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To the losers who yelled "fat a**" when running



  • alinakaras
    alinakaras Posts: 51 Member
    This is awesome, well done for completing your run despite their comment(s) and proving them (even if only here and not in person) that they are nothing to worry about!
  • Probably the same guys that yell "nice *kitten* b*tch" at me (not trying to sound like mine is better, trust me I'm wearing my brothers old basketball shorts they're just being obnoxious)

    One of the disadvantages of running outside. but there's so many advantages, don't let a-holes ruin it for you! When I run at the park there's a lot less of that btw if you have one near you that you could go to.

    Congratulations :) That's way more than most people could run including them I'm sure!
  • Rothwilder
    Rothwilder Posts: 32 Member
    This post is my motivation of the day. Awesome stuff and keep at it.
  • newCourtney
    newCourtney Posts: 168 Member
    Way to go for all your running and for being able to not let stupid people bother you. You can't fix stupid, as the comedian says.
  • cerdmann
    cerdmann Posts: 60
    Remember who the "losers" are in this situation ... you're a winner just by being out there working out! Keep up the great work and THANK YOU for your contribution to such important health issues through the marathons you run.
  • zaithyr
    zaithyr Posts: 482 Member
    I love those responses! Honestly I've just started running (more like trotting in intervals lol) and I'm always afraid something like that is going to happen to me (I have over 100 lbs to lose).
  • Some people are such *kitten*!
  • kkamin3
    kkamin3 Posts: 17
    Everyone comes in different shapes and sizes. We all work at different levels to be better. My instructors at my gym inspire me, because these are real bodies are working hard.These type of people who honk, heckle, or come to gym only to criticize, "Seriously?!" Thanks for keeping strong and reminding us to be strong in our healthy goals despite the hecklers.
  • Elen_Sia
    Elen_Sia Posts: 638 Member
    Love this post as well as your determination and passion, OP. :smile:
  • shell1205
    shell1205 Posts: 138
    Funny you should mention this, because I wsa at the track yesterday doing C25K, and 3 or 4 cars drove by with younger guys and they didn't say anything, but drove real slow as they drove by and stared. That was immediately what I thought they were thinking. There was a much younger guy leaving when I was stretching at the beginning, and he was very cordial - nodded in my direction and gave me a thumbs up.

    I think a**holes like that ahve way too mnay insecurities to list, so instead of working on themselves, spend the time trying to "beat others up." It's hard not to let it get to you - Kudos to you for seeing past it, and for running that far!! I hope I can catch up tp you someday!! :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • Patovader
    Patovader Posts: 439 Member
    Well done and continue the good work, when I see someone out running (no matter what size or shape they are) I tip my hat to them, because they are awesome!
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    Just remember Karma is a bi Tch. Some day this will be the guy wheezing for air trying to make it up those last few stairs. He'll be the one choking for air on that last chicken wing.

    As for you Sir! I commend you for your attitude. You get it! You have awesome motivation and great goals.

    Keep working hard... as that guy who used to be you, I know exactly how you feel. At my peak, I weighed over 325 pounds and was singled out, ostracized, laughed at and criticized. 100 pounds later...I now kick sand of the faces of bullies who yell "Fat @$$" out their car windows.

    You've got this! Keep up the hard work!
  • gorbygirl
    gorbygirl Posts: 27 Member
    Something to think about:

    Our bodies are always changing. Yours is moving in the right direction. Way to go! Keep it up :bigsmile:

    That person's personality will be hanging around with them for the rest of their life.
  • petergarcia82
    petergarcia82 Posts: 122 Member
    Some people suck. And I will never understand why people make fun of others who are *working out* and obviously trying to improve their health. You are taking it much better than I did. Nine years ago, two months after I gave birth to my twins, I started running again. I had gained 85lbs with that pregnancy. I stopped to buy gas on my way home from the trail, and a group of guys approached me. One asked, "Have you been working out?" I said yes. They all started laughing and said, " Good, cause you need to."

    I rushed back to my car and cried the entire way home, but I was young then. If someone said that to me today, I'm confident I would at least have the presence of mind to kick them in the nuts.

    Congrats on running and getting fit! You are absolutely right to ignore them.

    I think if I was 10 years or more younger it would of hit me that way as well. I was more annoyed that my music was having issues so I stopped about 5 minutes later to grab my phone to restart my music app.
  • First and foremost, congrats on all of your progress thus far!! I find it amazing that you are that dedicated to running, and I am touched that you are going to be running in races for charity... so great!!! Although it's hard not to listen to others, it's easy not to believe them ~ you've already got proof that you're doing an amazing job!!

    Dr. Seuss was correct: "Those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." :~)

    Keep up the great work!!
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    So I was doing my 5k run last night. I run around my neighborhood for 3.5 to 4 miles (3.10 miles and then a cool down). I am running and some car comes driving by and some guys sticks his head out the window and yells something about me being a "fat a**". Okay so a few points

    1. I already know I am fat but thanks for showing me you can see.
    2. I am sorry your life sucks so much you have to try to make other people feel bad while they are working out.
    3. You looked a bit chubby yourself, maybe you should come join me.
    4. Let's see you get out and run 3.5 to 4 miles 3 to 4 days a week.
    5. Okay so maybe you are running that many miles or more now let's see you do it with 120+ pounds of extra weight. I doubt you would even think about getting out there.
    6. I am not doing this to get your Approval and I am doing this for me, My son and Wife. Who the hell cares what you think.
    7. Go sit at home and do nothing since you seem to have nor form of entertainment. I am training for my next 5k's which will help women with Breast Cancer, Children hospitals, Diabates and many other diffrent places that will be raising money.
    8. When I am done with my run I will go hang out with my loving faimly as that is my entertainment.
    9. Go get a life and let me run in peace while I listen to my music, which was buffering at the time so I had to listen to your stupid comment.
    The point is, I know I am fat but I won't be for much longer and I will go enjoy my life while it seems you will need to search for something else to do because in 6 - 10 month's I won't be the "fat *kitten*" running because I won't be fat then.


    You are a TRUE HERO. that is all.
  • LifeOnMars_
    LifeOnMars_ Posts: 720 Member
    Screw them, you're out there working your butt off! Everytime I see someone out running/walking I think WTG. Keep it up!

  • ScottyNoHotty
    ScottyNoHotty Posts: 1,957 Member
    I have no problem with saluting them witha middle finger and yelling back.....of course I'll throw down with most people too...
  • I had something similar happen to me last summer. I was laying outside in my bikini (before I realized how much weight I had gained) and a car full of college guys drove by. One of them decided to yell "EWW, PUT SOME CLOTHES ON!!!" ....how sweet. Made me feel awful - I don't know why people have to be so rude like that. I'm sorry that happened to you, but don't let it bother you too much! Keep up the great work! :)
  • TinaDay1114
    TinaDay1114 Posts: 1,328 Member
    Ummmm, let me just point out that you were RUNNING. Helloooooooo?!? And what were THEY doing, besides being idiots...?

    It takes (excuse me for this term) balls to do what you're doing, and to work hard for something better for yourself. They obviously don't have any.