Lose 5 Pounds a Month- June 2010 Challenge



  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Welcome back Phyljen! I'm so happy for you that you lost weight while on your cruise! Hopefully I can make as good of choices when I take my next cruise in October!

    Tralalara - be proud that you have lost as much as you have! Your daughter's wedding will be a great time for you to celebrate your achievements so far. Keep up the good work!

    I went over my calories for the first time since on MFP today. It was my brother's actual birthday today & I had 2 pieces of pizza and then a fresh from the oven oatmeal butterscotch cookie that my neice made! :noway:

    We did go out & jump on the trampoline again, but I guess I should have jumped a bit longer! Oh well...tomorrow is a Skinny Saturday Challenge for me so I can make it up then! :drinker:

  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    I made it- I made it- I made it!!!
    I made it to Onderland!! I am officially under 200 lbs. My weigh-in this morning is 199.6 lbs! I look forward to the weekend but at the same time I'm a alittle nervous. My hubby is leaving tonight for the in-laws place a few hours away, the girls and I will head out in the morning. I am a huge snacker when I'm on the road. I will definately get some healthy snacks for munching so I don't stop at convenience stores and end up with junk food. Any good road trip snack ideas out there?

    WAY TO GO!!! This is such a big accomplishment. Congratulations!

    On the road, I usually take string cheese and almonds. I will also throw some things together for a trail mix, too--- dried fruits, nuts, sunflower seeds, dark chocolate pieces, etc.

    Good luck with your trip!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    it finally happed. No weight loss this week .:grumble: Its okay, I knew it was coming. :noway: I didn't burn as much this week and I had a couple of bad days. (well bad for me) I am not stressing about it. I have still averaged 1.5 pounds a week since March and I feel good about that. I know its just going to get harder and harder to lose and I accept that as well. :bigsmile:

    To make myself feel better I looked back at my stats. :
    body fat 40.6 % down to 29.3%
    waist has gone from 39 inches to 32.5 inches.
    hips went from 40 to 37.5
    bust went from 41 to 38.
    I am happy with my progress.

    I hope you all have a STELLAR SATURDAY! and a wonderful week.

    I was just looking at my starting womanly figure. 41-39-40, boy I really was a barrell on legs :laugh: :laugh:
  • JABehler
    JABehler Posts: 82 Member
    Back home again after traveling to see the kids. I did okay while gone, didn't lose but didn't gain either. Maintained, which as you all know, is hard while out at other's homes.

    Randi, glad to see another Idahoan here. I'm in Boise, Idaho. I've never been to Twin Lakes. I bet it's beautiful up there.

    Celebrating my 39th anniversary today. Yippee. Who'd ever thought. Tuesday will be my birthday. :noway: Fortunately its not a milestone, so I'll just let it slide by.

    Have a great week all.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Jacque, happy anniversary!
  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    39 years, wow! Happy anniversary!
  • tralalara
    tralalara Posts: 149
    Good morning everyone! I'm weighing in a day early as I'm leaving for Oklahoma in a few hours. My daughter's wedding is Saturday! Lots of prepping to do! I'll be staying with family while I'm there for the week. I'm pretty nervous because I know they don't eat very healthy and it's going to be a struggle not back sliding. Let me tell ya, there WILL be biscuits and gravy! Anyway, at least I know now that 1/2 a biscuit with eggs and just a tiny bit of gravy will be okay. I haven't had those food for months. Since I started in January. I'm going to have to go grocery shopping and buy my staples like rolled oats. I'm going to take my little Stevia bottle in my purse. I'm so excited to see my family. My parents, my daughters and their husbands and my grandkids and nephew and nieces and THEIR kids! Oh, and meeting the oldest daughters husband to be's family. I'll still be able to check in often because they have internet and I have my trusty iPod touch with the MFP app. That's actually how I found this site. But I have no idea if anyone has a decent scale there! My mother is in a wheelchair from a massive stroke and I am so glad my daughter chose to have the wedding where she could attend. Every year I worry whether she will be here next year and she just keeps on hanging in there. She is still pretty lucid and doing well just very handicapped. She is the Sun of our universe, the eternal optimist and we all love her so much. Of course, we love my Dad too! And I get to see him on Fathers Day! That never happens.
    Anyway, sorry for the novel. Here's my day early weigh in totals....
    June 1 wt 214.5
    June 7 wt 213
    June 14 wt 210.5

    June 19 wt 209.5

    June 30 goal wt 209.5....SO I've made my 5 lbs for the month! Yay!

    Wish me luck, especially finding a cute dress!
  • JABehler
    JABehler Posts: 82 Member
    Good luck on the family visit. Sounds like a lot of fun. Keep focused on what goes in and exercise. Volunteer to push your mom in her wheelchair. You'll both enjoy it.
    Check in when you get a chance.

  • tralalara
    tralalara Posts: 149
    Good luck on the family visit. Sounds like a lot of fun. Keep focused on what goes in and exercise. Volunteer to push your mom in her wheelchair. You'll both enjoy it.
    Check in when you get a chance.


    Thanks Jacque! My sister has a recumbent bike so I will take every opportunity to visit her and get a bit of exercise that way. I might walk outside too but it's SO hot in OKC that I'd have to get up PRETTY early to stand it! Maybe I can talk my other sister in to going with me. She's been talking about doing it anyway.
    See ya!
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Have a great time with your family. sounds like a delightful time and lots of love will be shared when you all get together. I know that routines are challenged when you get out of your comfort zone. But that it life! We just have to make the healthiest choices we can when we are not in control of the kitchen. BE strong! I know you can do it. We'll be cheering silently for you from all over the world.

    Happy Birthday and Anniversary!!!!! A week of celebrations and don't forget Father's Day! I checked your photo albums on FB and looks like you had some fun times in Santa Cruz and at the graduation! I can realy see that since 2009 you have lost weight! You look great and wow such thin legs!!! I feel like I have tree trunk legs!!!


    EVERYONE ELSE: HOPE THAT YOU ARE HAVING A HAPPY FATHER'S DAY! I ordered in Chinese food and made my hubby a cheese cake. I had a thin sliver of it and really enjoyed the spring rolls. I had been craving them for days. I went swimming twice today so I could burn off extra calories and have a few treats! The water felt great. the temp is over 108 degrees and is supposed to go up to 110 tomorrow. I am looking way way forward to getting out of this burning country and heading to the hills of IDAHO! Phyljen:heart:
  • shelli1923
    shelli1923 Posts: 111 Member
    My weekend has been sooo busy! I didn't even check in to MFP yesterday. That NEVER happens! We had people over for dinner yesterday so I spent Friday and 1/2 of Sat cleaning, then entertaining. The food was good, tho. DF grilled BBQ chicken, mushrooms, squash, zucchini, onions, grape tomatoes, and corn. I also made a low-sugar angel food cake with sugar-free cool whip, strawberries, and pineapple. Today didn't go so well. DF didn't want to do ANYTHING for Father's Day so we didn't. I had 2 pieces of pizza for dinner and a chocolate lava cake from Domino's. I eat terrible every weekend! Oh well, back on the wagon tomorrow.

    Lori- have fun at the wedding! Sounds like you will have a great time with your family!
    Jacqui- Happy Anniversary!!! 39 years, that's amazing!
    Phylgen- Awesome job losing weight while on the cruise! I don't think I could have done that! MMMMM...cheesecake is my very favorite!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    June 1: 232.8
    June 7: 231.8 (was 230.8, went up a pound this past weekend)
    June 14: ----277.4
    mini goal of 228 for a date with my brothers :)
    June 21: 225.6 (was up to 228.2 on the 18th, but it was due to lots of sodium)

    7.2lbs this month! I honestly thought I was doing bad this month too! All the car rides, bbq's, etc..and the sodium, ugh! Especially this past week(see above)

    I also start Week4 of the C25k, I'm gonna pick up dancing again this week as I only walked last week. Hope everything has a safe and healthy week!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    June 1: 232.8
    June 7: 231.8 (was 230.8, went up a pound this past weekend)
    June 14: ----277.4
    mini goal of 228 for a date with my brothers :)
    June 21: 225.6 (was up to 228.2 on the 18th, but it was due to lots of sodium)

    7.2lbs this month! I honestly thought I was doing bad this month too! All the car rides, bbq's, etc..and the sodium, ugh! Especially this past week(see above)

    I also start Week4 of the C25k, I'm gonna pick up dancing again this week as I only walked last week. Hope everything has a safe and healthy week!
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: AWESOME JOB!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Back home again after traveling to see the kids. I did okay while gone, didn't lose but didn't gain either. Maintained, which as you all know, is hard while out at other's homes.

    Randi, glad to see another Idahoan here. I'm in Boise, Idaho. I've never been to Twin Lakes. I bet it's beautiful up there.

    Celebrating my 39th anniversary today. Yippee. Who'd ever thought. Tuesday will be my birthday. :noway: Fortunately its not a milestone, so I'll just let it slide by.

    Have a great week all.

    HAPPY ANNIVERSARY LATE AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY EARLY! Hope you had a great weekend and a great day tomorrow!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member

    EVERYONE ELSE: HOPE THAT YOU ARE HAVING A HAPPY FATHER'S DAY! I ordered in Chinese food and made my hubby a cheese cake. I had a thin sliver of it and really enjoyed the spring rolls. I had been craving them for days. I went swimming twice today so I could burn off extra calories and have a few treats! The water felt great. the temp is over 108 degrees and is supposed to go up to 110 tomorrow. I am looking way way forward to getting out of this burning country and heading to the hills of IDAHO! Phyljen:heart:

    Didn't you get us started about cheesecake last month?:love: I love cheesecake!:love::laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Have a great trip to Idaho. We will be in Oregon in a few weeks to visit in-laws!
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    so i started this challenge this month AFTER i had lost 5lbs (just my luck right? LMAO) but i would start anew, no biggie. weighed myself this mornin & i've lost 3.6lbs!!! :noway: i was just hopin 4 a 2lbs loss but nope, surprise 4 me!! :tongue:

    me so happy!!!! :drinker:

    only 1.4lbs to go in order 2 meet the 5lb goal. YIPPEEEEE!!!! i can't believe it. i truly can't. i even took measurements & i'm still goin down so i know it's a bit of fat. i've lost a total of 1.5inches from my waist & 1.75inches from my hips. OMG! :noway: :noway: :noway:

    best of luck 2 every1. we can all do this!! YAY!!! :tongue: :flowerforyou: :heart:
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    so i started this challenge this month AFTER i had lost 5lbs (just my luck right? LMAO) but i would start anew, no biggie. weighed myself this mornin & i've lost 3.6lbs!!! :noway: i was just hopin 4 a 2lbs loss but nope, surprise 4 me!! :tongue:

    me so happy!!!! :drinker:

    only 1.4lbs to go in order 2 meet the 5lb goal. YIPPEEEEE!!!! i can't believe it. i truly can't. i even took measurements & i'm still goin down so i know it's a bit of fat. i've lost a total of 1.5inches from my waist & 1.75inches from my hips. OMG! :noway: :noway: :noway:

    best of luck 2 every1. we can all do this!! YAY!!! :tongue: :flowerforyou: :heart:

    So happy for you. Great job!:drinker: :drinker:
  • happy_heather121
    happy_heather121 Posts: 135 Member
    Hi everyone, It sounds like a lot of you have had really great weekends going fun places! Saturday I ran 4 miles for the first time around a small lake by my house with my awesome workout partner, M. I was about to give up after 2 miles and she pushed me to keep going and I did it. We have a race on July 4 around that lake! Later that day we took our dogs, husbands, and her kid and friend to a really neat dog beach and ran around and played in the sun all day! That night we went to her house and cooked out. I drank a little too much wine but kept everything else in check... for the most part! Sunday we all went for a long bike ride. 20 miles. and then my husband and I did another 10 miles after we dropped them off at the car. We went out for dinner yesterday and I ordered a tossed salad with no cheese (lactose intolerant) and had two bites of my husbands awesome burger and I was satisfied when I was finished. I am really trying to learn to portion control and make sure I am making up for the bad things I eat with good choices. Here are my stats.

    SW March 2009: 152 lbs

    June 1st: 141.8
    June 8: 141.2
    June 15: 139.6
    June 21: 138.2

    GW June 30th: 136.8 lbs<--- Only 1.5 lbs from my goal!!!

    Ultimate Goal 130 lbs.
  • happy_heather121
    happy_heather121 Posts: 135 Member
    it finally happed. No weight loss this week .:grumble: Its okay, I knew it was coming. :noway: I didn't burn as much this week and I had a couple of bad days. (well bad for me) I am not stressing about it. I have still averaged 1.5 pounds a week since March and I feel good about that. I know its just going to get harder and harder to lose and I accept that as well. :bigsmile:

    To make myself feel better I looked back at my stats. :
    body fat 40.6 % down to 29.3%
    waist has gone from 39 inches to 32.5 inches.
    hips went from 40 to 37.5
    bust went from 41 to 38.
    I am happy with my progress.

    I hope you all have a STELLAR SATURDAY! and a wonderful week.

    I was just looking at my starting womanly figure. 41-39-40, boy I really was a barrell on legs :laugh: :laugh:

    This happens! Once I got around my last 15 lbs I really had a lot harder time losing the weight. I still am having a hard time. I think you have to start really pushing yourself more than ever! Yuck! But I totally believe that. The last lbs are the hardest to lose.

    I have had so many weeks with no weight loss. Next week will be better and I think it's good that you're not beating yourself up.

  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    6-01-10 240.0
    6-07-10 237.0
    6-14-10 233.6
    6-21-10 233.4

    :grumble: Yesterday I was at 232.2 but then for my official weigh-in today I was up to 233.4 :grumble:

    I shouldn't complain because I'm still down from last week, and 6.6 lbs for the month - however I want to be under 230 by the end of the month! I WILL stick to my game plan this week & do my C25K & Jillian as well!

    Sian - GREAT JOB this week! Way to be a LOSER! So happy for your success! :bigsmile:
    Heather - AWESOME job on the biking & the run! :happy:
    Bru - EXELLENT job this month! You are my IDOL! :flowerforyou:
