
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Faye - Personally, I started trying to eat all my exercise calories, but I found that I wound up eating junk food just to get the calories up there. Then, and this is just me, I didn't see a loss. So what I do right now is just note it in the journal part, where you note the water you drank and other notes. Also, this way if I underestimate calories on something, I know that I have a "buffer". There are those times, too, when I go over on the calories but, again, I have that "buffer". Makes me feel better knowing that I didn't totally screw up. You know, I've never heard of a RHM that hangs around your neck. I would ASSUME you'd wear a chest strap and the "watch" would be around your neck. I don't know if I'd like that. When I'm exercising, there have been times when I've worn a necklace for whatever reason, and many times I found it would get caught on my chin when I was doing certain exercises.

    Going to do yoga tomorrow. I usually go to the Y on Saturdays for the yoga class, but tomorrow they're having some sort of swim meet which translates into parking will be horrendous, so I'm just going to do a yoga DVD at home. Then I'm going to check out the local farmer's market. They're only open on Saturdays. I understand it's nothing that great, but I want to check it out anyways.

    Went to Kohl's and bought a curling iron. It was on sale from $30 to $22, then I had a coupon for another 15% off, on top of that I had a coupon for another $10 off. So I wound up paying $11 for a $30 curling iron. That I can live with!

    Welcome tcac. Tell us a little more about yourself.

    Well, my HRM came today!!! I can't believe how excited I am about a HRM. My son wants to do some food shopping, so Vince suggested I wear it since my heart goes so fast when I'm food shopping....lol

    Today I did a yoga DVD, can't believe how hot I got, tomorrow pilates DVD. I would like to "shake things up", too. Was going to take a zumba class since it's at the Y near me, the classes are small. The week I was going to start was the exact same week the instructor decided to go to another branch where the classes are large.

    There was an article in our paper (Charlotte Observer) about Kyle (is that how his name is spelled? I thought it was a different spelling)

    Barb (weaklink) - so glad your HOA manager stood up. That's wonderful. Sometimes I think attorneys think everyone has all the time and money that they have. Nope, they may have the money, but they have someone else do the leg work so they're really out of touch with a lot of things.

    MacMadame - I have to look up crossfit. I know that I've heard of it. Is it more cardio or body weight? Vince constantly complains how I'm always trying to "sneak" healthy food into him. You know, when we go out, now I'm so much more conscious of what I'm eating. I read labels, too. As a matter of fact, I was just at a farmer's market, they had this beef jerky. It had so many preservatives that I just said "no thanks". Say, have you tried Stevia in the Raw. Had some the other day (at a free demonstration of this tea), it was pretty good, didn't have a "bitter" taste that sometimes stevia can have, and stevia is a natural sweetener.

    Happy birthday tiarapants!

    What kinds of stretches do you knitters do? I was crocheting and got so sore between my thumb and index finger. I really believe it was the crocheting that did it. Maybe if I knew some stretches to do, I could avoid that.

    SuzyQ - some of the exercises I do is the Stairmaster (front and sideways for inner and outer thighs), step, water aerobics, yoga, pilates, incline intervals on the treadmill, HIIT on the elliptical, spinning, weight training DVD's, walking faster on the treadmill, using the elliptical (but not very often, usually only if I want to do something that doesn't require a lot of thinking), sometimes a band workout for the muscle work (instead of always using the dumbbells).

    Going to try the apple cider vinegar. I feel a carb craving coming on.....

    mimi - I've seen where people put salt on the eggplant slices before they grill them. The salt draws the moisture out of the eggplant. I asked about this at my healthy cooking demonstration. The chef there said that the salt just helps to keep the eggplant from getting "mushy", but it's not real necessary.

    that apple cider vinegar really worked! Next time I'm going to take some BEFORE I make cookies and see if that doesn't squell my desire to want cookie dough. Thanks so much, SuzyQ Is there a difference between the organic apple cider vinegar and the regular kind you get in the store? I'm really not so worried about the calorie saving, just that it helps to control my carb cravings. It really and truly does work. I'll be forever indebted to you.

    Feel better, Birdie. Sciatica can be such a pain (literally and figuratively)

    Trying figuring out the HRM. One thing I've learned (I remember reading this in the reviews) is that their manual isn't all that great. For some reason, I can't get it to display my heartrate, don't know exactly what I'm doing wrong. Also, I wonder if there's a way to reset the "duration". I can't seem to find out how you turn it off (so can save battery). Looks like I've got a lot more to do boning up on this.

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    AHealthierSuzyQ Posts: 698 Member
    Finally got back to walking today. It felt SO GOOD not to have a calorie overage after going to a baby shower this morning, but once again evening exercise (after hubby left for work) pumped me up and I have to get up early in the morning. Going to take some melatonin and try to get some sleep in that empty bed before the alarm goes off. Goodnight all! :flowerforyou:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    ..There was an article in our paper (Charlotte Observer) about Kyle (is that how his name is spelled? I thought it was a different spelling)..

    You are right. This missing little boy's first name is "Kyron"--not Kyle. Talk about a small world. On another thread I post on, earlier today a regular poster received an email from her son and DIL, who just returned from a trip overseas. The son checked his email while on the trip, and heard about the missing child. Turns out the father of Kyron worked for many years with the poster's son's wife--her DIL. And still, there is no resolution to the situation.

    I went to dinner tonight and had halibut. Also had two light beers, and ended up over calories for the day :grumble: Guess tomorrow is going to be a major exercise day.

  • berrybabe
    berrybabe Posts: 7
    good morning!
    I saw your message and related immediately. I am also 50, had lost 11 pounds here and have now gained back 3, trying to "stop the bleeding". My problem is exercise faithfully for a few weeks, i lose weight, and then get distracted. distracted by emotional things ( my oldest just graduated from high school) to circumstances ( camping with our boy scout troop with my youngest) and not being able to eat what i should. Am feeling pretty crappy about the whole thing right now. But here i am back,,,, hoping to get back on track. how about you?
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome, tcac!:flowerforyou: and any other newbies that I'm sure I've missed somehow! Welcome!:flowerforyou: This is a wonderful group to be a part of!

    tcac-Birdie is right--one day at a time. If I had thought about how long it would have taken me to lose weight I think I'd have given up before losing any! It takes time and hard work but it is SO worth it!

    Kackie--I also have carpel tunnel and ALL my hobbies involve small movements with my hands--crochetting, loom knitting, jewelry making.:ohwell: I just take lots of breaks and I have a pair of lightweight supports that I wear on bad days.

    For workouts that can be done inside--I found lots of routines on youtube and other sites. Do a search and you'll be surprised at what is on the web all ready for you to do! (I also found out that I can put my youtube playlists and some other videos on my realplayer and they transition nicely so I can do however much I have the time for!)

    Michelle--I have found walking workouts and music online for my MP3 and I know there are lots for Ipods, also. Here's one site I have used:

    Also. this page has a list of websites with different workouts for the Ipod:

    Tiarapants--I have LOTS of Leslie's videos (see, we're on a first-name basis now!:laugh: ) and I love them all. I also have the walk belt and it can REALLY give you a workout! I use it a lot--and with other workouts, too. It is very adaptable, I find.

    I haven't been spending much time on the computer because we are getting things ready for the baby--I think I mentioned before that we all share a house--and it has been SUNNY!!:happy: so the rest of the time we've been out doing yardwork and such.

    My daughter's partner has just been diagnosed with a form of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (thankfully not the vascular type). Now they have to see a geneticist and have the baby tested also. Most types are passed on by a single dominant gene so there's a 50-50 chance the baby has it also.
    This syndrome affects the joints and skin--as well as other things, depending on the type--and causes chronic pain. Matt (baby's father) has had a bad time trying to find out why he's in pain all the time.
    It's hard when you appear to be a healthy 23 year old man. A lot of medical professionals seemed to think he was trying to get drugs! It is a relief, he says, to know that it's not "in his head" or because he "needs to exercise (!)" more, etc. He will be starting treatment soon but he is a bit depressed because there is no cure and his joints have degenerated a lot because of the lack of a diagnosis.
    Keep Mary, Matt and Isaac (the baby) in your prayers and thoughts, please.

    Well, I need to go or I'll run out of time for a workout! It is a beautiful sunny day here today and I plan on enjoying every minute of it!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member


    Sorry it is a day late!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Happy Birthday Tiarapants! I agree with your Grandma’s saying. I hope your birthday is wonderful.

    2short2btall – Welcome! Start off easy with the exercise with small goals. Even just 3-5 minutes a day or 3-5 times a week will get you started. Walking is always a good one to start off with. Good luck.

    Tcac – Welcome! This is a great group. Good luck meeting your goal for the wedding.
    Birdie’s advice is good. Just take it day by day and focus on changing your life.

    Barbie – Thanks for reposting the ab exercises. I appreciate it as I hadn’t checking in for a few days.

    Welcome SilverVal! Congratulations on being a survivor and on the progress you have made so far.

    Berrybabe – Welcome! We all know how you feel about distractions.

    Kathy(pmjsmom) – I will keep your family in my prayers.

    Well, yesterday I finally did what I said I would in April-May - I joined the Y. We went swimming in the sun and it was wonderful. We hope to go again later today.

    My kids are hungry and I'm getting interrupted and distracted, so I will make this short. I tried to read the posts and if I missed anyone in need, my apologies. Good thoughts and best wishes to all for a good day.

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Tcac, SilverSal, 2short2btall, berrybabe: Welcome, Ladies! You have found a great, supportive group here. I wish you each great success on this journey.

    Birdie: Your advice about losing weight for an event is spot-on! I have done that before and once the event is over, I slip back all too quickly to the habits that put the weight on before....a frustrating cycle and not a healthy or happy one! Doing the best we can each day is the very best way to live on all levels. Thanks for the reminder!!!

    SuzyQ, Kathy and those of you who have used Leslie Sasome(sp?) walking videos...what is the attachment or waistband that you refer to? How do you use it and would you recommend it if I order the DVD? That sounds like a good indoor, summer time change for me. I LOVE to walk outside but yesterday even going EARLY my 40 minute walk left my face and body completely wet! I can handle that some days, but not every day!

    Tiarapants: Hope you had a lovely birthday!

    Robin: Way to go on your success! I know you will get to your goal. You have been so focused! I too will be thrilled to see the 140s, but you are almost there! I have a bit more to go...maybe July!?!:drinker:

    I rode my bike this morning in order to create my own "breeze" and I wasn't as hot as yesterday on my walk/run! And I still haven't been able to catch the raccoon that has been eating my tomatoes, even though I have the trap set. This raccoon seems to be smarter than the ones from last season!!! HMMMM....maybe it is one of the relocated ones returning who is now wise to our set-up!

    Mimi: I am going to roast some beets tonight. I have not had them in a while. Do you ever put them in your roasted veggie mix? I usually roast beets to put in my salad served hot over lettuce with some nice goat cheese and some crumbled walnuts and just a bit of vinegrette. Sounds like a good thing for a summer supper. What else are you roasting these days? I have one zuchinni from my garden and should have lots more soon. Did you ever get any feedback on what HRM would be the best? I know that you asked Robin which one she would get if she replaced hers but I didn't see a reply. I cannot spell today...so forgive mistakes.

    Hope everyone is having a nice weekend and those of you with loved ones with health issues are in my thoughts.
    Take care, all,:heart: kackie:heart:
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    AHealthierSuzyQ Posts: 698 Member
    SuzyQ, Kathy and those of you who have used Leslie Sansone(sp?) walking videos...what is the attachment or waistband that you refer to? How do you use it and would you recommend it if I order the DVD? That sounds like a good indoor, summer time change for me. I LOVE to walk outside but yesterday even going EARLY my 40 minute walk left my face and body completely wet! I can handle that some days, but not every day!

    I have no idea. All I have is several workout DVDs. No waisatband. My favorite is "4 Fast Miles"
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Jeannie - congrats on joining the Y. I'm sure you'll enjoy it. You can use it year round, too. But having the pool in the summer is good.

    kackie - I THINK the waistband for the walking tape just comes with one of the tapes. Personally, I don't use it. LS's other tapes don't require it, as I recall, just that one particular one.

    Well., today I'm not doing good on the calories. I can't explain it, and it's not logical, I know (and that burns Vince who is VERY logical) but something in the pit of my stomach says that there's something wrong with dd#3's cat. Here's a bit of the condensed version: when we moved to NC she moved in with this guy. She'd been going with him, and now I'm a pretty tolerant person but, honestly, I was afraid to be in the house alone with him. My understanding from his uncle (is this the truth or just his uncle's excuse for his behavior?) is that he is bi-olar and doesn't take his meds. There were times when he'd be as sweet as pie, but other times.... One time, I don't know what he was saying, but I thought to myself just from the sound of his voice "my god, he's going to put a hole in my wall". He verbally and then physically abused dd#3. You have no idea how much that killed me, but she always made excuses, "oh, I cut myself" etc. Well, she had a cat who, in essence, was abused. The SPCA seized it from her. I don't think she thought they would do it. Well, we adopted this cat. she had a dislocated hip and air was leaking out of its trachea. The vet said there was no way an indoor cat could have sustained this injury so she called the SPCA. Yes, we drove up from NC to PA to get the cat. Now dd has another cat. She told me that she didn't want to go to the vet who called the SPCA because dd felt the vet would be looking for abuse, so she took it for shots to another vet. Never paid the bill so I'm sure she won't go back there. She told us up and down that SFB (I call him s***-for-brains because that's what he has) wasn't in her apartment (which we are subsidizing as long as she continues going to college). I just knew in my heart that he was back in the picture. Well, the new cat supposedly was run over by a car and had a broken femur. Our guess is that SFB came by, the kitten in its exhuberance ran up to him and out the door, SFB couldn't give a crap so just closed the door. The cat went across the street. The vet said it needed a pin etc. which would have been about $2,000 (in the Philly area) so we brought the cat down here and had our vet look at it. Well, by the time she'd taken it to her vet, the cat got down here, it was about 2 weeks since it was "hit by a car". Our vet looked at it and said that so much healing had already taken place, he suggested we just keep the cat in a large cage (fortunately, we had one since dd#1 trained a service dog a few years earlier). In time you couldn't even tell the leg was damaged. Well, we surprised dd#3 and took the cat back to her. At the time we saw recent pics on her refrig of SFB. Here was in-your-face proof Vince couldn't deny! I'm a friend of hers on Facebook (she may have even forgotten that I'm a friend) and read that she and SFB got a puppy. No mention of her cat. I'm willing to bet any amount of money she hasn't gotten another rabies shot, she hasn't mentioned taken it to a vet for checkups. When we had her cat, we had it chipped and used our address. Should she move, say the cat gets lost, at least they can notify us who most likely will know how to get in touch with her. I just can't explain this sick feeling in the pit of my stomach....I pray I'm wrong.

    Kathy - thanks so much for those sites. I'm going to check them out.

  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    Welcome to all the new folks!! Happy and blessed Sunday to all!

    Having a good day so far. Made breakfast and an early dinner for us. Got to church at 11:00 and pulled some weeds out of the garden and got my 30 minutes on the treadmill in between the weed pulling and early dinner! Now I've got to quick log my calories after I post, clean the kitchen and get changed out of exercise clothes to go to an OA meeting that starts in 40 minutes.

    Have a great day all! Sending good, positive thoughts your way. Mimi, I thought about you a few days ago...I was journalling and feeling just plain GOOD...it was the day after you had posted "I sit here with a smile on my face so much of the time as I'm reading your posts. I'm just plain old feeling good." Thank you...I think it must hae rubbed off!!
  • bgonzalez
    bgonzalez Posts: 2
    Good Afternoon,

    Can someone please let me know how I can join this group (women ages 50+). It sounds great and would be a helpful site for me.

    Have a great day and much blessings to all.
    Belinda :)
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Hi Belinda, Welcome! You just joined by posting...hope to hear more from you. This is a great group of very encouraging and helpful women. Good luck to you on this journey, Kackie
  • tcac
    tcac Posts: 211 Member
    As I am lying here in bed let me intorduce myself. I am 60 years old and have been on this site since May. It has been great for me to have to write down what I eat and how much a exercise.
    I was directed to this thread and have been reading it for a few days. It is sooo interesting to read how much I have in common with women I have never met.
    I have been batteling my weight for 30 years since giving birth to my first of 2 girls. I tried so many times to lose weight only to starve myself and then gain it all back. I realize I am an all or nothing person, in fact I say I am so black and white I do not even wear gray.
    Last year was when I really started not feeling well and started to exercise and lose weight. I lost 30 pounds and was starting for feel great. I was taken off 3 of my 4 bp meds. Then my daughter started working and I started babysitting my 4 grandchildren and as usual, I came last and stopped exercising. Over the winter I gained 12 pounds back. I began on April 14 of this year and have to date lost 13 pounds. My motivation right now is my daughter's wedding on August 14. I just want to feel comfortable in what I wear and how I look. I must say my weight is coming off so slow, but nothing I can do about it.
    My goals for June are: to drink 80 oz of water a day. exercise 70 mins a day. eat all my calories every day. I do not even want to set an amount of weight loss it just seems that I am lucky to lose 4 lbs a month.
    One last thought, the reason I am in bed: my husband and I were to go on a 22 mile bike trip with folks from church. 3 miles out I wrecked. My right elbow is now 2x the size of the other, knee is all scraped up and neck and back are hurting. I fell and could not brake the fall. Landed on my right side. grateful for helmet. As I hit the ground I hit my head so hard I pulled muscles in neck and back. (I have arthritis in my neck so it is weak to begin with. I found something out very interesting today, when I am 60 I do not bounce hahah
    Oh well that is a little about me, look forward to getting to know many of you.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Welcome tcac,
    About this time last year, I had an experience similar to yours with a bicycle and I was also very thankful for my helmet. I am glad you were wearing yours, and sorry that you didn't have a helmet that could protect your entire body!!:noway: :ohwell:

    Welcome, Glad you could join us.

    Let me join the chorus, though a day late, and say "Happy Birthday."

    Welcome to anyone else I haven't mentioned..Too hard to keep up.

    I managed to collect another ballot for our HOA vote, so I think we are going to make it after all. The champagne has been placed in the chiller.:bigsmile:

    Doggies are passed out, snoring, and I am trying to get up the energy to take a walk, which is needed due to the transgressions of yesterday, previously described in last post. Then there was the after church pancake breakfast that I was compelled to attend after accepting an invitation to another activity. There were scrambled eggs (powdered I suspect), link sausage, and mercifully, melon, grapes, and cantaloupe. I confess to having a small pancake, as well as eggs, some sausage, and honeydew, and a few grapes. The sodium in the sausage will probably let me know it is around tomorrow.:grumble: :ohwell:

    I already got the doggies out for 30 minutes before leaving this morning, but I need to get out by myself in order to keep a faster pace.

    Before I close, have to share a funny rec'd in today's email:
    "Great truths that children have learned:
    No matter how hard you try, you can't baptize cats.

    Great truths that adults have learned:
    Raising teenagers is like nailing jelly to a tree.

    Great truths about growing old:
    Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional."

    Enjoy the rest of your day.


    EDIT: PS--Kathy, Sorry to hear about your daughter's significant other's medical issues. I hope things will improve now that he has the right diagnosis...and do you hear that? "knock knock"--that's your new grandbaby!!

    Michelle, I hope your suspicions are wrong, but I am afraid your intuition may be right on, based upon what you told us.
  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    I don't usually post 2x in a day, but just wanted to give a quick shout out to welcome Belinda and to tell Linda sorry about the fall. :sad: Heal quickly!!

    Have a great evening everyone:bigsmile:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: Today is cleanse day----a day to take it easier than the rest of the week, low calories in, low calories out, and staying home most of the day. Yesterday was the first day in a long time that I went over my calories......I consumed fewer calories than most days but burned a lot fewer due to being at a meeting from 11 to 4 and then going to a friend's house for dinner and staying so late that there wasn't time for exercise when I got home........One interesting insight of the day was that when I realized that I was already over my calories for the day, the first thing I thought was that maybe I could have an extra slice of bread since I was already over....I didn't do it, but it was fascinating to realize how easy it would be to slip into that mindset.....our friends know how we eat so the dinner they served was chicken in marinara sauce, french bread, salad, mixed berries for dessert and we brought a huge pan of roasted veggies (mushrooms, zucchini, yellow squash, broccoli, onions, bell peppers, garlic)....they are the friends who have 14 poodles including the mothers of both our dogs as well as some of their litter mates

    :flowerforyou: Tiarapants, happy birthday :)

    :flowerforyou: We had hot and beautiful weather yesterday........I had to take my jacket off at the dog park and even then I was too warm.......today I wore the same clothes and a wool hat and was freezing.

    :flowerforyou: tcac, I'm sorry to hear about your nasty fall....you are smart to not set yourself up with a number of pounds to lose.....just stay focused on right behavior (eating, exercise) and the weight will come off and stay off in a healthy way.....when I started on MFP, my goal was to not be the fattest person in the photograph....since then I have revised my goal downward a few pounds at a time...along the way, I got inspired to be fit and eat healthy and make that a way of life

    :flowerforyou: Suzzzeque, I'm still taking my Isagenix Accelerator capsules that contain apple cider vinegar

    :flowerforyou: SilverVal, you've come to the right place.......there are so many of us on this thread that have been losing weight slowly and safely and getting encouragement from each other.....glad you decided to join us

    :flowerforyou: MIchele, the exercises I do for my hands while knitting are slowly curling my fingers down then curling my wrists forward and then gradually unrolling

    :flowerforyou: berrybabe, sticking to a plan one day at a time has been what worked for me.......I was desperate to lose weight and made it my highest priority.....MFP and this thread helped a lot

    :flowerforyou: It makes me laugh that some of us use the Leslie Sansone "Walk at Home" in the summer when the weather is too bad (too hot) to walk outside and others (like me) use it in the winter when the weather is too bad (cold and wet) to walk outside:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Hubby wants to go for a ride so I'll go with him. :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    SuzyQ, Kathy and those of you who have used Leslie Sasome(sp?) walking videos...what is the attachment or waistband that you refer to? How do you use it and would you recommend it if I order the DVD? That sounds like a good indoor, summer time change for me. I LOVE to walk outside but yesterday even going EARLY my 40 minute walk left my face and body completely wet! I can handle that some days, but not every day!

    Here's a link to the belt:


    I got mine with the Walk Away the Pounds for Abs which I bought at Ross--I got both for $10. so I'd look around for one if you want one.
    Personally, I LOVE it! I don't have a lot of equipment and I can't afford a gym membership right now and I find I can use it with a lot of workouts--not just Leslie Sansone's. I actually have 3 of her workouts where she uses the belt. I really enjoy her workouts, as I said, and they are easy to fit into a busy day.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I have been too busy to tell all of you that my mother isn't doing well. She has a severely pinched nerve in her back from arthritis. She went into the hospital in Wichita in late May with intolerable pain, was there for several days, and has been home traveling back and forth to doctors and tests since. She is on so many pain meds she can hardly finish a sentence when I talk to her on the phone, and her vision is so blurred that she can't see well enough to do anything. She has fallen several times in the past week because she is too weak to walk to the bathroom. My disabled sister lives with her and has been trying to take care of her, but she is overwhelmed. Mom isn't allowed to walk without a walker, and is not supposed to get up unless my sister is there, but can you say stubborn? I have been trying to deal with all of this via telephone for a few weeks. She has been to the pain management specialist twice now, and he is going to give her epidural injections, one this Wednesday, one two weeks after that, and one three weeks after that. I am going to go down there Wednesday morning to take her to the dr., then come back here on Thursday. I decided today that I have got to spend the next two days cooking meals for Mom and my sister, and taking them to put in their freezer. Anyway, prayers would be appreciated.

    Well, I'm off to make some sort of menu for this and a grocery list - and I thought that I had my shopping done! Later!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    You are a good daughter. My prayers are with you and your mom and sister. Don't forget to take care of "you" while you are taking care of everyone else.:flowerforyou:

This discussion has been closed.