What is your goal for August?



  • litatura
    litatura Posts: 569 Member
    Run 3X/week, bike 3X/week, and hopefully lose 3 - 4lbs this month.

    I've given myself until August 12th (I have my first 5km race on September 23rd, so I figure I need a good 6 weeks to transition from the treadmill).
  • Grimlock69
    Grimlock69 Posts: 197
    My goal for August is to take over the world.
  • baturtle
    baturtle Posts: 10 Member
    My goals for August are to keep committed to logging food, walk for at least an hour a day, and hopefully lose 5 pounds (or more!).

    I'm also looking for friends on MFP to help each other stay committed to goals, so add me if you would like --
  • PYlime
    PYlime Posts: 2
    Lose at least five pounds, but I also have a goal to work out three days a week, so hopefully I lose more.
  • NitroS1988
    NitroS1988 Posts: 58 Member
    got alot of goals in mind as going away in september. Want to get down to 100kg from 105kg. Train at least 5 times a week and improve my running and rowing times aswell :) good luck to everyone else with their challenges!
  • TravisBurns
    TravisBurns Posts: 353 Member
    I'd like to be under the 300lb mark by the end of the month. Started June at 354 and this week I've fluctuated from 310-322.
    Final weigh in for the month is 319lbs. Getting under 300 would be a big milestone. That would put me at over 50lbs lost.
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    My August goal is to "tune-up" my Tai Chi.
    I've been doing it for years, and I'm certified to teach. I'm meeting with another student this month, who trained with the same master as I did. We will review our routine and reinforce good form.
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    Lose 5 pounds, I lost 5 in July so here's to hoping for more of the same. Also to keep saving up money for a car to I may be able to buy one in Late September/Early October maybe. :D
  • mefit87
    mefit87 Posts: 57 Member
    Currently at 186lbs, i'm hoping to be under 180 and smoothly enter into the 170's by the end of August.
  • karencogs
    karencogs Posts: 50 Member
    Work out at the gym 3 days a week, walk 2days..and dance anytime I want..Yay!!
  • 5 more lbs would be wonderful!
  • peachyxoxoxo
    peachyxoxoxo Posts: 1,178 Member
    Finish Insanity and match the 6 lbs I lost in July.
  • 1. drink more water 2. lose at least 4 lbs 3. Dust off the treadmill and get 'er set up for this coming fall and winter!
  • Sinisi2012
    Sinisi2012 Posts: 333 Member
    I need to lose 9lbs to be at my lowest weight in 15 yrs, so that is one of my goals. The other is to keep working out at least 5 days a week and try at least 1 new healthy food per week.
  • Shannellyn
    Shannellyn Posts: 2 Member
    My goal is to get started and be consistent. I have to stay present and have patience. I didn't gain the weight overnight and I most certainly will not lose it overnight.

  • Finish C25K and get into the 170s (currently around 184ish)
  • My Goal is to be under 300lbs I am currently at 309. It feels crazy to be that close to 300 when not to long ago I was 10lb away from 400.
  • lynn14
    lynn14 Posts: 116
    Hoping to lose 4lbs I gained on vacation and then down about 5 more before August is gone! Game on!!!
  • My goal for August is 10 pounds lost. I can do it! I just need the right attitude and motivation :)
  • oh_em_gee
    oh_em_gee Posts: 887 Member
    I want to
    -lose 3 pounds
    -exercise 4 days a week
    -not binge
    -eat a fruit or veggie every day