Team UK - June 2010



  • hdelamore
    hdelamore Posts: 206 Member
    Morning all :)
    gosh it's hard to reply to everyone, but good luck everyone on their weight losses and welcome back kp :)
    went swimming this morning and these 3 women took over half the pool
    swimming slowly in a line so infuriating! Wouldn't of minded if it wasn't 6.30am and I'd got up early to go swimming!
    Oh well weighed myself afterwards and it said I'd lost another pound but not going to log it until Monday :)

    ps. Hope you all have a nice weekend and hope none of you were affected by the awfulness in Cumbria :(
  • p1nkpr1ncess
    p1nkpr1ncess Posts: 254 Member
    Yey! Nice to see other doing the Race For Life too! I'm excited about it, I walked it the year after having my son (and suffering severe spd which left me on crutches! So could only manage to walk) I'm excited about running it!! My little girl is walking/jogging with my friend :)

    hdelamore - I HATE it when that happens at swimming!! They drive me CRAZY! Glad you got a swim in though! I aren't allowed to go for another 4 weeks due to some minor surgery last week :(

    ikiness - my fiance is trying to eat better on the run up to the world cup too - because he thinks that if it's warm weather it means his top will be off more often! Haha - he is hitting it hard at the gym and I've had to order another tub of protein since he's started drinking it all! Lol

    Well I got my Billy Blanks dvd this morning and I'm so exited about trying it tomorrow! Having a few sneaky vinos tonight with a nice pasta salad :) And shopping tomorrow for my Race For Life outfit and new trainers!! Woohoo!!

    Hope everyone is having a lovely sunny day (I'm stuck in the office til 4pm - Booooo!)
  • wendytobin
    wendytobin Posts: 208
    Hi to all Team UK members, hope you dont mind me tagging along, but as i live in UK thought this was the ideal thread.

    I live in Hampshire, and today has been a nice sunny day.

    This past week has been great for me i have been out on long walks (i.e 6 - 8 mile) with my dog in the New Forest, going to the gym and doing just what i want to do when i want to do it!! LOL. the reason for this is that husband and son have been away in Washington DC since last saturday and come back this sunday, so i am sure after sunday my walks wont be as long as what they have been!!

    I also do running and last night i went for a run with the club i belong to, and we done 5.86 mile, before i started loosing weight i was averaging 10min mile, as i have lost some weight i have noticed my time decrease, last week i was running at an average of 9.50min mile, and last night i couldnt believe it, it was 9.25min mile!!!:happy: :happy: , that time difference in just loosing 8lbs, i hope i can keep it up.

    have a good weekend everybody, weather is supposed to be nice.

  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    ps. Hope you all have a nice weekend and hope none of you were affected by the awfulness in Cumbria :(

    Im actualy from Cumbria (Carlisle) and thankfully no-one i know was hurt or in the area - my thoughts really do go out to the people and families involved/affected
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member

    Only just found my way onto the June thread :)

    Well, things have been terrible this week in terms of organised work lunches with too much food and people's birthdays with loads of baked goods. Hoping to get well back on track though. Next week I also think I will go back to the gym (I've been babying a ripped-off toenail).

    Otherwise, it is good to have some sun but I've heard it isn't supposed to last long :( On the upside when it's not sunny, it's not light at what could only be described as ridiculous pm and ridiculous am! I'm an early morning person but sun a 3 or 4am is a bit much! hehe I never realised how spoiled I was in Aust where it's always just light in the daytime and dark in the nighttime with very little difference between seasons.

    Anyway, I wish everyone a good month and hope to hear more from everyone soon.

  • JimJam87
    JimJam87 Posts: 62
    Hey everyone, hope you're all well and having a good start to the weekend.
    I havent been posting much recently but have been bobbing about quietly! I need to make more of an effort to post!
    I did Race for Life on Wednesday, completed the course in 35 minutes. I wanted to jog it all this year as the last two times I've done it I've half jogged and half walked. So I set off with good intentions but 2km into it my claves started really hurting and I got a stitch so from then on it was a mixture of jogging and walking again. It doesnt help that the entire course is on grass and I'd been training on pathments. Never mind, all for a good cause :)
    I go on holiday on 28th June, 3 weeks on Monday :D Going to Marbella for a week and would love to get to 11 and half stone but I've got a few pounds to go yet before I get there so I'm gonna have to really step it up a notch.

    Have a good weekend, enjoy the sun while it lasts (it hasnt even shown it's face in Blackburn yet today-it's just cloudy and humid!)
    Gem x
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    Hi everyone!

    June is going to be a busy month for me :
    + monday i start the Level 2 gym instructors course - the fast track version
    + the 19th i move back home from uni
    + the 21st i start my first full time (adult) job
    + end of month possibly moving into my own house

    so theres not going to be much time to think about eating right but at least i wont snack - i'll be too busy too

    My goal for the month is just to get back on track - ive been completely off the wagon and the past 2 weeks or so have just been one long binge.

    Nuu! You cant leave, then We will be lacking in York members! :laugh:

    lol, but then i'll be the only member from Carlisle/Cumbria :p
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    Jim jam - well done on completing the race for life - i really wanted to do it this year but due to work and moving i cant :(


    I'm completely re-starting my weightloss - going from the beginning - ticker back to 0.

    Starting weight: 147.2lbs
    June goal: 144lbs
  • KimmyBee
    KimmyBee Posts: 158 Member
    Darnit, I cant stop snacking today, its rediculous!

    Ive had three bags of crisps in one day :noway: I don't even LIKE crisps that much, its just that they are the only thing at hand.

    I'ts not a hunger thing, its a boredom thing. I need to find ways to entertain myself.
  • hdelamore
    hdelamore Posts: 206 Member
    Well i was doing so well until yesterday, TOM on friday and it's hit me really bad this month,
    was working at a bakery so was just snacking all day,
    went out for a meal in the evening but i was so full i couldnt eat it all
    just estimated how much i ate, but im sure i've put on weight, so having a mini fast day today, as i'm still full! argh
    hope you are all okay
    and congrats on the race for life jimjam :) xxx
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    Hope everyone is having a good weekend :)

    We went to see 'Snow White on Ice' yesterday at Woking. It was awesome :) I was way jealous of how fit the skaters must be... they just skate around for the whole show and never look tired or puffed out at all. Also I've always found it amazing how long and lean and tiny they always look when they must have an amazing amount of muscle to be able to hold their bodies like that!!
  • kaydtc
    kaydtc Posts: 48
    Just found this thread, think I will tag along for some extra motivation and support - I have hit a bit of a plateau and need it at the moment :frown: Been doing more at the gym in the hope of starting the weight loss again and been for some lovely walks outside while the weather has been nice too ... won't be doing that today, where has our summer gone??
  • sammiboo
    sammiboo Posts: 4
    Hi, I got the free fitness pal app on the iPhone and come across on the website through the app. I am going on holiday in October ( cruise) so want to get back into shape!!

    Hope to post regularly on here on my hopeful sucess :)
  • borisda
    borisda Posts: 122 Member
    ooooh team uk can I play? I'm Jay from Leicester and I'm a food aholic : ))
  • KimmyBee
    KimmyBee Posts: 158 Member
    Hey Jay, of course you can play! (lame I know, couldnt resist)

    Well, ive been out with friends all day, had loads of samwiches on a picnic we had. and we went to ripley and had some "world famous" ice cream which was nice but I dont feel deserved to be world famous, and at £4.70 for 1 scoop is rediculous :noway: I can get much much nicer ice cream in york for £2 for 2 scoops!

    Also went to a place called brimham rocks, spend all day climbing the rocks, was great fun and a workout! I felt like a kid again, spending ten minutes getting to the top of a massive rock formation, only to spot one in the distance that is taller so you have to run over to that one to conquer that pile aswell :laugh: definitely for the child at heart
  • roderick_stacey
    roderick_stacey Posts: 20 Member
    You are probably losing inches which is better than pounds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • sammiboo
    sammiboo Posts: 4
    I've been doing the calculator today, I was disapointed that I had eaten over 1200 calories when I have had salads, fruit and fish.
  • Plantpot
    Plantpot Posts: 105 Member
    Happy Monday everybody!!!

    Well I have done it again.... troffed all weekend!! Had a healthy tea on Friday, but ate far too much of it!!! I am soooooooooo greedy!!!! Was planning to do military fitness on Saturday morning, so thought I would work it all off, however, felt unwell on Saturday so didnt make training!!! Sunday had a really busy day so didnt manage to fit any exercise in, then went to a family party, where there were lots of really nice but naughty food, so I had 1 1/2 portions of Lasagne and a lot of wine!!! So not good all in all!!!

    I seem to be trapped in a cycle of doing well in the week, then blowing it at the weekend!!! So a couple of Fridays ago (official weigh day) I was 10.7, the following Monday I was 10.11, then by last Friday I was 10.8, and today am 10.11 again!!! I spend all week getting back to where I was!!! So frustrating!!! An its even more frustrating that I have every intention of being good at the weekend, then blow it!!!!

    So..... you guessed it.... I am going to be uber good this week, so loose what I have put on at the weekend!!!!

    Its my 30th birthday party on Friday and really wanted to be 10.5 for it as that would be a loss of a stone since the 4th January 2010, but doesnt look likes its going to happen!!!

  • sammiboo
    sammiboo Posts: 4
    I've been busy at work today, took my breakfast in as well as lunch but didn't get time to eat either!!! So got home had chicken kebabs and salad. Total calories for today 250 oh dear ....
  • JimJam87
    JimJam87 Posts: 62
    Happy Monday everyone :) (That's debatable!!)
    Hope you've all had a good weekend. Mine was great, so relaxing. The only time I left the house was on Saturday to go to the gym and for an hour long walk! I did the My Fitness Coach on the Wii yesterday, I did a yoga rotine and my stomach is sore today so it must work!
    Been for a run/walk this evening too. It is such a drag for me exercising but I'm starting to get into it more and, Heaven forbid, actually enjoy it!!
    Gem x