Am I REALLY the only 5'2 one here??



  • indescribablesin
    4'10"... ahaaaaa
  • roxie0920
    Do you weight train? maybe it's not the pounds that you want to lose, but excess fat that you'd rather turn into muscle? I recommend lifting weights if you don't already.

    I like the way you're thinking, but let's all keep in mind it is not possible to turn fat into muscle. Two different actions are require to get the deisred effect we're all looking for: Cardio to melt the fat, and weight training to build the muscle!
  • Show_Stopper
    Show_Stopper Posts: 656 Member
    I'm 5'2" and still have 30-40lbs to lose so feel free to add me if you want
  • roxie0920

    The worst part about being short is that the weight comes off very slowly! Don't be discouraged if you only lose a pound every month or two. That's normal and healthy for women our size.

    Great advice! It does take longer. I think it's because we don't need as many calories daily, so it's almost impossible to lose weight by dieting. It's all up to our workouts.
  • msholmes88
    msholmes88 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 5'3" and about 144. I try to eat a clean diet, with lots of veggies and fruits and as little processed/packaged foods as possible. Feel free to add me! Shorties unite. :)
  • Mama_Mila
    Mama_Mila Posts: 511 Member

    The worst part about being short is that the weight comes off very slowly! Don't be discouraged if you only lose a pound every month or two. That's normal and healthy for women our size.

    Great advice! It does take longer. I think it's because we don't need as many calories daily, so it's almost impossible to lose weight by dieting. It's all up to our workouts.

    AHH this is terrifying!
  • blair_bear
    blair_bear Posts: 165
    I'm 5'0"... I also could care less if people think my goal is "unhealthy". I have a small frame ontop of being short and 105 IS a good weight for me. I have asked numerous real-life experts, not internet experts, or friends who are feeling a little green, so I'm going to go with the expert opinion.
  • ggcat
    ggcat Posts: 313 Member
    I'm 5'4" and started at 127, now at 114. I wanna lose 5-9 more pounds. People think I am crazy, and when I tell them I just want to be healthy, they look at me like I am some fitness nut! And maybe I am, but I never use to be! I enjoy watching what I eat and exercising, makes life less boring (and I look better doing it!) :tongue:
    I am 32 years old and my ideal weight should be around 111. I want to get down to 105 to learn the discipline it takes, and then bring it back up to 110-111 and maintain!

    Power to the short people!

    I don't have many photos :ohwell: problem area is my belly...I have a bump I can't get rid of! The more weight I lose, the smaller I get, but I feel my "shape" stays the same! I started the 30 DS today to try and lose some of those belly inches! I am going to friend you, then we can compare pics some day! :tongue:

    You're my dream height!!!! :heart: lol but if you're 114 now and 2 inches taller than me, I'm def gonna need to stalk your pictures and see how great 114 looks on you! Then that can help me judge how great 112 will look on me! haha
  • ggcat
    ggcat Posts: 313 Member

    The worst part about being short is that the weight comes off very slowly! Don't be discouraged if you only lose a pound every month or two. That's normal and healthy for women our size.

    Great advice! It does take longer. I think it's because we don't need as many calories daily, so it's almost impossible to lose weight by dieting. It's all up to our workouts.

    So true!!!!!!
  • Gidzmo
    Gidzmo Posts: 905 Member
    I am 5'2 (obviously) and it seems like I'm the absolute shortest person on this entire site :( I weigh about 120 and want to lose around 8 pounds and get toned but when people hear that I want to lose weight, they think I'm crazy and tell me I shouldn't be counting calories, blah, blah, blah and I personally don't think I'm fat by any means, but it wouldn't hurt me to lose a few pounds! I have extra jiggle in the middle and some massive thighs (for my height) that I'd like to slim down a bit. I thought, "Hey! Wouldn't it be swell if I had some friends on here around my height to compare with and get some tips from?" I just feel that for my height, I could still lose some weight and still be very healthy! I would be perfectly content with my weight right now if I could grow a couple inches but that's not really an option so....are there any other super short girls out there that would be willing to tell me about their weight and their goals??


    Hello! I'm 5-foot-three. Lost only three pounds (at the time of posting). I'm in the same boat as you.
  • BrieLP
    BrieLP Posts: 300 Member
    I am 5'2 (obviously) and it seems like I'm the absolute shortest person on this entire site :( I weigh about 120 and want to lose around 8 pounds and get toned but when people hear that I want to lose weight, they think I'm crazy and tell me I shouldn't be counting calories, blah, blah, blah and I personally don't think I'm fat by any means, but it wouldn't hurt me to lose a few pounds! I have extra jiggle in the middle and some massive thighs (for my height) that I'd like to slim down a bit. I thought, "Hey! Wouldn't it be swell if I had some friends on here around my height to compare with and get some tips from?" I just feel that for my height, I could still lose some weight and still be very healthy! I would be perfectly content with my weight right now if I could grow a couple inches but that's not really an option so....are there any other super short girls out there that would be willing to tell me about their weight and their goals??


    I'm about 5'1 flat footed and overweight... my weight loss goal is to be at 130- I like to be curvey :) feel free to add me!
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    I'm 4' 10" which in some ways totally sucks. For instance, my maintenance calories are 1460 a day, which is far less than a lot of people eat to lose 2lb a week. Plus, if I eat 1200 a day and don't do any major exercise, I can expect to lose around well under half a pound a week.

    The thing to keep hold of in all this doom and gloom is that unless you're going to put it all straight back on after your "diet" this is going to mean some long term changes, so there's no rush to lose the weight. You want to be "slim" in two months time for that wedding / holiday? Well suck it up princess, you should have started last year! :bigsmile:

    The totally positive thing about being so short is that losing even as little as 5lb makes a massive difference to your health and appearance. I've seen obese people on here saying "I've lost 15lb and can't see the difference" and honestly, there isn't much. But someone short will NEVER lose 15lb without everyone they know being totally awe struck at the difference it's made. :smile:
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    YAY! So there are actualy some shorties out there! Some shorter than me even :D Well it seems that my goal isn't too idealistic but no one seemed to want to be under 115

    I am well under 115. Once, while on medication, my weight went up to 112 because it did something to my metabolism and I went off it. I would be more than chunky at 115.
  • wrensong27
    wrensong27 Posts: 33 Member
    Im 5' 2". My 12 yr old son is almost as tall as I am lol
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I'm 5'0"... I also could care less if people think my goal is "unhealthy". I have a small frame ontop of being short and 105 IS a good weight for me.

    Yeah. I know and see lots of short women who are tiny. They look like they weigh 105 or much less. That's their natural weight.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member

    The worst part about being short is that the weight comes off very slowly! Don't be discouraged if you only lose a pound every month or two. That's normal and healthy for women our size.

    Great advice! It does take longer. I think it's because we don't need as many calories daily, so it's almost impossible to lose weight by dieting. It's all up to our workouts.

    AHH this is terrifying!

    Actually, an article in the New York Times today says that calorie reduction is most important for weight loss. Most people cannot lose weight just through exercise.
  • Hammie18
    Hammie18 Posts: 45 Member
    I'm 5'2! I weigh 143 pounds. Earlier this year I was around 135 and I'd like to get back to that as a mini goal. I have a terrible habit of ceasing exercise once I reach my target weight. Time to get back on that horse!
  • alexis831
    alexis831 Posts: 469 Member
    I am 5'1!
  • skisgirl4e3
    skisgirl4e3 Posts: 52 Member
    5ft 2 here and trying to get down to 115...with being short all the extra weight looks double on us...
  • beckie4442
    beckie4442 Posts: 132
    Me too, everyone can add me.....:D