It's a fad diet if...



  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    It's a fad if you're doing it as a diet, which is what the topic said. a lifestyle is not a diet.

    so I say this post is absolutely accurate.

    Ok, so if we go with that premise.........................

    Any that says they are on a calorie counting diet is on a fad diet and also if they are on a low fat diet.

    I don't see anyone calling these "Diets" a Fad.

    And the word Diet merely means the food we consume, so everyone is on a "Diet" of some sort no matter what, unless of course they are not eating.

    you're logic is broken here. the it in this statement refered to a low carb diet.

    And there are multiple meanings for the word diet in the english language.

    the one this post (and myself) are referring to is a change in eating habits in order to lose weight.

    not really sure what you're getting at referring to calorie counting as a fad. It's a method to control the amount you're eating, not a specific pattern of food choice or consumption. A fad is a temporary manner of conduct for a brief period of time. As calorie counting is a continuation of healthy eating and a way to live forever, I would not consider it a fad, the same as I would not consider low carb as a lifestyle a fad, but low carb to lose weight is a fad, because it's "in fashion" right now as a way to lose weight fast, just as counting calories just to lose a few pounds and then going back to your previous eating habits is a fad.

    I KNOW you see the difference here, are you just arguing to argue?
  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    Okay...I have to throw my 2 cents worth in as another fellow Atkins follower. For everyone who wants to bash the lifestyle, why not go and read on the "diet" itself? Or perhaps check out the food diaries of those who follow Atkins? I've been doing this for almost a year with a lot of success and have felt an overall improvement in my health and well being since cutting out the processed carbs and crap. I get my carbs from fruits and veggies and will eat healthy grains or the occasional sweet potato when I want it. I also still eat "bad" carbs. I'll eat crappy chocolate or have some pasta or god forbid, potatoes, just because I want them! This is a lifestyle change, not a diet. I eat very healthy - a lot of protein and fiber, lean meats, green veggies, fresh fruits. I mean really, to all you naysayers who calorie count or follow a different "diet" how is this but so much different from how YOU eat?

    Really guys...just don't bash something until you know what it's all about...:grumble:

    That is not different from how I eat at all. Eating fruits, veggies, and healthy grains are also not a severe limitation of carbs.
  • spaul82478
    spaul82478 Posts: 709 Member
    I haven't read any of the books that you claim explain the science behind low carb diets. I have however read countless scientific articles which assess the side-effects of low carbohydrate diets. These articles present the methods they use to draw these conclusions and by assessing the methods, health professionals can determine whether or not the study is legitimate.

    I just choose to believe that is more accurate research than reading books. Actually, I could argue that these are much more likely to be written with an agenda... because selling a book can make a lot of money.

    For what it is worth, I agree that low carbohydrate diets will help you lose weight but I also believe it comes at a nutritional and health cost.

    Why do you say health cost? Eating healty in its self is expensive, but eating lower surgared foods are not too bad... they do make off brands that help with this. I eat a lot of KROGER BRAND lite stuff just to get by. I did buy the book Insulin resistant, seen a nurtrisonist for being insulin resistant and they have the same foods. Then again this year, seen a Dr due to "lady" issues and again.. Low carb,... but I still get to eat fruits and bread.. Just not the WHite bread or full fat full carb bread. Yes it does change your body, however, just like being diabetic, is the cook book for diabetics have the same agenda? Insulin resistance is the same as being diabetic, except that the sugar problem comes from starches not lack of producing insulin. To eaches own. And yes getting off track is easy, Fast food has made it so people with no money will be obese.. look at the new dollar menues... Buck Doubles, Fried chicken with Mayo, jr whoppers, jr bacon cheese burgers.. so yeah.. money is an issue to be healthy.. but society made it that way...

    Hope this helps.... Eating right is expensive, but well worth it no matter how you get there.. Everyone has their opinion, everyone has what works for them. We are basically here to help eachother give new information right? hope so.... thanks for your post :)
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    It's a fad if you're doing it as a diet, which is what the topic said. a lifestyle is not a diet.

    so I say this post is absolutely accurate.

    Ok, so if we go with that premise.........................

    Any that says they are on a calorie counting diet is on a fad diet and also if they are on a low fat diet.

    I don't see anyone calling these "Diets" a Fad.

    And the word Diet merely means the food we consume, so everyone is on a "Diet" of some sort no matter what, unless of course they are not eating.

    you're logic is broken here. the it in this statement refered to a low carb diet.

    And there are multiple meanings for the word diet in the english language.

    the one this post (and myself) are referring to is a change in eating habits in order to lose weight.

    not really sure what you're getting at referring to calorie counting as a fad. It's a method to control the amount you're eating, not a specific pattern of food choice or consumption. A fad is a temporary manner of conduct for a brief period of time. As calorie counting is a continuation of healthy eating and a way to live forever, I would not consider it a fad, the same as I would not consider low carb as a lifestyle a fad, but low calorie to lose weight is a fad, because it's "in fashion" right now as a way to lose weight fast.

    I KNOW you see the difference here, are you just arguing to argue?

    No, I see no difference.

    The original meaning of "Diet" means the foods we eat. It has since been changed and associated in a negative light for a means of losing weight.

    I was referring to calorie counting and low fat "Diets" to be considered fads also if the term low carb diet is coined a "fad" because if you put them side by side it all means the same thing.

    Low Carb Diet and Low Carb Lifestyle = the same meaning. That is what I am getting at.
  • Sparksfly
    Sparksfly Posts: 470 Member
    I think a lot of people used to follow Atkins and go about it all wrong or not as it was intended.

    Eating a pound of bacon for breakfast with eggs, a double cheeseburger from mcdonalds without the bun for lunch, and a 10 oz steak for dinner with a butter sauce for not healthy, but when people claimed to be on Atkins that's how they ate. So I think the low carb thing got a bad wrap. There are ways to eat veggies and fruits in moderation.

    Just like MFP calorie counting, I eat fruit in moderation because guess what. fruit isn't a zero calorie food.

    Whatever works for someone, MORE POWER TO THEM!

    I personally need to have carbs in my lifestyle, but if someone can go with very few and stick to it....great!
  • spaul82478
    spaul82478 Posts: 709 Member
    Here's what the Mayo Clinic has to say about a Low Carb diet. It could be considered a fad diet dependent if they were on this diet to lose weight or for medical reasons.
    Low-carb diet
    Could a low-carb diet give you an edge in losing weight? Help you keep weight off permanently? Here's what you need to know about the low-carb diet.
    By Mayo Clinic staff

    A low-carb diet limits carbohydrates — such as bread, grains, rice, starchy vegetables and fruit — and emphasizes sources of protein and fat. Many types of low-carb diets exist, each with varying restrictions on the types and amounts of carbohydrates. Examples of low-carb diets include the Atkins diet and the Zone diet.

    A low-carb diet is generally used to lose weight. You might choose a low-carb diet because you enjoy the types and amounts of food featured in the diet — or you may believe that a low-carb diet will help you lose weight quickly and easily.
    Diet details

    Carbohydrates are found in grains, dairy products, fruits, vegetables and legumes (beans and peas). They're also found in sugar and sweets. For most people, carbohydrates serve as a primary source of energy. During digestion, your body converts carbohydrates into sugar. As your blood sugar level rises, so does your insulin level. Insulin drives blood sugar into your cells to provide energy. Extra sugar is stored in your liver and muscles as glycogen.

    The theory behind the low-carb diet is that insulin prevents fat breakdown in the body by allowing sugar to be used for energy. Proponents of the low-carb diet believe that a decrease in carbs results in lower insulin levels, which causes the body to burn stored fat for energy. Still, research suggests that any weight loss from a low-carb diet probably isn't related to blood sugar or insulin levels.

    Typical menu
    In general, a low-carb diet focuses on meat, poultry, fish, eggs and some nonstarchy vegetables. A low-carb diet excludes or limits most grains, beans, fruits, breads, sweets, pastas and starchy vegetables. Some low-carb diet plans allow fruits, vegetables and whole grains. A daily limit of 50 to 150 grams of carbohydrates is typical.


    A low-carb diet is likely to promote weight loss, at least at first. Contributing factors may include:

    * Loss of water weight. Low-carb diets often have a diuretic effect.
    * Increased feeling of fullness. A low-carb diet is relatively high in fat and protein. Since fat and protein take longer to digest than do carbs, you may feel fuller longer.
    * Reduced calories. A low-carb diet strictly limits the variety of foods you eat. This generally results in fewer calories overall.

    A low-carb diet may also help lower your cholesterol level, as long as you choose monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. If you eat foods high in saturated fat — which technically fit the criteria of a low-carb diet — you may actually increase your cholesterol.

    The weight loss may or may not continue long term, depending on your commitment to following the eating plan. If you abandon the low-carb diet and return to your former eating habits, you may regain any lost weight.

    Depending on what you eat, a low-carb diet may be high in saturated fat and cholesterol. This can increase the risk of heart disease and perhaps some types of cancer.

    If you're limiting fruits, vegetables and whole-grain foods, you may not get enough fiber — which can contribute to constipation and other gastrointestinal problems.

    Ketosis — a condition caused by incomplete fat breakdown — also may be a concern with a low-carb diet. Ketosis can cause weakness, nausea, dehydration, dizziness and irritability.

    Remember, the healthiest diet is based on fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean sources of protein — not rigid lists of "good" and "bad" foods.

    I think when people think of the "no carb diets" they are thinking atkins.. and we all know that this was a fad of some sort.. however, south beach came out, not eliminating them but changing your eating of carbs.. MOST people who eat bread and pasta eat prossesed bread and pasta.. "the good tasteing stuff" like white bread and regular pasta and pototaes... well then came along the dr's who found out that many individuals cannot proecess the processed stuff.. like white bread.. so they changed them to a low carb diet.. which in all realitiy lowering sugar. thats all.. High Fiber breads and pastas, checking to see how many carbs per serving.. I am one of these individuals... I still eat pizza. (but now they have whole grain pizza curst) and when I want a burger I eat light burger buns.. HUGE differnce in sugar.. thats what carbs are.. NOT eating only fattening foods like bacon and fatty hamburgers... but this is just what I have learned.... If you eat the reccomended amount of whole grains, protein, fruits, veggies and dairy.. you will loose weight, and adding in exersize is GREAT TOO.. so to hte fad diet post.. YES any diet that will have you loose 10 lbs a week.. CRAZY... Anyone who is doing low carb... is most likely trying to become pregnate or dealing with something called insulin resistant or PCOS... SO yes FAD DIETS DON"T WORK... changing your eating habits to better your health and loose weight at a slow natural pace GREAT :)

    hope this helps anyone who is doing Low carb and gets discouraged

    First of all Atkins is NOT a "No Carb" Diet, you eat plenty of carbs (Where are you getting information that Atkins is a NO CARB plan????)

    Atkins is NOT a FAD of any kind. It is a Nutrionally Sound eating plan that has 4 phases to it. In Phase 1 you are merely eating protein and green, leafy veggies to rid yourself of sugar, caffeine and starchy carb cravings...............

    Once you get into Phase 2, you are adding in more veggies, fruits, nuts and seeds, dairy, beans/legumes and grains. The reason each food group is added in slowly is so you can find out if you, as an individual have any food allergies or intolerances..............\

    Phase 3 has you upping your carbs to the point you are barely losing so you can learn to maintain your loss.

    Phase 4 is Lifetime Maintenance - You are eating foods from all food groups (Eating, natural WHOLE Foods) and maintaining your weight.

    Please get the 2002 copy of DANDR and READ it, cover to cover. You will be highly amazed at what you find and the Science behind it.

    OK let me Readjust what I said about atkins, most dont go to step 4 (people who are out to eat and loose fast) thats why I say its a fad. If you follow it right, yes it works, but it was a fad to loose weight fast becasue people stayed at phase 2. Not saying everyone but people who dont want to change their lifestyle but Loose weight fast.. this is what happened. That is all I ment by this being a fad.. Any "diet" will work. but thats why it becomes a fad instead of a life changeing oppertunity. If you want to loose weight, and be healthy, You MUST change your entire life... HOpe this helps
  • rcatr
    rcatr Posts: 374 Member
    I think to discount the research of the Mayo Clinic is a bit much.

    I think all published research out there has some validity to it because it has a measured level of success, don't you think? And coming from a world-renowned institution known for its medical research would give it some clout....

    That having been said...

    I think this is a debate I have seen gone on in these forums a lot. And I feel that those who do and do not ascribe to low/no carb are going to feel that they are right. But like the founder of this site has said before, I think we are all entitled to our opinions here.
    Different things work for different people...The research out there shows it right? People are sending links to sites and books that prove their sides are right. Why don't we just stick to what works for us? We're all just trying to reach the same goal/finish line of being healthy :flowerforyou:

  • spaul82478
    spaul82478 Posts: 709 Member
    I think a lot of people used to follow Atkins and go about it all wrong or not as it was intended.

    Eating a pound of bacon for breakfast with eggs, a double cheeseburger from mcdonalds without the bun for lunch, and a 10 oz steak for dinner with a butter sauce for not healthy, but when people claimed to be on Atkins that's how they ate. So I think the low carb thing got a bad wrap. There are ways to eat veggies and fruits in moderation.

    Just like MFP calorie counting, I eat fruit in moderation because guess what. fruit isn't a zero calorie food.

    Whatever works for someone, MORE POWER TO THEM!

    I personally need to have carbs in my lifestyle, but if someone can go with very few and stick to it....great!

    I SO AGREE...:)
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member

    No, I see no difference.

    The original meaning of "Diet" means the foods we eat. It has since been changed and associated in a negative light for a means of losing weight.

    I was referring to calorie counting and low fat "Diets" to be considered fads also if the term low carb diet is coined a "fad" because if you put them side by side it all means the same thing.

    Low Carb Diet and Low Carb Lifestyle = the same meaning. That is what I am getting at.

    I absolutely disagree.

    so you are saying that someone who says something like the following is the same as you?

    "I think I'll stop eating most of my carbs for the next two weeks so I can drop 12 lbs."

    granted this is slightly extreme, but it's a low carb diet, not a low carb lifestyle. And if you can't see the difference between that and what you do then I give up.
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    No one diet is right for everyone, that's the most true statement ever said.

    My husband did a low carb diet for a few months a while back and had great success. I did the same diet along with him and only lost a few pounds. Later we took a quiz somewhere by a dietitian - a lengthy quiz (probably 100 questions) addressing cravings, responses to foods, times we are most hungry, all kinds of stuff. It suggested that I would respond most favorably to a 30/30/40 diet (30% of calories from carbs, 30% from fat, 40% from protein), while he would be best served by a considerably higher protein and lower carb diet. It was interesting that the quiz mirrored our experience with the low carb diet we did together.

    The fad warnings are good ones though ... Thanks one and all for sharing! This is the kind of stuff that helps everyone learn and think :smile:
    BoaterBunny - would you happen to have a copy of that quiz or maybe know of a site online I can take a look at that? I would like to know if the settings I have are appropriate or not (I keep tweaking but not sure if I've found that magic combo).
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Well, I've been eating 50% of my calories from carbs for about a year now, and I feel awesome. So no bashing of the higher carb "lifestyles" either.

    I think everyone can agree that highly processed foods offer very little nutritional value, and therefore eating whole foods, (grains, vegetables, meat) is much preferred nutritionally. So good carbs are are value, bad carbs not so much. As far as FAD diets, I think that the article is really trying to point out that the latest and greatest isn't always the best way to go about weight loss for long term benefits.

    I have no experience with either Atkins or South Beach other than that the friends I've had that have followed these plans have lost weight initially, but have been unable to maintain the loss, or maintain the "lifestyle" change. This is not just one or two people who have done it, but every single person I know who has done it. Just my observation.

    And yes, we are all here for encouragement and personally for me I love the tracker. It's easy to use. So, perhaps it would be better to not assume that one is being "bashed" but that one might need to add to the discussion, in a respectful manner.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I usually try to stay out of these arguments but I have high cholesterol which is a result from eating Saturated Fats. My dr. had me read a book written by Cardiologist and it said that you need to keep your Sat fats to 10grms I did this and my cholesterol came down so whoever is telling you that it does not cause high cholesterol needs to check his medical books.

    I have many, many doctors telling me this and plenty of scientific research to back it up.

    Besides my OWN blood work tells the tale.........................

    It is not the saturated fats that make your cholesterol high............. That book is probably written by someone that is pushing the low fat agenda for their own financial gain.

    Saturated fats are all natural and anything natural is fine to have.

    here is one of many articles that supports my Doctor's and Naturopath's thinking...............
    Low-fat, high-carb diets can raise cholesterol levels

    America has been on a low-fat diet for over 30 years. Yet we’re fatter than ever, we have an epidemic of diabetes, and our cholesterol levels are rising, not falling. One key reason is that low-fat diets can actually disrupt our normal endocrine balance. Here’s how.

    Cholesterol is so important to the human body that nature has devised a backup plan in the event your diet falls short — i.e., during a famine. When that happens, your liver steps in to make cholesterol to guarantee your body a baseline level. The high levels of insulin that are released in most low-fat, high-carb diets also trigger the body to siphon off excess blood sugar into the liver to make cholesterol and triglycerides (which are used for energy and fat storage).

    In its natural, unstressed state your liver makes 75% of the cholesterol you need. The rest you have to eat — in foods that contain cholesterol like butter, meat, whole-fat dairy products, shellfish and eggs.

    If you deprive yourself of cholesterol (and make up those calories in carbs and sugar), your metabolism goes into famine mode and your liver overproduces cholesterol to make up the difference and stock up. This overdrive state can’t shut off until you start eating cholesterol again. So, a low-cholesterol, high-carbohydrate diet can actually lead to high cholesterol!

    Blood cholesterol levels also respond negatively to emotional stress, perhaps for similar reasons.

    Some health practitioners see high cholesterol levels first and foremost as a sign of liver distress. Others think that problems stem more from the oxidization of cholesterol by free radicals than from the presence of cholesterol itself. Both may be true. In any case, that low-fat diet isn’t making you healthier.
  • Sparksfly
    Sparksfly Posts: 470 Member
    I think to discount the research of the Mayo Clinic is a bit much.

    I think all published research out there has some validity to it because it has a measured level of success, don't you think? And coming from a world-renowned institution known for its medical research would give it some clout....

    That having been said...

    I think this is a debate I have seen gone on in these forums a lot. And I feel that those who do and do not ascribe to low/no carb are going to feel that they are right. But like the founder of this site has said before, I think we are all entitled to our opinions here.
    Different things work for different people...The research out there shows it right? People are sending links to sites and books that prove their sides are right. Why don't we just stick to what works for us? We're all just trying to reach the same goal/finish line of being healthy :flowerforyou:


    Haha I totally agree! If you think something is working for you and will work for you in the long run...DO IT!

    No bashing which side is healthier.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Well, I've been eating 50% of my calories from carbs for about a year now, and I feel awesome. So no bashing of the higher carb "lifestyles" either.

    I think everyone can agree that highly processed foods offer very little nutritional value, and therefore eating whole foods, (grains, vegetables, meat) is much preferred nutritionally. So good carbs are are value, bad carbs not so much. As far as FAD diets, I think that the article is really trying to point out that the latest and greatest isn't always the best way to go about weight loss for long term benefits.

    I have no experience with either Atkins or South Beach other than that the friends I've had that have followed these plans have lost weight initially, but have been unable to maintain the loss, or maintain the "lifestyle" change. This is not just one or two people who have done it, but every single person I know who has done it. Just my observation.

    And yes, we are all here for encouragement and personally for me I love the tracker. It's easy to use. So, perhaps it would be better to not assume that one is being "bashed" but that one might need to add to the discussion, in a respectful manner.

    Your friends that did not stick with the lifestyle change did not do so because they chose to go back to eating processed foods, probably because it is "easier"...............\

    The Low Carb LIfestyle is time consuming because it involves much prep work for veggies, fruits, meats, etc............many people don't want to commit to having to do the prep work it takes to maintain it.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member

    No, I see no difference.

    The original meaning of "Diet" means the foods we eat. It has since been changed and associated in a negative light for a means of losing weight.

    I was referring to calorie counting and low fat "Diets" to be considered fads also if the term low carb diet is coined a "fad" because if you put them side by side it all means the same thing.

    Low Carb Diet and Low Carb Lifestyle = the same meaning. That is what I am getting at.

    I absolutely disagree.

    so you are saying that someone who says something like the following is the same as you?

    "I think I'll stop eating most of my carbs for the next two weeks so I can drop 12 lbs."

    granted this is slightly extreme, but it's a low carb diet, not a low carb lifestyle. And if you can't see the difference between that and what you do then I give up.

    Ok, most people fail at calorie counting and low fat diets also, so where does that make them any different than a low carb plan that someone is doing low fat or calorie counting for a short time and then goes back to their original eating habits.

    It is no different.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member

    Ok, most people fail at calorie counting and low fat diets also, so where does that make them any different than a low carb plan that someone is doing low fat or calorie counting for a short time and then goes back to their original eating habits.

    It is no different.

    so you're not answering the question? You're just going to ask a different one instead?


    incidentally, I'm not afraid to answer this, I just hate when people try to avoid answering questions.

    so to answer your question, the difference is attempting and failing to live a lifestyle is completely different then starting out with the goal of dieting for 2 weeks.
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member

    Your friends that did not stick with the lifestyle change did not do so because they chose to go back to eating processed foods, probably because it is "easier"...............\

    The Low Carb LIfestyle is time consuming because it involves much prep work for veggies, fruits, meats, etc............many people don't want to commit to having to do the prep work it takes to maintain it.

    I'm just observing that for most people it's not the road to long-term weight loss and maintenance. It's difficult to maintain the "lifestyle."
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I think to discount the research of the Mayo Clinic is a bit much.

    I think all published research out there has some validity to it because it has a measured level of success, don't you think? And coming from a world-renowned institution known for its medical research would give it some clout....

    That having been said...

    I think this is a debate I have seen gone on in these forums a lot. And I feel that those who do and do not ascribe to low/no carb are going to feel that they are right. But like the founder of this site has said before, I think we are all entitled to our opinions here.
    Different things work for different people...The research out there shows it right? People are sending links to sites and books that prove their sides are right. Why don't we just stick to what works for us? We're all just trying to reach the same goal/finish line of being healthy :flowerforyou:


    The Mayo Clinic is way uncredible in my book and many people's books.

    I don't subscribe to "Conventional Wisdom" and that is what they still go by. Also, they have ulterior motives because they have their hands in the pockets of Big Pharma.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member

    Ok, most people fail at calorie counting and low fat diets also, so where does that make them any different than a low carb plan that someone is doing low fat or calorie counting for a short time and then goes back to their original eating habits.

    It is no different.

    so you're not answering the question? You're just going to ask a different one instead?


    incidentally, I'm not afraid to answer this, I just hate when people try to avoid answering questions.

    so to answer your question, the difference is attempting and failing to live a lifestyle is completely different then starting out with the goal of dieting for 2 weeks.

    I answered your question.

    Someone that goes on a low calorie or low fat diet to lose weight for a wedding is a FAD, just like someone going on Atkins for 2 weeks for a wedding...............

    See, there is NO Difference.

    People will not call the low fat or low calorie diet a Fad though, just as you have avoided doing.
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Okay...I have to throw my 2 cents worth in as another fellow Atkins follower. For everyone who wants to bash the lifestyle, why not go and read on the "diet" itself? Or perhaps check out the food diaries of those who follow Atkins? I've been doing this for almost a year with a lot of success and have felt an overall improvement in my health and well being since cutting out the processed carbs and crap. I get my carbs from fruits and veggies and will eat healthy grains or the occasional sweet potato when I want it. I also still eat "bad" carbs. I'll eat crappy chocolate or have some pasta or god forbid, potatoes, just because I want them! This is a lifestyle change, not a diet. I eat very healthy - a lot of protein and fiber, lean meats, green veggies, fresh fruits. I mean really, to all you naysayers who calorie count or follow a different "diet" how is this but so much different from how YOU eat?

    Really guys...just don't bash something until you know what it's all about...:grumble:

    That is not different from how I eat at all. Eating fruits, veggies, and healthy grains are also not a severe limitation of carbs.

    Thanks for answering my question AmandaB4588! :flowerforyou: This is what I mean when I said that people should read about Atkins! The only difference is that maybe you eat more breads and pastas then I do or maybe larger servings of certain fruits and veggies! I just watch the amount that I eat but still eat very similarly to a lot of people here on MFP, I'm sure.
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