healthy cereals and skim milk are not good for you.



  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    magic words are "read the ingredients".

    Watch the movie "Hungry For a Change"
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    It depends on the definition of "healthy". If "healthy" means low in sugar, fat, and tastes like cardboard I wouldn't consider it healthy because I'd be wasting stomach space eating it.

    Skimmed milk has more fat removed than whole milk. Vitamins A, D, E and K are fat soluble, Calcium, B Vitamins, and Vitamin C are water soluble. I opted for skimmed milk last week because I wanted more calcium, usually I stick to semi-skimmed, I'll also sometimes have whole milk, depends on what I feel like.

    As for the whole milk thing cropping up again, just type two random animals into Google, here are the highlights from thread:
    * cats drink cows milk
    * lion cub drinks dogs milk
    * piglets drink tigers milk

    None of those are processed like our regular milk is.
    * pig drinks dogs milk
    * tiger cubs drink dogs milk
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    If you are really concerned about drinking cow's milk then switch to almond. I tried it and will never go back.
  • Jen800
    Jen800 Posts: 548 Member
    Make sure it isn't loaded with sugars or fake preservatives... I like eggs and meat for breakfast....

    THIS. If you must have your cereal, buy a natural kind (NOT Kashi... they're full of crap despite what they advertise, as are most other "health" cereals) or make your own. I use almond milk with mine.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,018 Member
    Personally I have no idea why humans think it is healthy to drink a cows breast milk.

    lol, lol, lol

    human babies drink human breast milk and most love it! so cows milk shouldn't seem so strange.

    Human milk is for human babies and cows milk is for cow babies, but your not a baby anymore are you?

    Or a baby cow for that matter. I agree, it's unnatural.
    Unnatural would be a cow getting into the debate online with all you amazing creatures.

    it is unnatural, as in we are the only animals that drink another animals milk. weather its natural or not I don't really think is the point.

    is it good for us?

    well, the main reason that people say it is, is for calcium.... but heres what Harvard had to say on that.

    "it’s also not clear that dairy products are really the best source of calcium for most people."

    so for most people, dairy is not the best source. interesting.


    ok so what about other nutrients.....

    Almond Milk and Cow's Milk Compared

    Compared to cow's milk, almond milk is the much healthier choice. Almond milk contains a wide variety of the vitamins and minerals that your body needs to function. Almond milk also contains high levels of antioxidants, so it can help prevent many types of cancer and slow the signs of aging. Almond milk is also great for those who can't drink cow's milk due to lactose intolerance, or a casein or gluten allergy; however, those with tree nut allergies should avoid almond milk because it could elicit a dangerous allergic reaction.

    Whole cow's milk contains a lot more calories and fat than almond milk, making almond milk the better choice for those on a diet. Cow's milk also contains saturated fat and cholesterol; almond milk is free of both saturated fat and cholesterol, making it a healthier choice, especially for those with heart problems.

    While cow's milk contains high levels of calcium, and is fortified with vitamins A and D to help you meet your daily requirements of these vitamins, almond milk contains high levels of a wide range of necessary vitamins and therefore has a higher nutritional value than cow's milk. The only thing that cow's milk has more of than almond milk is protein; cow's milk has eight grams of protein per serving while almond milk has only one gram per serving.


    so almond milk has a higher nutritional value, lower cals, is free of both saturated fat and cholesterol and only at the expense of lower protein.

    so.... it would seem that it is not a very good source of calcium, its main draw card, and secondly inferior to other options due to less nutrients, and more bad fat/cholesterol.

    I drink milk every day, but im not under the impression that its great for you. is it a little bit weird that we drink another animals milk, a little bit but meh, humans are weird.

    im not knocking milk like "oh my god, that came from bovine titties... burn it with fire!", i drink it every day, but we should all think about what we eat, and be informed.
    Harvard is a bit bias when it comes to anything with saturated fat, cholesterol and animal products in general and if you look at their reconstituted food pyramid, there is no dairy. The only reason almond milk has any nutrition whatsoever is because it's added back in as supplements.

    As an example of what I'd call a bias stance.
    While calcium and dairy can lower the risk of osteoporosis and colon cancer, high intake can increase the risk of prostate cancer and possibly ovarian cancer.

    Plus, dairy products can be high in saturated fat as well as retinol (vitamin A), which at high levels can paradoxically weaken bones.

    Good, non-dairy sources of calcium include collards, bok choy, fortified soy milk, baked beans, and supplements that contain both calcium and vitamin D (a better choice than taking calcium alone).

    I just looked at the first choice, collards and compared with 2% milk. I cup of milk has 306 mg's of calcuim and 500IU of Vit A. 1 cup of collards has 52mg's of calcium and 2400IU of Vit A. If we match calcium intake we would need to consume 6 cups of collards which puts Vit A at 14,400IU. Were not even talking bioavailability of calcuim in plants. I guess they figure people will just take them on their word.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    It's official. I'm having a gargantuan bowl of cereal for lunch today, drowned in cow breast milk. MMMMMMMMM......
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    it would be kind of weird to see a calf sucking on some ladies ta tas tho wouldn't it.

    Hmm, believe it or not but I have seen someone (who was drunk) attempt to breast feed a baby goat at the state fair.
    She bent over the goat pen, popped it out (tube top) and dangled.
    Don't think she thought it was a good idea anymore after the goat didn't get milk on the first suck and butted it.
  • belatedly
    belatedly Posts: 11
    I eat healthy cereal; I've checked all the ingredients, it seems legit to me!
    I have heard that full fat milk is actually better than skim because skim is more processed, and full fat helps you to feel fuller and absorb its fat-soluble vitamins better. I've been trying to transition to fattier milk, but even 2% is gross to me :p
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    Human milk is for human babies and cows milk is for cow babies, but your not a baby anymore are you?

    People who spend time snarking at other people over the lose/loose difference should also learn the your/you're difference, which is also taught in grade school. :)
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    Human milk is for human babies and cows milk is for cow babies, but your not a baby anymore are you?

    People who spend time snarking at other people over the lose/loose difference should also learn the your/you're difference, which is also taught in grade school. :)

    wait, whut?

    honestly, I don't get it.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,018 Member
    Human milk is for human babies and cows milk is for cow babies, but your not a baby anymore are you?

    People who spend time snarking at other people over the lose/loose difference should also learn the your/you're difference, which is also taught in grade school. :)

    wait, whut?

    honestly, I don't get it.
    The person belittle another poster for the terminology of loose and lose, I guess this is payback to a response that had nothing to do with the subject matter......ironic.
  • Diamond05
    Diamond05 Posts: 475 Member
    Personally I have no idea why humans think it is healthy to drink a cows breast milk.
    Life without cheese would not be worth living... sorry.

    I totally agree on this :smooched:
  • Mrsallypants
    Mrsallypants Posts: 887 Member
    Sugary cereal creates a high glycemic load.

    Recently read this article:

    interesting information in the article.
    These alterations have a big impact on how our diets affect us. When different foods were tested for their GI values at different times of the day, for example, researchers found that the same food eaten for lunch instead of breakfast induced a lower glucose response. This is why it may be particularly important to eat a protein-rich breakfast, like eggs, instead of high glycemic foods like white bread toast. Time of day has been found to have a larger effect on insulin responses in women than in men, though no one understands why.

    Now about milk:
    There are some instances, however, where a food has a low glycemic value but a high insulin index value. This applies to dairy foods and to some highly palatable energy-dense "indulgence foods." Some foods (such as meat, fish, and eggs) that contain no carbohydrate, just protein and fat (and essentially have a GI value of zero), still stimulate significant rises in blood insulin.

    At the present time, we don't know how to interpret this type of response (low glycemia, high insulinemia) for long-term health. It may be a good outcome because the rise in insulin has contributed to the low level of glycemia. On the other hand, it may be not-so-good, because the increased demand for insulin contributes to beta-cell "exhaustion" and the development of type 2 diabetes. Until studies are carried out to answer these types of questions, the glycemic index remains a proven tool for predicting the effects of food on health.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    Personally I have no idea why humans think it is healthy to drink a cows breast milk.

    Is there a human milk production facility that I haven't heard of? If not...

  • gtjack3
    gtjack3 Posts: 3 Member

    earn $2 + more just for clicking this link...

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  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Low calorie cereal and low fat milk has been a life saver for me! I eat like this every day for breakfast with a piece of fruit and a coffee and I've had great results.
  • ApocalypticFae
    ApocalypticFae Posts: 217 Member
    I was at my lowest weight with my best complexion/hair/energy at a time when I was having a huge bowl of cheerios for dinner every night with skim milk. But if you are concerned about dairy, go for organic dairy or almond milk. And as far as cereals go, try to avoid anything with over 3-4 grams of sugar.
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    Personally I have no idea why humans think it is healthy to drink a cows breast milk.

    Personally I have no idea why some people think it automatically is not.

    Yyyyyep. Humans eat the muscle tissue, bee vomit, fungus, mold... And really, *milk* is the one you think is weird? Get over yourself.

    In fact, your food diary shows you eat chicken eggs. If drinking milk isn't natural, how can you justify eating eggs?
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    Personally I have no idea why humans think it is healthy to drink a cows breast milk.
    why are we pretty much the only mammal that retains the ability to digest lactose into adulthood?