
  • ainslieglen
    ainslieglen Posts: 110
    Hi everyone Here goes try #5 to get a post in for today.....Whatever I'm doing wrong, I get part way through and it just seems to vanish:grumble:

    I read all the new posts earlier this morning, made my notes and settled down to reply to them. So much for good intentions:angry: I've rewritten things so often now that they are starting to sound dumb to me, so I'm just going to give everybody my best hugs, also wishes for some sunshiny days for those of us in the cold, damp, gloomy Pacific North West. Where'd our " user friendly" weather go???::huh:

    Have a really nice evning all,:glasses: ainslieglen
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    What? Oh you mean weekends too?:tongue::laugh:
    That's funny because I'm sitting in a brainstorming/design meeting and that very topic came up as we were breaking for lunch!
  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    :flowerforyou: Well....Good Evening Everyone...
    Welcome to the New "Newbies" and Hi to the Oldies who are back in the fold.
    I looked back through the posts and thought it was strange for there to be so many since my last one. Then I realised ...yesterday I did it again!.... posted ...with replies, I may add... and lost it. So, Im trying out the notepad thingy and with luck can copy and paste.See...I do listen to other people ...sometimes!! And .....IT WORKED:bigsmile:

    My sister's been and gone. She saw Mum for an hour after we'd had our hospital meeting.:cry: Sadly Mum didn't show any sign of knowing her and doesn't recall having any visitors.The meeting was ..a waste of time really. Started off by the nurse in charge asking why it was called in the first place!! But now we do have a discharge date of 17th June.
    The only piece of equipment we're waiting for is the bed ....coming on the 16th.
    DH has made me laugh ...in her newly decorated room he's put back the "Memory Board" and written on it ..."Today we start with a Clean Sheet" ...:happy: I must remember that one for the days when the scales have somehow given me back a few pounds
    It was good to see my sister ...especially as she said I had lost weight. Not sure whether DH had bribed her to make my day but it did!!
    DS whisked off Down South ,after staying the night, to see our Father ...who is now also ill with a severe chest infection...again.Boy do our parents somehow manage to synchronise their illnesses!!Five years ago we had a similar situation with Dad in intensive care in the South of England and mum in hospital after a fall in N.wales. My stepmother was thankfully a nurse before she married Dad and bears the brunt of his care. Home kidney dialysis being her forte at present!! :ohwell: Sadly I don't think they will be able to make the Christening this weekend and we're visiting them on Friday. He is thankfully very sharp minded ....but an awful patient!!

    :frown: Gutt N' Butt ...Am I thick or what?...don't answer that please ...Sorry to be soooo obtuse!!
    First exercise ...Lying on the bed...Legs straight...Bend one leg at knee, foot on bed....with other leg straight, lift it to raise leg in straight position (Calf paralell to bed) Is that right? No hip clunks doing that and yes you can feel muscles working.

    I'm off now to wrap DH's and DS's and DGS's presents and then to try on the new clothes that ...:happy: "I didn't buy" the other day and that will miraculously appear at a later stage in the weekend!! These old things? they're from the "Old" days and I can now get back in them!!! Anyone else have luck with that one?

    I read about some of your pest problems ...Marmots and slugs!! ..:grumble: We seem to be plagued with Ants. They're under the conservatory floor and systematically removing the tile grouting under the matting!! But we'll get them...little round tins with different holes to go in, baited with "stuff" they take back to the nest. Anyone know if it works? We don't like them anyway!! While on holiday in Bali last year DH decided to leave cake for the little fellas by the pool. We spent ages watching as they carted off bits of cake to the nest. Great ...until the word got around. We had some pastries in our beach bag ...plus camera case and other things. Yep ...the whole ant colony seemed to want to dine "Chez Nous" and the whole bag was a black mass all of a sudden.:huh: We had to grab a stick to get the camera out of the bag and try and shake off the intrepid diners!! Ants in your pants ...no thanks!!

    Anyway ...I'll be away now.While posting I've not been eating. I'm in the calories again and the Zumba class tonight was....a HARD workout with a relief Zumba..ist! No pain No ...loss!!!

    Back tomorrow if this works!! IT DID!!!
    Take care
    :heart: Jackie
  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    Hi Ainslieglen ....
    :sad: I fear I've passed on the "Disappearing Post" Bug ...Sorry!!
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    AHealthierSuzyQ Posts: 698 Member
    -SuzyQ So good to hear from you! Reworked flower beds, planted vegetable garden and painted the whole house, if that's not dedicated exercise, then what the heck is? :bigsmile: What's the sweetener (if any) in the Diet Lipton Green Tea with Citrus? Me I'm just substituting some Miller Chill for some of my favorite ale on the weekends... :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    To me dedicated exercise is doing strength training with weights or doing some kind of cardio that gets my heart rate up and keeps it up for more than 20 minutes like biking. Didn't say I wasn't active, just never purposely exercised in all that time. As for the sweetener in the Green Tea, its aspartame.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Hi all! I am, as usual, very busy but wanted to check in. My health/fitness/food goals for the week are to plan a menu that lasts at least until the end of the month, make a grocery list, shop, and start getting into a summer exercise routine. Hope I can find a balance soon.
    Barbara - I will try to find time later to post some of the grilled recipes that I tried. Jackie - my sister in law used to go shopping, sneak the clothes in the closet and hand them, then after a few weeks, get them out and wear them. When her husband asked where the new clothes came from, she would say, "This? It's been hanging in the closet quite a while - I just never wear it!" Worked every time for her.
    Everyone have a great evening!
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :heart: Faye, Michele, Vicki…..and anyone else who commented on the HRM, the information is very helpful. I guess the best test, not of accuracy, but of what works for you, is….if you are using the information on MFP and it’s working for you, than good. If you seem to be losing slower than you think you should, than maybe you should tweak that part of the program and invest in the monitor. How expensive are they?...(A range of course, as I know there are tons of models)

    :bigsmile: I cannot believe I lost 3 lbs this week! REALLY! I am almost always hesitant to get on the scale lately, because I’ve had a few slips here and there each week, so figure I’m lucky to stay the same, which I have. I was shocked this morning when I weighed myself. In fact, I had breakfast and ran some errands, and when I got back at noon, I had to check again. (I figured weighing mid day would change it a little, but it didn’t.) I got off the scale and on the scale again….was I misreading it?? NO! Has anyone ever done that?
    I haven’t lost since May 11th, so maybe just schlepping along with the exercising and having SOME excellent days mixed in with the mediocre days…kicked in! That’s amazing! Yippee!!!

    :heart: Rebel: Sounds like a glorious time at your DS’s wedding! What a handsome couple! Ditto to the weight! As I said before, sometimes you think you’ve gained and you haven’t! Kudos to you!!!! 20 lbs is great!!!
    You have 3 sons and I have 3 daughters and they are wonderful! Enjoy your son while he’s there!

    :heart: Barb: I continue to enjoy your humor. In fact we have a couple of gals here that crack me up! As Mimi said, I just sit here smiling! Good luck getting that vote you need!!!

    :heart: Tiarapants: Gee…that’s real big of you to let your oldest sister, who will be 8 months pregnant with twins…off the hook for the 5K race LOL She can always cheer!! :laugh:
    You are one busy lady!! Hope your day is healthy and successful, too!
    As far as therapy…..I’m a big believer in it. It was therapy that helped my daughters, as well as the grace of God (God helps those who help themselves), get through some very difficult stages in our lives.

    :heart: Suzzzyque: It’s so good to hear from you! It’s like “reunion” week on this thread! You look great!!!!! I love your profile picture!
    BTW: Your choice of Spinach & Strawberry salad sounds great to me. I’d almost rather have that then the other choices! Does diet ice green tea make you jittery? I sometimes have a problem with caffeine.
    My daughter is moving and I, also, will be helping her! Good strength training….with no back aches ….hopefully!

    :heart: RJ: It’s very discouraging when you have work issues, whether being out of work…or major changes at work, so be kind to yourself. You are doing so well. It’s got to be hard dealing with all of that plus a bum knee!
    Whenever I tell any of my loved ones what an asset they are…they say….BUT OF COURSE YOU WOULD SAY THAT!! You’re my mother or wife or sister…whatever. Sometimes we’re just plain right HAHA

    :heart: Terri: Glad to hear that you got hubby out for a walk! Keep up the good work on the treadmill. It’s the treadmill that I’ve been using for the last 10 months to lose weight. It can really be your friend.

    :heart: Barbiecat: It IS hard to part with some of your BIG clothes. For me, it’s not just that I like them, but I have 3 daughters who may have a need for them, especially the size 12 clothes, so I hang on to some for them. I really have no intentions of getting back into them myself, because I have a new life and a new lifestyle….AND I’M LOVING IT…just like you! I have nothing to “go off of” because I’m not “on” something. I’m simply living each day, in a new way and with a new perspective! Ain’t it grand!!!

    :heart: Denise: Lucky you! The French Alps! Continue having a great time!

    :heart: MacMadame: It makes sense that the machines are just “spot” checking you and can’t “monitor” your heart rate continuously, but so far it seems to be working for me. Give me a few more months, and when I become an expert, like you, I might consider something else. I’m sure if I stop losing weight all together, and/or I have a heart attack (LOL) then I’ll upgrade my fitness program. You’re the super star of exercise and I’m like a baby learning to walk again LOL
    I think you’re right as far as calories. I always say the bottom line is calories taken in and calories burned.

    :heart: Kacki: It IS so good to be in a “good” place. We are all lucky to have you, too!
    And don’t let ONE bad night discourage you. I’m sure there will be more. It’s getting back on the wagons ASAP that will make the difference!

    :heart: Viv: A “Moaning Minnie”? What a funny expression…sorry you’re not having a good day…but you crack me up with your expressions!! Hang in there because I have had some of those days recently and still lost weight! (And you will become a “Merry Minnie”)! LOL

    :heart: Vicki: How big is your yard? It seems like you’ve been mowing it for a long time! LOL I like to know how much I’m burning because I DO eat my exercise calories. To me: Exercise = Food! I’m at a weight where I don’t mind losing slowly. Any at this weight I DO lose slowly if I eat my calories, but I don’t care. If I wanted to lose faster, I might consider it. Have a good time in Nashville!

    :heart: Ainslieglen: Don’t get discouraged and keep posting. This too shall pass! Stay connected….we all care! And as far as the posts…I reply in a Word document so I can go back to it whenever I can and I never lose it. Then I copy it to MFP when I’m done.

    :heart: Michele: I think if I ever looked into getting a HRM, it would be the type you mentioned. Thanks for all the good advice!

    :heart: Mimi: I feel the same way about calories. The “wasted” ones just bug me. If I’m going to use up calories, I want them to be enjoyable or at least nutritious. I think they call that “making choices for life” and I like your comment on the first bite. That’s so true! I’ll take a bite of something that I love, like carrot cake, and nothing tastes better than that first bite. After that it’s all downhill but we keep eating trying to capture that one bite all over again. Doesn’t happen!

    :heart: Pmjsmom: Oh no!!! Don’t get moldy on us!!!

    Doobiedoo: Glad you’re back to a good routine! That’s what it’s all about!!!

    :heart: Auntiebk: OMG you must have been flying on the gazelle after 2 drinks!!

    :heart: Jackie: It’s so sad about your mum but sounds like DH gets you through! It wasn’t a waste of time to try but in her condition, it’s hard to predict how she’ll respond. It was good that you enjoyed your DS’s company anyways.
    The old clothes remind me of the ones I had with HUGE shoulder pads!!! Not good….unless you’re a football player!!!LOL

    :heart: Mary: Good luck with a monthly food plan. Toy are very ambitious! I think your sister in law is very crafty!!:laugh:

    Where's Wanda?

    Have a great day!

  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Tomorrow I pick up my new (to me) cross-country ski machine. I'm excited about it. Paid only $150. It typically sells for around $400. So a deal! I love a deal! I'm getting tired of the stationary bike so this will make a nice change of pace.

    It's been a crazy day, chasing after grandkids and taking them to dance class, which is hectic. The 3 and 5-year olds are awfully cute though and we have just one week to go, then the recital, then no more dance classes! Yay.

    Barbie, I wish I had the coordination to do line dancing like you do. It sounds like so much fun. Unfortunately, I was born with two left feet. I took the Johnson O'Connor aptitude test a few years back. (It tests innate aptitudes and not what you've learned along the way.)

    I scored high on rhythm. I asked, "Well, if I have such good rhythm, why can't I dance?" The counselor looked at me then pointed to my results on the spatial awareness part of the test. Um, yeah. 15th percentile. That doesn't get me around the dance floor very well! Fortunately, my kids don't take after me and are all good dancers.

    Kackie, I had to laugh when I read your post. Isn't that typical, when you're feeling on top of the world, to get an irritating reminder like that? Keeps us humble. Good for you for getting right back on track.

    Robin, I'm glad your DH got the reassurance he needed. Whew! BTW, I was interested in what you said about the Polar FT7 HRM. If you were going to replace it (just in case I decide to get one when I turn into a jock (!) :laugh: :laugh: , what would you get?

    I'm heading up to DD's house in a little while to watch So You Think You Can Dance. Ironic, huh?
    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Birdie, I just read your post and wanted to tell you I loved what you said... "I have nothing to “go off of” because I’m not “on” something. I’m simply living each day, in a new way and with a new perspective!" You have a great attitude. That's exactly what I want for myself. Congratulations again on the amazing job you've done losing weight. I appreciate your sticking around. It's great inspiration.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone, we are back from Colorado and we had a great time. We walked/swam/hiked over an hour everyday and I over ate everyday too. Not badly just more than my 1260 calorie limit. I read the post up to page 9, then my eyes glossed over. So I may have overlooked some stuff. I got tired, but I never got winded like I couldn't physically do what we were doing. That was great and has really given me enthusiasm to get back on track.

    Thanks for all the condolences on the loss of our rabbit. It is hard now that we are home, but I know he lived a good long life and it was his time.

    Mary – Glad you had a great camping trip and some quiet time with your hubby. I hope the music camp goes well.

    Welcome Wanda, Robn and anyone else new!

    Welcome back SusieQ! We’ve missed you. Your new picture looks great and if you run out of flower beds, just head West on 40 and I'll find you some more. Gardening is great exercise and great relaxation all at the same time. I miss not having a garden.

    Cathy – I agree on the “ups” of our ups and downs. I don’t like recording the little ups either and also weight them out.

    Robin – Thanks for the rabbit story. It does help to know I’m not the only growup devastated by the loss of a rabbit. It is sad now that we are home and we are feeling the loss.

    Esther – I’m glad you posted here again.

    Barb – Good luck on your goal of a size 10 for the wedding! I hope you make it. That is horrible news about the oil cooking the wildlife. My heart goes out to all of them (wildlife and sea life). They have to pay for our errors in judgments.

    Michele – I am sorry to hear about PJ. It is the hardest thing in the world to do, but it is our responsibility as pet owners. We love them more than anything and don’t want them to suffer.

    Barbie – Good to hear you had a great time at the dance contest thingy. Lol I forgot what you called it and I’m too tired to scroll back up.

    Rebel – Glad to hear DS’s wedding went off OK.

    Tiarapants – Your hubby’s job sounds fascinating. Very Geeky, but fascinating. Best of luck to him with the next book.

    Denise – Glad your vacation is wonderful. Good to hear from you. Can’t wait to hear more stories and see some pics when you get back.

    MacMadame – Good advise on the way to eat throughout the day. The clever remarks about the number of posts made me smile too.

    Mimi- $150 sounds like a deal and a great way to vary your exercising.

    Now that I have stopped "driving" in my mind, I am off to bed and ready to be back on track tomorrow.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    I had no idea the slugs in the Olympic Peninsula were of the Jewish persuasion. :noway: I am sure they will appreciate the "Kosher salt.":laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Barb; Actually the Jewish slugs though they would be safe in our yard since our whole family is Jewish.....imagine their surprise that we zapped them anyway and with Kosher salt as the final insult :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: tiarapants, I am a knitter and find it very relaxing and therapeutic although since I made exercise a bigger part of my life I haven't done as much knitting as I used to. I have a hard time knitting something to fit me (look at my profile page and you'll see the sweater I knit for myself) and my kids and grandkids are completely disinterested in knitted items so now I knit wool sweaters and send them to "afghans for Afghans" to be worn by children in need of warm clothing.

    :flowerforyou: Barbara, the five day line dance workshop will be in Mount Vernon, about half way between Seattle and Vancouver, BC...it's being held in a campground but since we sold our motorhome and I don't camp, I'll be staying at the hotel at the Skagit Casino which is next to the campground where the workshop will be held.

    :flowerforyou: This morning I had a 500 calorie breakfast and a 500 calorie lunch knowing that I'd be line dancing for two hours in the morning and walking for two hours with a friend in the afternoon, since i also found time for yoga (yes, DH is still getting up early to do yoga in the morning with me before golf and line dancing), the exercise bike, and an hour in the light rain with the dogs in the dog park, I still have a lot of exercise calories untouched and it's almost bedtime....:yawn:

    :flowerforyou: Somebody loaned me a book called "Fitness is a Religion"........there's a lot in the book that's not new but I love the concept of fitness as a calling or a passion fits in with my new ways of thinking........along with a new way of eating, I've developed a new attitude about fitness and exercise. the author says, "Fitness is a lifelong pilgrimage. And like religious pilgrims, all who seek health must commit themselves to the journey. Those who do, will find lasting results. Here is the irony: to achieve physical beauty you must look beyond it. If we keep our eyes focused on a particular short-term goal we may achieve it, but the victory will be temporary. We must be transformed for the inside out."

    :flowerforyou: :heart: :heart: hugs to all of you who are struggling and congrats to all who have achieved a new level of fitness, health, understanding, or commitment......now it's time to do the "Butt 'N' Gut" exercises and stop waxing poetic about fitness.:yawn: :yawn:
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    AHealthierSuzyQ Posts: 698 Member
    :yawn: Sooo sleepy, but hubby is working nights and the bed just doesn't feel right without him so I am still up.

    Green Tea Question: So far whatever caffeine that is in the green tea hasn't made me jittery. I could drink 3-4 a day if I'd let myself. Usually I only have one a day and drink water the rest of the time. :drinker:

    We got my niece all packed up by 3:30 today so that means I can have a slow start morning Thursday with nothing in particular that needs doing. Its so hot here already I try to get all my outdoor activities finished before mid-morning. So if I sleep in with hubby, I miss my opportunity.

    The fund raiser caramel corn I ordered came in today and I made the mistake of opening it when I got home from church. Next thing I knew I had eaten every last bite. Good thing I was very active today or I'd have had to jump on the treadmill to balance out my calories/exercise. :explode: Mindless eating is never a good idea.

    Goodnight all. :yawn: PTL hubby finishes this night rotation in 2 more days.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello All,

    Couldn't begin to reply to all the posts, so won't try.:ohwell:

    Doggies are all fine--just unhappy with "mama" for not being home much during last two days because of business-related things and some time spent on HOA business. I will be glad when we have our elections in the next month or two so I can "pass the torch" on to someone else.

    As for our vote, it looks like we have made our 90% goal, as of a vote I picked up today. These people have all received AT LEAST FOUR letters, each with request to mail back their ballots in a pre-addressed stamped envelope. The guy I caught up with today seemed mystified that we were still collecting ballots. It appeared his wife told him she "took care" of it, but she didn't. Fortunately, Mrs. "Take care of it" was out, and he was so embarrassed that I had driven across town and appeared on his doorstep (because we didn't have an up to date telephone number), he couldn't sign the ballots fast enough.:laugh: :laugh: He gave me an updated phone number too.:wink:

    Yesterday, I did battle with my friend Jeannette's computer. Money is very tight, so when her niece got a new pc and offered to sell the old flat screen monitor, dell pc, and a printer, scanner, copier, to her aunt (my friend) for $225 (AND take payments)--so they took the deal. It is not a bad system (about 4 years old), but the niece was a gaming fool, and there was so much crapola on it, it couldn't even crash itself in a hurry!!:noway: :laugh:

    I thought I was going to have to wipe it and reload the operating system, but fortunately, I recently ran across a shareware program that allowed me to clean-up the problems without resorting to that. I got rid of umpteen zillion games, and discovered that the original owner probably NEVER cleared her temp files and cookies. There were over 4,000 temp files :noway: and about as many cookies--a guaranteed way to slow your browsing way down or stop it altogether.

    It is called Ccleaner, a freeware program, and I used it on my own system about a week ago and solved some lagging problems and slow boot up issues. If anyone wants to find it, here is a link to the website where you can get it:

    I am usually very leery of programs that can edit the registry, because so many out there create more problems than they solve, but this has good reviews (CNET rates it highly, and they are a good source of info for software and other things pc). It has a backup capability so you can undo any reg edits that you do. Another nice feature is if you having trouble getting system restore or add/remove programs to work through windows (as I was on my friend's pc), Ccleaner will allow you access to both of those features so you can get rid of things, or use a system restore that you might not otherwise have access to. As with any program, you should always be sure you have a current backup of your data before you start fooling around with it. When it comes to computers, nothing is ever "foolproof.":wink:

    Anyway, that is the "techie seminar" portion of the program:blushing: :laugh: :laugh:

    Yesterday I was also at my friend Thomy's for part of the day, going over some biz-related things, and as I am getting ready to leave, she says I have "black fuzz" all over the light tan slacks I was wearing. She got out her lint roller and "treated" the backside and thighs of the pants, and tried to tell me my black jacket was "shedding." Polar fleece DOESN'T shed, so I disagreed, and when I looked at the "evidence" on the lint roller, I could see the "fuzz" was really black hair.

    It didn't take long to get to the "bottom" of things--I had been sitting on one of the upholstered dining chairs--the one that Thomy's BLACK cat, "Queenie" likes to nap on.:ohwell: Mystery solved!!:laugh: :laugh: What was funny was that I had worn light colored clothing because they also have a long haired WHITE cat, "Buster" who "loves" me and always wants to be in my lap at least once while I am there.

    The moral of the story is either-- "Beware of cats in contrasting colors." or "Watch where you sit when you go to Thomy's house!!":laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Today, I went over a little on calories, and about 700 mg on sodium :grumble: --due to the unexpected dinner invitation I received. I thought we were having "fish fillets"--unfortunately, they were "BATTERED" and they really "battered" my sodium content for the day when combined with the ham sandwich I had for lunch:ohwell: The 18 grams of fat per serving didn't do much for me either.:grumble:

    The sun was here yesterday, but today we were back to alternating rainy, cloudy,rainy, sun break, rainy, rainy.....you get the idea.:frown: Tomorrow is more of the same, but supposedly on Friday, things are getting back to sunshine, and on Saturday and Sunday we have been promised sunshine and highs in the 80's!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Might need to get the sunscreen out of mothballs after all!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I will have to find my "doggie water bottle" for walks on the warm days, as Mai Li fades real fast if she can't stop and have a drink when it gets warm. Can't blame her, I do the same.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Oh, the latest on that missing child--Kyron Horman--we are on day 6 now (went missing last Friday from school), and we have ZILCH--despite over 1200 tips called in to a hotline established for that purpose. Oregon has a statewide search and rescue protocol in place for a situation like this, so S and R teams from all 36 counties (most of them volunteers) are coming in to the area to search. The details of where they are searching is under wraps. The police have said they don't suspect anyone in the family. It is just bizarre how a second grader can seemingly "evaporate" from his school. Please keep Kyron and his family in your prayers.

    Well, the weatherman says we are hitting another record this weekend, it will be the latest date since they started keeping records, for us to reach 80 degrees for the first time in the season. That will be Saturday.

    I have been fiddling around long enough, so BFN.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Oh SuzyQ,
    Caramel Corn!! Yikes!!! Well, I guess you will find out if it is true that calories in a food item purchased for charitable reasons don't hang around!!!:noway: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    The same person who came up with that was the one who said birthday cake has no calories, :noway: and if you eat in an airplane that crosses through a time zone, the calories can't keep up with you.!!:noway: Yeah...right!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    G'night, really, I MEAN it this time!!:laugh: :laugh:

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Mornin' ladies, haven't posted awhile cuz the new rule is no posting til gutt'n'butt DONE, :bigsmile: so its a looong one.

    -Viv love the pix, Autumn LOOKS like a little sweetie, who are the other team members? Our first Race for the Cure one of the giveaway snacks was a fruit yogurt. We were all really enjoying it, very yummy, when ACK! Somebody read the label! Over 300 calories.:noway: No wonder it was delish, might as well had ice cream. "Ate for England" pulled a laugh right out of me. :laugh: Last night I broke the Lenten lifestyle with not one but 2 glasses of wine, :drinker: :drinker: and had to get on the Gazelle and watch Jillian to stop the subsequent flow of calories mouthward. Sort of like bouncing the calories away but not as much fun.:huh:

    :flowerforyou: Barb our team consisted of me my SIL Helen (holding Autumn) and my Niece Tracy, there were supposed to be a few more relatives going but one was ill so they both transferred to the York race on 27th June I think. Maybe we will get over to the
    Knavesmire and cheer them on :smile:

    :frown: I'm still struggling a little bit, but trying not to let it get me down too much. It really helps reading how everyone else is doing. Some good advice, but need to put it into practice :laugh: I still think its my hormones, I am all over the place can't concentrate at work - feel so tired have no energy. I think I need some SUNSHINE :laugh:

    Talking about work I had better get a move on :smile: Love to everyone :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Viv :heart:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Me again,

    Didn't go to bed after all.:blushing: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:


    No wonder those slugs felt at home. Too bad for them. Somebody on here said they'd rather have slugs than fiddler crabs because slugs can't pinch. That made me laugh. For some reason, I didn't see your post when I wrote my "novella" earlier this evening. I think I might have had some scrolling "help" about that time from Mr. Pepper--aka "the 'other' laptop":laugh:

    Your line dance exhibition or contest(?) sounds like quite a gathering. And if you get too tired to dance, it sounds like the casino won't be too far away!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I should be in bed, so I will try to get there this time.:yawn:

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,582 Member
    ACK! UP half a pound!

    OK so I did have 16 oz of Michelob ultra last night, but was within my pre-line dance calories and no salty snacks.

    This week I learned I can step off the Lenten lifestyle wagon, STOP at one beer or 2 glasses of wine . . . and still stay within my pre-exercals, that's good.

    Will someone please explain that to the scale?

    Oh and yes, the slugs did get wise. None in the traps, 2 on the pepper plants this morning. There was a congregation of them on the deck last night but I just couldn't deal with them then. Tonight its banana skins on the deck, better warn DH and the pups ...:laugh:
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    AHealthierSuzyQ Posts: 698 Member
    It was wee hours before I finally fell asleep and I've read that sleep deprivation makes you gain weight, so I fed all my critters and am crawling back in bed with hubby for awhile. Hoping to kick this dull headeach and besides, I need energy to lift weights. :yawn: Only 2 more nights of this!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Good Morning!

    I did the gut & butt routine this morning when I first got up. I hope to make that the routine. To anyone struggling with these exercises, please send me a message and I will send you a write up I did for a co-worker. They really aren't hard. It's the explaining that's hard.

    I still weight 151 just as I did in January. It is time to get the scale moving again.

    We stayed at a Comfort Suites hotel in Colorado Springs. It is a great place in so many ways. They had an indoor water slide, with an outdoor/indoor pool and a hot tub. Breakfast was free and had good healthy choices. All the rooms were suites with a small sitting area.

    We hiked at Garden of the Gods, took the train to Pikes Peak, went to the Zoo, shopped and went to 2 museums and hiked at an old abandoned Army Calvary Post. Every evening we met up with my friends who live there, but are moving back to Missouri to be near family. We had dinner and visited together.

    Hubby got back from his camping trip at 3 in the morning. So we have a few days to get everything back on track before I have to go back to work on Monday.

  • caminogirl
    caminogirl Posts: 56 Member
    Good Morning!

    I was very happy to see some fellow knitters here (tiarapants, Kathy, auntiebk and barbiecat , anyone else??) and if you’re looking for patterns try www.ravelry.com as they have the very best stash of patterns you will ever see. I love small, portable projects as I’m a fibre-aholic – I have even tried knitting while riding the stationary bike but you can tell that my priorities weren’t really on the bike! Ravelry also has a ‘group’ feature, so if you’re looking for a s&b**** group in your neighbourhood, you’d likely find it there. :flowerforyou:

    Exercise is my downfall – I just don’t enjoy it .:ohwell: I don’t mind walking the dog but he is old, arthritic and only wants to pee on the bushes so I can’t get the heart rate up that way!! I also don’t mind walking with my iPod and I’ve download books on that, which helps as I get caught-up in the story, but I still don’t think I’m walking far or fast enough. Has anyone ever used one of those ‘walking programs’? I’m just wondering if it’s music or talking or what?

    Mimi – You’re so right about wanting that first bite to be the best and only wanting to eat things you just know are going to taste good and be good for you! (I sound like a cereal commercial – but it’s true!) :laugh: :laugh:

    Sadly, when I’m not being mindful I can eat anything and not even notice I’ve eaten it! :noway: Or worse, when I feel I must be polite and clear my plate – and believe me, I must be good at being polite as I have a gold star membership in the clean plate club!! :tongue: Yesterday I ate two (2 !?!?) :noway: :noway: pastries from the Italian bakery. I was out to lunch (or out of my mind, not sure which!! :embarassed: ) with a friend and she wanted to ‘celebrate’ so she bought them for us. Could I have declined, absolutely, but the nice, polite, non-confrontational me just said ‘oh thank-you’ and dug in (or perhaps this is just my great fallback excuse?:grumble:). Sadly, that first bite wasn’t filled with sweet but rather sour.:huh: : Bleh! A sour pastry!! :cry: I guess it comes down to this, if I’m really seriously going to do this I better learn to stand my ground – so perhaps it was karma that the pastry was filled with mascarpone not butter cream – next time, I’ll say ‘thanks but not today’.

    Oh and in case anyone’s wondering the second pastry had red food colouring in the centre which tasted like Popeye cigarettes, so neither of us finished it. Lesson learned. :wink: I shall be mindful, I shall be mindful, I shall be mindful, I shall be mindful…..

    Barb (weaklink) :flowerforyou: Thanks for the techie tip! I've a HP laptop and it downloads all sorts of weird stuff without my even knowing what's going on - big brother truly lurks out there!!

    ainslieglen :flowerforyou: don't be too down, we're behind you 100%

    RJ :flowerforyou: I call getting my yearly pap test and boob-squish my Spring Tune-Up ~ that way, every May I go and get it done.

    Have a fabulous day everyone – and I do hope you Wet Coasters are getting some sun. I grew up out there so my sympathies are with you but there is a reason the trees - and the slugs - grow so big! :wink:

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