How did your S/O propose?



  • mikkijane1
    mikkijane1 Posts: 50 Member
    Christmas morning! We woke up and opened our gifts and I had opened all of mine (so I thought). I got up and walked into the kitchen to start on Christmas breakfast and he said "Baby, you forgot one of your presents! Check your stocking". I put my hand into the stocking and felt a small square box. He took it from me, got down on one knee, and asked me to marry him!! It was such a beautiful moment. We recently wed on April 21st and it was the best day of my life :)
  • Lynds7128
    Lynds7128 Posts: 132
  • nrod1988
    nrod1988 Posts: 111 Member
    lol same! i got knocked up and got married through the court house and 4 years later had a religious ceremony never got engaged
  • kiwi6685
    kiwi6685 Posts: 19 Member
    We were laying in bed one afternoon at his parents house and we were talking about anything and everything, as we always enjoy doing and he asks me out of the blue, "If I get deployed, would you marry me before I leave?" Me, the person that has to think things through about a thousand times before I can give a person a definite answer, said, "YES!" without a second thought. We got a ring later to make it official and we married a year later when he was home on leave from his deployment that he left for two months after he "proposed" and we are still happily married six years later, only now we have three kids that make us happy too! :)
  • TheStephil
    TheStephil Posts: 858 Member
    These stories are so romantic. I'm such a sap.

    My boyfriend and i have been together for almost 2 years. We've already talked about marriage but are waiting until we have our financial situation in order. He also feels the pressure to do a huge romantic gesture because he knows how much I love engagement stories. I'm in no hurry because I already know I'll be with him forever.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    I proposed to my husband. I kind of made a really big deal about not ever wanting to get married. We had attended a Valentine's Charity event, and there were a variety of booths set up with various romantic themed entertainments for a small fee. One was a wedding booth where you could get "married" for $5. Another was a divorce booth where you could get "divorced" for $20. We had only been dating for about 3 months when we attended this charity ball. I was a little tipsy and agreed to the "wedding" if he promised me that we could get the "divorce" later.

    It was very funny, and there were other booths around the charity where we participated in more of the festivities. When I asked to go back to the "divorce" booth he just kind of laughed it off, but I freaked out. We got into a fight over it, because I didn't like the symbolism of buying the marriage certificate without the divorce certificate.

    Up until that point we had casually talked about our mutual disinterest in getting married. After the charity ball, my heels were totally dug in, and there was no way I wanted to ever think about getting married. Ironically, I worked at a bridal shop at the time.

    After we had been together for several years (and were now living together), things started getting more complicated. We were sharing bills, I was spending time with his son on a regular basis. We were house shopping. We were running a business together. It became obvious to me that getting married would make a lot more sense for us. But how do I back pedal my previous stubbornness?

    We had a winter vacation planned to go cruise the western Caribbean. I figured that would be a good time to pop the question. So I went and bought the ring about a week before we were scheduled to leave. Then I started freaking out. I couldn't wait a week, worrying about what he might say. After only 24 hours I felt like I was going crazy with the stress.

    So instead of waiting until the cruise, I just got in my car and drove over to where he was working. He was having a horrible day at work, nothing was going right. I didn't care. I managed to get his attention away from the computer screen by putting the ring box on the keyboard.

    He was confused. Men's minds don't shift gears quite as quickly as women's. He opened the box and looked at it for a moment before he asked, "What's this?"

    "It's and engagement ring. For you. If you want it." I said.

    He still hadn't quite gotten it, "Are you proposing?"

    "Yes." I said, "What do you think?"

    He didn't say anything, but pulled me into an embrace, "I love you." He said.

    His reaction was a positive one, but it also wasn't a "yes," either.

    I pushed, "Well, is that a yes?"

    He smiled, taunting me, "Hmmmm, maybe I should think about this..."

    I guess the look on my face let him know that I was not going to take his reaction lightly.

    "I think it sounds like a great idea," He said finally.

    Our 13th wedding anniversary is 11 days from now. :smile:
  • MariaAkeroyd
    MariaAkeroyd Posts: 96 Member
    Jake and I met at a mutual friends’ wedding on a boat in Annapolis, MD.
    2 years & a diamond district visit later, Jake planned an entire day in Annapolis to celebrate our 2 year anniversary.
    We did a walking tour of Annapolis, shopped and had a nice dinner.
    He then suggested we walk to the pier and take a boat ride tour of Annapolis (he had rented a small boat just for the two of us) and our boat guide sailed us over the waters of Annapolis. At some point, the guide stopped the boat and Jake got down on one knee, gave a speech (which I do not remember!) and proposed with the most amazing ring I could have asked for.
    We met, got engaged and married in Annapolis. Just celebrated 6 years in February.
  • daughterofthesea
    daughterofthesea Posts: 82 Member
    He bought me a diamond ring, which he knew I didn't like, and proposed with that - in the dark!! Not really that romantic haha but a few months later he mysteriously "borrowed" my ring and then proposed again with a sapphire ring! Still not that romantic but he tried haha
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    this thread is divisive. leaves out the rest of us who haven't been proposed to! or who don't have SOs.


    Will you marry me?:flowerforyou:

  • JewelE77
    JewelE77 Posts: 134 Member
    Bump! Almost time to go home so can't reply yet but I will! :flowerforyou:
  • skeo
    skeo Posts: 471 Member
    He was serving in the military at that time; and to my knowledge was on base in California (I live in TX) and while I was at work, he started sending me these random texts, accusing me of doing things like flirting with co-workers of course, I am now mad at him, and don't want to talk to him anymore, so I head home for the night after a long stressful day of work (thanks to him) and when I got home, and went into my room, there were roses on the bed and candles lit, and as I stood there, trying to process what was going on; he walked out of the closet singing me a song that he wrote for me, and after he finished, he sat me down on the bed and got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. I cried, punched him, and then said yes. :heart: :smooched:

    We got married fairly young, i was 18 and he was 19. We just hit our 10yr anniversary March. :smile:
  • bearkisses
    bearkisses Posts: 1,252 Member
    love this thread!

    I am getting married on June 21st so it is still fresh.

    We met in a forest with our friends partying and drinking when we were 18 years old [we previously met at 14 in grade 9, but then I transferred schools]. 7 years later of dating he took me back to a forest, this time in our new area as we had recently moved. It was December 21st so he was on one knee in the snow. He had walked me through the dark forest at night. I was in high heels, complaining as each step my shoes sunk into the snow. We sat down on a log and he stuttered a bit..."You look so just really look beautiful". I sort of knew from that moment, he was being so awkward! He told me to close my eyes, got down on one knee. I saw lights flashing...he had put LED lights in the ring box. When he told me to open my eyes he proposed.

  • chesq77
    chesq77 Posts: 270 Member
    im going to take a read at all these later for when i get married...make a combo of the best ones yet add my own little twist of course ;)
  • bearkisses
    bearkisses Posts: 1,252 Member
    im going to take a read at all these later for when i get married...make a combo of the best ones yet add my own little twist of course ;)

    it is the most special if you incorporate your love into it. trust me, I thought I wanted something big and huge and then was floored at the simplicity of thoughtfulness of my engagement.
  • Katina3333
    Katina3333 Posts: 259 Member
    We were at Lake Arrowhead where we had rented a table at the pizza place to watch the fourth of july fireworks show. My kids and his parents were there. My son had finished his food and wanted to run around by the band so I helped him out of his booster seat and turned to sit back down. When I saw my soon to be husband down on the ground I thought he was looking for something and asked if he needed help. lol He got out the ring box and opened it (it lit up! lol) and said... and I quote (lol) "will you"? Well I wasn't going to settle for that so I said... "will I what?" lol So then he asked me to marry him, in front of everybody there on the patio waiting for the fireworks to begin. My daughter and another teenager said, "she said yes" and everybody clapped and then right on cue came the fireworks show. It was amazing! And now as a tradition we go up for the fireworks show every year.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I'm not married, but I was engaged years ago. The proposal happened at 4 a.m. January 1, 2000, and he was drunk and it was unplanned so he gave me his frat pin instead of a ring.

    Yeah ... romantic. I had to make sure the next day that he even remembered and meant it.

    Obviously, it was for the best it didn't work out. He did get on one knee, though.
  • michellechawner
    I would tell you, but he hasn't popped the question yet - all I know is "before the end of the year"

    6 months to go (maybe less).

    And I have a feel hockey will be involved, as it's our favorite sport to watch/follow/go to games, etc.
  • shadowkitty22
    shadowkitty22 Posts: 495 Member
    In bed
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    It was sunset and we were dancing down the Golden Gate bridge. When we got to the center, he picked me up. We paused and were looking into each others eyes. It was a perfect moment. He asked me. I said yes. We kissed and hugged and started jumping and dancing down the bridge together. Everyone was smiling at us. I remember seeing pelicans flying by, while watching the sunset. We were spending the summer living in San Francisco.
  • Megs081211
    Megs081211 Posts: 150
    My husband and I had been talk about getting married months before we even got engaged. And a few weeks before he proposed he went home (on vacation) and had told me he was getting his grandmothers ring. He had to ask me my ring size because his grandma was a 9, mines a 5.5 and it's still a little to big (I know tiny fingers). But anyway, I kinda knew it was coming. Well I was at work one day and he text me telling me we were going to dinner and for a walk when I got off (I kinda knew something was off because it's hell to get this man to go walk with me).

    Well I got off work and changed and he came to pick me up. We went to grab burgers at our favorite little burger joint, and went to the city park and sat there eating feeding french fries to the ducks. He takes my hand and we start walking around the park. We go to the little pond in the back of the park and we were walking around it, I had turned around to look at him and I caught I glimpse of something shiny in his hand. Well we got to this little bridge and he started talking about how he couldn't wait to spend the rest of his life with me and would want for me to be his wife and he got down on one knee and asked. I thought it was cute because he was SO nervous.