

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Mimi - you're doing great, fitting into regular sizes. How awesome is that????? How do you make your eggplant? Good luck on the cross-country machine. I wish the gym would have one. For some reason they don't. Well, I know why, it's not a real big popular machine, it takes some getting used to and coordination. The gym would rather spend the money on machines people will use. See, I'm into having lots of different options.

    Birdie - A HRM can range from anywhere from $30 up to $500. When you do consider getting one, decide which features you absolutely must have. For me, I wanted to be able to know how many calories I burned, it had to have the stopwatch function, it had to have a backlight, and it had to have a user replaceable battery. Now there are some that come with a GPS and lots of other things, but I know that I wouldn't use them so I didn't see any reason to pay for something that I wasn't going to use. Maybe some day I would use it, but certainly not today. After you decide what your criteria are, then research which models meet your criteria. I did wind up getting the FT7. I found the best price on amazon.

    Thank you, everyone, for your sympathies on our losing PJ. I swear, there are times when I miss him so much that my heart aches. But then I remind myself that he's no longer in pain. I'm sure these melancholie moments will just get further and further apart. He was just such a special kitty, he was so tolerant. He'd been thru so much and never once complained. All the people working at the vet's offices knew him, he was so easy-going. There, I got it out of my system. Thanks for listening.

    barbie - that is so wonderful of you to knit for people who are in need. I know whenever I do any kind of handwork (crochet, needlepoint, latch hook, x-stitch) I don't want to eat because I don't want to get the material/wool dirty since I know who will have to wash it. Hey, that works!

    What I do whenever the school/church/whatever has a fund raiser and I really don't want what they are selling (well, "want" isn't the right word, "don't need" is), I just give them a flat out donation. Actually, they wind up getting more money. Say you bought $5 of popcorn, the group usually gets something like 70% or 80% of that money. If I give them a $5 bill, they get 100% of the money. And I don't have something in my pantry that I really don't need or want. If I absolutely must buy it, then I immediately donate it to a soup kitchen. They've been getting lots from me.

    Barb - about your HOA, do you email people? Truthfully, if someone sends something to me in the mail, sometimes that paper gets put on a pile and not looked at for a long time. If someone sends me an email, I usually respond quickly mainly because I want to delete that email.

    Cathy - I didn't know you could download books onto your iPod. Gotta look into that. There's this radio show that's on every Sat. but then they put their shows on podcasts so I download them and listen to them while I'm on the treadmill or elliptical. Very motivating. Only problem is that every show is only 1 hr in length, so sometimes I get caught up. I also like to listen to it in the car when I'm taking a long drive somewhere. But it would be great to have books to listen to. To think I can get caught up on my reading......

    I really don't mind exercising....as a matter of fact I really look forward to it. For a while there I was doing pretty good about cutting out the bad carbs, but I've fallen off the wagon. Much as I try, I seem to be craving them again. Gotta try much harder. It's so hard because dd wants pretzels in the house (to dip into his hummus), dh likes his cookies etc. These "walking programs"...are they the kind you put on your iPod? I'll be interested to see what the response is. I have some of Leslie Sansone's walking DVD's, now to get an Urban Rebounder. I really think you can do them on the Rebounder. Some things you may have to modify (like when she tells you to walk up and back, just stay in place).

    Everything I've read says that people who do yoga have a better body image (think better of themselves) and eat more mindfully.

    I used to go in June for my annual check up, but because insurance will only pay for one/year, little by little it's been pushed back, so now I'll go at the end of July. In August I usually go for my bone density scan and mammogram. I try to get it all done at the same time. I'll get my routine blood work before the physical. Worst part is that it's a fasting blood test. Well, I take some cereal in a baggie, then after the blood test I sit in the car eating my cereal. I do have this "funky" mole down there (I don't know how to describe it delicately. Fortunately, we're all women here) that I think I'm going to have the MD look at. I would be willing to bet that he'll want to remove it.

    Cathy - good luck on your spring tune up.

    Well, dd picked up PJ's ashes. The vet was very nice and he spoke to Jessica some.

    Went out for lunch today. They had this ahi tuna salad. Basically, it was tuna on a bed of romaine lettuce. Not bad, I really didn't have much of the salad dressing. Bad me, tho. They gave me two biscuits, I think they were crescent-type. I actually ate one. Last time we were at this restuarant, I didn't eat the biscuit. The good thing about this restaurant is that they clear the table quickly. So the sooner that biscuit leaves from my table, the better for me. Oh well...it'll probably be just soup for dinner tonight anyway. Something light.

    Congrats Jackie. You CAN do it!

    SuzyQ - you said you get bored. So do I. I'm ALWAYS looking for something new to do. What do you do, maybe that'll give me some ideas.

    kackie - good for you looking up the calorie count of the food before you buy it. Yes, I'm really amazed at the calories in certain foods. I would think for sure something wouldn't be high in calories, yet it is. Wish restaurants would include all the nutritionals. Someday.....

    donna - you sound very determined. you WILL do this

    Well, I did HIIT on the elliptical today for 30 min and then incline intervals on the treadmill for 30 min (2 min @3%, 6%, 9%, 12%, 3% etc). One thing I realized was that those calorie burned things on the ellipticals can be way off. I know that I burned more calories when I was sprinting than when I was recovering, but the calories burned just kept moving at the same pace.

    Welcome 2short.... Personally, I like to exercise, but there's one thing that I absolutely cannot stand and that's having sweat dripping down my face. My arms I can handle, my legs I can handle, chest and back -- same thing. But don't let it pour off my face. I'm constantly, and I do mean constantly, wiping my face. Start slow, even if it's just taking a walk. Before you know it, you'll be increasing your distance or speed. You CAN do this.

    Well, I'm registered for a cooking demo. There's a DQ in the mall here so I need to check out if they sell ice cream cakes. dh wants one for Father's Day. Personally, I'm not so crazy about that. hmmmm...maybe they can make a frozen yogurt cake????

  • caminogirl
    caminogirl Posts: 56 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thank-you my MFP friends for such great words of advice – SusyQ, Barbie and Michele I’ve looked up Leslie Sansone and her walking tapes and I’m trying to find one to download onto my iPod (I'll let you know what I discover) although I’ve got a really good mystery on there at the moment which I need to finish. I need to be more like Mimi and bribe (my word not her’s!:wink: ) myself to only listen when exercising!! I think that walking will have to be my exercise of choice as we’re saving our money for a trip to the UK this September and gym memberships, even drop-in fees are expensive. DH has a romantic idea of us landing in London and working our way north by backpack and B&B’s – so it looks like no matter which way I slice it, walking is in my future! :ohwell:

    :flowerforyou: BirdieM – thank-you for the great idea, the doggie bag shall be my friend! Enjoy the rest of your time off and hurray for Friday and the closing of your DD’s house!

    :flowerforyou: Mimi - lucky you, I love a good bargain, perhaps I should scout the garage sales for used exercise machines (I WILL learn to stop calling them torture machines :laugh: :wink: :laugh: ) as then I have NO EXCUSES!! :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie – sounds like you had a great trip and managed to squeeze in a lot! I’m taking you up on your gutt n’butt offer of explanation, so I’ll pm you.

    :flowerforyou: MacMadame – congrats on getting into the aqua/bike race. If you don’t mind my asking, I’d be interested in knowing how you started all this training. My DH also wants us to do a bike tour sometime, so recreation not racing, but I can barely ride my bike a mile before my bum starts aching and I’ve got a fairly padded seat – both bike and human!! It’s very inspiring what you’ve accomplished.

    :flowerforyou: Barb(weaklink) – HaHa! :laugh: :laugh: MayaSwells! Love that!! Yes, I really do need to work on banishing those thoughts! I’m seeing a surfing image here, surf right by those temptations!! :smile: At least I’ve learned to pick the check-out aisle without the candy and to avoid going anywhere where chocolate bars lurk (gas bars/drugstores etc).

    On the doggie front - Whiskey gets treats in his dinner too, very little but enough to entice him to eat. Beware though, once started, you can’t ever go back! Those puppy eyes can be so reproachful!! :happy:

    :flowerforyou: Jackie – good luck food-wise this weekend, I’m sure you won’t give in to those deadly MayaSwells!!:laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Tiarapants – pink is a good happy colour! I love packages with yarn in them, makes me forget everything else, even food! :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Cindy – glad you’re back, remember what Barbiecat said a few pages ago, that by even just reading the posts it means you’re not gone!

    :flowerforyou: Donna – don’t be disappointed, maybe you’re just walking faster! :happy: It is mid-day here, so too hot to walk right now – and heat, like cold is harder on the asthma - so I’ll think of you on your evening walk when I do mine. :smile:

    :flowerforyou: Kackie – good luck with the garden and the invasion!

    :flowerforyou: 2short2btall –Welcome! This is a really great place to start.

    Well, that’s another long post from me (won’t post twice like last time – not sure what happened there) but I don’t get much computer time on the weekends, so wanted to get it all in. You`re ALL in my thoughts, and I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

  • caminogirl
    caminogirl Posts: 56 Member
    Michele - I meant to add that you might check your library for iPod downloads. Mine has an online database that lets you download various books to your iTunes then shift them over to your iPod. It has books for other types of mp3's as well. It's a two-week loan and then it times out and disappears somehow. I also borrow books on cd and copy them over to my iPod but this takes up considerably more space. Listening to books is one of my favorite things to do especially when flying or on long trips in the car.
  • caminogirl
    caminogirl Posts: 56 Member
    not sure why I'm seeing double again!!
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Just a quick hello! My DD's closing on her house will not be until next Tues! :grumble: So today I am busy doing the things I normally can't do with hubby and other DD around. :flowerforyou: I'll try to check in tomorrow! :smile: If not... I hope everyone has a great weekend.:flowerforyou:

    Hugs to all!:love:

  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Cathy – hand in the air – I too love to knit. :heart: I used to live in the north in Michigan and Illinois and made sweaters for myself and our son and nieces when they were children. Now that he's grow our son doesn't like sweaters anymore and we all live in the steamy south. Grandkids don't like sweaters either, so I don't do it much anymore. :frown: I used to get lost for hours playing with patterns and made up a few on my own. I know I've kept a red cotton sweater with all kinds of patterns that I threw together. I liked the way it turned out. Maybe I'll dig it out and hang it in my closet again as a sort of a nudge to get thinner again.

    I noticed where Barb, I think it was you Barb, mentioned knitting sweaters for kids in Afghanistan. That's an idea.... It sure would be something to do when I'm at loose ends and the kitchen starts whispering sweet nothings to me. :grumble:

    Started this yesterday and quit in order to get some work done around here. Today I just finished putting down some weed barrier on one of my larger flower beds. I was soaked from the skin out by the time I was done and it hadn't rained a drop. I'm with you Michele, I just can't stand sweat pouring into my eyes. A sweatband didn't even help much. I do like the southeastern US most times, but dang it get sooo hot here in NE Florida and worst of all humid! :sick:

    Keep your fingers crossed for me please. I'm going to weigh myself today and if I haven't lost a pound or two I'm going to about pop, :explode: but no I won't give up. I have been really good about exercise and calories and haven't gotten any more losses for a couple weeks here. I've been drinking my water too – at least 8 cups. Maybe I need to get an HRM and make sure I am not burning more calories that I think I am. I was using the numbers from the machines at the gym but as you mentioned Michele, it doesn't seem to take into account whether you are exercising hard or in recovery. It just keeps counting away at nearly the same rate.

    How important do you all think it is to eat exercise calories? As I recall I usually eat at least half of them. Some times I just can't without getting way too full. Now if I was to eat a loaf of bread or bag of popcorn it would be easy, but that would be defeating the whole purpose of being here... surely I'm eating enough... I will open my food log and anyone who is inclined to look, I'd appreciate any suggestions.

    It sounds like maybe the Polar FT7 might be what I need to make sure what is going on exercise wise. I know I don't want to have to send it in to have the battery changed. Someone mentioned a monitor that hung from your neck instead if being worn around the chest. Do any of you have one like that? It sounds like it would be more comfortable. I would appreciate any suggestions. :bigsmile:

    Have a great weekend everyone!

  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Just got back from a lovely stomping walk around the ponds in Richmond Park with DH. The rhododendrons are in full bloom and there was an amazing 'wall' of them on one side of the pond. My DH was also really amazed at how much better I am able to walk now. We always go up to Scotland just after Christmas and this year I relied totally on my walking stick. I'm hoping that next year I will be up to going hiking with DH.

    I'm going to sit and knit now. Can't wait to get stuck in to my lovely pink lurex yarn! xx
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    sigh... well I was going to edit out my help request as I didn't want to pester people. But I see I can't as I had posted after that post, which I removed, and the edit option is now gone. So, I'll explain that I have really been doing MFP since late Jan, not just since early April. I had to delete my earlier account as it was badly messed up. Didn't want to appear to be grumbling about not losing more than 13 pounds since April. It's really been since sometime in late mid to late Jan.

    I may be eating too little on some days but we get up late in the morning 9/10, eat lunch late 2/3, dinner at 6/7 bed at 1/2 am. The large dinners are eaten several hours before bed and my evening snack is usually yogurt.

    Have you ever started something that you realized shortly after wasn't such a good idea? Sorry - just ignore the whole thing! :embarassed: This too shall pass! I'll get a HRM and figure this out.

    Off to earn the exercise calories I entered for today.

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member

    How important do you all think it is to eat exercise calories?


    There is no right or wrong answer to this. Some never do. As for me, I always do and I never have a problem with it because I don't exercise more than 400 calories. If I didn't lose weight doing it, then perhaps I would have done things differently. But I have lost 50 lbs eating my calories. If I want to lose a little bit faster, than I would consider NOT eating my calories for a bit. Also, I DON'T want to feel like I'm on a DIET! If I have some flexibility, then I'm comfortable and can see doing this forever. I like knowing that..... if I'm going out to eat or going to a party or cookout.......I don't have to panic trying to eat only 1200 calories!!!, I just add some extra exercise....AND STILL MAKE HEALTHY CHOICES. But by eating my calories, I don't feel constricted.

    So if you are losing weight with what you're doing then...as they say....if you keep doing the same thing, you'll keep getting the same results. When and if you don't....then you have the choice to change your course. Everyone is different and what works for one....may not work for the other.

    Good luck!

  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    :flowerforyou: MacMadame – congrats on getting into the aqua/bike race. If you don’t mind my asking, I’d be interested in knowing how you started all this training. My DH also wants us to do a bike tour sometime, so recreation not racing, but I can barely ride my bike a mile before my bum starts aching and I’ve got a fairly padded seat – both bike and human!! It’s very inspiring what you’ve accomplished.
    I started small. I was going to the gym 1-2x a week doing the stationary bike for 30 min. Then I started going more often. Then I added more time, up to 45 min.

    Eventually I bought a bike and started biking outside and for longer and longer distances.

    If your butt hurts with very little distance, then two things can be wrong:

    (1) Wrong seat for you. Lots of people get too big a seat, thinking "bigger is more comfortable" but it's like having the wrong sized shoes or clothes. A bike shop can help you get the right size. They have a form you can sit on that measures where your sit bones are. Different shapes of seats work better for different people too.

    (2) Bike is not fitted properly. This could be the seat too high, too low, or in the wrong place or wrong angle. All of these can make parts of your body hurt -- your toes get numb, your girl parts burn, your butt hurt, your knees hurt, etc. If you want to bike long distances, you really need a professional bike fit because little problems get magnified the longer you are on the bike.

    I'm supposed to be in a meeting. I'll come back and read more thoroughly and respond later.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Michele - I meant to add that you might check your library for iPod downloads. Mine has an online database that lets you download various books to your iTunes then shift them over to your iPod. It has books for other types of mp3's as well. It's a two-week loan and then it times out and disappears somehow. I also borrow books on cd and copy them over to my iPod but this takes up considerably more space. Listening to books is one of my favorite things to do especially when flying or on long trips in the car.

    Honestly, the two week time limit I'm not real crazy about -- I'm not sure I'd get it all listened to in the two weeks. Even so, does it just disappear from your iPod after the two weeks, you don't have to go back to the library? That might be a good idea for when I know that I'm going to be taking a long trip and will listen to the whole book. This is a real interesting thing. Gotta look into it much more. Can you get any of the books that are for a Kindle? Maybe I'd better have dh (the techno geek -- unlike me who is technically challenged) help me. Thanks for the idea, thanks very much.

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Just breezing through, but thought I'd raise my hand - I am a crocheter, knitter, sewer, quilter, etc.

    Happy Friday to all!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Barb - about your HOA, do you email people? Truthfully, if someone sends something to me in the mail, sometimes that paper gets put on a pile and not looked at for a long time. If someone sends me an email, I usually respond quickly mainly because I want to delete that email.....


    We tried everything except carrier pigeons!!!:noway: :laugh: :laugh: Many people have not shared their email, so that isn't an option. And we have some older residents who wouldn't know email if it came up and shook their hand.:ohwell:

    Doggies and I got out for an hour walk this morning. Then I went to Applebee's for the HOA board meeting. Had the Asiago Steak w/veggies. Sodium will be higher than normal today,:grumble: but so far ok on calories.:drinker: :drinker:

    Also discovered an alternative to ice cream that won't break the caloric bank--"PhillySwirl Sweet 16 Bars" They are Sugar Free, Fat Free, Gluten Free, and 16 calories per bar. They are not a "popsicle"--more like a sherbet bar. And only 16 calories, so even if you have two, you are not in trouble!!:drinker: :drinker: I got mine at Winco, a regional chain, but the website phillyswirl.com has a store locator, so check them out for your area. Very yummy and just in time for summer, which might ACTUALLY be coming to Washington.

    We are expecting 85 degrees tomorrow and loads of sunshine!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    This is especially amazing, since the Rose Festival Parade takes place tomorrow in Portland, which usually means lousy weather.:bigsmile:

    I am at my mom's so bye for now.


    PS--Regarding knitting & etc--I used to knit a little when I was young, but haven't in a long time. I am not a "crafty" person. Had to go into the local "Jo Ann's" to get some thread for my mom and about got lost trying to find a simple spool of cotton thread. I didn't know there were that many ways to spend money and keep busy!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Birdie – Thanks, I guess I'm thinking what I'm doing isn't working for me right now, as I haven't lost any weight in three weeks, unless you count losing the 2 pounds I put on when we had company for the week. Actually it's more like a month probably.

    I weighed this evening at the gym and still no change.:huh: I talked to the guy who runs the place and he said I should stop with the elliptical and do weight training only MWF and swim TT in addition to the cardio pump on Tues and pilates TT. So, I'll give that a try.

    Only human I guess – I'd like it all NOW. I'll try changing things a bit and try being patient. I must admit that I expected that if I did the right things - eat good food in correct amounts and exercise - that I would lose weight. I knew that it wasn't a guarantee to lose a pound a week, but it seems I expected it anyway. Reality check.

  • tcac
    tcac Posts: 211 Member
    Mary, thanks for telling me about this group.
    I am 60 years old and started here in May. I am trying to lose as much weight as possible by August 14 when our daughter gets married. I
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Evening,

    Faye: Sorry that you are so frustrated, but you sound like you are doing all the right things...questioning what you can change is a good start. As far as eating exercise calories, I try not to do them EVERY day so that my body is always guessing a bit. When I am very tired and/or hungry I eat them, but if not, I do not. Also, I try to mix up my exercise as much as I can. I have gotten "stuck" several times and once I added the "shred" DVD and another time I added more "jogging" into my walk. Both resulted in that ticker moving again. I feel another need to change things with this hot weather. Don't know what that will be yet. Good luck and DON"T GIVE UP!!! You will get there! The weights sound like a great idea. We all need more muscle these days.

    Knitting: I joined a class about 4 or 5 years ago to re-learn knitting as I wanted to make some nice scarves as gifts...well...I guess I got a bit too into it and ended up developing carpal tunnel in my wrists! I guess the repetitive motion PLUS the way I was gripping the needles so tightly caused it! So, all you knitters...BEWARE:explode: :explode: :explode: ....KNITTING CAN BE DANGEROUS to your health! Who would have thought???:laugh:

    Not a great day for me...not a terrible one....It is HOT, HOT, HOT...so I only did my shred DVD so I could be indoors and not much else. I will figure something out to add to the mix soon. I will read what everyone else is doing and try to get some inspiration! Take care all:heart: Kackie:heart:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Tcac: Welcome!!!:flowerforyou: Don't even think about the wedding just think about TODAY! I always used to lose for EVENTS and when I joined mfp I just plain lost weight concentrating on One Day at a Time! :wink: My nieces wedding was a few months after I started and lost weight. Everyone thought I lost it because of the wedding. Quite honestly, if I had concentrated on the wedding, I don't think I would have done as good as I did.:noway: The secret???? We can only regulate our choices and behavior TODAY....so that's all I consentrated on! Think....TODAY....THIS MOMENT and I guarantee you'll be down automatically for the wedding! Good luck!

    Wanda ....where are you!!! Haven't fogotten you!!!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Mary, thanks for telling me about this group.
    I am 60 years old and started here in May. I am trying to lose as much weight as possible by August 14 when our daughter gets married. I

    Glad you jumped in! Welcome and here's hoping for a healthy lifestyle for all of us!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Wanda ....where are you!!! Haven't fogotten you!!!

    I sent Wanda a personal message a few days ago, and got a reply, so I know she is ok. You might try sending her a message too.