

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    Hi Everybody, :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    :heart: Tiarapants, you certainly have your plate full…..your new knitting project sounds fabulous…how great that you can knit clothing items that fit…be sure to take a picture of the pink sweater and you in it when you wear it to the wedding in August….I love rhododendrons, too…..we bought three more this year for our yard

    :heart: Barb, when Haifa got put on special food because of his high glucose, I started feeding both cats the same food……..I guess that won’t work for you since Bradley is supposed to gain weight and the others are supposed to be losing.

    :heart: Cindy, it’s good to hear from you again.

    :heart: Donna, walking is the best all around exercise and the easiest to do…..keep it up

    :heart: 2short2btall, start with a little exercise and add a bit at a time……the longest journey starts with a single step………never, never, never give up

    :heart: Michele, I like your idea of donating rather than buying the “stuff” that’s being sold as a fund raiser…..I don’t know anything about walking programs for an ipod……Leslie Sansone’s videos are for indoor walking……when I walk, I listen to my favorite music and it keeps me so entertained that the time passes quickly as I walk.

    :heart: MacMadame, I’m glad to hear that you got into the Aqua Bike race……..whenever I see someone on a bike I think of you…thanks for sharing your journey to fitness….I need to be reminded that you started out at the beginning just like the rest of us

    :heart: Cathy, some of the greatest things about walking compared to gym membership (besides the cost) is that you don’t need any special clothes, you don’t have to wait your turn, and you don’t always have to drive somewhere to do it….

    :heart: Birdie, isn't it great having the house to yourself for awhile to do stuff….thank you, again for your inspiring wise counsel

    :heart: Faye, my feeling about eating exercise calories is that often I need them simply because I’m exercising……on line dance days I eat a 500 calorie breakfast but other days my breakfast is about 300 calories…….I often eat something before exercise to make sure my body has the fuel it needs…….if I plan my day’s exercise, then I know in the morning how many calories i have so I don’t overdo and come home weak and dizzy from lack of exercise…….conversely, sometimes I just work out extra so I can treat myself to a scoop of almond butter in my Isagenix shake :bigsmile:

    :heart: Tcac, welcome to the group….it’s great that you have an inspiration for losing weight…..take it one day at a time and stay focused on what you are doing today and tomorrow will take care of itself…..stay connected to this group and you’ll get all the encouragement you need, lots of good ideas, and even more motivation.

    :heart: Kackie, thanks for sharing your lesson about knitting in moderation……once at a knitting class, the teacher taught some stretches to do during your knitting time to help avoid problems……now that I’m exercising more, I don’t knit as much

    :heart: Barbara, ever since you called Rodney Yee “eye candy” I’ve been enjoying my morning yoga even more…..I think it has made difference in strength and sanity……some of the yoga moves are a good basis for the “Gut ‘N’ Butt” exercises that I have added following the yoga…

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: My good news is that I lost another pound and actually posted it today……..because I don’t believe the scale when it goes up, I also don’t believe it when it goes down, but when I looked back at my weight chart, I realized that this pound has been gone for a week……..thank you to everyone who noticed and commented earlier today.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello All,

    Welcome to 2short2btall--you have come to the right place for support and inspiration, and maybe a little perspiration too, when we get going on cardio.:laugh: :laugh:

    Wanda--I hope you are "lurking" (reading even though you are not posting) and getting something positive from your time on MFP. Feel free to jump in any time.

    Congrats on your next pound gone..don't forget to stop!!:noway: :laugh:

    To all you "Gut n Butt"r's--someone in the last week or so posted that if someone wanted them to PM an explanation they had given to someone else that helped with understanding how to do the exercises, to just let them know. Well, now, of course, I can't remember WHO!!:grumble: So, HELP!!! Whoever you were, either send me that explanation or id yourself so I know who to ask. Thanks.

    Mai Li is wandering looking for more food, despite the fact she has a dish waiting for her--not the right "flavor"--in other words, she didn't steal it from Bradley or Pepper!!:laugh: :laugh:

    Bradley has gained half a pound since last week, according to my scale, so if I can get him back up another pound the vet and I will both be happy.:smile: Pepper is sassy and lively as ever. Today we went walking, and there was a woman in the process of leaving her house, who had put a little girl in the back seat of her car, and then stepped back into the house after telling me what "cute doggies" I had. Pepper decided it was time to check the scene out, so he marched up to the open car door and put his little feeties up on the edge of the seat, much to the delight of the child. She talked to him and petted him, and he was pretty happy with himself.

    Kyle Horman, the seven year old who went missing a week ago today, still has not been found.

    HOA update. We had our meeting today, and it appears we need two more votes to make 137, so I am going to be beating the bushes this weekend to catch up with two more owners who couldn't be bothered to respond to our multiple attempts to get a response. We want to get a couple of votes over the minimum, in case one of the two who verbally told us they would vote can't get a ballot in. We have an owner who is a fisherman in Alaska, and he can't just run down to the post office to mail things:laugh: :laugh: We told him to send it via Fed Ex and we would pay the fee, but we don't know how often he gets access to his email either.

    Another little surprise at the meeting today was when the paid HOA manager told the board about an email he received from the attorney representing one of the parties to the foreclosed property that is involved in the legalities we are voting to straighten out. This attorney has been involved in the process from the beginning as a bystander, representing someone with an interest, but not a party to the agreement we have with the bank involved. We agreed to work cooperatively to get the situation straightened out so the developer can move forward to finish the project.

    So, this attorney, who has reviewed everything on behalf of his client, comes up with the brilliant idea that the wording of the resolution we adopted 3 months ago, and have been gathering votes on since April should be CHANGED--as in, revised so another vote would be needed!!! Our "hired gun"--the paid HOA manager--told him very quickly where he could put THAT idea!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: He also reminded the attorney that our arrangements are with the BANK, not his client, therefore, he didn't have the capacity to make such a ridiculous request in the first place!!! Thank goodness, THAT is one complication we don't have!!:drinker: :drinker:

    I am ready to pack it in already tonight and the 10p news has barely started.

    'Night all. :yawn: :yawn:

  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    SuzyQ - you said you get bored. So do I. I'm ALWAYS looking for something new to do. What do you do, maybe that'll give me some ideas.
    Ooh, try Crossfit! It's great for people who get bored because it's different every time you go!
    Philly Swirls
    I was eating their fudge ones for a while. I like them better than the SF Fugdsicles. But then I read the ingredients... I'm trying to cut out artificial stuff so they had to go! :sad:
    Exercise Calories
    These are a double-edged sword. I like the idea in theory but I think in real life too many people think they are burning way more calories than they really are and eating them all stalls their weight loss. Then someone on MFP tells them the are plateaued because their body is in "starvation mode" (even though they are eating something like 1800 calorie a day or they've only been on doing it for a really short period of time) and then I have this urge to pull my hair out by its roots and gouge my eyes out. :grumble: :grumble: :grumble:

    When I was losing, I was on a program and I was under a doctor's supervision. So it was different for me. As I started to work out more and more, he'd tell me to get more protein, which would have the effect of upping my calories but not as much as I was burning. It wasn't a one-to-one correspondence like that.

    The good part is that I lost fast and also I didn't start to develop an unhealthy relationship with exercise to go with my unhealthy relationship with food. :laugh:
    Don't even think about the wedding just think about TODAY! I always used to lose for EVENTS
    I've always been able to lose for a big goal. But then once I reach the goal, I go back to my old ways. It works better if you think of it as "adopting a healthy lifestyle" and not even so much focus on the weight loss.

    In fact, I think I am turning onto one of those "health food addicts" now that I think of it that way. :laugh:
    I am ready to pack it in already tonight and the 10p news has barely started.
    I'm supposed to be in bed by 10pm but it's not been happening this month. Sigh.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I forgot another cause of bike butt.... not wearing the padded bike shorts. They help. A LOT.
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Good Morning ladies :flowerforyou:

    Finally the sun has shown its face :smile: :glasses: :glasses: It started yesterday evening when we went for a lovely dog walk on Strensall Common, it started off with grey skies but suddenly the sun appeared - what a difference the sun makes. :smile: I definitely got some exercise, trying to avoid some sheep we veered off the track and I lost my footing down some large pot holes a few times and ended up on my bum twice :laugh: I was glad to get back to the car after that.

    :flowerforyou: Welcome 2 short this is a great place to find help and advice.

    This is just a quickie, I'm going to make the best of the sunshine and get out to mow the lawn before getting some washing on the line. Have to be quick you never know how long this good weather is going to last :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Chat again soon and take Care everyone
    :heart: :heart: Viv
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies. It's bright and breezy here today, so I'm hoping to get out for a while. DH was up early to do some gardening, so I left him to it and caught up on some reading. It felt very decadent to stay in bed for an extra half an hour!

    Mary - I love the quote in your signature (being a Latin geek, it immediately caught my eye!)

    My dad was fretting again this morning, but he has now gone off to his church coffee morning and will be quite happy there for a few hours. He gets a lift home afterwards from a 91 year old lady. I keep telling him that she is after a toyboy, but he isn't convinced!

    I'm having a day off from visiting mum-in-law today. DH is going on his own for a change and I'm going to have a good stomp on the treadmill followed by a bath and hairwash. We are going to a party this evening (just for a couple of hours) so I want to straighten my hair. It's got really long again and is now past my waist. Every so often I think about getting a chop, but I usually end up with a trim. I'm lucky that it's kept it's colour (I'm a natural redhead) so I have never used any colourant on it. I think that would have caused a lot of damage and I would have ended up with it being hacked off.

    I'm not sure if I mentioned it earlier, but when I was at the hospital with Dad on Thursday, he asked the cardiologist to guess my age (a game my father always like to play - much to my embarrassment!). He guessed 37! Now, even allowing for politeness, I am quite happy to accept that - especially as I will be 51 tomorrow!

    Kackie, I know what you mean about the dangers of knitting. I had to stop for about five years because of problems with my wrist, but I gradually got back into it and now it seems to be ok providing I stop every so often and stretch out.

    My Leslie Sansone Walk away your waistline kit arrived today. It includes a walk belt, which I'm looking forward to having a go at. I also ordered a rebounder yesterday. That should be fun! I probably won't get the chance to do the walking dvd until Monday, when DH goes back to work. I can never face doing exercise dvds when he's around. I know he wouldn't laugh, but I'm not going to risk it!

    Everybody have a good weekend please! xx
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    I really don't mind exercising....as a matter of fact I really look forward to it. For a while there I was doing pretty good about cutting out the bad carbs, but I've fallen off the wagon. Much as I try, I seem to be craving them again. Gotta try much harder. It's so hard because dd wants pretzels in the house (to dip into his hummus), dh likes his cookies etc. These "walking programs"...are they the kind you put on your iPod? I'll be interested to see what the response is. I have some of Leslie Sansone's walking DVD's, now to get an Urban Rebounder. I really think you can do them on the Rebounder. Some things you may have to modify (like when she tells you to walk up and back, just stay in place).

    SuzyQ - you said you get bored. So do I. I'm ALWAYS looking for something new to do. What do you do, maybe that'll give me some ideas.


    You can kick the carb habit with apple cider vinegar. I've posted about it many times in the past . Here's a link to the basic info:


    Yes, since I exercise alone, I get bored easily so I keep trying to change it up. "The best exercise is the one you'll DO!" Don't know who said it, but its so true. Keep trying different things until you find some things you like.

    To me anything done outdoors beats indoors so my favorite exercise will always be riding my bike. I also enjoy push mowing the lawn. Unfortunately I live where there are high winds most days so I don't get to ride as often as I'd like. So I have a treadmill and workout DVDs for when the weather is nasty, as well as hand weights, a medicine ball, and a stability ball that I use for strength training. I seems to do better with a DVD like Biggest Loser Bootcamp than just counting reps. Leslie Sansone makes walking indoors fun and I also have have a line dancing DVD as well as a play-list of songs with a driving beat for when I walk/jog indoors or out. It try to do intervals whether I am walking or riding my bike as everything I have read says that is the best way to blast belly fat. If I had access to a pool I'd be swimming this summer. I exercise in my Shape-ups and make a point to wear them anytime I am running errands. They really do work! When I first started wearing them I jiggled and had lots of cellulite, but no more. My husband calls them my "butt shoes" and has offered to buy me a second pair. Now if I can just get this belly toned! It seems to be where these last 15 pounds are concentrated....

    Speaking of exercise, I haven't done any in a few days. I've had some sort of intestinal upset and have been spending most of my time running back and forth to the bathroom or sleeping. Hoping to get back on track today.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Mary - I love the quote in your signature (being a Latin geek, it immediately caught my eye!)

    Everybody have a good weekend please! xx

    Thank you. It is the Kansas state motto, so I have been told about it since first grade, and have always found it very inspiring, so I added it to my signature on Kansas day this year. It reminds me daily to keep going after the prize. They just added it to the Kansas license tags this year also, to my surprise, so I see it constantly! :smile:

    And since you asked so nicely, I will try to have a good weekend! (My minister always says "Have a good day if you want to." I find that is so true.)
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :flowerforyou: Barb, and anyone else who is curious about the "Gut 'N' Butt" exercises........here is a recent post from Jeannie about the exercises.

    :bigsmile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
    There has been an interest in another forum on the ab exercises my DD is doing as part of her recovery from hip surgery. So, I thought I'd copy them in here in case there is any interest.

    Pelvic lifts -
    Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet on the floor, arms at your side palms down. Lift your pelvis up in the air as high as it will go, hold up to 5 seconds and lower. Do this 10 times, when it gets easy add in another set of 10, then up to 2 sets of 10 for 30 total. It took Anna several weeks to get up to 30. This never goes above 30.

    Abdominal curls -
    Same position as above except your arms are bent so that your hands are touching your ears. Curl up getting your shoulders off the ground. What ever you get when you curl up is fine. Don't use your momentum to swing up. It is just your shoulders and head that curl up. Again, start with 10, get up to 30, but don't go over 30.

    Marching -
    Same position as Pelvic Lifts. Lift one leg at a time so that your calf is parallel with the floor. 10 lifts each leg. When you get to where 30 repetitions are easy, start extending your leg, pulling it back and putting it down. This also never gets over 30 at the higher level.

    Side planks -
    Lie on your side, legs bent at knee, keeping a straight line with your body. You are up on your elbow. Upper hand on your hip. Lift your hip off the ground as high as you can and hold up to 5 seconds. Lower down. Start with 5 on each side. As it gets easier, add in more repetitions until you get to 30 each side.

    Remember - these exercises are for people recovering from extensive surgery and are all designed to be done slowly so that the abs are engaged and you don't use other muscle groups to compensate.

    She did them every day for 10 weeks building the reps up to 30 for each exercise before she dropped to 3 times a week. She went from a size 14 before the surgery to a size 8 (which she was flaunting in my face over the weekend) but only lost 2 pounds. She was not on a diet and doing about 40 minutes a day on a stationary bike at the lowest level and relatively slowly. Like not even breaking a sweat. She is 15 years old.
    :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:

    I've added some pilates exercises to my routine (some of these exercises look a bit like pilates, anyway)...if you can feel your gut or your butt working, then the exercise will probably help.

    :bigsmile: Remember that the hardest part of the exercise routine is the part where you lay out your mat and lie and down on the floor.......once you get there, the rest is simple:laugh:

    :laugh: I love how we are spread out geographically so a few hours after the "late birds" in California and Washington say "good night" , we are greeted by someone from east of the Atlantic Ocean wishing us "good morning" :smile:

    time for yoga :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    good morning all.

    I haven't posted for a couple of days, but I have been here reading every word.

    I lost another pound this week. I am .6 away from the 140's shich I haven't seen in this century so I am really excited.

    The sun is finally shining:bigsmile: :bigsmile: so I have to go buy more block for my wall/planter bed. That will be a good workout later today. So I can't respond to all of the posts but please know that I value you all so much.:love::love:

    Have a happy and healthy weekend. :drinker: :drinker:
  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    Hello all. I've read through the posts. Wow, Barbie, down another pound! Good for you! I cannot report the same yet, didn't even log my weight last Monday...but I plan to do so this coming Monday morning whether I am up or down.

    Yesterday was a little higher calorie day for me, but I spent the day (from 9:00 AM until 3:30 PM) shopping and having lunch with friends, followed by about an hour or so spent grocery shopping (all healthy fruits and vegetables!!). Then we had a friend over for snacks, dinner and a movie. So I think I burned lots of calories as for the most part my sitting time really was pretty limited yesterday.

    The great news on the shopping front is that I tried the stuff on first to make sure it fit and everything I bought was in the smaller sizes (sizes 6 & 8 on the 2 skirts; 10 on the pair of capris; and mediums on the 9 tops). Added to that were the 4 pairs of shoes/sandals and 2 purses. Now for the really fantastic news! I spent a grand total of $69.67 (INCLUDING the sales tax) which worked out to $3.87 (again, including the tax) per item/pair. I do SO love Consignment and Charity Shops. We hit 3 consignments stores and 3 charity shops covering charities for troubled girls (Fresh Start), animals (Paws for Cause), and a Catholic Social Services thrift store. All in all, had a great day!!

    Hope everyone is having a great Saturday. Keep up the good work you who are succeeding, for those who are struggling...just hang in there. I really liked Barb's minister's advice to "Have a good day, if you want to." HOW TRUE that really is!!! Me, I'm choosing to have a GOOD day, hope you do, too!!!
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Another beautiful, sunny day. Not too hot and not too cold. I could get used to this. Knowing Placerville weather, we’ll be in the hundreds way too soon. :glasses:

    My weight went up a few tenths last week. Yrghhh! :grumble: I was probably at my “driest” the last couple of weeks and more back to normal this week. I hate to concede, but I’ll take it and move on from here.

    Last night didn't help. A gin and (diet) tonic. (First time I’ve had that. It was delish. I drink maybe a glass of wine a month, so I’m not worried about going overboard.) Then London Broil from grass-fed beef (first time I’ve had beef in ages; I enjoyed every bite!), with a yummy salad made with short grain brown rice, tomatoes, and artichoke hearts, and, of course, roasted veggies (my contribution). All this was followed up by a few bites of flourless chocolate cake. Best of all, the company was great!

    It was late by the time I got home so I decided not to exercise. That put me over on calories but I feel good about having a reasonable splurge and spending time with some delightful folks. I’m good with this as long as the splurges don’t become too frequent. The next one will be my nephew’s wedding July 3rd (the one that will be on a mountain peak in Nevada – and they’ve invited 348 people! - who knows where they’ll put them all!). That will be followed by a big family reunion on July 4th.


    Happy birthday, Tiarapants!!!! You are just a kid! It sounds like you're in a good place despite some tough issues...a nice birthday present to yourself. :flowerforyou:

    Michelle, I spray some olive oil on both sides of ¼” slices of eggplant then roast (bake) it at 475 for 15 minutes. This is pretty boring! I’d love to get some recipes to change it up a little.

    Welcome 2short2Btall and tcac. This is a wonderful group.

    Cathy, “Torture Machines” makes me smile. I don’t quite think of them that way but have yet to grow to love them.

    Faye, I’m with you on sometimes entering the exercise calories before I do them. I save this tactic for dire situations when I know I need a little nudge to go over the edge. :wink:

    Don’t be discouraged about your weight loss (or lack thereof). You are learning a lot about what works for you and what doesn’t. You are heading in the right direction.

    I lost, little by little, over about 5 years before joining MFP (and bounced around for years before that). If I had known then what I know now, I would have moved much more quickly toward my goal. But I learned a lot along the way.

    The pieces to the puzzle have come together. For me, they're the support of this group, weighing and logging EVERYTHING, gradually adding exercise, and eating the most delicious and nutritious foods I’ve ever eaten.

    Rather than feeling deprived and hungry, I’m reveling in the flavors and FULL! Honestly, I’m embarrassed by how much I eat, but the calories are where they should be. (Except for last night, which was a mini-splurge!)

    BirdieM, I am so with you when it comes to not feeling like I’m on a diet. I want to eat this way forever. You truly have been an inspiration.

    Barbiecat, Hurray for the 1 lb. Thanks for the reminder on the Gut ‘n Butt exercises. I’m going to start today!!!

    Macmadame, I’m turning into a health food addict too. Who knew food could be so delicious? I let a few additives, preservatives, and refined carbs sneak their way in once in awhile but they’re often part of really concentrated calories. I feel cheated when I use up my calories so quickly and for food that’s often not very tasty.

    I love this new way of eating. It’s been an eye opener. If I had learned to eat this way sooner, I don’t think I’d ever have gained weight. Better late…

    Viv, the area you live in sounds charming. Sheep on the path! I’m glad you’re okay after landing on your bum a couple of times!

    Suezzzque, Thanks for the info about apple cider vinegar. Even WebMD has some good things to say, although some cautions too. The effects on blood sugar levels, blood pressure, and cholesterol are especially appealing. And the possibility of helping with weight loss is very cool.

    On the caution side, they said to be careful about taking it alone as it could damage tooth enamel and the tissues in your esophagus. (You wash yours down fast, so that sounds good.) Using it in salad dressing sounds good too. They also mentioned long-term use could worsen problems with low potassium and bone density.


    Hello and hugs to everyone I didn’t have a chance to mention. :love: What an amazing group. I’m thankful Mary told me about you those months ago. :heart: :heart:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Just a quick Saturday hello! :smile: Can't reply because I can't sit too long.:blushing: My sciatic nerve in my right leg is acting up a little.:ohwell: I don't exercise on this kind of day but find sitting too long uncomfortable!:frown: So have a great day! :flowerforyou: I've read all your posts so just sending hugs to all today!!:love:
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Robin (RJ), our posts crossed in the ozone somewhere. Congratulations on your progress. 140's is fabulous!!! You are way ahead of your goal, you amazing woman, you.

    Terri, awesome about the smaller size. You're a girl after my own heart. I love a bargain too.

    I forgot to mention in my last post that someone at the dinner party last night, that I hadn't seen for several years (probably 60-70 pounds ago), told me she wouldn't have recognized me if she's seen me at the grocery store! It's the bad news and the good news (very good).

    Of course, I have to admit I wouldn't have recognized her either. Last time I saw her she was thin with spiky white-blond hair. Now she's a slightly plump (but still pleasingly) gal with auburn hair in a curly bob! :laugh: She told me she'd been through red and black in the time in between too. :laugh: :laugh:

    And, yes, have a nice day, if you want to (I'm glad to have that repeated. Helps it sink in. It's so true.) :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • SilverVal
    SilverVal Posts: 22 Member
    Im 54 and have been over weight since I ve had my sons, one is 35 and the other is 33
    I did not do well in May went up and down around the same two pounds

    I have lost 13 pounds since my gall bladder surgery Feb 16, there s no relation ecept that was when I cut out most fats and sugars, and started exercisign more

    I now do between 30 minutes to an hour on WII Fit.

    sometimes I go out for a walk or for a swim

    I have gone from 243 down to 230.75 if I lose just one pound I will be below 230

    thats my goal for June to get below and to stay below 230.

    I will be celebrating my 5 year as a cancer surviver this summer, and somehow that gave me to motivation to know yes I am still alive and can fight to be healthier
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Just a quick Saturday hello! :smile: Can't reply because I can't sit too long.:blushing: My sciatic nerve in my right leg is acting up a little.:ohwell: I don't exercise on this kind of day but find sitting too long uncomfortable!:frown: So have a great day! :flowerforyou: I've read all your posts so just sending hugs to all today!!:love:

    I have had a sciatic issue once, so I feel your pain.:sad: Here is an important hint to help you when you sit at the computer. RAISE your right foot by placing something under it when you are sitting at your desk. There are footrests that will do this, but I keep one of those flat produce boxes, such as the kind that multiple packages of tomatoes or strawberries come in. It is general less than 6 inches tall, and it really helps. It is also big enough that if you want to put both your feet on it you can. You may want to raise the level of your chair, if you can, to make it more comfortable. Experiment with what works best for you. This trick kept me from having to take time off work when I was having my problem. Good luck!!

    Your shopping trip sounds very productive, and frugal. Enjoy your new goodies.:flowerforyou:

    Welcome SilverVal.

    BTW, if any of you remember kcwriter, she is alive and well. Saw her on another thread, where she indicated she had been dealing with some things but is back on MFP. Sounds like she has found an eating plan that is working well for her.

    Sorry to hear you have been under the weather. Get well!!:flowerforyou:

    Thanks for the refresher post on the exercises.


    Maybe before your next walk you should get some of those padded bike shorts that MacMadame was talking about. It might make for a "softer landing.":laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Weather is beautiful today. Was lazy, didn't get up and walk, but stayed in and watched the Rose Festival Parade on tv with the doggies. Have to get moving or the day will be gone.

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :drinker: A gorgeous Saturday here on the west coast.

    :drinker: This week ships arrived from all over the world representing 9 countries for a naval fleet inspection by our Governor General in the Esquimalt Lagoon (just a mere 5 minute drive away from my house). The US aircraft carrier "Ronald Reagan" is also part of this. There have been celebrations for days already and the Canadian Snowbirds performed spectacularly over the Straight of Juan de Fuca. I wonder if my WA state friends saw any of the airshow. Many sailors in town. Victoria and all of Canada welcomes them all :drinker:

    Have a great Saturday, my dear MFP friends. I have been a little too busy to read and post and log, but will get back to it once I am caught up. Besides I need to take time to be outside and take advantage of this wonderful sunshine.

    :heart: :heart: Rebel :heart: :heart:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Just a quick Saturday hello! :smile: Can't reply because I can't sit too long.:blushing: My sciatic nerve in my right leg is acting up a little.:ohwell: I don't exercise on this kind of day but find sitting too long uncomfortable!:frown: So have a great day! :flowerforyou: I've read all your posts so just sending hugs to all today!!:love:

    I have had a sciatic issue once, so I feel your pain.:sad: Here is an important hint to help you when you sit at the computer. RAISE your right foot by placing something under it when you are sitting at your desk. There are footrests that will do this, but I keep one of those flat produce boxes, such as the kind that multiple packages of tomatoes or strawberries come in. It is general less than 6 inches tall, and it really helps. It is also big enough that if you want to put both your feet on it you can. You may want to raise the level of your chair, if you can, to make it more comfortable. Experiment with what works best for you. This trick kept me from having to take time off work when I was having my problem. Good luck!!


    Thanks Barb.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Just a quick Saturday hello! :smile: Can't reply because I can't sit too long.:blushing: My sciatic nerve in my right leg is acting up a little.:ohwell: I don't exercise on this kind of day but find sitting too long uncomfortable!:frown: So have a great day! :flowerforyou: I've read all your posts so just sending hugs to all today!!:love:

    These are some of the exercises that the physical therapist prescribed to me for sciatica: Lay on your back with your knees up (the bed is okay for this if you don't want to have to call a crane to get you off of the floor.) Put your right ankle on your left knee. Then use both hands to pull your right knee towards your left chest. This stretches your sciatic nerve.
    Also: Still on your back with your knees up, put a soft ball about the size of a basketball between your knees. Squeeze for 5 counts, relax for five counts.
    And, before you get up, you can put your knees together and put a large exercise band snugly around your thighs/calves. Keeping your feet together, spread your knees apart for five counts then back together for 5 counts.
    Try to do the first one 10 times, and work the second and third up to 30 times each. Hope this helps!
  • ainslieglen
    ainslieglen Posts: 110
    Hi all! This is a wonderful sunny day to enjoy!

    My computer went on a serious strike last night, and I have to impose on a neighbor to log in until I get it looked at next week, I'm gonna miss reading the posts until I'm back online, but at least can continue to log and read comments.Have a super week-end:bigsmile: