How did your S/O propose?



  • usflygirl55
    usflygirl55 Posts: 277 Member
    My boyfriend of 7 years took me hiking to Shenandoah National Park in Virginia. We go hiking a few times a year and try out new places at least once a year. We had been trying to go hiking for two months before we made it (something always seemed to happen to prevent the hiking). We hiked the Hawksbill Peak trail (The Hawksbill Summit is a fairly easy, 2.9 mile trail that takes you to the highest peak of Shenandoah National Park at 4,049 feet.) Here is a link to info and pictures of the trail:

    I took my camera with us, as I do every hike, and he made sure I didn't fall while taking pictures in any of the perilous positions I chose to take pictures from. After taking a lot of pictures of the flying birds and the breathtaking view he asked if I thought the spot was romantic. :heart: I agreed that it was and he said, "Good, I want to ask you something. Will you marry me?" he pulled the ring and box out of his shorts pocket and handed it to me as he asked. I was completely surprised as I figured we wouldn't be getting married any time soon because we discussed it a lot earlier in the relationship but had stopped after about 5 years. I was crying holding the ring and he said that I hadn't answered him and asked me again. I quickly said "YES!" and apologized for not answering before as I thought I had answered him. We were married just over a year later and we have never been happier. This August we will be together for 9 years. Patience payed off for me and him. :blushing: It turns out he had told him mother 6 months prior to the proposal that he was going to ask me to marry him and he had the ring 4 months prior!:laugh:
  • AprilSchulte10
    AprilSchulte10 Posts: 95 Member
    He knocked me up.

    Haha my husband did too. We found out we were pregnant in the morning. That afternoon while i was at work he drove 45 min to ask my dad for my hand, drove back, got a ring, took me to dinner. I thought we were just celebrating the baby... we went for a walk at my college and he proposed by the pond at the library. It was a very overwhelming dsy to say the least
  • lrichardson2360
    lrichardson2360 Posts: 225 Member
    He didn't. He had his son do the dirty work. My step-son came in the kitchen, while I was all sweaty trying to make dinner in a hot kitchen, holding the open jewelry box and said, "Will you be my step-mom?" Still it was pretty sweet.
  • UrnAsh
    UrnAsh Posts: 207 Member
    My husband proposed during Christmas a few years ago....only because he didn't have any other good gift ideas, haha.
  • theCarlton
    theCarlton Posts: 1,344 Member
    Which time?
  • PJ64
    PJ64 Posts: 866 Member
    My girlfriend said "Are we ever going to get married?" , I said," yeah ok!"
    2 Kids and 22 years!

    I know I know, I'm a romance novel in the flesh!:tongue:
  • PamelaGatorMom
    PamelaGatorMom Posts: 348 Member
    He came home after work late one day and got down on one knee in my living room, proceeded to tell me how much he loved me & couldn't imagine his life without me, I was all teary eyed & emotional...then pulled out a plastic gumball machine ring :noway: I pulled my hand away a playfully called him a jerk!! That's when he pulled the real ring out of his pocket and of course I said YES :love:

    18 years, 3 kids and we are still together :heart:
  • PamelaGatorMom
    PamelaGatorMom Posts: 348 Member
    We had a big new years eve party 1999/2000 with about 60 people. After the stroke of midnight he asked me down to the beach to get some air. I was a little tipsy... so I was jumping around playing in the water. He finally grabbed my arm, got down on one knee and proposed. When I said yes all our friends on the balcony started to clap and shoot off fireworks. It was pretty fricken awesome!

    awwwww :love: :love: :love:
  • KristyAnn81
    KristyAnn81 Posts: 128 Member
    We went away for my birthday for a week. He kept getting ticked off because the waiter was very sloppy pouring water and the carpet was soaking. I didn't know why, told him to calm down. We were seated by the windows in a really nice restaurant, overlooking the gorgeous scenery. He knocked the spoon off the table, next thing I know he's kneeling in the water soaked carpet proposing. My birthday celebration trip turned into an engagement celebration trip - very memorable. 11 years and 1 kid later, we're still together and very much still in love. :)
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    My ex-husband didn't actually propose. I got pregnant and four days after telling his parents we were married... the closest thing to a proposal he did give me was a promise ring on our first dating anniversary with a star wars related note saying that he wanted to spend his life with me and the ring was a promise that we were on the path to doing so. He did this on the re-creation of our first official date.
  • Pitgrrrl
    Pitgrrrl Posts: 9 Member
    We are at the Peach Drop on New Year's Eve here in Atlanta. The countdown happened and we were getting ready for our kiss at midnight. I was watching the peach drop, so when I turned my head towards him for my kiss, he was down on his knee in that crowd of people with my beautiful sapphire engagement ring. He asked if I would marry him and I said yes. He did a damn good job on the ring. I get tons of compliments on it every time I wear it. We've been together for 9 years now.
  • Kayla_292to165
    Kayla_292to165 Posts: 249 Member
    My husband proposed on Thanksgiving. We'd eaten dinner with his family and had walked back up to his parents' house (they're neighbors with his grandma). We were sitting on the couch talking and he said he'd be right back. He was gone for at least 10 minutes and, when he came back, he proposed to me. LOL the funny part is it took him so long because he couldn't get the price tag off the ring. It was supposed to be a Christmas present but he didn't want to wait any longer :):love: June 7th will be 11 years :)
  • Jennvandemark
    Jennvandemark Posts: 179 Member
    On my way to work stopped to see my boyfriend who had just back from deployment. He showed me a ring didn't say anything just showed it to me. I tried it on and said nice. Then took it off and gave it back to him and then left for work. Few mins later he was at my work and asked if that was "NO" I said "you didn't ask me anything you just showed me a ring". He finally asked me if I would marry him.

    Not a romantic story but it will be 17 years next month that we have been married. 2 kids, countless deployments and missed holidays and birthdays, many moves that have had us on two sides of the world and we are still going strong.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    We were discussing his upcoming 6month stint doing navy surfs and, as we fretted over money (cost of living in Hawaii ain't cheap) he concluded that a marriage would solve some of the issues. So. There you go. The romance is overwhelming.

    I remain hopeful for a real wedding later.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    We were just engaged May 4th.

    My birthday was the 3rd so he took me to Indy (about 45 from where we live) got a room and made reservations at the Melting Pot for dinner. After dinner, we went back to the room, got comfy and were watching tv. I thanked him for the night away and the awesome dinner and told him how grateful I was for all that he did for me. He pulled out the ring and asked if I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him.

    Apparently he had the ring for 3 months. He was tired of waiting and since it was an intimate/special moment, decided to do it then.
  • disneygallagirl
    disneygallagirl Posts: 515 Member
    My husband and I met at university, had been together for a long time, 11 years, had a house and a dog. We finally decided it was time to make it official, he wanted me to pick the ring since I would be the one wearing it - wanted to make sure I would like it. So we went together and I picked out a style I liked. Then, time goes on. It's Christmas Eve at my parents house. A good friend of the family dresses up like Santa every year for the gift exchange with their family. So there is Santa Claus from his toy sack handing me a big white box with a large red bow on it ... I open it up and there are a dozen beautiful long stem red roses inside and a card asking me to marry him....and hidden among the real roses is a ring box that is shaped like a rose - inside was my ring. I was so surprised. It was really nice that he was still able to surprise me and include my family. A couple weeks ago we celebrated 17 years of marriage.
  • Julzanne72
    Julzanne72 Posts: 467 Member
    2nd trip to Door County...our first trip was our first weekend away together about 3 months into our relationship, and we fell in love with the place. The Wednesday before I got to his house and he was on the phone, he was in his room, kind of shushed me and shut the door...very uncharacteristic, but figured he was on a business call and wrote it off as no big deal....(I should mention we went and looked at engagement rings about a month prior and I had fallen in love with a ring, but he said he wanted to look some more and not make a quick decision becasue it was a Hearts on Fire diamond and pricey). The next night, he came down to my house and we headed to the Diamond Center to get a Pandora charm as he was buying one for every 10lbs I lost...while we were there I wanted to show my daughter the ring that I picked out, not knowing that it was already gone...the salespeople(who had sold him the ring and he picked it up before getting to my house) improvised and showed us a ring that was similar and since I only tried it on one other time had no clue it wasn't the same. Left Friday for Door County, when we got to our rental, I asked where my laptop was, and he said it was in his briefcase...same as my ring apparently, and I went in the bag, pulled out my laptop still completely oblivious as to the fact that my ring was there....SAturday we decided to take the Ferry to Washington Island and I was just standing on the deck watching the beauty of the lake pass by when he askes his best friend, "This is a pretty spot, isn't it Pat?" I am thinking to myself, "What a weird thing to say?" and ignoring the conversation. Pat responded, "I don't know Greg is it?" To which he answered, "Yeah, it is" as he took my hand and turned me around he was getting down on one knee pulled out the ring and asked me to marry him. To which I responded, "are you serious?" and then of course accepted and cried!! The ladies on the top deck of the ferry were clapping and asking if I said was a day I will never forget. Planning our wedding for Summer of 2014!! Can't wait to be his wife and share my life with him!
  • Julzanne72
    Julzanne72 Posts: 467 Member
    He took me to Paris, and proposed in Notre Dame during Christmas Eve mass. It sounded like angels were singing. Tourists behind us cried and cheered. I was hugged by a zillion people I never met before in my life... :)

    Of course, I had a black eye that day (My boss at work slipped on the ice getting out of a car and slammed the door shut on my head trying to catch his balance. Long story, short. >_<), but other than that, it was perfect.

    I love this!!!!
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I guess I dont give the guy enough credit. After reading some of the posts he didnt do too bad.

    New Year's Eve at midnight a top the Stratosphere in Las Vegas.
  • lik_11
    lik_11 Posts: 433 Member
    We spent 6 months looking at houses for HIM, when we found a house that I fell in love with. He ended up buying it. The day that he closed on the house- we were on the phone.

    Him: "So- when are you going to move in?"
    Me: "When you marry me."
    Him: "So- when are we getting married?"
    Me: "I don't know- but I'm thinking the sooner the better."

    BAM! Engaged. Married a month later.