overweight and relationships



  • navybrat84
    navybrat84 Posts: 54
    EDIT: After having time to read some more of your posts, I remove my comment. The situation is much worse than you originally let on. You need to get some help and maybe get a divorce. There are more problems than some misplaced comments, and you know it. I watched my mom go through it.

    Im sorry, it all just came out at once. I do think we need help, and i do want for my marriage to work. I just think he is unhappy right now, sad maybe, even depressed. He was very sad over the m/c. I know most of you say go, but Im not quit ready to just give up. I will do lots of reading. And i will go to my school and see whats available. I feel its my 'duty' to try everything possible. Maybe he needs to vent, yell, cry, or go to the gym and ponch a bag. idk, I know I love him, I know he says things that hurt my feelings, I know he can be kind, I know he is a hard worker, I know he f**ks up, ............heres my thought about the phone and history, I think it really embarassed him at first. Now I think he doesnt want me to know what he looks at to get off. Which is fine with me. I dont want to know. I dont care for porn personally but i know lots of other ppl do. To each their own I guess. (I feel like yall think Im an idiot. I just want to evaluate every aspect of the situation before I make a choice)

    Like I said before, I will have to do some soul searching, and I have to stop making excuses. I get it, I really do.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    why are you still married to someone like that? ugh that's abuse.

    but... you stick around for it.
  • starmichie
    starmichie Posts: 14 Member
    EDIT: After having time to read some more of your posts, I remove my comment. The situation is much worse than you originally let on. You need to get some help and maybe get a divorce. There are more problems than some misplaced comments, and you know it. I watched my mom go through it.

    Im sorry, it all just came out at once. I do think we need help, and i do want for my marriage to work. I just think he is unhappy right now, sad maybe, even depressed. He was very sad over the m/c. I know most of you say go, but Im not quit ready to just give up. I will do lots of reading. And i will go to my school and see whats available. I feel its my 'duty' to try everything possible. Maybe he needs to vent, yell, cry, or go to the gym and ponch a bag. idk, I know I love him, I know he says things that hurt my feelings, I know he can be kind, I know he is a hard worker, I know he f**ks up, ............heres my thought about the phone and history, I think it really embarassed him at first. Now I think he doesnt want me to know what he looks at to get off. Which is fine with me. I dont want to know. I dont care for porn personally but i know lots of other ppl do. To each their own I guess. (I feel like yall think Im an idiot. I just want to evaluate every aspect of the situation before I make a choice)

    Like I said before, I will have to do some soul searching, and I have to stop making excuses. I get it, I really do.

    Please, just don't be naieve about it...it takes 2 people to mend a relationship...and you 12 lb weight gain is defiantly NOT the problem...it runs much much deeper :/
  • navybrat84
    navybrat84 Posts: 54
    This hasnt been going on for our entire relationship. Just the last 4 months, if that. We have been through a lot, Im not excusing his actions, Im just saying I think our marriage is worth trying to save. I talked to my mother and her brother in law is a marriage counseler. An expensive one, but, she is going to invite him over for dinner along with me and husband. So we will see how it goes. Mom and step dad wont stick around for all of it, she will know when to leave. But it wont be in an office, so I hope darrell will open up so we can work on this stuff. Or, If he is unhappy and wants to end it. I just want him to say something.
    Call me crazy if you want, but Im going to try and figure out what exactly is going on. I plan to bring up as much as I can. I just want to lay it all out there.
  • navybrat84
    navybrat84 Posts: 54
    I know its deeper then the 12lb weight gain. I hope at this after dinner 'meeting' he will just let it all out. Whatever it may be. Im preparing myself for anything at this point.
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    I know its deeper then the 12lb weight gain. I hope at this after dinner 'meeting' he will just let it all out. Whatever it may be. Im preparing myself for anything at this point.
    Best of luck. In no way should a spouse ever be treated in that way.
  • RuthSweetTooth
    RuthSweetTooth Posts: 461 Member
    Eating once a day is the worst thing you can do if you are prediabetic.

    Married men live longer, married women live shorter lives. This is because we teach them to be healthier. And they suck our life force, LOL. Just kidding.

    Tell him to stuff it !!!!!

    You might want to meet with a nutritionist right now and she will set you up. Bring hubster with you too.

  • RuthSweetTooth
    RuthSweetTooth Posts: 461 Member
    There's nothing wrong with getting divorced again. Better than having a baby right now with a man who doesn't worship you and whom you probably love less every day as well. Do not have a baby with him. Your finances are not up to it anyway. Love and marriage is not supposed to be like this. Move back in with your folks!!!
  • LizHowerton
    LizHowerton Posts: 329 Member

    I noticed the change in him about 4 months ago. He was acting strange, always gone. Hiding the cell phone, deleting history on comp. Finally he said he was erasing the porn from phone and comp. I cant stop him from watching, at first it really hurt. But I guess I block it out now. He used to comment on my hair and makeup, or certain outfits. But not anymore.Now if Im on comp for too loong he says. Are you going to wash dishes, I dont want you to hurt your bakc or anything. Just stupid comments like that.

    Is he having an affair? That would be my thoughts with not having sex with you, hiding his phone etc.
  • navybrat84
    navybrat84 Posts: 54
    thanks ruth, Im going to ask my OB for a referal tomorrow.
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member

    Thank you, I know you guys are right, I am just not ready to admit it. If that makes any sense at all. I hate drama, I cant stand it. I know that is exactly what he is going to be. Oh god, what have I gotten myself into. What a freakin mess!

    You aren't ready to admit it just yet becuase you have lost yourself in all of this mess. Like I said earlier (and we are talking about on the side) once you can regain your sense of self you will see what is right and have the courage to do it.

    I let my ex abuse me for 9 freaking years... I look back now and although I don't regret my kids for a minute, look at all that precious time I wasted. I am not perfect myself, and I have went on to date and had my faults, but I am reading alot of books, reflecting alot on myself, and working on me. It is definately helping. I will email you!!!

    and ps - you haven't gotten yourself into any mess. YOU CAN'T MAKE HIM BE A GOOD PERSON, but you can choose NOT to let him treat you the way he does.
  • navybrat84
    navybrat84 Posts: 54
    Liz- no I dont think he is having an affair. I think he us just unhappy right now. With me, with everything. I sure hope we can get to the botom of it. Sooner than latter.
  • navybrat84
    navybrat84 Posts: 54
    I hope this optimism doesnt come back to bit me in th a**
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    EDIT: After having time to read some more of your posts, I remove my comment. The situation is much worse than you originally let on. You need to get some help and maybe get a divorce. There are more problems than some misplaced comments, and you know it. I watched my mom go through it.

    Im sorry, it all just came out at once. I do think we need help, and i do want for my marriage to work. I just think he is unhappy right now, sad maybe, even depressed. He was very sad over the m/c. I know most of you say go, but Im not quit ready to just give up. I will do lots of reading. And i will go to my school and see whats available. I feel its my 'duty' to try everything possible. Maybe he needs to vent, yell, cry, or go to the gym and ponch a bag. idk, I know I love him, I know he says things that hurt my feelings, I know he can be kind, I know he is a hard worker, I know he f**ks up, ............heres my thought about the phone and history, I think it really embarassed him at first. Now I think he doesnt want me to know what he looks at to get off. Which is fine with me. I dont want to know. I dont care for porn personally but i know lots of other ppl do. To each their own I guess. (I feel like yall think Im an idiot. I just want to evaluate every aspect of the situation before I make a choice)

    Like I said before, I will have to do some soul searching, and I have to stop making excuses. I get it, I really do.

    No, we don't think you are an idiot. And leaving him doesn't have to be permanent. My husband and separated for a year during our marriage. Things weren't working-- I was the borderline abusive one. I had to go to therapy. I had to get help to fix it. I had to learn to live by myself. I ended up finding out that I had anxiety and panic disorder, and I got medication and learned coping skills. We didn't divorce. We are happier than ever. It's the best thing that I could have done for myself and my relationship.

    When I said divorce, I guess I meant separation. It could be a really good thing for you both in the long run.
  • tumblyweed
    tumblyweed Posts: 416 Member
    I think he might be scared. You just lost a baby. Now he's turning to porn in which he gets his so-called needs met, but there is no intimacy in that. I say counseling. Sometimes people withdraw when they're hurt and not able to deal with it or they just act like an @ss or both.

    I am so sorry for what you are going through. ((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))

  • salgalruns
    salgalruns Posts: 83 Member
    This hasnt been going on for our entire relationship. Just the last 4 months, if that. We have been through a lot, Im not excusing his actions, Im just saying I think our marriage is worth trying to save. I talked to my mother and her brother in law is a marriage counseler. An expensive one, but, she is going to invite him over for dinner along with me and husband. So we will see how it goes. Mom and step dad wont stick around for all of it, she will know when to leave. But it wont be in an office, so I hope darrell will open up so we can work on this stuff. Or, If he is unhappy and wants to end it. I just want him to say something.
    Call me crazy if you want, but Im going to try and figure out what exactly is going on. I plan to bring up as much as I can. I just want to lay it all out there.

    You might also ask your mom's brother in law about low cost or free counseling. Sometimes you'll hit on someone who needs to put in community service types of hours to clear their program. There's lots available. Sounds like this possible depression/anger coming from your husband was definitely triggered by something else and he's taking it out on you, which is unfortunate.

    If he's not interested, I would definitely consider it for you - you've eluded to feelings of not wanting to get married and not being happy yourself. Generally, those feelings aren't the result of a few comments over a brief time. I also don't want to see you hang onto a relationship just because you don't want to fail at it. It takes a lot of guts to leave. A LOT. It's never convenient, and is often so scary that many people stick with it out of fear...not really what a marriage should be based on.

    I don't know him at all, but would he be interested in "helping" you by planning meals with you or cooking with you? Even inviting him to support you by going on walks? He sounds like a jerk based on his comments, but he could just be covering up his own issues and lashing out may be his only way to demonstrate anger without being physical.
  • ABQsheila
    ABQsheila Posts: 46 Member
    Your husband's behavior is verbally abuse.....plain and simple. There is more going on than your weight gain and his liking porn. Deleting phone history is a lame excuse for hiding things. Hopefully the two of you can go to marriage counseling. If not, then you go and sort this out with a therapist. The college may have counseling offered at no cost or on a sliding scale.

    You have done nothing to deserve this abusive treatment and, if you do nothing, it will escalate. Take care of yourself and have a happy future.
  • navybrat84
    navybrat84 Posts: 54
    I did try to talk to him. he was in the tub soaking, so he couldnt walk away, hehe. I asked him why he thinks its ok to put me down and stuff like that. He looked up at me, he didnt say anything, he just cried, I was confused and shocked. He said the lose of our son has really made him feel angry everyday. And he said, that he is angry at me for not being able to carry the baby to term. And that he feels bad for even feeling that way. I was really hurt, but I understood, I felt the same way towards myself. Then I started to cry, uggh. He said he will try hard to work on his attitude. I told him(not asked) not to make any comments about my weight. He just shook his head. He got out of the tub and kissed my forehead. That was it. I didnt ask about the porn. That was a 5-6min conversation. I am glad he finally said something. Im not going to push for any more answers tonight. We have that dinner if a few days, maybe that will reveal more.

    I wanted to say, look bud its more than your attitude. Its your lack of respect and self control. Your demenor, and rudeness. But I didnt want to start a screaming match. I know this doesnt fix things, but it could be a start. I am taking everyones advice into consideration. And Thank you all again for all of the replys.
  • SassyJane21
    SassyJane21 Posts: 4 Member
    I know how you feel. Anyone who has been married has had ups and downs in their relationship and when you struggle with weight it brings you down even more.

    A bit of advice..I first off want to say I'm not excusing his behaviour what so ever..BUT it could be that you are taking things out of context. I say this because I have been in this position myself and found when I started losing the weight and focusing on myself the cloud wasn't hanging over my head anymore. My bf at the time started seeing that I was happier and knew if his attitude continued, I had the confidence to leave. Unfortunately in this case I was over it by then and left. But I have found myself feeling down again after a lot of baby weight and seeing the same pattern with my husband. I'm feeling depressed and low about myself therefore I'm not very pleasant to be around. Sometimes we get frustrated when someone we love is feeling low and we can't help. Perhaps he is just saying these things because he doesn't know how to act plus if he hasn't been working he may be trying to put his own feelings of inadequacy out on you (which isn't right).

    I think if you stop focusing on the negative all together and strictly focus on yourself, getting more active, eating healthy FOR YOU..you will feel happier overall and your life will fall into place with or without him..but you'll be happy.

    But if he is just an *kitten* in any circumstance then..better to be single.
  • ladytinkerbell99
    ladytinkerbell99 Posts: 970 Member
    You will be in my thoughts. :flowerforyou: