more proof mcdonald s is yuck



  • traceytwink
    traceytwink Posts: 538 Member
    Can't say I'm a big fan of it but my kids love it and once every two or so months we have one as their treat other wise I'd be really mean not letting them, we had it today as it was my sons birthday, did I enjoy it no did they yes, don't worry about other people's eating habits if you are happy eating it then eat if not just walk on by ????

    Bad parenting. As someone who has changed their own lifestyle, I would hope that you had the same ambitions for you children. The circle continues...
    i don't think you can judge me as a bad parent you don't know me, my children have a very healthy diet and eat plenty of fruit and veg they have been taught from an early age about food and I believe no food should be off limit as long as your sensible and having Mc Donald's 3 or 4 times a year won't do them any harm
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
  • hannahpistolas
    hannahpistolas Posts: 290 Member
    Can't say I'm a big fan of it but my kids love it and once every two or so months we have one as their treat other wise I'd be really mean not letting them, we had it today as it was my sons birthday, did I enjoy it no did they yes, don't worry about other people's eating habits if you are happy eating it then eat if not just walk on by ????

    Bad parenting. As someone who has changed their own lifestyle, I would hope that you had the same ambitions for you children. The circle continues...

    HIGH AND MIGHTY ALERT. I'm glad being a terrible person who puts down others' parenting skills in a public forum makes you a great parent.

    Seriously? Cut the crap. If that's bad parenting then you're a terrible parent. How DARE you be obese (even though you don't eat McDonald's)!!!!!!!!1111one

    She's not a parent. We could go into details, but it isn't worth the strike.

    I love when non-parents judge parenting skills, amirite?!
  • Belgie_t3
    Belgie_t3 Posts: 28 Member
    Actually the only people i see on there high horses, are the posters. NOT the original poster. What the hell is with all the snide remarks and sarcasim? guys.. COME ON. Mcdonalds is bad for you. There is not one thing that isnt loaded with bad cholesterol, sodium nitrates, chemicals and preservatives. The OP isnt telling anyone not to eat there, but you gotta admit she has a point. How can any of you who are supposed to be here for health and fitness defend that place? Have none of you ever seen "supersize me?" I HIGHLY reccomend it to all of you who just had to pop off smart to the OP. A mcdonalds burger and fries were put in glass container for a whole year and know what happened at the end of that year?... The burger and fries still looked fresh, like they had'nt aged a day. Compare that to the regular burger from home and fresh french fires, that looked like green and brown pile of mold and mush?..yeah im sure you see where im going with this. The stuff isn't food. It doesn't decompose because its all chemicals. Everyone have a good day.

    If youre using Super Size Me as your source of vinformation you should look else where. This was a poorly done documentary by a VEGAN who ate large sized mcdonald meals (sometimes getting two sandwiches a meal like wtf) THREE TIMES A DAY with a large soda... OF COURSE YOURE GOING TO GAIN WEIGHT!! This guy had his own self righteous agenda to "protect the animals" which is fine, but making a documentary based on pure poo poo was wayyyyy over the top. People even actively went after some of his sources (like doctors that made these "claims") and guess what? Alot of them (all of them if Im not mistaken) didnt even show face when asked for the proof. Im not saying Mcdonalds is ok, but I am saying this super size me guy was a joke. Eating Mcdonalds every once in a while WILL NOT kill you...
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    ITS TAKEN FROM AN ARTICLE...................
  • Belgie_t3
    Belgie_t3 Posts: 28 Member
    I still can't get past the bad parenting comment.


    :laugh: same here lmao
  • ken_hogan
    ken_hogan Posts: 854 Member
    ITS TAKEN FROM AN ARTICLE...................

    What article is that???
  • tpittsley77
    tpittsley77 Posts: 607 Member
    Can't say I'm a big fan of it but my kids love it and once every two or so months we have one as their treat other wise I'd be really mean not letting them, we had it today as it was my sons birthday, did I enjoy it no did they yes, don't worry about other people's eating habits if you are happy eating it then eat if not just walk on by ????

    Bad parenting. As someone who has changed their own lifestyle, I would hope that you had the same ambitions for you children. The circle continues...

    Honey look behind you. Way behind. Farther back than that. That's the line you crossed in calling someone a bad parent for a once a month trip to McDonalds. That's about how often we go there. I am far from a bad parent. What gives you the right to judge others' parenting skills?
  • Mistyfied_MD
    Mistyfied_MD Posts: 62 Member
    PLEASE provide the evidence that McDonalds alters your DNA. I would really love seeing that. Who knew that McNuggets had such an effect on human physiology...
    I'm not sure where his information came from, but at any rate, most fast foods are not nutritious, which of course can lead to poor health. I do know that a variety of factors can shorten the telomeres that protect your DNA.

    Personally I rarely eat there--and only then when I'm paid to do so (mystery shopper).
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    its just from an article i wante d to put on here...............
    i cant believe the negative comments
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    ITS TAKEN FROM AN ARTICLE...................

    And? There is plenty of bad information on the internetz. It doesn't all warrant a thread.
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    it does warrent a thread c uz people are s till eating it
  • Pink_turnip
    Pink_turnip Posts: 280 Member
    TBHQ is a common preservative for vegetable oils, cereals, nuts, cookies, chips, and animal fats, found in other foods like Girl Scout Cookies and Quaker Chewy Granola Bars.

    Also, there is commercial grade, and food grade versions of this preservative.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    I was an assistant manager of a Burger King. The patties came frozen and are loaded into a bin at the back of the cooker. The floor was always wet because of the patties thawing and people hosing down the floor. Imagine people stomping around on that wet floor, especially after going to the restroom, and all the germs that produces. Well, one day a worker was dumping a bag of the patties into the bin and missed. All the patties fell to the wet, germ-laden floor. I was about to tell the worker to pick them up and throw them away, but the manager was there and he told the worker to pick them up and put them in the bin. "The cooking will kill any germs on them," he said. An argument between myself and the manager ensued and I ended up quitting. Yes, those burgers were served to customers, but that was the last day that I ate at a Burger King. That was over 15 years ago.

    Right now, I am enjoying a homemade salad of Romaine lettuce tossed with lite poppyseed dressing, with sliced pineapple, grapes, strawberries, blueberries, and chicken breast. Better than any meal you would get at a fast food restaurant!

    LOL this sounds like every fast food to casual dining kitchen I've ever seen.
  • MzManiak
    MzManiak Posts: 1,361 Member
    Get over yourself. Bad parenting?? Pft please... :huh:
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    its just from an article i wante d to put on here...............
    i cant believe the negative comments

    It's an article that you read and obviously seem to agree with, given the title of your post. So by putting this 'article' out there, you are putting yourself out there to receive feedback, both good and bad. That's how forums generally work. Sorry you didn't realize that going in.

    Now where are those fries?
  • chatondoux
    chatondoux Posts: 38
    Can't say I'm a big fan of it but my kids love it and once every two or so months we have one as their treat other wise I'd be really mean not letting them, we had it today as it was my sons birthday, did I enjoy it no did they yes, don't worry about other people's eating habits if you are happy eating it then eat if not just walk on by ????

    Bad parenting. As someone who has changed their own lifestyle, I would hope that you had the same ambitions for you children. The circle continues...

    Once every two or so months and you call that bad parenting? Looks like more than one person here needs to get off their high horse. Hate to be any child of yours.
  • Lunachic77
    Lunachic77 Posts: 434 Member
    Can't say I'm a big fan of it but my kids love it and once every two or so months we have one as their treat other wise I'd be really mean not letting them, we had it today as it was my sons birthday, did I enjoy it no did they yes, don't worry about other people's eating habits if you are happy eating it then eat if not just walk on by ????

    Bad parenting. As someone who has changed their own lifestyle, I would hope that you had the same ambitions for you children. The circle continues...

    Oh no way, there you go trolling again. It must be nice to be judgemental and bitter sitting behind your keyboard. Who are you to judge their parenting? Stay in your own lane.


  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    Actually the only people i see on there high horses, are the posters. NOT the original poster. What the hell is with all the snide remarks and sarcasim? guys.. COME ON. Mcdonalds is bad for you. There is not one thing that isnt loaded with bad cholesterol, sodium nitrates, chemicals and preservatives. The OP isnt telling anyone not to eat there, but you gotta admit she has a point. How can any of you who are supposed to be here for health and fitness defend that place? Have none of you ever seen "supersize me?" I HIGHLY reccomend it to all of you who just had to pop off smart to the OP. A mcdonalds burger and fries were put in glass container for a whole year and know what happened at the end of that year?... The burger and fries still looked fresh, like they had'nt aged a day. Compare that to the regular burger from home and fresh french fires, that looked like green and brown pile of mold and mush?..yeah im sure you see where im going with this. The stuff isn't food. It doesn't decompose because its all chemicals. Everyone have a good day.

    Then by your logic, we should all be eating Twinkies because a nutrition professor lost weight on a Twinkie diet.
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member

    HERES WHERE THE ARTICLE IS FOUND !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    McDonalds Fast Food: Toxic Ingredients Include Putty & Cosmetic Petrochemicals | World Truth.TV

    McDonalds Fast Food: Toxic Ingredients Include Putty & Cosmetic Petrochemicalsalternative health, Health, Healthy eating, natural healthNovember 28, 20120 CommentsShare This Article TweetEvery mouthful of McDonald meal contains a handful of chemicals that
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