Eat Healthy; Get Fit; Lose 100+ New Group 1st Weigh in Jan.



  • Thanks for all the feedback, jlb. I have tended to get much too perfectionistic and rigid in the past about low carb, low glycemic load, etc. You seem to have a really healthy, balanced, flexible approach. I agree with you on bumping up the protein and taking the carbs down a little. I want to be sure and get more good fats, too.
  • judithwelch
    judithwelch Posts: 33 Member
    Hello - I started in October 2009 on MFP and weighed 248 lbs. I am now at 228 lbs. I speed walk twice a day during the work week for a total of 30 minutes a day, I also work out using the Wii for about another 30 minutes about 5 times a week. The weekends are the hardest for me. I don't seem to have as much time to work out. I would like to be under 200 lbs by the end of June. I have a total of 108 lbs left to lose.
  • ltlhmom---when you click on community, look down a bit and you will see home, recent posts, my topics, signature and search. click on my topics and you will see the threads you have posted in and you can find us that way

    So glad we are getting some more members.

  • Hello everyone

    I'm in too. I weigh myself this morning. I'm up 3 lbs totally 153 lbs. I like to be 140 or maybe less. I like to weigh in every Monday morning. I'll be posting my weight. It has worked for me.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I weighed in this morning at 228.8

    SW: 248
    CW: 228
    GW: 150

    Happy New Year!
  • Anumie23
    Anumie23 Posts: 33 Member
    Beca2010, I'm eating healthy. Whole foods, no processed junk, trans fats or high sugar. Trying to do things as naturally and organically as possible. Fruits, veggies and lean meats. I don't have a craving for junk food anymore which is awesome. I used to not be able to go to bed without ice cream but I haven't had ice cream in a months and I don't miss it. This past week I started a regular exercise regimen after I got the whole food thing under control. I do cardio/aerobics 4 times a week. My metabolism is kicking into high gear!

    You guys are inspirations. I could have never lost the little bit of weight that I have without this site and the great support system that comes along with it! Keep up the good work ladies and gents!

  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    Thanks Kim! If any of you are on facebook I have created a group called Fat-be-gone. It is a non-judgmental support group who all have one goal in mind- to loss weight and keep it off. Join if you would like. I need all the support I can get!
  • Heh, Chris! That's the cool thing about this site! We don't have to do it alone!
  • Heh, Chris! That's the cool thing about this site! We don't have to do it alone!
  • You all can do it! Its hard work and takes alot of determination but it will get there. In 2004 I topped out at 299 the day after my first son was born. He was 13 weeks early and went to be with Jesus. With the stress and depression I only lost down to 256 by the time I became pregnant with my 2nd baby boy in 2006. When he was 7 months old I weighed in at 270 and then decided to get my butt in gear or I would never see him grow up. Its been a LONG struggle and small plateaus but I now only have 19 pounds to go. HEALTHY WEIGHT here I come. I still want to lose 30, but I want you all to know it IS POSSIBLE.
  • Wow! 61 pounds since August! You're an inspiration! Congratulations!
  • Count me in, I'm looking at losing 90 to 100 pounds!!
  • KristaP
    KristaP Posts: 13
    I'm so in, I need to lose over 100 to get close to where I want to be.
  • sskera, thanks for sharing your story and the encouragement. These stories of success I've read today do my heart good and give me hope. I'm so sorry for the loss of your first son, but what a wonderful legacy that you have been working so hard to be a strong, healthy mom for your second son. It strikes me that there is so much in life that we cannot control, but for most people weight is not one of them-- we DO have control in that area-- and that's actually a wonderful thing.
  • Good morning. How did everyone's do yesterday? I did really well until last night. Stupid leftover oreo cookies and Christmas candy. I have got to face the fact that if it is in the house, I am just not strong enough right now to not eat it. I will do much better today. The sad thing was that I could have had 4 oreos and still been within my calorie range for the day. Grrrr.

    I plan to do better with my water today also. In fact, I am going to fill that up right now. Alright done.

    Have a great day!

  • Hi ... I would like to join your group. My signature says I have 45 lbs to go but that is just a chunk. If I look at the whole number I get overwhelmed. I am working on eating healthy and balanced (from a nutrienist) and getting some exercise in each day... weights or cardio. I recently had knee surgery so the cardio is limited to about 15 minutes a day.

    I need all the support I can get!
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    I did great yesterday! It was the first day I was under my calories! My personal goals are to do my food log and drink my water daily! I try to log my food before I put it in my mouth. By then I will turn back! Because after it is in there is no turning back. But that is OK just go and do so exercise to work it off. Have a great day everyone!
  • marlemcdougal
    marlemcdougal Posts: 17 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Question for you all? How many of you eat your excercise calories? MFP has me at 1900 calories a day, but when I workout, I can easily burn 1200 + calories (because I'm also training for my next triathlon). That puts me at about 3100 calories for the day. It seems like alot. Don't get me wrong some days I could eat that and more if I'm not careful, but other days it's hard to get my calories in. I have wondered over the past year if I'm not eating enough calories because of my high calorie burn, and wondered if this why I haven't been losing. One of the ladies says her doctor has her on only 1,000 calories a day. Am I going to be successful eating my excercise calories back? I committed to trying for at least 3 weeks while eating back my calories. I'm hoping it will work. I guess I just have to wait and see, but wanted to know what are you all doing?
  • marlemmcdougal---I put in my exercise yesterday and when I realized it gave me extra calories for the day, I took the exercise back out. I don't understand the point in exercising to burn calories if you are just going to turn around and eat them again, kwim?
  • Kim, what you described about the cookies yesterday really hit the nail on the head, at least for me... that if we can just learn to stop with a smaller amount, we can still eat the goodies. That's going to be the big challenge for me, giving up the mindless eating and discovering that a whole bag or box of something is gone.

    I did okay yesterday (my first day), but I opted to bump up the number of calories MFP assigned me. They had me at just over 1400 and that's just not enough, I don't think, for a body that's as heavy as mine; I subscribe to the kind of philosophy that Weight Watchers and other plans use, that your calories should start out higher if you're a higher weight, and go down as you lose weight. So I'm starting at 1800 and every time I lose 24 pounds I'm going down 100 calories a day. I may or may not use all of these calories, but bumping up the daily amount now will help a bit with avoiding plateus in the future, and make it a little easier for me to stay with it here at the beginning.

    Marle-- if you're training for a triathalon, 3100 calories is NOT a lot. You're probably burning calories right and left. I actually didn't know that we had regular calories and exercise calories, though... that's good to know.
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