

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Petalsandpaws:flowerforyou: my thoughts and prayers are with you:cry::sad:
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :heart: Petalsandpaws, my heart goes out to you and your family. All you can do is cherish the time you have with your man, give him all the love you have and make this time memorable for you all. I wish could be there to give you hugs and support, just remember we are all here if you need to vent or just need an ear to listen. Much love and hugs coming from Delaware, Rose
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    petalsandpaws-My thoughts and prayers are with you and your husband.:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    Just a short note to say thank you for the thoughts and prayers from all those who sent them. Unfortunately the news is not good. The cancer has metasized to the brain, with to many tumors to count as quoted by the doctor. Chemo has been stopped and radiation to begin next tues, for 10 straight days, excluding weekends. This to give my wonderful man 5 to 6 months if we are lucky.
    Right now it hurts to breathe.

    Oh no, my heart aches for you. Prayers, best wishes, hugs. :heart:

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good Saturday morning from a cloud-covered Portland. Yesterday the sun didn't come out until 5 in the afternoon. Looks like it might be a repeat performance today.

    Oh, petalsandpaws, I'm so sorry. :cry: Sending good thoughts your way in this most difficult time. :heart:

    Busy busy time of year, the gardens are pumping out produce like mad and I'm running around like a crazy person trying to keep things picked and processed. This morning it's time to haul the pressure canner and jars down from the storage area upstairs and get things organized. Canning pints of green beans is first on the list tomorrow. I picked cukes yesterday and will start a batch of horseradish sweet pickles which I haven't made in years. I gave 12 lbs of cabbage to a friend who's making sauerkraut which she'll share with me when it's finished. I'm not a huge fan, but I could easily sink my teeth into a nice, big Reuben. Mmm.

    Taking the dogs swimming at the river on a daily basis is one of my favorite things! They just love it. My terrier is an excellent diver, he never ceases to make me laugh when I toss the stick and he goes racing down the shore then flying into the water with a huge leap, ka-sploosh! My blue heeler is much more laid back and just wades in the water up to his shoulders. He could really care less about fetching a stick.

    Well I'd best get busy. Hoping everyone has a delightful weekend! Eat your greens, and make sure to drink your water :drinker:

    :smile: jb
  • walker54
    walker54 Posts: 64 Member
    PetalsandPaws, so sorry to hear your news. Hold his hand if he'll let you, and try to keep smiling so you can milk as much joy out of every day you have together. I'll be keeping you in my prayers, that you'll find the strength you need now. Remember to do at least one nice thing for yourself each day, even if it's just to make sure you are eating healthy meals or squeezing in a little walk.

    Went to the gym this morning and turned lemons into lemonade. Treadmill? Felt lazy but added in some 60-second jogging several times to try to get the heart rate up. Didn't think I could do it, but I did! Weight machines? Only got half of those done because some really fit woman was doing an unbelievably long set on the machine I needed. I wanted to tell her she didn't need the work as much as I did, but I minded my tongue. Lap swimming? Got 700 yards into my workout when I discovered it was time for a water aerobics class! I was ready to call it quits, but then I decided to stay and try the class. It was fun! The instructor was adorable, and even though I couldn't follow all the moves, I enjoyed it. I was tired after 30 minutes so I bailed before the class was over, but now I know I could try it next week.

    Tonight is a retirement party for a colleague of my husband's. This man plays in a bluegrass band so it should be a happy party. This will be my first party since going gluten-free, so I'm planning on eating before. Does anyone else have advice about handling parties if you are GF?

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    Hi - advice on going to a party when you're gluten free. Don't go hungry--eat something before you go. Don't eat anything you're not certain is gluten free. Fresh fruit, bits of cheese (not processed). That's about all I eat when I go somewhere. I tuck some almonds in my purse and slide them on my plate while no one's watching or eat them bit by bit out of my bag. Good luck. I'm really cautious because any little bit of gluten makes me ill for days.......

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi all you wonderful ladies! Today I’m working on my book until about 6. Then a friend from high school is dropping off her teen aged daughter to hang out while she and her DH go to our HS reunion. She keeps asking why I’m not going and I don’t have a good answer because I always do! I think I was confused thinking it was in June while we were going on vacation. Our girls will take her out to dinner and a movie, so they should have fun, plus I can watch the Olympics. Wasn’t it funny last night when the queen appeared to parachute into the Olympic stadium with James Bond? I thought I’d die at that and when Mr. Bean was in the orchestra. We love Mr. Bean.

    PetalsandPaws: Oh, no I am SO sorry for your news. I have nothing to offer but my thoughts and prayers and cyber-hugs, but if you want to chat, email me. Linda is right….it’s hard but that positive attitude has worked wonders. We nurses have seen that so many times…it can make a huge difference. This will be hard I know. Please take care of yourself too during this difficult time. Do you have friends and family who can support the two of you? :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Robin: (and others) who suggested I write in word then copy and paste…thanks! Now why couldn’t I think of that LOL? As my DH teases “Four college degrees and you couldn’t figure that out???” OMG :ohwell:

    Rose: glad to hear your grandson is doing so well. :smile:

    DeeDee: I too got a message saying I had a virus, did a scan of my own and found nothing. My DH who works in computers says this is actually a virus itself. It wants you to run the virus scan attached to the message. I’ve seen several people here on mfp who have gotten this message lately.

    Pet people: someone was talking about their senile cat yesterday. I too have a semi-senile cat who is almost deaf. He seems to get confused at night at starts howling and it is horrible to listen to. So I get him and bring him to bed. He used to sleep with me, but lately has not been. He is nearly 18 and still in good physical condition except for hyperthyroidism…very agile still. We have two “kitties” who are 2 and I think they gave old Smokey a few more years on his life. We also have the pound dog, Benny Beagle, who we got last summer. He’s probably 8 now, although no one is sure. He’s the one who is recovering from gallbladder disease and pancreatitis.

    Well that' s about it from me today. Take care everyone and keep that water coming! Meg :drinker:
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello. Ladies,

    Saturday is going good so far getting stuff done. Going again to the fair. At our fair. You pay just $5.00 to get in and you get a free concert. Just bring your chair or blanket. Last night was Sara Evans tonight is Jodie Messina(so) .not bad my daughter who has autism
    Loves it. Makes a fun family night.

    @PetalsandPaws--- beyond words so sorry. You both are in my prayers.

    Love to you all have a good Saturday.

  • ladydi2153
    I'm going to be 60 in a few months and finding this group has been wonderful.
    Here's a little bit about myself:
    I've been happily married to my DH for almost 40 years. We have 3 wonderful kids, a beautiful granddaughter and another granddaughter in a month. Life is good.
    I've been fighting my weight since my kids were born. It's been a roller coaster ride. At one point I lost 70 pounds and I was healthy and looked amazing! Slowly, the majority of it came back. I've been battling some serious health issues for some time now, including high blood pressure ( mother and grandmother died of strokes) and asthma. I have a condition called Interstitial Cystitus which is chronic and painful. Basically, it's the symptoms of a UTI, but it's not one. I think you all can imagine how it feels when you get a flare-up. It's stress and food related, so I have to be careful what I eat. Many healthy diet foods are not good for me.
    Bottom line, I have many reasons to be healthy and live a long life. I'm running into some problems with losing weight. I'm trying to say within a 1200 a day calorie range, but I think I fall significantly short most days. Bottom line, I'm probably putting myself in starvation mode. Plus, I don't like water!!! DH is constantly telling me to eat more, which I know I should. Question: since we 're over 50 has anyone else been running into weight lose problems???
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good early evening ladies:flowerforyou:

    Jane:smile: , I hope your daughters surgery goes well!!!! Congrats on getting to move out!!!

    Barbie:smile: , I'm still learning about my iPhone and I've had it quite awhile, it's amazing what these phones do these days!

    Idezara:smile: , walking is great exercise, I walk everyday for 30 or 45 min. first thing in the morning, it's my time and I really enjoy it! Then I come home and walk the dog for another 30 mins. or so, I consider that her time, and she seems to enjoy it too!:laugh:

    Linda SundanceB:smile: , hope your daughter does well in the competition!!! 105 all day:noway: , stay hydrated!!!!!

    Amanda:smile: , I feel for you traveling 4 hrs. to your SIL's b'day party! Hope you have a great time!

    Jb:smile: , sounds like you're really busy in the kitchen!!!! Horseradish sweet pickles sounds yummy, I love most anything with horseradish in it:love: .

    Polly:smile: , wow, I'm impressed by your time in the gym, you really got a good workout in!!!!! Congrats for staying for the water aerobics class!!!!:flowerforyou:

    Liz:smile: , have a great time at the concert tonight, sounds like a lot of fun!

    Diane:smile: , welcome to the best group of ladies on MFP!!!! I have 2 granddaughters too, the oldest is 11, the youngest is 6, they are the light of my life!!!!:love::love: . When I first started on MFP I was eating 1200 cals. and having a hard time getting to my goal, I started using olive oil, and eating my favorite cheese, Brie, sometimes more than 1 oz., every once in awhile I'll use butter on my sweet potato too. I lowered my goal of 2 lbs. per week, to 1 lb. a week and that upped my cals. to 1410, I try to make sure I eat at least 1200 everyday, once in awhile I'm under but I tend to lose more when I eat more!!!! I don't have a problem with water because I've always liked it, maybe some other ladies can give you some tips on that. Congrats on getting yourself healthy !!!!

    It has been a better day today, not so odd!!! However I still can't get on MFP with my computer, comes back saying the virus is still there :angry: . Hopefully they'll get it figured out soon!!! Yesterday afternoon we had a terrible thunder storm, what I didn't realize at the time was that it took 4 trees down, 3 of them on my driveway:grumble: , thank goodness they missed my gate. I feel very lucky my brother lives across the street and we managed to get them out of the driveway!!! I have a friend coming over to cut them up, he wants to use them as firewood this winter! It actually looks like we could have another storm here any minute, maybe this time the wind won't be so bad.

    I hope everyone has a fabulous evening!!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: , log your food!!!

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI!Petals and paws,prayers for you and hubby.I know it is a difficult time for you.
    We`re here for love and support.
    Hope everyone is doing ok.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    DeeDee - I found info on this fake popup warning. MFP is suggesting using another browser. The problem is only happening with IE. I switched to Firefox and have had no problems since.

  • owndbycatz
    owndbycatz Posts: 90 Member
    petelsandpaws, I'm so sorry. I can't find any other words.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: We recorded the opening ceremonies of the Olympic Games and are watching them today…..loved James Bond and the Queen…….my favorite part is always the parade of nations.

    :flowerforyou: Sundance, I’ve lived in cool climates most of my life and am accustomed to wearing jackets and long sleeves in the summer. I have no idea how to cope with hot weather. We spent a summer in Redding, California and I spent most of the time in the house or in air conditioned cars or stores. What little walking I did was very early in the morning.

    :flowerforyou: Jb, what fun to have dogs that like to play in the water…..my dogs like the rain but don’t like to swim.

    :flowerforyou: Polly, the way I handle parties and potlucks is to eat my regular meal before I go and then eat nothing at the party and concentrate on conversations with people rather than being entertained by the food.

    :flowerforyou: Diane, welcome…..many of us have food allergies or other food problems and have found ways to create a food plan that results in weight loss…..tell us more about what you can and can’t eat and I’m sure there will be many great suggestions…..I never liked to drink water but I have been so motivated to lose weight and be healthy that I drink it like my life depended on it……I found out by accident that I like it better at room temperature……I don’t allow myself on the computer without drinking a glass of water first.

    :flowerforyou: DeeDee, My new cell phone is one of the least expensive they had…..I use it as much for listening to music as I do for making phone calls. I had to make an extra trip down to the phone store to get some help on downloading ringtones but now I have special ringtones for special people, lots of music to listen to with my Bluetooth. It doesn’t have a touch screen or a keyboard (the last phone did) and I like it better this way. I tried using the camera but that’s not all that important to me. Jake got a different phone and he keeps asking me questions or telling me how to do things and I have to remind him that our phones are different so we probably can’t help each other. Before I got my first cell phone I said I had no use for one. Now I love all the gadgets and things you can do with a phone and I don’t even have one of the fancy smartphones.

    :flowerforyou: I walked the dogs before 8 AM and had time before lunch to work in the yard. After lunch a friend came over and we walked for about an hour and half. Now I’m ready to sit and watch TV…..actually I got up and danced with a lot of the catchy music in the Olympic Opening Ceremony.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Wow...you go away for a week and what a lot you miss..

    petalsandpaws - I willkeep you and your hubby in my prayers:heart:

    I had a nice trip with my sister and brother to st John (usvi) lots of laughs and a few challenges (the driveway to the house) the access road to our house was unpaved and it had about a 35degree grade (uphill) we did not make it up it the first night...so walked with luggage and groceries...fortunately packed light and did not buy toooo many groceries...but think of the calories burn! LOL!

    We lost wireless on day two...had a wicked lightning strike right outside the front door so I was not logging...fortunately my sister is a very healthy eater so I did pretty well (I think) my brother on the other hand eats pudding and poptarts for breakfast!? He eats like an 8 yearold but he has the hyper - activity of a second grader to go with it..it seems to balance out for him. The only healthy meal he eats is dinner but he is the one who had high bp for about 3 months and then it went back to normal?? We love him anyway! :noway:

    We have heard briefly from ds. He spent a few days at camp leatheneck but is now out at "post "....not sure exactly what that means but am staying positive in my thoughts (most days) and try to message him on facebook every couple of days. Hard to know what to say or ask but I am getting better at it. DD has been able to chat with him on facebook a couple of times but since there is much he can't say it makes for awkward communication... but we are so thankful for the technology to at least touch base...it is never easy to send your soldier to battle, but how difficult it must have been with little or no communication.

    Have a good night ladies..hugs and high fives, we are on a wonderful (but challenging) journey!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    kathleen - when we first moved to NC, one of our cats was diabetic who needed two shots/day. We found a company that comes into the house, stays with the cats, and will give the medication. We just had to measure it out and put the syringes in the refrigerator. That cat has since passed away, but now Loki requires medication twice/day so we know that they'll do it. We just couldn't ask anyone to give a needle, I know when he was first diagnosed as diabetic I had a problem giving him the insulin. Afterwards, it was no big deal at all. One thing I can't bring myself to do is to purposely make them bleed so I can test their blood. One of my daughter's cats is diabetic, I have no problem giving him his insulin but I just can't bring myself to test his blood. There's a sign at the humane society that says "cats are like potato chips....you can't have just one" Check with your vet, maybe there's a pet service around you like we have. It's called "Pampered Pets" What's the worst the vet can say? "No, there isn't one around here" If he does, you're no worse off than you are right now.

    We met two ladies that Vince used to work with. One's hubby was playing softball so while he was playing we had lunch. It was very nice. I had turkey on rye, no cheese or mayo, just lettuce, tomato, spinach, sprouts, sweet pickle (there wasn't as much as I thought). Just had water to drink. Had a SMALL bit of Vince's key lime pie and the other lady's Cheerwine cake along with a taste of Jessica's barbecue (I didn't think it was that great)

    My Birkenstocks came today. They feel as if the part that I think should be an arch support is higher up. It's sort of under the ball of my foot. Yet, the length of the Birk seems correct. Is this the way they should be?

    Did an hour of deep water yesterday, then because we had to leave at 10 today did 40 min of yoga at home, tomorrow I'll do some training games on the Wii

    Last night we were without cable for 2-1/2 hours, missed the beginning of the opening ceremonies. But did see the queen make her "grand" entrance. That was something. She didn't smile much at all.

    Bought corn at the farmer's market today. Didn't realize how much Jessica likes corn. Now I wish I'd bought more. Well, next week the guy with the corn I like will be there.

    Laura - Jessica doesn't just now that when she comes I'll have food for her, she has no problem inviting people over.

    Welcome everyone new! You'll love it here

    Rose - that's so wonderful about Matthew. Kids bounce back quite fast, but he's amazing!

    DeeDee - as far as freezing my cherries, first I pitted them (used a thing where you put 4 cherries in it, then it pops the pits out. Then I put the cherries on a baking sheet and froze them. After they were frozen, I put them into a container. I wasn't sure if there'd be a problem if I didn't freeze them individually and then put them in a container. That's how I do my strawberrries, peaches, just about everything

    Lin - the last couple of times I've logged onto MFP a window popped up telling me I had a virus, so I asked Vince about it. He said there's nothing. Don't know why this is happening.

    Jane - prayers for your daughter

    petalsandpaws - My heart breaks for you. I had a friend who had brain cancer, they gave her 6 months. She lived for 3 or 4 years, so there's hope. One thing I have to say, she enjoyed life as much as possible. The traveling she and her hubby did!

    Say, will people please take a look at my diary? I feel that I eat pretty healthily, but I can't seem to get below 130 lbs without feeling and looking crappy. Does anyone have any suggestion? Take a look, maybe there's something that I'm not doing, and I don't even realize it!

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • thisgirls48
    I had no idea there was a group like this out there, I would have been here a year ago. I have lost most of my extra weight but now I am finding it start to creep back on and I have worked to hard to get it off the first time. Went through a thyroid cancer scare in the spring and all I wanted to do was eat and hold my current weight but my nerves got the better of me and I was dropping a pound a day. Turns out the meds I was taking made my thyroid act up. Thank God.
    Now I am just eating because of stress, we had a power surge on July 7th and lost everything that was plugged in. The insurance company is telling me that they don't cover electical things like refrig, stove, tv's that kind of thing. Great everything I worked for is gone. My appliances weren't even two years old. Have a claim on the city elec. now but not sure what they will do. I babysit my two grandkids most of the time so even getting out for a walk has become a challenge, Damm I do sound like a mess don't I. Looking forward to meeting new friends
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    Had a great day shooting sporting clays.The kids coach likes to mix the events you, so the kids get lots of practice. It was so hot, that I had my beach umbrella in the car, and we carried it with us for shade! Today was a nice family day, outside in the sunshine!

    Ladies the coach that I worked with before said that if you eat too little of calories, your body senses that it is starving and therefore will hold on to calories, as your body doesn't know when it will get nourished again, so it is going to save its "fuel"/weight.

    Now if you up your calories, and eat a small amount every 3 hours, your body is burning calories all this time. It's Like putting logs on the fire, you have to add more logs/fuel to keep the fire burning, therefore your metabolism is always burning. and you will have better weight loss. I hope that makes sense.

    Anyway ,welcome to all the new ladies, you just need to come back and read the notes every day! This is the best support you will ever find!

    I am so tired so I am going to sleep early tonight, yes before midnight!!

    Have a great Sunday, Hugs to all, :heart: :heart:
    Linda( SundanceB)
  • Burns_fat
    Burns_fat Posts: 3
    Hello everyone!

    I'm new to this site and would love to have some friends to help cheer me along. I'm 58 years old and would like to help encourage others as well. So please feel free to add me, thanks!
