How much do you drink?



  • JessicaDumont2
    JessicaDumont2 Posts: 100 Member
    I used to drink on the weekends about 10 shots a night.
    Then out of nowhere, I became the angry drunk and started punching things and shattered my hands.

    So no more drinking for me. Haha. :)
  • aloranger7708
    aloranger7708 Posts: 422 Member
    In college I drank about every other weekend, 6-8 drinks. Now that I've graduated I've only drank twice in the past year!
  • Sharkington
    Sharkington Posts: 485
    I usually drink 4-5 nights out of every month. Sometimes less, sometimes more. On the nights I drink, it can be anywhere from just one glass of wine, to a couple glasses, or a few shots of vodka. It just depends.
  • missybct
    missybct Posts: 321 Member
    I'd easily pack away 50 units a week, probably more given the money and the opportunity. I practically became intolerant to alcohol to the point where I could drink 1.5 bottles of wine and not be drunk but spinny and wake up with a hangover.

    It was a gradual decent into addiction and denial. In August last year I started different tablets which reacted weirdly with alcohol and I just cut down from 3+ bottles a week to 2, then 1, then about half a week by November. Then I relapsed mentally and alcohol went out the window - I've still got bottles of wine from Christmas given to me with spirits and beers.

    Since Jan 1st, I've had 25 units in total, and nothing in nearly 3 months. Do I crave it? Occasionally, but only from a habit point of view. Will I drink it? I hope not, but I'm not going to deny myself if I fancy it that much. Is it worth it? Not to me, anymore. Do I feel better for not drinking? Understatement of the century - alcohol was blocking all my problems out that although are painful to confront, need to be sorted.

    I've put myself deliberately in situations where alcohol is available (pubs, meals, gigs) and not felt the need to drink.
  • ozigal
    ozigal Posts: 173 Member
    In my 20's and very early 30's I would drink 7 nights a week and be smashed most nights. How many units? I really couldnt tell you but I guess most nights would have been 10+. The reason behind it was youth, freedom (from a catholic boarding school), a high pressure job where drinking was a "normal" form of relief, peer pressure etc etc etc... Just the normal stuff I guess.

    In my early 30's I got glandular fever. I wasnt allowed to drink for 6 months and I didnt. When i was allowed to drink, I found that I didnt want it anymore.

    Now I'm in my mid-40's and I look back and think that getting glandular fever when i did was a blessing!

    I'm not tea total. I drink 2-3 times a year on average and it's usually between 1-3 drinks. I probably get "merry" once every 3 years. To be absolutely truthful I rarely feel like alcohol even when I go out. I've found I can have as much fun not drinking as I did when i was drinking. The bonuses are that I get to drive home and I remember what happened :)
  • momzeeee
    momzeeee Posts: 475 Member
    0. I come from a big family history of alcoholics so I've always stayed away from it. And now that I've cut out soda I only drink water. Dang, how boring :yawn:
  • imtrinat
    imtrinat Posts: 153 Member
    Until recently, I averaged 3 drinks each week night and probably 10 on Friday and/or Saturday. Waaay too much alcohol.Something clicked in March and I decided to make a change. I now average about 1 drink on weeknights- sometimes none, sometimes 2 or so. I don't get smashed all weekend like I used to, but I still have one good night out with my friends or my hubby. It has made a huge difference in my motivation, eating habits, and how much energy I have.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    Lots...probably way too much most of the time...I tend to party, always have. I should probably cut back...
  • 08kat
    08kat Posts: 51
    Amen, from a fellow wino. :wink:
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,951 Member
    Whoa, I think the beers I drink are in the 10 unit per range.
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    dont know waht units are gave up alcohol a few years ago
  • Sandigesha
    Sandigesha Posts: 226 Member
    I use not to drink for like 3 years, after that occacional (<sorry can't spell) beer-few beers like once every half a year for two years, now i only drink a bottle of wine before going to a concert (which happen rarely, happened only once since i started following this rule. Normally i would be feeling ****ty after a bottle of wine, but after the action in the crowd i am sober 3 hours after being pretty drunk, no hangover or funny tasting in the mouth the next day as well.
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    I drink 2 or 3 bottles of Old Brown Dog Ale a year. I rarely drink because it has a lot of calories and makes me fall asleep (I'm a coffee fiend instead). When I travel, though, I like to try the local dark beer. They make great dark beer in Egypt and in the Yucatan, Mexico. Beer and alcohol in general is in the chocolate cake/cheesecake/truffles category for me... something I enjoy once in a while.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Options least 2 cups a day, with creamer. Water, 5 or 6 glasses a day. Diet Dr. Pepper, 8 oz. glass every week or two. Alchohol, one or two mixed drinks ( margarita or pina colada),.about once every three or four years. Beer or tea, never, hate the taste.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,287 Member
    couple beers or couple glasses of wine 3-4 nights a week on average. A couple margaritas with my sister 2-3 times a month. And I was losing weight just fine, I say was because I'm 36 weeks pregnant now and trying to gain. But at the top of my list of things to do after leaving the hospital is a ice cold Guinness!!!
  • Pangea250
    Pangea250 Posts: 965 Member
    I'm an alcoholic. I haven't had a drink since December 28, 1998.
  • Tysonlovesweights
    Tysonlovesweights Posts: 139 Member
    in university i would down 15+ whiskeys in a sitting, and do that 3-4 times a week. almost got the boot from school! smartened up, and went cold turkey for a bit and turned my trainwreck around. now I barely drink, the occasional beer with my steak from the grill on a saturday, or a couple pints while i catch up with old friends, but i drink probably 1-2 drinks per month these days.
  • Sandigesha
    Sandigesha Posts: 226 Member
    I'm an alcoholic. I haven't had a drink since December 28, 1998.

    Holy... So, you USED to be an alcoholic? At what age?
  • brontewright91
    this is a big struggle for me. I love having a few beers when Im out having a good time.. but I can sometimes have upwards of three good times a week..... that isnt helping weightloss at all :(