great that good food taste good? :laugh: Also one bite can really be satisfying when you savor it and that way you can try things that are really bad for you and feel good knowing that you didn't blow 300 calories on crap.

    Viv - I like that "bounced all the bad feelings away" Exercise is awesome.:drinker:

    tiarapants - I am glad your visits went well and also that you were able to help your dad. Therapists can be great, glad you have a good one.

    Kathy - isn't it great when the sun shines? I would love to get more done outside.

    doobiedoo = glad you are back on track. Keep up the good work.

    Auntiebk - wow what a post. DH doesn't exercise much but he is doeing the Boeing challenge where they wear a pedometer and he logs over 10000 steps aday at work. His is the same weight he was in junior high and is extremely healthy when he doesn't have kidney stones:sick: or stress pains. I try to cheer him up but sometimes I just can't do it anymore. oh and I have a Polar FT7 HRM. Next time I would get one that would allow me to input my resting heartrate and my VO2max but I won't get a new one for a while.

    have a wonderful wednesday everyone.
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    WELL...after my wonderful feeling the past few days and putting it on my post yesterday, the old BAD self heard me and got some revenge! I was SO hungry and antsy last night. I did roast a big pan of vegies, Mimi, and had a healthy dinner with some chicken but made the mistake of having a glass of wine with DH outside after dinner and should have just stayed there. I think that MacMadame has it just right. I didn't eat enough during the day yesterday and I just couldn't stop snacking once I started after dinner. I have not done that in a VERY long time and I DON"T LIKE IT:noway: :noway: :noway: I was so mad at myself. And then I didn't sleep well because I was mad at myself. BUT today is a new day and reading the posts looks like I have some company in that department. I know this is a long-haul thing and that one bad evening is not a problem, so I am dusting myself off and trying to have a calm and even day. I did a 90 minute gentle-theraputic yoga class today instead of the tougher one. I have been upping my exercise each day and maybe that too got me too hungry and tired. So....here's to jumping right back after a stumble:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Have a good day all and thanks for being here, Kackie