Team UK - June 2010



  • p1nkpr1ncess
    p1nkpr1ncess Posts: 254 Member
    Hello all UKers :bigsmile:

    I'm happy to read all of your successes and congratulations to you all, Fab work xx
    Sorry to read about some of your struggles, Hope things get better for you xx

    Well done to everyone who ran in the Race For Life, I'm sure you all did great xx

    Welcome all new comers to MFP, I love this place and really believe it's helped me in my goals for both weight loss and fitness,
    Fantastic site with so much info and some really great people for support.
    I know you will all do very well, just keep at it and never give up xx

    I'm starting a new challenge this month... I've finally bought my copy of the 30 Day Shred!! (after so many recommendations!!)
    I'm starting on the 23rd of June.
    I'll be changing my eating plan too, I need to add more protein to aid muscle building and fueling.
    40-40-20 is around the level I will be aiming for, after testing this I think it'll work well for me :smile:
    I can't wait to get started on this DVD, I think it'll be the answer to reaching my goal - at looonnnnggg last!!
    Wish me luck xx

    It's so difficult to respond to everyone who has posted so I'd just like to say good luck to each and everyone of you on your own personal goals. Lets all keep trying our best and enjoy life at the same time xx :flowerforyou:

    Take care Mel xx :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Hi Mel,

    When I started the 30 Day Shred I also changed my diet to a higher protein/lower carb plan and it's been really effective for me! I finished my 30 days aaaaages ago but still do a shred every morning because I love it so much! :)

    Good luck with it and let us know how you get on! :)
  • JimJam87
    JimJam87 Posts: 62
    Hi all,
    Hope you all had a good weekend and have made a good start to the week.
    Sorry if I sound a bit stupid, but what is the 30 day shred? I have heard of it before but what is it exactly, it certainly sounds painful!
    Gem x
  • alisonengland
    alisonengland Posts: 110 Member
    Hi, It's a Jillian Michaels DVD workout. Three levels, I am on Level two, I burn around 180 calories and you are done in 25 minutes. I like it tho find trying to work out at home hard as I have cats attacking my feet...:mad:
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    :heart: Hello Team UK! :flowerforyou:

    I don't think I've posted on here for about a month :ohwell: I hope you're all good and I'll be reading all of your posts later! :smooched:

    I'm very nervous about my 10k on Saturday, I know, I'm 21 a 6 mile jog shouldn't be a mountain for me but I'm so nervous! I get nored on the treadmill and I find it so hard after about 5k...I've managed just over 6k maximum and it's Wednesday and 10k is on Saturday...:noway: :noway: :noway: um...I really want to do it! I am determined! I'll feel so good considering I've been jogging less than a year, wish me luck!

    So it's 2 weeks until my holiday too, I've just started doing spinning at Virgin Active - I've been waiting for AGES to do it but the classes were always chocka block but they've introduced a new booking system, first come, first served. Woop! :drinker:

    It's a beautiful day in Leeds, I hope it is where you are! Why can't it be liked this on the weekend!?!? :flowerforyou:

    Have a lovely day!

    :heart: Mimi xxxx
  • mrsyatesy
    mrsyatesy Posts: 173
    Morning from sunny Manchester!!!
    Back from an amazing 11 days in Florida, back to work, school run and the social lives of my kids to keep me out of trouble!! Joy!
    At least the sunshine encourages me to go outside, so today I'm getting in a run in the sun as my alarm failed to wake me from my coma at 6.30am and I missed my exercise slot!! At least I can still squeeze something in before the kids get back from school as I finish work at 2pm today, phew!
    I watched some of the stuff this morning for inspiration as lots of people recommend it, but wow that woman is a machine, but it put me off just looking at how hard it looked!!! Dont think I'm ready for that yet!
    I got some lovely compliments today at school drop off as I was in my gym kit and people said they could really see I had lost weight and changed shape, I am really happy about that, but there's still some way to go!! Still 2 more weeks of Kettleworx transformation to complete!
    OK, best do some work - hope everyone has a good week, and mimi you will be fine on the 10k, the last few k are easier on adrenaline and there'll be lots of that!!! Good luck for it.
    Beth x
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    Good morning all :smile: hope everyone is well!

    I've stuck to my diet (not religiously) and maintained my weight for the last couple of weeks, but I've suffered a minor setback :frown:

    I have somehow damaged the tendons in the sole of my foot and have been struggling to do any walking at all! I've been taking my Ibuprofen and over the last couple of days it's getting gradually better, so fingers crossed I'll be able to ease myself back into the walking and cycling! I really miss my bike!

    I started Slimming World with a work colleague last night, simply because I feel that the motivation of a weekly weigh in will really help my weightloss. I'm very sceptical with regards to the SW plan though, so I don't intend to stick to it, I'd much rather do what I'm doing now... I've lost 30lbs since Feb/Mar, so I must be doing something right!

    Mimi, I did Race For Life 3 years ago! Trust me, you'll be fine. Out of all the women who took part, not many of them ran the entire distance. Don't be afraid to slow down and walk part of the way! I tried walking a mile, then jogging a mile :smile:

    It's my intention to attempt the 100k trekker challenge next year! I must be mad :noway:
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member

    Mimi, I did Race For Life 3 years ago! Trust me, you'll be fine. Out of all the women who took part, not many of them ran the entire distance. Don't be afraid to slow down and walk part of the way! I tried walking a mile, then jogging a mile :smile:

    It's my intention to attempt the 100k trekker challenge next year! I must be mad :noway:

    Thanks Lesley :happy: wow 100k trekker that is a CHALLENGE and a HALF :noway: well done!!!!!! Let us know how Slimming World goes, good luck xxxx:flowerforyou:
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    Mimi - you'll be fine! I've got a 10k on 10th July and I'm really not sure I can do it, so I know how you feel, but I reckon you'll be great.

    Good luck!

    E x
  • xojox
    xojox Posts: 187 Member
    i'm a struggling uk user!!!j

    Glad to find this group will pop in regularly now . I've been on mfp since jan but had a very nasty broken ankle in feb which put me out of action for a while, i'm now pinned and plated and just starting to exercise again, but i've only lost 13 lbs in all this time, i will b honest and say with 3 kids i've forgotton how to put myself 1st!! and this site is proving a godsend as far as encouragement goes xx speak soon xx
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    My pledge to not drink alcohol this week is under threat :( I'd forgotten that I was having a friend to stay this weekend when I made it. I've not seen him for over a month and the opportunity to chill out and chat with a glass of wine is going to be too good to resist. I don't like feeling like I've given up on something but he sounded pretty disappointed when he asked what wine to bring and I said I wasn't drinking this week. I guess I'm just going to view it as a well deserved treat, life is for living after all.
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    Mimi - you'll be fine! I've got a 10k on 10th July and I'm really not sure I can do it, so I know how you feel, but I reckon you'll be great.

    Good luck!

    E x

    Thanks :happy: I love how much faith my MFP'ers have in me! I hope I can do it and good luck with yours, not long to go! Though I wish mine was 10th July and not Saturday hehe :heart:
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    Well done!!!! :drinker:
  • hdelamore
    hdelamore Posts: 206 Member
    Last A-level exam today
    YESSS! then freedom and waiting till results day. eep i'm already scared and it's 2 months away!

    good luck in the race mimi
    and well done on passing your fitness exam katie :)!

    hope everyone has a good weekend
    i know i'm going to go over my goals.. but hey my exams are over i'm celebrating! xxx
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    Woohoo! Another 1.2kg down this week :happy:

    I didn't get to the gym at all, but of course always had my 45mins/day walking to and from the station to get to work. I had a very busy and stressful week at work. I was covering someone else's workload as well as my own and then I had the most random patient with a very rare, incredibly diet reliant condition that I had to do loads of work on. It was a steep learning curve but it was so much fun to have that challenge :)

    This is my last week at my current job so hoping not to be looking for a new job for too long. I'm thinking of applying for a permanent position and trying to convince myself that it's not a mistake, since the pay is halved hahaha.

    Aside from wanting regular income to save for the wedding, working really helps me regulate the way I eat. I'm on the wards most of the day where I can't really eat so it's only in my break where I come back to the office and only have enough time to eat the small lunch I bring. So I'm hoping that if I have some time at home between jobs, I don't fall off the wagon with eating!

    Hmm well, it's chilly but sunny, might head outside and do something today after I talk to my family from Aust (the best part of my week, yay!!). What is everyone up to this weekend?
  • JimJam87
    JimJam87 Posts: 62
    Hi everyone, hope you've all had a good weekend? Loving the sunshine :smile:
    I've been truely awful food wise, I'm determined to be good this week but I go on holiday to Marbella on Monday...:drinker: So excited and I have a feeling I'll be getting into 'holiday mode' at some point during the week so the dieting will go out the window...I'm going to try to avoid that though!
    Have a good week
    Gem x
  • KimmyBee
    KimmyBee Posts: 158 Member
    woo, today looks set to be quite nice, I may just have a picnic in the museum gqardens. That is assuming I can have the motivation to leavee the bed once I get home, I usually like to enjoy doing "nothing" on my times off work, which are few and far between.

    I cant wait to get home now, my shift ends at 9:30am... nearly nine.... woo.... I just know this next half an hour is going ot be the slowest of my life :laugh:
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    Not much going happening on this board at the moemnt....probably because of the FABULOUS weather. I'm about to go off and eat lunch in the park.

    I think I'll be maintaining this week, as I went to Pizza Express on Tuesday, had pizza AND icecream. On Saturday we've got a 65th birthday party BBQ thing - bye bye this week's deficit! I shall be doing osme running as I've got my 10k in about 2 weeks.

    Hope you're all ok - if you are out and about in the sun, be careful - wear suncream and stay hydrated.

    Erika xx
  • MistahLee31
    MistahLee31 Posts: 116
    Hey all,

    Not posted on here for a while. Been debating whether to move away from MFP for a while as I seem to be stuck in a rut. Sounds like the cowards way out, I know.......but I've decided to plod on, try a bit of "bouncebackability" and get back up to where I was before. :smile:

    Going away this weekend to my mates caravan in Pwllheli. After a couple of hectic weekends, it will be good to get away and have a nice chill out! Weather should be fantastic tomorrow so hopefully will be a nice trip to the beach, bit of a mini BBQ and then back on Sunday for England v Germany in the football and Warrington v Leeds in the Rugby League.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend, reaches their goals and I'll speak to you all on Monday!! :happy:

    Take care! :drinker:

  • wendytobin
    wendytobin Posts: 208
    I had a fantastic day today.......... not because of what i have eaten or exercise, as i haven't done any exercise today.

    The reason why I had a fantastic day is because it is my Nan's 90th birthday today, and i made a surprise visit to see her on this special day.

    I had to drive for 2 1/2 hours this morning from Hampshire to Birmingham, and she was pleasantly surprised to see her grandaughter and 12 year old great grandson. we had a great day with going out for dinner and catching up on family things.

    i don't feel guilty one bit at not exercising today as the drive in itself has worn me out, hopefully the food from the restaurant should log okay, if its over then i will know not to eat anything else this evening.

    what a great day, i love my nan soooooo much..................