Team UK - June 2010



  • leannemr
    leannemr Posts: 48
    Hi Team UK, I haven't been on the site for a while due to severe lack of motivation!!

    Just signed up for the Race for Life in July in Swansea and having put around half a stone back on over the last few months I have finally decided enough is enough and to get back on track. A trip to the new H&M store here last week gave me the slap in the face I needed when I suddenly found I couldn't get into my usual size 12s in some of their clothes. I'm convincing myself they sell small fitting clothes rather than accepting that I might be getting a little porkier! :-)

    My week has started well - I have dug out my old Rosemary Conley magazines and am following the 7 day 1200 cal diet plans. My plan to attend the gym 3-4 times this week started with a good aerobics session last night and will be followd by circuit training tonight, boxercise tomorrow, a night of rest on Thursday and a road run on Friday to get my RFL training kick started. Lets hope this motivations lasts that long!!

    On that note, hope everyone is good - Happy Tuesday all!
  • Plantpot
    Plantpot Posts: 105 Member
    Hey everybody,

    Was really good yesterday, so was 10.9 3/4 this morning, down from 10.11 on Monday AM. Got to get back to 10.7 for my Friday weigh in as dont want to have to officially put back on!!

    I go to Ibiza for my hen do in 2 months 6 days (not that I'm counting or anything!! :laugh: :laugh: ), so if I can loose an lb a week from now until then I could be well below the 10 stone mark, which would be amazing!!! So this is my motivation!!! Not to mention my wedding shortly after Ibiza!!!! So am going to really step it up now!!!!!

    I am a woman on a mission....... wahoooo!!!!

    Have good days everybody!!

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Laika3
    Laika3 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi - hope you don't mind me joining :flowerforyou:

    Just bumping for later - will post properly then :happy:
  • wendytobin
    wendytobin Posts: 208
    Hi everybody, hope you are all having a great day.

    have started off with a fanstastic day as today is my weigh in day, and i lost 4.2 pounds this week. i feel really good about that as i know i worked really hard on what i ate last week and my exercise. i suppose because husband and son were away last week i had to keep myself active, so i wouldnt eat rubbish, so this meant loads of walking the dog, and going to the gym for longer than i normally would.

    lets hope i can keep it up for the weeks to come, have to think that not long until 2 Summer Balls i have and also our holiday in France
  • hdelamore
    hdelamore Posts: 206 Member
    Wow Wendy well done with the weight loss that's brilliant!
    today i weighed myself and i am 1lb closer to my target! 4lb till my july 2nd goal, and 7lb to my end goal!
    yayyy :)
    went spinning today and worked myself twice as hard because i cant go next week,

    wow plant pot, bet your looking forward to it,
    i'm sure you'll do it if you've got the motivation factor

    ahh well i'm tired so i'm going to go to bed, all this revision is taking it out of me! ergh xx
  • JimJam87
    JimJam87 Posts: 62
    Well done Wendy, that's brilliant!
    I used to go to a group to get weighed but I recently bought some scales and have started weighing myself at home instead to save the weekly fee. However, having the scales right next to my bed is just too tempting for me not to have a daily WI!! I really know I shouldnt weigh myself daily bu I can't help myself...I think I'm gonna have to demote the scales to the cupboard until official WI day!
    Everyone excited for the World Cup or is noone really interested? I can't wait...only 3 days to go and 4 for England's 1st game!! :)
    Gem x
  • Plantpot
    Plantpot Posts: 105 Member
    Hi everyone. Happy hump day, all down hill to the weekend now!!! :happy: :happy:

    I am having a good week so far, am trying to cut out / cut down on carbs in the evenings and going well so far, so loading up on healthy salad and veg. Not done much exercise as been really busy, but have been walking / running round town on my lunches and after work, so logging that helps.

    Its my 30th birthday Party on Friday, having a joint do with one of my best friends, its 80's theme fancy dress so going as Madonna, and cant wait!!!! Feel loads better having lost weight so shopping for my outfit was much more fun than the old days of feeling awful in everything I tried on!!!!

    JimJam - I am the same re weigh in's, I am terrible as weigh myself 3 times a day, morning, after work and last thing at night, everyone says that you shouldnt but I really find it helps me stay on track. If I put on one day, I can pull back, or if I see a loss it motivates me to carry on!!!

    Wendy - Well done on your loss, thats fantastic!!!!

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • hdelamore
    hdelamore Posts: 206 Member
    Hey all, saw we hadnt had a post in 3 days, so i just had to post :P
    Happy Saturday!
    had my rs exam yesterday and got the rest of them next week
    haven't been able to do much exercise as busy revising! erghhh hate it

    hope you all have a lovely weekend in the sun :)! x
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member

    Woohoo! I finally reached 5 pounds lost! I know it seems silly to be so excited about that (especially when I have quite a bit to lose)... but I guess since I started - I've been u 2 pounds, down to pounds, up again etc so the last few weeks I've really gotten myself on track and now I feel like I've beaten that 'well I could just start tomorrow' phase which I always find the hardest despite the fact that I really should know better. So yep, very happy.

    Just went shopping for wedding invitation supplies and we planned some honeymoon bits and pieces this morning. Very excited!

    My goal for this week is to try to go to the gym a few more times, I walk loads every day just getting to and from work and am on my feet all day but I wish I could motivate myself to get to the gym more... but it's half way home on my long commute and sometimes I just want to get home!

    Anyway, hope everyone is having a fabulous weekend.

  • KimmyBee
    KimmyBee Posts: 158 Member
    I know what you mean lil missy. I had been stuck on 16 lbs for the last 3 weeks... but to my suprise this week I have dropped 2 lbs and not just 1 :drinker:

    I have also lost 7cms off my combined hips/waist :drinker:

    Had a chinese last night though, so I dont expect these results to be long lasting :embarassed: I did save my calories for it though, and had half portions, so I think I can be cheeky and say its fine :laugh:

    My boyfriend seems to think that splitting a beef curry and rice between us seems to be a "next step" in the relationship though, he thinks that doing that one little thing means were going to be together forever:laugh: Men can sometimes be cute when they want to be

    Also, he has been mentioning getting engaged alot recently :drinker: :drinker:
  • sammiboo
    sammiboo Posts: 4
    Hope everyone is having a fab weekend, I have lost almost 3kg this week, I am really chuffed about. I seemed to be putting on the same pound I losing for a few days. I have been keeping red meat to a maxium of 1 day a week, I made a chilli with quorn mince much to my boyfriends dismay. It tasted alright though.

    I haven't been doing as much exercise as I would like but i canoes 6 miles today and feel much better for it.

    I aim to lose a stone before the end of the month but will see how it goes
  • pelcw1
    pelcw1 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello my fellow UK dieter's, ive restarted using my fit pal as of today because ive put over a stone on, not good. How you all enjoying your sunday dinners lol, no pudding for me :(
  • KimmyBee
    KimmyBee Posts: 158 Member
    Hello my fellow UK dieter's, ive restarted using my fit pal as of today because ive put over a stone on, not good. How you all enjoying your sunday dinners lol, no pudding for me :(

    I am a strange person for I do not like sunday roasts. :noway:
    OKay, I DO like them, in the way that I love yorkshire puddings, I love roast potatoes/veg I love a good old bit of roast beef/chicken/whatever... but the problem is I dont like them all combined :huh:

    I just find the plate too overbearing, just looking at all that stodge on one plate just makes me feel ill. I dont know, I think myamily just piles it up too high :laugh: I usually compnsate by having a yorkshire pud or two and dipping them in gravy and eating them as finger food (yes, I just get wierder and wierder) and then having a beef sandwich :laugh:

    I am a funny bugger, Im not like that with any other meal.
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Hi all another newbie here in need of a bit of motivation. I joined MFP 4 weeks ago and have lost 6lb so far, however I didn't lose any weight last week :( I guess I can forgive myself a bit as I had a virus and sinus infection so couldn't exercise for a few days and even now I still feel like I've got no go. I also upped my calories slightly last week as I was worrying about eating too few and going into starvation mode and I'm wondering if this might have back fired.

    Anyway my goal for this week is no alcohol even if I can fit it in in my calorie allowance ;)
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    Hi all another newbie here in need of a bit of motivation. I joined MFP 4 weeks ago and have lost 6lb so far, however I didn't lose any weight last week :( I guess I can forgive myself a bit as I had a virus and sinus infection so couldn't exercise for a few days and even now I still feel like I've got no go. I also upped my calories slightly last week as I was worrying about eating too few and going into starvation mode and I'm wondering if this might have back fired.

    Anyway my goal for this week is no alcohol even if I can fit it in in my calorie allowance ;)

    If you've not been eating enough and have upped your calories, you may stall or put on a bit of weight as your body gets used to having enough food. Don't worry though, once your body realises it's getting enough food on a permanent basis, it will stop hoarding and storing, and you WILL lose weight.

    Well done on your loss so far, and don't stress about exercising if you're feeling poorly.

    Good luck on the alcohol! It's my downfall, but I have noticed that even just a glass or two of wine can stall my weight loss for the week.

    Erika x
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Hi all another newbie here in need of a bit of motivation. I joined MFP 4 weeks ago and have lost 6lb so far, however I didn't lose any weight last week :( I guess I can forgive myself a bit as I had a virus and sinus infection so couldn't exercise for a few days and even now I still feel like I've got no go. I also upped my calories slightly last week as I was worrying about eating too few and going into starvation mode and I'm wondering if this might have back fired.

    Anyway my goal for this week is no alcohol even if I can fit it in in my calorie allowance ;)

    If you've not been eating enough and have upped your calories, you may stall or put on a bit of weight as your body gets used to having enough food. Don't worry though, once your body realises it's getting enough food on a permanent basis, it will stop hoarding and storing, and you WILL lose weight.

    Well done on your loss so far, and don't stress about exercising if you're feeling poorly.

    Good luck on the alcohol! It's my downfall, but I have noticed that even just a glass or two of wine can stall my weight loss for the week.

    Erika x

    Thanks Erika, hopefully I will have a better week. I didn't set out to restrict my calories too much just eat more healthily i.e. more veggies and wholemeal pasta/ brown rice instead of white and lose a few pounds in the process. I've found that I feel a lot fuller now and not getting sugar cravings so not snacking but I'm struggling to get to my calorie goal. I actually have to deliberately eat extra foods to try to reach my goal. I guess it's gonna take a bit of time for me to completely crack it but I'm getting smarter with my food choices such as eating a half fat coleslaw rather than the really low fat type, tastes better too ;)
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    ....and I've even managed to figure out how to use the quote feature and add my ticker tonight. Go me :happy: ooh and a smiley....
  • p1nkpr1ncess
    p1nkpr1ncess Posts: 254 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Hope you all had a lovely weekend and enjoyed the football!

    I had a bit of a naughty weekend food and drink wise so got to get back on to being good this week! Too much wine, choc and crisps! Tut tut!! Exercise central for me this week!!

    KimmyBee - how exciting about all the engagement talk! :) Fingers crossed for a proposal soon eh! :)

    I really need to find some new recipes this week as I seem to be making the same meals every evening and fancy a bit of variety! I'm hoping for some sunshine this week as a BBQ would be nice! :)
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    Thanks Erika, hopefully I will have a better week. I didn't set out to restrict my calories too much just eat more healthily i.e. more veggies and wholemeal pasta/ brown rice instead of white and lose a few pounds in the process. I've found that I feel a lot fuller now and not getting sugar cravings so not snacking but I'm struggling to get to my calorie goal. I actually have to deliberately eat extra foods to try to reach my goal. I guess it's gonna take a bit of time for me to completely crack it but I'm getting smarter with my food choices such as eating a half fat coleslaw rather than the really low fat type, tastes better too ;)

    You'll get there. It is a learning process. I agree on the coleslaw thing - I had a similar thing with mayo. The Hellmann's extra light might be super low in calories, but it tastes rubbish! The 'light' one is so much better, but still less cals than the full fat one.
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Hello all UKers :bigsmile:

    I'm happy to read all of your successes and congratulations to you all, Fab work xx
    Sorry to read about some of your struggles, Hope things get better for you xx

    Well done to everyone who ran in the Race For Life, I'm sure you all did great xx

    Welcome all new comers to MFP, I love this place and really believe it's helped me in my goals for both weight loss and fitness,
    Fantastic site with so much info and some really great people for support.
    I know you will all do very well, just keep at it and never give up xx

    I'm starting a new challenge this month... I've finally bought my copy of the 30 Day Shred!! (after so many recommendations!!)
    I'm starting on the 23rd of June.
    I'll be changing my eating plan too, I need to add more protein to aid muscle building and fueling.
    40-40-20 is around the level I will be aiming for, after testing this I think it'll work well for me :smile:
    I can't wait to get started on this DVD, I think it'll be the answer to reaching my goal - at looonnnnggg last!!
    Wish me luck xx

    It's so difficult to respond to everyone who has posted so I'd just like to say good luck to each and everyone of you on your own personal goals. Lets all keep trying our best and enjoy life at the same time xx :flowerforyou:

    Take care Mel xx :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: