why are crossfit facilities/ classes SO expensive?



  • TheApocalypse
    TheApocalypse Posts: 319 Member
    how much are normal cults to join?

    ^^ this

    CF is a cult, status symbol and yuppy club

    Just because you don't understand the way the world works doesn't give you the right to label others as cultist. Crossfit, just like anything else, costs money to operate it. Look into it. The fact that it has a loyal following is just because it is awesome and can do wonders to change a persona life, skill set, and activity level. Do you call Olympians a cult? Those people train all day every day, doing the same thing over and over, and it is a small group of people loyally following their training. Pull your head out of your *kitten* and get over yourself. I am so sick of this bullspit argument. Grow up and learn how things work before you try and hate on others.
  • PomegranatePriestess
    PomegranatePriestess Posts: 2,455 Member
    I never could understand if it's not a "fad" why so many people that do Crossfit have such a huge attachment to the Crossfit brand name.

    I mean, at the gym where I take boot camp class, they don't feel a need to put a brand name on it and have everyone say "Oh yeah, I do the most wonderful ever (fill in the blank) Official Boot Camp Class!"

    It's just we go to a boot camp class, get in our workout, say "Hi," to all the people we know, and don't have to make a big deal out of slapping a fancy brand name on it.

    For months I logged the workouts as HIIT because I didn't want to hear the negativity that Crossfit generates on MFP.

    Then I decided that anyone on my FL who spewed negativity at me for the way I choose to workout doesn't belong on my friends list.

    I don't think Crossfit is for everyone. In fact, I'm sure it's not. But I don't think people's negative attitudes should discourage people from trying it... especially when the vast majority of the people bashing it really don't know jack squat about it.
  • ZealousMissJJ
    ZealousMissJJ Posts: 454 Member
    My personal trainer recently got Crossfit certified...he didn't just take a sip of the KoolAid, I think he drank a whole pitcher. It is good for me though, he is incorporating the parts of Crossfit that I like into my workouts.

    If the trainers at my gym ever connected with Crossfit, I would withdraw my membership and go elsewhere. I don't want to have anything to do with the Crossfit KookAid Cult.

    Oh hello Health_Gal! Good to see you still get worked up about Crossfit!

    Did I mention I love Crossfit? I Loooooooooovvveee Crossfit :laugh:.
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    My personal trainer recently got Crossfit certified...he didn't just take a sip of the KoolAid, I think he drank a whole pitcher. It is good for me though, he is incorporating the parts of Crossfit that I like into my workouts.

    If the trainers at my gym ever connected with Crossfit, I would withdraw my membership and go elsewhere. I don't want to have anything to do with the Crossfit KookAid Cult.

    My trainer goes to all sorts of classes to learn new things to incorporate into his workouts and his clients workouts. He has gone to TRX classes with me, a Bar Method class with me and certainly other classes. He incorporates a lot of different things into our workouts. I've been working with him for almost 4 years, never injured myself, lost over 100 pounds and I am now in the best shape of my life. Not sure why that would be a bad thing.
  • janebshaw
    janebshaw Posts: 168
    My personal trainer recently got Crossfit certified...he didn't just take a sip of the KoolAid, I think he drank a whole pitcher. It is good for me though, he is incorporating the parts of Crossfit that I like into my workouts.

    If the trainers at my gym ever connected with Crossfit, I would withdraw my membership and go elsewhere. I don't want to have anything to do with the Crossfit KookAid Cult.

    My trainer goes to all sorts of classes to learn new things to incorporate into his workouts and his clients workouts. He has gone to TRX classes with me, a Bar Method class with me and certainly other classes. He incorporates a lot of different things into our workouts. I've been working with him for almost 4 years, never injured myself, lost over 100 pounds and I am now in the best shape of my life. Not sure why that would be a bad thing.

    Because all the other trainings you mentioned do not incorporate drinking Crossfit Kool Aid -- in other words, taking on a world view that one franchise of fitness classes is far better than anything else. Besides, there's really nothing unique or new in Crossfit to incorporate. All the exercises used in Crossfit pre-dates Crossfit.
  • PomegranatePriestess
    PomegranatePriestess Posts: 2,455 Member
    My personal trainer recently got Crossfit certified...he didn't just take a sip of the KoolAid, I think he drank a whole pitcher. It is good for me though, he is incorporating the parts of Crossfit that I like into my workouts.

    If the trainers at my gym ever connected with Crossfit, I would withdraw my membership and go elsewhere. I don't want to have anything to do with the Crossfit KookAid Cult.

    You'd dump your trainer for adding to his/her own knowledge base? I'd ask you why you are so rabidly anti-Crossfit but honestly, I just don't care. Whatever it is, it's your own problem, and not a problem with the system itself, because that is just ridiculous.
  • ZealousMissJJ
    ZealousMissJJ Posts: 454 Member
    how much are normal cults to join?

    ^^ this

    CF is a cult, status symbol and yuppy club

    Do you call Olympians a cult? Those people train all day every day, doing the same thing over and over, and it is a small group of people loyally following their training. Pull your head out of your *kitten* and get over yourself. I am so sick of this bullspit argument. Grow up and learn how things work before you try and hate on others.

    This is why I love you!! :heart:
  • _chiaroscuro
    _chiaroscuro Posts: 1,340 Member
    If the trainers at my gym ever connected with Crossfit, I would withdraw my membership and go elsewhere. I don't want to have anything to do with the Crossfit KookAid Cult.

    Lol, holy cow, why for you come to Crossfit thread when Crossfit make you so stabby?
  • RobynLB83
    RobynLB83 Posts: 626 Member
    Cults are awesome. I belong to at least 4. They plug into something about human nature. If anyone thinks they are above it... well, that's just the cult you're in.
  • PomegranatePriestess
    PomegranatePriestess Posts: 2,455 Member
    Oh hello Health_Gal! Good to see you still get worked up about Crossfit!

    Did I mention I love Crossfit? I Loooooooooovvveee Crossfit :laugh:.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Me too! LOVE IT.

    You know what I love most about Health_Gal showing up? This thread will surely be at the top all morning long... and while she may dissuade a few people from trying Crossfit, there will probably be way more people who will go check it out just to see what the hell all the fuss is about! And since most places probably offer the first class free...

    She's actually helping the cult, er, I mean, the cause! :drinker:
  • PomegranatePriestess
    PomegranatePriestess Posts: 2,455 Member
    Cults are awesome. I belong to at least 4. They plug into something about human nature. If anyone thinks they are above it... well, that's just the cult you're in.

    Did it just get weird in here or what?
  • goodtimezzzz
    goodtimezzzz Posts: 640 Member
    its a fad..and a pretty bad one at that..Powerlifting all the wayyyy:)
  • janebshaw
    janebshaw Posts: 168
    My personal trainer recently got Crossfit certified...he didn't just take a sip of the KoolAid, I think he drank a whole pitcher. It is good for me though, he is incorporating the parts of Crossfit that I like into my workouts.

    If the trainers at my gym ever connected with Crossfit, I would withdraw my membership and go elsewhere. I don't want to have anything to do with the Crossfit KookAid Cult.

    You'd dump your trainer for adding to his/her own knowledge base? I'd ask you why you are so rabidly anti-Crossfit but honestly, I just don't care. Whatever it is, it's your own problem, and not a problem with the system itself, because that is just ridiculous.

    If the trainers at either of the gyms I go to decided to make it into a Crossfit box, or took Crossfit training so they could say they were a Crossfit trainer and offer Crossfit classes, yes I would leave the gym. Because Crossfit is all about hyping up exercises that have been around forever and trying to make people think the class is something new and worth paying premium dollar for -- then certifying a bunch of people that had no training other than a weekend workshop to make their franchise spread like an Internet virus.
  • ZealousMissJJ
    ZealousMissJJ Posts: 454 Member
    Oh hello Health_Gal! Good to see you still get worked up about Crossfit!

    Did I mention I love Crossfit? I Loooooooooovvveee Crossfit :laugh:.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Me too! LOVE IT.

    You know what I love most about Health_Gal showing up? This thread will surely be at the top all morning long... and while she may dissuade a few people from trying Crossfit, there will probably be way more people who will go check it out just to see what the hell all the fuss is about! And since most places probably offer the first class free...

    She's actually helping the cult, er, I mean, the cause! :drinker:

    Teeheehee :laugh:
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    its a fad..and a pretty bad one at that..Powerlifting all the wayyyy:)

    A fad?

    Why is it bad?
  • _chiaroscuro
    _chiaroscuro Posts: 1,340 Member
    Cults are awesome. I belong to at least 4. They plug into something about human nature. If anyone thinks they are above it... well, that's just the cult you're in.

    Did it just get weird in here or what?
  • PomegranatePriestess
    PomegranatePriestess Posts: 2,455 Member
    You'd dump your trainer for adding to his/her own knowledge base? I'd ask you why you are so rabidly anti-Crossfit but honestly, I just don't care. Whatever it is, it's your own problem, and not a problem with the system itself, because that is just ridiculous.

    If the trainers at either of the gyms I go to decided to make it into a Crossfit box, or took Crossfit training so they could say they were a Crossfit trainer and offer Crossfit classes, yes I would leave the gym. Because Crossfit is all about hyping up exercises that have been around forever and trying to make people think the class is something new and worth paying premium dollar for -- then certifying a bunch of people that had no training other than a weekend workshop to make their franchise spread like an Internet virus.

    Since this is not the case where I spend my time three times a week, your assumption is incorrect.
  • PomegranatePriestess
    PomegranatePriestess Posts: 2,455 Member
    Cults are awesome. I belong to at least 4. They plug into something about human nature. If anyone thinks they are above it... well, that's just the cult you're in.

    Did it just get weird in here or what?

    I was being kind...
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    how much are normal cults to join?

    ^^ this

    CF is a cult, status symbol and yuppy club

    Just because you don't understand the way the world works doesn't give you the right to label others as cultist. Crossfit, just like anything else, costs money to operate it. Look into it. The fact that it has a loyal following is just because it is awesome and can do wonders to change a persona life, skill set, and activity level. Do you call Olympians a cult? Those people train all day every day, doing the same thing over and over, and it is a small group of people loyally following their training. Pull your head out of your *kitten* and get over yourself. I am so sick of this bullspit argument. Grow up and learn how things work before you try and hate on others.

    ^ This defense sounds like a cult member defending a cult.

    I'm joking, don't hate me! CF is an easy target, but it does work for many of my friends. It's just not for everyone and it's expensive to run classes the way they do. Plus it is a trendy thing right now so they're going to charge what they can.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    how much are normal cults to join?

    ^^ this

    CF is a cult, status symbol and yuppy club

    seriously. just like a football team. going to your work outs, wearing the same clothes, speaking the same kind of lingo, and it's such a jock breeding ground.