Lost my motivation :(



  • WABeachWalker
    WABeachWalker Posts: 133 Member
    Please don't let a gain derail all your hard work. Think of the other things that are improving as you eat better and exercise such as having a lower blood pressure, a healthier heart, a clearer head, strength and agility, and just plain old looking better and feeling better. If you have gains for a 2 or 3 week time period, that would be something for concern. Take this gain as an opportunity to pause for reflection--is it that time of the month? Have you been eating prepared foods or restaurant foods that contain lots of extra sodium? Have you been drinking your water?

    Keep going! You're doing great. There's no reason to stop because you've hit a speed bump. You deserve the gift of health and well-being!
  • Don't relay solely on the scale....measurements are more accurately. As long as the inches are going down, I don't care if my scale tells me I gained a pound or two. :).
  • TeTeAngel
    TeTeAngel Posts: 66 Member
    Don't despair! The rate of weigh loss can vary from week to week even though you are following your program. As someone mentioned before you could be retaining fluids. Sometimes as we lose you have to look at other measurements of progress like:
    Your body measurements
    The fit of your clothes
    Your ability to perform physical tasks with greater ease (not getting out of breath)
    Your exercise routine becomes easier
    You can lift more weights
    Your BP and cholesterol are normal (or improving), and you don't have diabetes (or your need for medication has decreased)

    Plateaus are rough, because we want the weight off yesterday. But be careful not to go backwards. Best of luck!
  • brooshie
    brooshie Posts: 141 Member
    i know how you feel, i'm extremely unmotivated this week after finding out that i GAINED two pounds even though i burn 750 calories a day at the gym and eat only 1400 calories.
  • darias_mommy
    darias_mommy Posts: 127 Member
    Are you gonna let 1 lb break you? NO WAY! I see you lost a good amount of weight already and you are clearly on the right track.
    1 lb? no worries! I gained a pound this morning and shrugged it off because I hadn't pooped, yet. :laugh:
    Keep going and watch yourself go down in weight next weigh in. you can do it!
  • Remember muscle weighs more than fat, so maybe you gained some muscle and still lost fat. You should not rely on the scale so much. But when you do weigh yourself make sure you always do it early in the morning before you eat anything and hopefully after you use the bathroom. Stay Motivated :)
  • jsj024519
    jsj024519 Posts: 400 Member
    I have gone up and down in weight constantly. While I keep losing weight, my weight fluctuates constantly. For example, I weighed 204.4 three days ago, I weight 206 today. Keep working out and be consistent with what you eat.

    REMEMBER, Weight loss is a SLOW process and there will be ups and down.

    It is all about winning the small battles (like this) that will eventually help you win the war.
  • Drenched_N_Motivation
    Drenched_N_Motivation Posts: 1,004 Member
    i'm here to motivate. Just tell me what to say.
  • Cassaaaaandra
    Cassaaaaandra Posts: 184 Member
    I *always* gain before I start my period. Never fails.
  • swest222
    swest222 Posts: 455 Member
    Are you gonna let 1 lb break you? NO WAY! I see you lost a good amount of weight already and you are clearly on the right track.
    1 lb? no worries! I gained a pound this morning and shrugged it off because I hadn't pooped, yet. :laugh:
    Keep going and watch yourself go down in weight next weigh in. you can do it!

    this made me laugh ... i bet tons of people wait until after they use the bathroom to weigh in lol
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Been doing this for 37 months straight.... That is 37 months in a calorie deficit and if I freaked out every time I had a bad week and broke even or gained a pound or more I would have quite years ago... This is a Lifestyle thing.... If you look at it any other way you are setting yourself up for failure... Get up each day and do everything you possibly can to be as successful as you can for that day and go to bed each night with a clear conscious and then get up tomorrow and do it all over again... This is really about the rest of your life....... Best of Luck...
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