Death...what do you think about it--or do you?



  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    I am totally against it...

    That being said, yes that separation from this life happens to all of us whether we are against it or not; the thing is we just have to be ready so that our eternal reward is one that will bring eternal pleasure rather than eternal anguish...
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    My oldest friend died last year. It's still hard to come to terms with it, because I live in a different city so I never saw her body.
    She's estranged from her family so she left me as next of kin in her last wishes. So I picked up her remains and now I have to figure out where to bury her.

    As for myself, I just hope I don't die in some way that's horribly embarrassing and end up having my remains featured on or something.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    These are such deep and again, thought provoking replies--thank you ALL so much for posting!
    ELCABRA Posts: 50 Member
    DEATH IS AN *kitten*!!
  • sukifr
    sukifr Posts: 70 Member
    My brother died when i was 6 - he was 9 due to illness, then followed shortly by my grandparents. My dad spent most of my childhood trying to kill himself , but died anyway in his 50s due to be unhealthy, my mum also, and now I've got by brother-in-law staying with me who talks about dying and killing himself all the time!!

    Death - it's certainly one topic you can't get away from!!

    Make the most of today because tomorrow might never happen - live long and prosper :smile:
  • VeganSurfer
    VeganSurfer Posts: 383 Member
    My father died in his mid 30's, my nanna just passed away last year at 91.
    It happens to everyone, nothing you can do to stop it. Make the most of your life I say.
  • eliseofthejungle
    eliseofthejungle Posts: 113 Member
    I think it's damn depressing. I have my days when I dwell on it, but I try really hard not to because on those days I just want to hole up in a cave with a BIG bottle of vodka and brood and cry. The more I think about it the more everything seems pointless, mostly because I don't really believe in any sort of existence after death. I want to, but I just don't. So, to me, the whole live-life-to-the-fullest mentality doesn't even really make sense because it's not like you'll be around to remember if your life was full or not. All of those experiences just *poof* when you die. And it doesn't even really matter if the people close to you have good memories of you because they'll all die too. Pretty soon there won't even be anyone who remembers you and it's like you never even existed. So, really, all of your choices, decisions, actions, emotions, opinions, insights, "accomplishments", are completely pointless. It's very sad to think about.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I think it's damn depressing. I have my days when I dwell on it, but I try really hard not to because on those days I just want to hole up in a cave with a BIG bottle of vodka and brood and cry. The more I think about it the more everything seems pointless, mostly because I don't really believe in any sort of existence after death. I want to, but I just don't. So, to me, the whole live-life-to-the-fullest mentality doesn't even really make sense because it's not like you'll be around to remember if your life was full or not. All of those experiences just *poof* when you die. And it doesn't even really matter if the people close to you have good memories of you because they'll all die too. Pretty soon there won't even be anyone who remembers you and it's like you never even existed. So, really, all of your choices, decisions, actions, emotions, opinions, insights, "accomplishments", are completely pointless. It's very sad to think about.

    {{{{{{{{{{{{{{ Elsieofthejungle }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

    :heart: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :heart: