why are crossfit facilities/ classes SO expensive?



  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    If the trainers at my gym ever connected with Crossfit, I would withdraw my membership and go elsewhere. I don't want to have anything to do with the Crossfit KookAid Cult.


    for realsies, take your irrational hate elsewhere. it's not needed here.
  • Mattsama
    Mattsama Posts: 36 Member
    From what I've been reading on this thread, part of the problem stems from their being no clear definition as to what Crossfit is or isn't. There is a Crossfit website that lists the Workout of the Day, but many Crossfit facilities don't use that as their workout.

    When I take group classes at the YMCA, there is a standard as to what a strength training workout is, what a spin workout is, what a step class workout is, etc because they use workouts designed by the Body Training Systems franchise. They are free to substitute a track (exercise routine done to rock music) from one seasonal release for another, but everything within that workout was created by the Body Training Systems franchise. I would imagine that the Les Mills franchise is similar in that when you see an ad for one of their classes, you basically know what you will be doing. The YMCA also offers personal training, weight loss programs, and non-BTS fitness classes, but that's a different story.

    But when people say they do Crossfit, even though Crossfit is a franchise, you really don't know what they do unless they give you detains of their workout that day.

    When someone asks what it entails, I've always said that it's basically circuit training combining body weight movements and olympic lifts. If they need further clarification, I give examples of each. If they want more, I invite them to attend a session and try it.
  • PomegranatePriestess
    PomegranatePriestess Posts: 2,455 Member
    I wonder does the cult thing stem from how people broadcast themselves?
    There must be hundreds of thousands of people doing Crossfit who feel absolutely no desire to talk about it or lecture about it.
    They get in, they work out, they enjoy it.
    But the people who get our attention are those who want it.
    So people gauge their opinion of Crossfitters ( I dunno, is that the term for participants? ) based on those who would be foremost in their consciousness - unfortunately, this is usually the most annoying or militant of participants. The Evangelical type.
    But like I said - if soeone's an *kitten* about crossfit, they'd probably be an assole about stamp collecting.

    If logging workouts and therefore having them show up in the newsfeed of anyone on my friends list means broadcasting, then I guess I'm broadcasting. And if defending something I have firsthand knowledge and experience in against many, many naysayers who have none makes me annoying and/or militant, then I guess I am guilty as charged -- in your eyes.

    Like MissJJ, I don't bash other people's workout choices. And I don't just do CrossFit, either. I do water aerobics, yoga, good old fashioned walking, dancing, boxing, lifting, etc. I'm in a band and I've worn my HRM on stage to capture the burn because I am dancing and moving the whole time I'm up there. Fitness to me isn't about any one choice I make. It's about all of them.

    But since I'm obviously just a brainwashed yuppie chugging Koolaid while throwing my money at the latest fad because I need to sit at the cool kids' table, what the hell do I know, amirite?
  • BigDougie1211
    BigDougie1211 Posts: 3,530 Member
    Could someone tell me a bit about the earlier remark about all wearing the same clothes etc?
    Is there like a unifom that you have to get when you join a Crossfit gym?

    There is a market for gear that is "CrossFit" seific, be it Rogue Fitness, CrossFit Games, or just some local garage throwdown.... But it's like the adventure race stuff. People just love their swag!

    So it's not compulsory? Like say a Gi ( spelling? ) for a martial arts dojo?
  • ZealousMissJJ
    ZealousMissJJ Posts: 454 Member
    Could someone tell me a bit about the earlier remark about all wearing the same clothes etc?
    Is there like a unifom that you have to get when you join a Crossfit gym?

    There is a market for gear that is "CrossFit" seific, be it Rogue Fitness, CrossFit Games, or just some local garage throwdown.... But it's like the adventure race stuff. People just love their swag!

    So it's not compulsory? Like say a Gi ( spelling? ) for a martial arts dojo?

    No, of course it isn't! I wear my running gear for crossfit. Rogue Fitness is what Nike is for runners. You don't have to wear Nike to run..

  • Mattsama
    Mattsama Posts: 36 Member
    Could someone tell me a bit about the earlier remark about all wearing the same clothes etc?
    Is there like a unifom that you have to get when you join a Crossfit gym?

    There is a market for gear that is "CrossFit" seific, be it Rogue Fitness, CrossFit Games, or just some local garage throwdown.... But it's like the adventure race stuff. People just love their swag!

    So it's not compulsory? Like say a Gi ( spelling? ) for a martial arts dojo?

    Absolutely not. People in my box/gym wear anything and everything. I wear the undershirt from my uniform (Air Force ABU, tan undershirt), and generic training shorts. Some people come in looking like they're sponsored by Under Armor. Some come in wearing their "CrossFit" gear. Others wear a mixmash of Yoga pants and New Balance shirts. Our box has our own swag, sometimes I wear that shirt but not too often. Same thing with shoes. Some wear 5-fingers, some wear minimalist, others wear running shoes, while others wear power lifting shoes, and still others wear trail running shoes. We have a couple guys who will take their shoes off for WODs.

    This seems like a jumble of information, but really, I'm just remembering last nights WOD.
  • BigDougie1211
    BigDougie1211 Posts: 3,530 Member

    If logging workouts and therefore having them show up in the newsfeed of anyone on my friends list means broadcasting, then I guess I'm broadcasting. And if defending something I have firsthand knowledge and experience in against many, many naysayers who have none makes me annoying and/or militant, then I guess I am guilty as charged -- in your eyes.

    Like MissJJ, I don't bash other people's workout choices. And I don't just do CrossFit, either. I do water aerobics, yoga, good old fashioned walking, dancing, boxing, lifting, etc. I'm in a band and I've worn my HRM on stage to capture the burn because I am dancing and moving the whole time I'm up there. Fitness to me isn't about any one choice I make. It's about all of them.

    But since I'm obviously just a brainwashed yuppie chugging Koolaid while throwing my money at the latest fad because I need to sit at the cool kids' table, what the hell do I know, amirite?

    Woah, reel it in. I'm not in the market for an argument, a confrontation or an online throwdown.
    I wasn't referencing anyone in particular, more the nature of evangelism and how SOME PEOPLE can't help but elevate their own pastimes above others and how some people can't accept any criticism of said pastimes without bristling. It's easy enough to shrug the shoulders and say " *kitten* ya ".
    But since you've decided to pick up on me in particular I'd like to make a few points.

    1. I've not singled out any one poster.
    2. I've not offered an opinion on the work out - just on the obvious furore.
    3. I've said noting negative about Crossfit or it's participants - just asked a few questions.
    4. I've not felt the need to resort to any sarcasm, derogatory tone of address or aggression.
    5. As soon as I thought someone had been offended by my post I was sue to address te apparent offence and explain it was unintended and offer an apology.

    Perhaps you could find a way to incorporate some of those behaviours into your own form of address.
  • TheApocalypse
    TheApocalypse Posts: 319 Member
    Could someone tell me a bit about the earlier remark about all wearing the same clothes etc?
    Is there like a unifom that you have to get when you join a Crossfit gym?

    There is a market for gear that is "CrossFit" seific, be it Rogue Fitness, CrossFit Games, or just some local garage throwdown.... But it's like the adventure race stuff. People just love their swag!

    So it's not compulsory? Like say a Gi ( spelling? ) for a martial arts dojo?

    Definitely not a requirement. The more "hardcore" people at my box tend to wear it because we usually get a kick out of the sayings and things like that on them. Most of us buy from a local designer to help support local business and also the clothes they make are just damn comfortable! By no means is it something that you HAVE to wear. Probably the first year I just wore my cheapo running shoes and whatever gym shorts and a tshirt.
  • BigDougie1211
    BigDougie1211 Posts: 3,530 Member
    Could someone tell me a bit about the earlier remark about all wearing the same clothes etc?
    Is there like a unifom that you have to get when you join a Crossfit gym?

    There is a market for gear that is "CrossFit" seific, be it Rogue Fitness, CrossFit Games, or just some local garage throwdown.... But it's like the adventure race stuff. People just love their swag!

    So it's not compulsory? Like say a Gi ( spelling? ) for a martial arts dojo?

    Absolutely not. People in my box/gym wear anything and everything. I wear the undershirt from my uniform (Air Force ABU, tan undershirt), and generic training shorts. Some people come in looking like they're sponsored by Under Armor. Some come in wearing their "CrossFit" gear. Others wear a mixmash of Yoga pants and New Balance shirts. Our box has our own swag, sometimes I wear that shirt but not too often. Same thing with shoes. Some wear 5-fingers, some wear minimalist, others wear running shoes, while others wear power lifting shoes, and still others wear trail running shoes. We have a couple guys who will take their shoes off for WODs.

    This seems like a jumble of information, but really, I'm just remembering last nights WOD.

    I kinda get the gear/swag thing and why people would voluntarily buy into it though, makes you feel like you're part of a team, I'd imagine.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    how much are normal cults to join?

    ^^ this

    CF is a cult, status symbol and yuppy club

    seriously. just like a football team. going to your work outs, wearing the same clothes, speaking the same kind of lingo, and it's such a jock breeding ground.

    I must be doing it wrong. I have yet to see two people in the crossfit gym wearing the same clothes...the lingo has been far more generic than crossfit-specific (although I suspect it exists, I just haven't been subjected to it yet), and if it's a jock breeding ground, they must be doing it wrong, because it's about 50/50 men/women...(although granted nearly all of both the men and women are remarkably fit looking and strong, so may I just need to expand my definition of the word "jock").

    And I've yet to be snapped with a towel or mocked for being so scrawny, so it isn't anything like when I was last on a football team (25ish years ago).
  • PomegranatePriestess
    PomegranatePriestess Posts: 2,455 Member

    If logging workouts and therefore having them show up in the newsfeed of anyone on my friends list means broadcasting, then I guess I'm broadcasting. And if defending something I have firsthand knowledge and experience in against many, many naysayers who have none makes me annoying and/or militant, then I guess I am guilty as charged -- in your eyes.

    Like MissJJ, I don't bash other people's workout choices. And I don't just do CrossFit, either. I do water aerobics, yoga, good old fashioned walking, dancing, boxing, lifting, etc. I'm in a band and I've worn my HRM on stage to capture the burn because I am dancing and moving the whole time I'm up there. Fitness to me isn't about any one choice I make. It's about all of them.

    But since I'm obviously just a brainwashed yuppie chugging Koolaid while throwing my money at the latest fad because I need to sit at the cool kids' table, what the hell do I know, amirite?

    Woah, reel it in. I'm not in the market for an argument, a confrontation or an online throwdown.
    I wasn't referencing anyone in particular, more the nature of evangelism and how SOME PEOPLE can't help but elevate their own pastimes above others and how some people can't accept any criticism of said pastimes without bristling. It's easy enough to shrug the shoulders and say " *kitten* ya ".
    But since you've decided to pick up on me in particular I'd like to make a few points.

    1. I've not singled out any one poster.
    2. I've not offered an opinion on the work out - just on the obvious furore.
    3. I've said noting negative about Crossfit or it's participants - just asked a few questions.
    4. I've not felt the need to resort to any sarcasm, derogatory tone of address or aggression.
    5. As soon as I thought someone had been offended by my post I was sue to address te apparent offence and explain it was unintended and offer an apology.

    Perhaps you could find a way to incorporate some of those behaviours into your own form of address.

  • BigDougie1211
    BigDougie1211 Posts: 3,530 Member

    No, of course it isn't! I wear my running gear for crossfit. Rogue Fitness is what Nike is for runners. You don't have to wear Nike to run..


    But you do have to wear Nike to run REALLY fast...
    Right? RIGHT?
  • BigDougie1211
    BigDougie1211 Posts: 3,530 Member

    If logging workouts and therefore having them show up in the newsfeed of anyone on my friends list means broadcasting, then I guess I'm broadcasting. And if defending something I have firsthand knowledge and experience in against many, many naysayers who have none makes me annoying and/or militant, then I guess I am guilty as charged -- in your eyes.

    Like MissJJ, I don't bash other people's workout choices. And I don't just do CrossFit, either. I do water aerobics, yoga, good old fashioned walking, dancing, boxing, lifting, etc. I'm in a band and I've worn my HRM on stage to capture the burn because I am dancing and moving the whole time I'm up there. Fitness to me isn't about any one choice I make. It's about all of them.

    But since I'm obviously just a brainwashed yuppie chugging Koolaid while throwing my money at the latest fad because I need to sit at the cool kids' table, what the hell do I know, amirite?

    Woah, reel it in. I'm not in the market for an argument, a confrontation or an online throwdown.
    I wasn't referencing anyone in particular, more the nature of evangelism and how SOME PEOPLE can't help but elevate their own pastimes above others and how some people can't accept any criticism of said pastimes without bristling. It's easy enough to shrug the shoulders and say " *kitten* ya ".
    But since you've decided to pick up on me in particular I'd like to make a few points.

    1. I've not singled out any one poster.
    2. I've not offered an opinion on the work out - just on the obvious furore.
    3. I've said noting negative about Crossfit or it's participants - just asked a few questions.
    4. I've not felt the need to resort to any sarcasm, derogatory tone of address or aggression.
    5. As soon as I thought someone had been offended by my post I was sue to address te apparent offence and explain it was unintended and offer an apology.

    Perhaps you could find a way to incorporate some of those behaviours into your own form of address.


  • PomegranatePriestess
    PomegranatePriestess Posts: 2,455 Member
    how much are normal cults to join?

    ^^ this

    CF is a cult, status symbol and yuppy club

    seriously. just like a football team. going to your work outs, wearing the same clothes, speaking the same kind of lingo, and it's such a jock breeding ground.

    I must be doing it wrong. I have yet to see two people in the crossfit gym wearing the same clothes...the lingo has been far more generic than crossfit-specific (although I suspect it exists, I just haven't been subjected to it yet), and if it's a jock breeding ground, they must be doing it wrong, because it's about 50/50 men/women...(although granted nearly all of both the men and women are remarkably fit looking and strong, so may I just need to expand my definition of the word "jock").

    And I've yet to be snapped with a towel or mocked for being so scrawny, so it isn't anything like when I was last on a football team (25ish years ago).

    Exactly. Which is why that response was so full of win, since the person who said "CF is a cult, status symbol and yuppy club" was wearing a football uniform in his profile pic.
  • PomegranatePriestess
    PomegranatePriestess Posts: 2,455 Member


    So can we be friends now? Would you like some of this Koolaid? :drinker:

    I kid! I kid!
  • BigDougie1211
    BigDougie1211 Posts: 3,530 Member


    So can we be friends now? Would you like some of this Koolaid? :drinker:

    I kid! I kid!

    I think you drank it all. LOL

    Folks I'm logging off here, but I have to say I've thooughly enjoyed this chat. Thanks for that. I may add a few of you as friends over the next day or 2, but don't feel that you have to be polite and accept. Just if you've enjoyed the discussion too.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    how much are normal cults to join?

    ^^ this

    CF is a cult, status symbol and yuppy club

    seriously. just like a football team. going to your work outs, wearing the same clothes, speaking the same kind of lingo, and it's such a jock breeding ground.

    I must be doing it wrong. I have yet to see two people in the crossfit gym wearing the same clothes...the lingo has been far more generic than crossfit-specific (although I suspect it exists, I just haven't been subjected to it yet), and if it's a jock breeding ground, they must be doing it wrong, because it's about 50/50 men/women...(although granted nearly all of both the men and women are remarkably fit looking and strong, so may I just need to expand my definition of the word "jock").

    And I've yet to be snapped with a towel or mocked for being so scrawny, so it isn't anything like when I was last on a football team (25ish years ago).

    Exactly. Which is why that response was so full of win, since the person who said "CF is a cult, status symbol and yuppy club" was wearing a football uniform in his profile pic.

    (Aw, dammit! I missed an expertly-played subtle bit of snark, didn't I?

    Now I have to reset my "consecutive days without missing snark" counter. 174 day streak, lost.

    Consecutive days without missing snark: 0 days.

    :kicks rocks: )
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Wow. This "clothing" category for cult status caught me off guard. So now when I wear Nike basketball gear to the court or a woman wears Lulu to her yoga class we are now part of the cult of basketball or yoga?

    good to know, thanks
  • TheApocalypse
    TheApocalypse Posts: 319 Member
    Wow. This "clothing" category for cult status caught me off guard. So now when I wear Nike basketball gear to the court or a woman wears Lulu to her yoga class we are now part of the cult of basketball or yoga?

    good to know, thanks

    Now you got it, Dav. Looks like I am gonna have to retire the polo's that I wear to work with the company logo on them... That just screams cult!
  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member
    Because that's what semi personalized fitness coaching costs. Every time I see someone on the boards talk about crossfit being expensive, they are comparing it to some standard gym where you go in do whatever you want and walk out. No groups, no coaching, no expected performance levels, no training, nothing.

    Having a personal trainer at your regular spot costs $50-80 per session, and at 12 sessions per month, that would run you $700+ per month, PLUS the $40 for your gym membership. So crossfit is incredibly cheap compared to 1 on 1 training.

    Now lets compare small groups. Usually pilates or yoga in small groups runs $15-25 per session, so those same 12 sessions would cost you $240 per month. Circuit training, boxing, and martial arts training classes tend to fall around the same number. So crossfit, at $160-200 per month, fits right in this niche.

    Apples to apples, people, apples to apples.
    Excellent price break down! I agree with all of the above. :)