


  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    My morning coffee ritual (for the past 6ish months):

    2 cups brewed coffee
    3T kerrygold butter (unsalted)
    15-28g MCT oil

    Blend. Consume.

    (But before this, I just drank it black.)

    As above, except I use coconut oil instead of MCT (but only because i have not yet worked out where I can get MCT oil).

    MCT is relatively inexpensive from I currently use the Now Sports brand, 1) because it's very inexpensive, and 2) because it's in a brown glass bottle (instead of a white plastic bottle like the stuff with a fancy name that costs twice as much).

    Is MCT > CO? No idea...but I've never tried it with CO (despite using CO in so many other foods). Maybe if I ever run out of MCT, I'll try it...or maybe I'll try bacon grease instead. =P

    Thankyou for that. But I don't think that Amazon will post food products to Australia. I am going to check out some health food stores tomorrow. I will try to get something in a dark jar, I like the sound of that. By the way, I had a look at your food diary, and found it very informative.

    (Catching up on old threads where I might have missed a comment...and I missed this one.)

    Yeah, typical American-centric view of the world...I forget doesn't magically deliver anything and everything to everyones' front door.

    In case you hadn't already figured this out, MCT = medium chain triglycerides. I have to believe it won't be *that* hard to find in Australia...well, okay, I would *hope*. Good luck.

    Many people find my food diary disturbing. Glad you found it informative. :smile:
  • Hypnobarbs
    Hypnobarbs Posts: 2 Member
    Try a powdered fat free non dairy creamer. They are slightly sweet and very creamy. I personally make myself a latte everyday with 2 or 3 shots espresso and steamed 1% milk, but I am willing to use up those calories from my food allowance. I don't use sugar though.
  • PayneAS
    PayneAS Posts: 669 Member
    How do you make your coffee where its not loaded with sugar and cream? Or if you don't drink coffee what do you drink in the mornings?

    I cut down on the sugar and now use almond milk as my creamer. Of course, I usually eat healthier now so I have calories to spare so I could switch back to regular creamer (or half and half) but haven't yet.
  • sugarbone
    sugarbone Posts: 454 Member
    Just.. drink it black or with a tablespoon of milk? There's nothing wrong with putting cream in your coffee, it isn't bad for your weight loss. Sugar on the other hand, yeah, avoid it.

    Last week though I bought some torani sugar free coffee syrup for my iced coffees and it's awesome.
  • rbear713
    rbear713 Posts: 220 Member
    Still drinkin it Light AND Sweet - 4 - 5 cups a day. I just make up for it by working out 2-4 hours a day! Woohooooo!!
  • I just put skim milk in my coffee. It's a little bitter that way, but I like it. :)

    I usually have my coffee with something sweet, though. I have my morning coffee with (a sweetened) cereal, and I have my decaf coffee at night with dessert item, like a pudding cup.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Oh, Lawdy, I love my Kroger brand Creme Brulee creamer.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I've seen a lot of recommendations in this thread to add things that I personally would not consume. Different strokes for different folks and all that, but the reason I am comfortable using Kerrygold butter in my coffee is because its ingredients are...well, actually, its ingredient *is* cultured pasteurized cream. That's it. And I'm okay with drinking some cultured pasteurized cream.

    Not trying to put anyone else's choices down or trying to sit too high atop this horse, but wanted to explain some of the rationale for why I use what I use.
  • I like to have hot coffee, but (since it is summer) I've been freezing my coffee in ice trays and using them as the ice in an 8-12oz glass of light soy or almond milk. Gives me a bit more nutritional value and less sugar/fat/cream etc.

    This. Plus stevia for sweetener. Sometimes if I'm feeling crazy I'll have a Krisda vanilla or caramel flavoured stavia packet too.
  • I do this, too. I use unsweetened almond milk as my creamer and a Truvia packet for sweetener.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I have one cup in the morning, sweeten it with plain old fashion packet is 15 calories and I use half and half or a powdered creamer (adds up to approx 80 cals total). Occasionally I'll have a cup in the afternoon too. Like with's all about moderation. If you sweeten your coffee with 5 teaspoons of sugar and a 1/2 cup cream and drink numerous cups a day you're going to sabotage your 'diet'
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    I drink coffee one of two ways: Black and hot or over ice with 1/4 c of soy milk (or sometimes 2%).
  • redheadlynn
    redheadlynn Posts: 28 Member
    I use rich powdered creamer and stevia.
  • I drink coffee with just a little bit of unsweetened coconut milk and it's so delicious.